Tag Archives: fortimail ha greylisting

Can Greylisting be used in an active-active High availability FortiMail enviroment

Received the below question regarding Greylisting in an Active – Active HA environment. The answer is below as well!
Can Greylisting be used in an active/active High availability enviroment (with 2 mx records pointing to 2 fortimails)?
I mean:
When an email comes and gets greylisted by fortimail#1, if the second attempt  comes to the other fortimail (fortimail#2)
what happens? It will be graylisted again?
So we have this scenarios:
Hope 1)        mail comes,                        gets greylisted                  FM1       mx1       –
Hope 2)        mail comes again,            is cleared                             FM1       mx1       –
Hope 3)        mail passes
Hope 1)        mail comes,                        gets greylisted                  FM1       mx1       –
Hope 2)        mail comes again,            gets greylisted                  FM2       mx2       –
Hope 3)        mail comes again,            is cleared                             FM1       mx1       –              or FM2                  mx2
What will haped in scenario 2 ?  
Will email be delivered always?
What will happen if we have 3 or 4 or more fortimails?
Hope 1)        mail comes,                        gets greylisted                  FM1       mx1       –
Hope 2)        mail comes again,            gets greylisted                  FM2       mx2       –
Hope 3)        mail comes again,            gets greylisted                  FM3       mx3       –
Hope 4)        mail comes again,            gets greylisted                  FM4       mx4       –
Sender gives up????
My response is as follows:
No, it is not recommended to use grey listing in active/active deployments.  Grey listing data is not shared, at this time.
Sucks, hopefully they will make it available in future versions of the FortiMail FortiOS