Tag Archives: fortigate inter-vdom links

Using VLANs to add more accelerated Inter-VDOM links

Using VLANs to add more accelerated Inter-VDOM links

You can add VLAN interfaces to the accelerated inter-VDOM links to create inter-VDOM links between more VDOMs. For the links to work, the VLAN interfaces must be added to the same inter-VDOM link, must be on the same subnet, and must have the same VLAN ID.

For example, to accelerate inter-VDOM link traffic between VDOMs named Marketing and Engineering using VLANs with VLAN ID 100 go to System > Network > Interfaces and select Create New to create the VLAN interface associated with the Marketing VDOM:

Name                                           Marketing-link

Type                                            VLAN

Interface                                     npu0-vlink0

VLAN ID                                      100

Virtual Domain                          Marketing

IP/Network Mask             


Create the inter-VDOM link associated with Engineering VDOM:

Name                                           Engineering-link

Type                                            VLAN

Interface                                     npu0-vlink1

VLAN ID                                      100

Virtual Domain                          Engineering

IP/Network Mask             


Or do the same from the CLI:


config system interface edit Marketing-link

set vdom Marketing

set ip set interface npu0-vlink0 set vlanid 100


edit Engineering-link set vdom Engineering

set ip set interface npu0-vlink1 set vlanid 100