SSL/TLS load balancing

SSL/TLS load balancing

In a firewall load balancing virtual server configuration, you can select SSL to load balance only SSL and TLS sessions. The virtual server will load balance SSL and TLS sessions received at the virtual server interface with destination IP address that matches the configured virtual server IP and destination port number that matches the configured virtual server port. Change this port to match the destination port of the sessions to be load balanced.

For SSL load balancing you can also set persistence to SSL session ID. Persistence is achieved by the FortiGate unit sending all sessions with the same SSL session ID to the same real server. When you configure persistence, the FortiGate unit load balances a new session to a real server according to the Load Balance Method. If the session has an SSL session ID, the FortiGate unit sends all subsequent sessions with the same SSL session ID to the same real server.

SSL/TLS offloading

Use SSL offloading to accelerate clients’ SSL or HTTPS connections to real servers by using the FortiGate unit to perform SSL/TLS operations (offloading them from the real servers using the FortiGate unit’s SSL acceleration hardware). FortiGate units can offload most versions of SSL/TLS, including SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.2. SSL/TLS offloading is available on FortiGate units that support SSL acceleration.

To configure SSL offloading from the GUI go to Policy & Objects > Virtual Servers. Add a virtual server and set the type to HTTPS or SSL and select the SSL offloading type (Client <-> FortiGate or Full).

Select Client <-> FortiGate to apply hardware accelerated SSL/TLS processing only to the part of the connection between the client and the FortiGate unit. This mode is called half mode SSL offloading. The segment between the FortiGate unit and the server will use clear text communications. This results in best performance, but cannot be used in failover configurations where the failover path does not have an SSL accelerator.

Select Full to apply hardware accelerated SSL processing to both parts of the connection: the segment between client and the FortiGate unit, and the segment between the FortiGate unit and the server. The segment between the FortiGate unit and the server uses encrypted communications, but the handshakes are abbreviated. This is not as efficient as half mode SSL offloading, but still improves performance. As well, full-mode SSL offloading can be used in failover configurations where the failover path does not have an SSL accelerator. If the server is already configured to use SSL, this also enables SSL acceleration without requiring changes to the server’s configuration.


SSL Offloading modes (Half Mode and Full Mode)

Configuring SSL offloading also requires selecting a certificate to use for the SSL offloading sessions. SSL offloading supports key sizes up to 4096. FortiGate models with CP9 processors support 3072 and 4096 DH bit sizes in hardware. All FortiGate models up to and including those with CP8 processors only support offloading DH bit sizes up to 2048 so any sizes larger than that are done in software and thus are relatively resource intensive

The following CLI command shows an example half mode HTTPS SSL offloading configuration. In the example the ssl-mode option sets the SSL offload mode to half (which is the default mode).

config firewall vip edit Vserver-ssl-offload set type server-load-balance set server-type https set ldb-method round-robin set extip set extintf wan1 set extport 443

Separate virtual-server client and server TLS version and cipher configuration

set persistence ssl-session-id set ssl-mode half set ssl-certificate my-cert set monitor tcp-mon-1 config realservers edit 1 set ip set port 443

next edit 2 set ip set port 443



Separate virtual-server client and server TLS version and cipher configuration

In some cases, you may want the to use different versions of SSL or TLS on the client to FortiGate connection than on the FortiGate to server connection. For example, you may want to use the FortiGate to protect a legacy SSL 3.0 or TLS 1.0 server while making sure that client to FortiGate connections must always use the higher level of protection offered by TLS 1.1 or greater. Also, in some cases you might want to protect a server that only has weak ciphers (for example, DES or RC4) while making sure that all connections between the FortiGate and the client use a strong cipher for better protection.

The following options are available when configuring server load balancing for HTTPS sessions configured with the following command:

config firewall vip edit server-name set type server-load-balance set server-type https set ssl-mode full …

Setting the SSL/TLS versions to use for server and client connections

The ssl-server-min-version, ssl-server-max-version, ssl-min-version and ssl-maxversion configuration options allow the minimum and maximum SSL/TLS versions for the client to FortiGate connection to be independent of the FortiGate to server configuration. By default these options are both set to client and the configured ssl-min-version and ssl-max-version settings are applied to both the client and the server connection.

You can change the ssl-server-min-version and ssl-server-max-version to apply different options to the server connection. The ssl-min-version and ssl-max-version settings are still applied to the client connection. If you set the ssl-server-min-version and ssl-server-max-version to an explicit version then both must be set to an explicit version.

The ssl-server-min-version and ssl-server-max-version options allow you to specify the minimum and maximum SSL/TLS versions the FortiGate will offer to the server (in the record header of the ClientHello) when performing full mode SSL offloading and thus the minimum and maximum SSL/TLS versions the FortiGate accepts from the server (in a ServerHello). If the server responds with a version in its ServerHello Setting the SSL/TLS cipher choices for server and client connections

that is lower than ssl-server-min-version or higher than the ssl-server-max-version then the FortiGate terminates the connection.

Command syntax is:

config firewall vip edit server-name set type server-load-balance set server-type https set ssl-mode full set ssl-min-version {ssl-3.0 | tls-1.0 | tls-1.1 | tls-1.2} set ssl-max-version {ssl-3.0 | tls-1.0 | tls-1.1 | tls-1.2} set ssl-server-min-version {ssl-3.0 | tls-1.0 | tls-1.1 | tls-1.2 | client} set ssl-server-max-version {ssl-3.0 | tls-1.0 | tls-1.1 | tls-1.2 | client}

Setting the SSL/TLS cipher choices for server and client connections

The ssl-algorithm and ssl-server-algorithm configuration options allow the cipher choice for the FortiGate to server connection to be independent of the client to FortiGate connection. By default, sslserver-algorithm is set to client and the configured ssl-algorithm setting is applied to both the client and the server connection.

You can change the ssl-server-algorithm to apply different options to the server connection. The sslalgorithm setting is still applied to the client connection. The following ssl-server-algorithm options are available:

  • high, offer AES or 3DES cypher suites in the ServerHello l medium, use AES, 3DES, or RC4 cypher suites in the ServerHello l low, use AES, 3DES, RC4, or DES cypher suites in the ServerHello l custom, specifiy custom cypher suites using the config ssl-server-cipher-suites and offer these custom cypher suites in the ServerHello.
  • client, offer the cypher suites in the ServerHello that are offered in the ClientHello.

Command syntax is:

config firewall vip edit server-name set type server-load-balance set server-type https set ssl-mode full

set ssl-algorithm {high | medium | low | custom}

set ssl-server-algorithm {high | medium | low | custom | client}

If you set ssl-server-algorithm to custom, the syntax is: config firewall vip edit server-name set type server-load-balance set server-type https set ssl-mode full

set ssl-server-algorithm custom config ssl-server-cipher-suites edit 10 set cipher <cipher-suite>

set versions {ssl-3.0 | tls-1.0 | tls-1.1 | tls-1.2}

Protection from TLS protocol downgrade attacks

next edit 20 set cipher <cipher-suite>

set versions {ssl-3.0 | tls-1.0 | tls-1.1 | tls-1.2} end

Protection from TLS protocol downgrade attacks

The ssl-client-fallback option, when enabled (the default configuration), performs downgrade attack prevention (RFC 7507).

Command syntax is:

config firewall vip edit server-name set type server-load-balance set server-type https set ssl-client-fallback {disable | enable}

Setting 3072- and 4096-bit Diffie-Hellman values

The ssl-dh-bits option allows you to specify the number of bits of the prime number used in the DiffieHellman exchange for RSA encryption of the SSL connection. Larger prime numbers are associated with greater cryptographic strength. You can set DH values from 768 to 4096 bits.

Command syntax is:

config firewall vip edit server-name set type server-load-balance set server-type https set ssl-dh-bits {768 | 1024 | 1536 | 2048 | 3072 | 4096}

Setting the DH bits to 2048 only provides the equivalent of a symmetric cipher in the range of 112 – 128 bits. This means that if AES 256 is used then the weakest point is the DH of 2048 and a value of at least 3072 should be use if the goal is to have 256 bits of security.

FortiGate models with CP9 processors support 3072 and 4096 DH bit sizes in hardware. All FortiGate models up to and including those with CP8 processors only support offloading DH bit sizes up to 2048 so any sizes larger than that are done in software and thus are relatively resource intensive.

Additional SSL load balancing and SSL offloading options

The following SSL load balancing and SSL offloading options are only available from the CLI:

ssl-client-session-state-max <sessionstates_int>

Enter the maximum number of SSL session states to keep for the segment of the SSL connection between the client and the FortiGate unit.

ssl-client-session-state-timeout <timeout_int>

Additional SSL load balancing and SSL offloading options

Enter the number of minutes to keep the SSL session states for the segment of the SSL connection between the client and the FortiGate unit.

ssl-client-session-state-type {both | client | disable | time}

Select which method the FortiGate unit should use when deciding to expire SSL sessions for the segment of the SSL connection between the client and the FortiGate unit.

  • both: Select to expire SSL session states when either ssl-client-session-state-max or ssl-clientsession-state-timeout is exceeded, regardless of which occurs first. l count: Select to expire SSL session states when ssl-client-session-state-max is exceeded.
  • disable: Select to keep no SSL session states.
  • time: Select to expire SSL session states when ssl-client-session-state-timeout is exceeded.

ssl-http-location-conversion {enable | disable}

Select to replace http with https in the reply’s Location HTTP header field. For example, in the reply,

Location: would be converted to Location: ssl-http-match-host {enable | disable}

Enable (the default) to apply Location conversion to the reply’s HTTP header only if the host name portion of Location matches the request’s Host field, or, if the Host field does not exist, the host name portion of the request’s URI.

If disabled, conversion occurs regardless of whether the host names in the request and the reply match.

For example, if host matching is enabled, and a request contains Host: and the reply contains Location:, the Location field does not match the host of the original request and the reply’s Location field remains unchanged. If the reply contains Location:, however, then the FortiGate unit detects the matching host name and converts the reply field to Location:

This option appears only if ssl-http-location-conversion is enable.

ssl-send-empty-frags {enable | disable}

Select to precede the record with empty fragments to protect from attacks on CBC IV. You might disable this option if SSL acceleration will be used with an old or buggy SSL implementation which cannot properly handle empty fragments.

ssl-server-session-state-max <sessionstates_int>

Enter the maximum number of SSL session states to keep for the segment of the SSL connection between the server and the FortiGate unit.

ssl-server-session-state-timeout <timeout_int>

Enter the number of minutes to keep the SSL session states for the segment of the SSL connection between the server and the FortiGate unit. This option appears only if ssl-mode is full.

ssl-server-session-state-type {both | count | disable | time}

Select which method the FortiGate unit should use when deciding to expire SSL sessions for the segment of the SSL connection between the server and the FortiGate unit. This option appears only if ssl-mode is full.

  • both: Select to expire SSL session states when either ssl-server-session-state-max or ssl-serversession-state-timeout is exceeded, regardless of which occurs first. l count: Select to expire SSL session states when ssl-server-session-state-max is exceeded.
  • disable: Select to keep no SSL session states. l time: Select to expire SSL session states when ssl-server-session-state-timeout is exceeded.


SSL offloading support for Internet Explorer 6

In some cases the Internet Explorer 6 web browser may be able to access real servers. To resolve this issue, disable the ssl-send-empty-frags option:

config firewall vip edit vip_name set type server-load-balance set server-type https set ssl-send-empty-frags disable


You can disable this option if SSL acceleration will be used with an old or buggy SSL implementation that cannot properly handle empty fragments.

Selecting the cipher suites available for SSL load balancing

You can use the following command to view the complete list of cipher suites available for SSL offloading:

config firewall vip edit <vip-name> set type server-load-balance set server-type https set ssl-algorithm custom config ssl-cipher-suites edit 0 set cipher ?

In most configurations the matching cipher suite is automatically selected but you can limit the set of cipher suites that are available for a given SSL offloading configuration. For example, use the following command to limit an SSL load balancing configuration to use the three cipher suites that support ChaCha20 and Poly1305:

config firewall vip edit <vip-name> set type server-load-balance set server-type https set ssl-algorithm custom config ssl-cipher-suites edit 1

set cipher TLS-ECDHE-RSA-WITH-CHACHA20-POLY1305-SHA256 next edit 2

set cipher TLS-ECDHE-ECDSA-WITH-CHACHA20-POLY1305-SHA256 next edit 3

set cipher TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-CHACHA20-POLY1305-SHA256 end end


Disabling SSL/TLS re-negotiation

The vulnerability CVE-2009-3555 affects all SSL/TLS servers that support re-negotiation. FortiOS when configured for SSL/TLS offloading is operating as a SSL/TLS server. The IETF is working on a TLS protocol change that will fix the problem identified by CVE-2009-3555 while still supporting re-negotiation. Until that protocol change is available, you can use the ssl-client-renegotiation option to disable support for SSL/TLS re-negotiation. The default value of this option is allow, which allows an SSL client to renegotiate. You can change the setting to deny to abort any attempts by an SSL client to renegotiate. If you select deny as soon as a ClientHello message indicating a re-negotiation is received from the client FortiOS terminates the TCP connection.

Since SSL offloading does not support requesting client certificates the only circumstance in which a renegotiation is required is when more than 2^32 bytes of data are exchanged over a single handshake. If you are sure that this volume of traffic will not occur then you can disable re-negotiation and avoid any possibility of the attack described in CVE-2009-3555.

The re-negotiation behavior can be tested using OpenSSL. The OpenSSL s_client application has the feature that the user can request that it do renegotiation by typing “R”. For example, the following shows a successful renegotiation against a FortiGate unit configured with a VIP for

$ openssl s_client -connect CONNECTED(00000003)

depth=1 /C=US/ST=California/L=Sunnyvale/O=Fortinet/OU=Certificate Authority/CN=support/ verify error:num=19:self signed certificate in certificate chain verify return:0

Certificate chain





1 s:/C=US/ST=California/L=Sunnyvale/O=Fortinet/OU=Certificate

Authority/CN=support/ i:/C=US/ST=California/L=Sunnyvale/O=Fortinet/OU=Certificate Authority/CN=support/

Server certificate


—certificate not shown—





No client certificate CA names sent

SSL handshake has read 2370 bytes and written 316 bytes —

Disabling SSL/TLS re-negotiation

New, TLSv1/SSLv3, Cipher is DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA

Server public key is 1024 bit

Compression: NONE Expansion: NONE SSL-Session:

Protocol : TLSv1

Cipher : DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA Session-ID:


Session-ID-ctx: Master-Key:



Key-Arg : None

Start Time: 1264453027

Timeout : 300 (sec)

Verify return code: 19 (self signed certificate in certificate chain)

GET /main.c HTTP/1.0



depth=1 /C=US/ST=California/L=Sunnyvale/O=Fortinet/OU=Certificate Authority/CN=support/ verify error:num=19:self signed certificate in certificate chain verify return:0 HTTP/1.0 200 ok

Content-type: text/plain


* Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Fortinet */

#include <stdio.h> #include “vsd_ui.h”

int main(int argc, char **argv)


return vsd_ui_main(argc, argv);

} closed $

The following is the same test, but this time with the VIP configuration changed to ssl-clientrenegotation deny:

$ openssl s_client -connect CONNECTED(00000003)

depth=1 /C=US/ST=California/L=Sunnyvale/O=Fortinet/OU=Certificate Authority/CN=support/ verify error:num=19:self signed certificate in certificate chain verify return:0

Certificate chain





1 s:/C=US/ST=California/L=Sunnyvale/O=Fortinet/OU=Certificate

Authority/CN=support/ i:/C=US/ST=California/L=Sunnyvale/O=Fortinet/OU=Certificate Authority/CN=support/

Server certificate


—certificate not shown—





No client certificate CA names sent

SSL handshake has read 2370 bytes and written 316 bytes

New, TLSv1/SSLv3, Cipher is DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA

Server public key is 1024 bit

Compression: NONE Expansion: NONE SSL-Session:

Protocol : TLSv1

Cipher : DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA Session-ID:


Session-ID-ctx: Master-Key:



Key-Arg : None

Start Time: 1264452957

Timeout : 300 (sec)

Verify return code: 19 (self signed certificate in certificate chain)

GET /main.c HTTP/1.0



19916:error:1409E0E5:SSL routines:SSL3_WRITE_BYTES:ssl handshake failure:s3_pkt.c:530: Use the following command to check the SSL stats to see that the renegotiations blocked counter is now 1:

diagnose firewall vip virtual-server stats ssl ssl client connections total 0 active 0 max 0

handshakes total 4 active 0 max 0 completed 4 abbreviated 0 session states total 4 active 4 max 4

cipher-suite failures 0

embryonics total 0 active 0 max 0 terminated 0

Disabling SSL/TLS re-negotiation

renegotiations blocked 1

server connections total 0 active 0 max 0

handshakes total 3 active 0 max 0 completed 2 abbreviated 1 session states total 1 active 1 max 1

cipher-suite failures 0

internal error 0 bad handshake length 0 bad change cipher spec length 0 pubkey too big 0 persistence

find 0 found 0 clash 0 addr 0 error 0

If the virtual server debug log is examined (diagnose debug appl vs -1) then at the point the re-negotiation is blocked there is a log:

vs ssl 12 handshake recv ClientHello vs ssl 12 handshake recv 1



00400230000) vs ssl 12 client renegotiation attempted rejected, abort

vs ssl 12 closing 0 up vs src 12 close 0 in vs src 12 error closing vs dst 14 error closing vs dst 14 closed vs ssl 14 close vs sock 14 free vs src 12 closed vs ssl 12 close vs sock 12 free

HTTP and HTTPS load balancing, multiplexing, and persistence

HTTP and HTTPS load balancing, multiplexing, and persistence

In a firewall load balancing virtual server configuration, you can select HTTP to load balance only HTTP sessions. The virtual server will load balance HTTP sessions received at the virtual server interface with destination IP address that matches the configured virtual server IP and destination port number that matches the configured virtual server port. The default virtual server port for HTTP load balancing is 80, but you can change this to any port number. Similarly for HTTPS load balancing, set the virtual server type to HTTPS and then select the interface, virtual server IP, and virtual server port that matches the HTTPS traffic to be load balanced. Usually HTTPS traffic uses port 443.

You can also configure load balancing to offload SSL processing for HTTPS and SSL traffic. See SSL/TLS load balancing on page 36.

HTTP and HTTPS multiplexing

For both HTTP and HTTPS load balancing you can multiplex HTTP requests and responses over a single TCP connection. HTTP multiplexing is a performance saving feature of HTTP/1.1 compliant web servers that provides the ability to pipeline many unrelated HTTP or HTTPS requests on the same connection. This allows a single HTTPD process on the server to interleave and serve multiple requests. The result is fewer idle sessions on the web server so server resources are used more efficiently. HTTP multiplexing can take multiple separate inbound sessions and multiplex them over the same internal session. This may reduce the load on the backend server and increase the overall performance.

HTTP multiplexing may improve performance in some cases. For example, if users web browsers are only compatible with HTTP 1.0. HTTP multiplexing can also improve performance between a web server and the FortiGate unit if the FortiGate unit is performing SSL acceleration. However, in most cases HTTP multiplexing should only be used if enabling it leads to a measurable improvement in performance.

To enable HTTP multiplexing from the GUI, select multiplex HTTP requests/responses over a single TCP connection. To enable HTTP multiplexing from the CLI enable the http-multiplex option.

Preserving the client IP address

Select preserve client IP from the GUI or enable the http-ip-header option from the CLI to preserve the IP address of the client in the X-Forwarded-For HTTP header. This can be useful in an HTTP multiplexing configuration if you want to be able to see the original client IP address in log messages on the destination web server. If this option is not selected, the X-Forwarded-For HTTP header contains the IP address of the FortiGate unit.

Preserving the client IP address in a different HTTP header

If you select preserve client IP from the GUI or enable the http-ip-header option from the CLI you can also preserve the client IP in a different HTTP header. This can be useful if you want to use a custom header name instead of X-Forwarded-For.

You can add the custom header name from the CLI. When http-ip-header is enabled you can add a custom header name to the http-ip-header-name option. If you don’t add a name the X-Forwarded-For header is used.

HTTP and HTTPS persistence

Configure load balancing persistence for HTTP or HTTPS to make sure that a user is connected to the same server every time they make a request that is part of the same session. HTTP cookie persistence uses injected cookies to enable persistence.

When you configure persistence, the FortiGate unit load balances a new session to a real server according to the Load Balance Method. If the session has an HTTP cookie or an SSL session ID, the FortiGate unit sends all subsequent sessions with the same HTTP cookie or SSL session ID to the same real server.

The following example shows how to enable cookie persistence and set the cookie domain to

config firewall vip edit HTTP_Load_Balance set type server-load-balance set server-type http set extport 8080 set extintf port2 set extip set persistence http-cookie set http-cookie-domain config realservers edit 1 set ip

set port 80

next edit 2 set ip

set port 80

next edit 3 set ip

set port 80


How HTTP cookie persistence options work

The following options are available for the config firewall vip command when type is set to serverload-balance, server-type is set to http or https and persistence is set to http-cookie:

http-cookie-domain-from-host http-cookie-domain http-cookie-path http-cookie-generation http-cookie-age http-cookie-share https-cookie-share

When HTTP cookie persistence is enabled the FortiGate unit inserts a header of the following form into each HTTP response unless the corresponding HTTP request already contains a FGTServer cookie:

Set-Cookie: FGTServer=E7D01637C4B08E89A6714213A9D85D9C7E4D8158; Version=1; Max-Age=3600


The value of the FGTServer cookie encodes the server that traffic should be directed to. The value is encoded so as to not leak information about the internal network.

Enable http-cookie-domain-from-host to extract the cookie domain from the host: header in the HTTP request. For example, to restrict the cookie, enter:

The generated cookies could have the following form if the Host: header contains

Set-Cookie: FGTServer=E7D01637C4B08E89A6714213A9D85D9C7E4D8158; Version=1;; Max-Age=3600

For more information, see “HTTP host-based load balancing”.

Use http-cookie-domain to restrict the domain that the cookie should apply to. For example, to restrict the cookie, enter:

set http-cookie-domain

Now all generated cookies will have the following form:

Set-Cookie: FGTServer=E7D01637C4B08E89A6714213A9D85D9C7E4D8158; Version=1;; Max-Age=3600

Use http-cookie-path to limit the cookies to a particular path. For example, to limit cookies to the path /sales, enter:

set http-cookie-path /sales

Now all generated cookies will have the following form:

Set-Cookie: FGTServer=E7D01637C4B08E89A6714213A9D85D9C7E4D8158; Version=1;; Path=/sales; Max-Age=3600

Use http-cookie-age to change how long the browser caches the cookie. You can enter an age in minutes or set the age to 0 to make the browser keep the cookie indefinitely:

set http-cookie-age 0

Now all generated cookies will have the following form:

Set-Cookie: FGTServer=E7D01637C4B08E89A6714213A9D85D9C7E4D8158; Version=1;; Path=/sales

Use http-cookie-generation to invalidate all cookies that have already been generated. The exact value of the generation is not important, only that it is different from any generation that has already been used for cookies in this domain. The simplest approach is to increment the generation by one each time invalidation is required. Since the default is 0, enter the following to invalidate all existing cookies:

set http-cookie-generation 1

Use http-cookie-share {disable | same-ip} to control the sharing of cookies across virtual servers in the same virtual domain. The default setting same-ip means that any FGTServer cookie generated by one virtual server can be used by another virtual server in the same virtual domain. For example, if you have an application that starts on HTTP and then changes to HTTPS and you want to make sure that the same server is used for the HTTP and HTTPS traffic then you can create two virtual servers, one for port 80 (for HTTP) and one for port 443 (for HTTPS). As long as you add the same real servers to both of these virtual servers (and as long as both virtual servers have the same number of real servers with the same IP addresses), then cookies generated by accessing the HTTP server are reused when the application changes to the HTTPS server.

If for any reason you do not want this sharing to occur then select disable to make sure that a cookie generated for a virtual server cannot be used by other virtual servers.

Use https-cookie-secure to enable or disable using secure cookies. Secure cookies are disabled by default because secure cookies can interfere with cookie sharing across HTTP and HTTPS virtual servers. If enabled, then the Secure tag is added to the cookie inserted by the FortiGate unit:

Set-Cookie: FGTServer=E7D01637C4B08E89A6714213A9D85D9C7E4D8158; Version=1; Max-Age=3600; Secure

HTTP host-based load balancing

When configuring HTTP or HTTPS load balancing you can select HTTP host load balancing to load balance HTTP host connections across multiple real servers using the host’s HTTP header to guide the connection to the correct real server. HTTP 1.1 includes the concept of a virtual server which allows a HTTP or HTTPS server with a single external IP address to serve requests for multiple DNS domains by using the mandatory Host: header in a HTTP request to indicate which DNS domain the request is destined for.

FortiOS can load-balance HTTP and HTTPS connections among multiple real servers using the Host: header to guide the connection to the correct real server. The host load balancing method allows a real server to specify a http-host attribute which is the domain name of the traffic for that real server. Each real server can only specify a single domain name. The same domain name can appear in more than one real server but only the first one that is up will be used, any others are purely for redundancy. If the Host: header contains a domain that does not match any http-host entry then the connection will be dropped. A real server with no http-host can be matched by any Host: domain.

For example, consider a FortiGate unit that is load-balancing traffic to three real servers. Traffic for should go to, traffic for should go to and traffic to any other domain should go to To enable this configuration you would add a virtual server and set the load balance method to HTTP host. Then you would add three real servers and set the HTTP host of the real server with IP address to, the HTTP host of the real server with IP address to and you would not specify an HTTP host for the third real server.

The configuration of a virtual IP to achieve this result would be:

config firewall vip edit “http-host-ldb” set type server-load-balance set extip set extintf “lan” set server-type http set ldb-method http-host set extport 80 config realservers

edit 1 set http-host “” set ip

set port 80

next edit 2 set http-host “” set ip

set port 80

next edit 3 set ip

set port 80

next end end

Host load balancing and HTTP cookie persistence

In an HTTP host-based load balancing configuration with HTTP cookie persistence enabled you can optionally configure cookie persistence to use the domain set in the host header as the cookie domain. You can do this by enabling the http-cookie-domain-from-host option, for example:

config firewall vip edit “http-host-ldb” set type server-load-balance set extip set extintf “lan” set server-type http set ldb-method http-host set extport 80 set persistence http-cookie set http-cookie-domain-from-host enable config realservers edit 1 set http-host “” set ip

set port 80 next edit 2 set http-host “” set ip

set port 80 next edit 3 set ip

set port 80 next end


Configuring load balancing

Configuring load balancing

This section describes how to use the FortiOS server load balancing to load balance traffic to multiple backend servers.

You can configure FortiOS load balancing to intercept incoming traffic with a virtual server and distribute it among one or more backend real servers. By doing so, FortiOS enables multiple real servers to respond as if they were a single device or virtual server. This in turn means that more simultaneous requests can be handled by the servers.

Traffic can be balanced across multiple backend real servers based on a selection of load balancing methods including static (failover), round robin, weighted to account for different sized servers, or based on the health and performance of the server including round trip time, number of connections. The load balancer can balance layer 7 HTTP, HTTPS, SSL, generic layer 4 TCP, UDP and generic layer 3 IP protocols. Session persistence is supported based on injected HTTP/HTTPS cookies or the SSL session ID.

You can bind up to 8 real servers can to one virtual server. The real server topology is transparent to end users, and the users interact with the system as if it were only a single server with the IP address and port number of the virtual server. The real servers may be interconnected by high-speed LAN or by geographically dispersed WAN. The FortiGate unit schedules requests to the real servers and makes parallel services of the virtual server to appear to involve a single IP address.

There are additional benefits to load balancing. First, because the load is distributed across multiple servers, the service being provided can be highly available. If one of the servers breaks down, the load can still be handled by the other servers. Secondly, this increases scalability. If the load increases substantially, more servers can be added behind the FortiGate unit to cope with the increased load.

Server load balancing configuration

Traffic can be balanced across multiple backend real servers based on a selection of load balancing methods including static (failover), round robin, weighted to account for different sized servers, or based on the health and performance of the server including round trip time, number of connections. The load balancer can balance layer 7 HTTP, HTTPS, SSL, generic layer 4 TCP, UDP and generic layer 3 IP protocols. Session persistence is supported based on injected HTTP/HTTPS cookies or the SSL session ID.

You can bind up to 8 real servers can to one virtual server. The real server topology is transparent to end users, and the users interact with the system as if it were only a single server with the IP address and port number of the Load balancing and other FortiOS features

virtual server. The real servers may be interconnected by high-speed LAN or by geographically dispersed WAN. The FortiGate unit schedules requests to the real servers and makes parallel services of the virtual server to appear to involve a single IP address.

Load balancing and other FortiOS features

Flow-based and proxy-based security features such as virus scanning, IPS, DLP, application control, and web filtering can be applied to load balanced sessions. This includes SSL offloading and multiplexing. Applying these UTM features to load balancing traffic may reduce load balancing performance.

Authentication is not supported for load balancing sessions. Usually FortiGate load balancing is used to allow public access to services on servers protected by a FortiGate unit. Authentication is not generally not required for this kind of configuration.

Features such web proxying, web caching, and WAN optimization also do not work with load balanced sessions. However, most other features that can be applied by a security policy are supported.

Configuring load balancing from the GUI

A virtual server is a specialized firewall virtual IP that performs server load balancing. From the GUI you add load balancing virtual server by going to Policy & Objects > Virtual Servers.

You can use the GUI to configure IPv, IPv6, IPv4 to IPv6 (NAT46), or IPv6 to IPv4 (NAT64) load balancing.


Select the type of virtual server to configure. You can select IPv4, IPv6, NAT46, or NAT64. If Type is set to NAT46 or NAT64 you have fewer load balancing options (just HTTP, TCP, UDP and IP) and you can’t configure advanced SSL and HTTPS load balancing features.


Enter the name for the virtual server.


Select the protocol to be load balanced by the virtual server. If you select a general protocol such as IP, TCP, or

UDP the virtual server load balances all IP, TCP, or UDP sessions. If you select specific protocols such as HTTP, HTTPS, or SSL you can apply additional server load balancing features such as Persistence and HTTP Multiplexing.

  • Select HTTP to load balance only HTTP sessions with destination port number that matches the Virtual Server

Port setting. Change Virtual Server Port to match the destination port of the sessions to be load balanced (usually port 80 for HTTP sessions). You can also select HTTP Multiplex. You can also set Persistence to HTTP Cookie to select cookie-based persistence.

  • Select HTTPS to load balance only HTTPS sessions with destination port number that matches the Virtual Server

Port setting. Change Virtual Server Port to match the destination port of the sessions to be load balanced

(usually port 443 for HTTPS sessions). You can also select Multiplex HTTP requests/responses. You can also set Persistence to HTTP Cookie to select cookie-based persistence. You can also set Persistence to SSL Session ID.

  • Select IMAPS to load balance only IMAPS sessions with destination port number that matches the Virtual Server Port Change Virtual Server Port to match the destination port of the sessions to be load balanced (usually port 993 for IMAPS sessions). You can also set Persistence to SSL Session ID. l Select POP3S to load balance only POP3S sessions with destination port number that matches the Virtual Server Port setting. Change Virtual Server Port to match the destination port of the sessions to be load balanced (usually port 995 for POP3S sessions). You can also set Persistence to SSL Session ID.
  • Select SMTPS to load balance only SMTPS sessions with destination port number that matches the Virtual Server Port Change Virtual Server Port to match the destination port of the sessions to be load balanced (usually port 465 for SMTPS sessions). You can also set Persistence to SSL Session ID.
  • Select SSL to load balance only SSL sessions with destination port number that matches the Virtual Server Port Change Virtual Server Port to match the destination port of the sessions to be load balanced.
  • Select TCP to load balance only TCP sessions with destination port number that matches the Virtual Server Port Change Virtual Server Port to match the destination port of the sessions to be load balanced.
  • Select UDP to load balance only UDP sessions with destination port number that matches the Virtual Server Port Change Virtual Server Port to match the destination port of the sessions to be load balanced. l Select IP to load balance all sessions accepted by the security policy that contains this virtual server.


Select the virtual server external or outgoing interface from the list. The outgoing interface is connected to the source network and receives the packets to be forwarded to the destination network.

Virtual Server IP

The IPv4 address of the virtual server. This is an IP address on the external interface that you want to map to an address on the destination network.

Virtual Server Port

Enter the external port number that you want to map to a port number on the destination network. Sessions with this destination port are load balanced by this virtual server.

Load Balance Method

Select the load balancing method used by the virtual server.


Configure persistence to make sure that a user is connected to the same server every time they make a request that is part of the same session. Session persistence is supported for HTTP and SSL sessions.

Health Check

Select which health check monitor configuration will be used to determine a server’s connectivity status.

HTTP Multiplexing

Select to use the FortiGate unit to multiplex multiple client connections into a few connections between the FortiGate unit and the real server.

Preserve Client IP

Select to preserve the IP address of the client in the X-Forwarded-For HTTP header. This can be useful if you want log messages on the real servers to the client’s original IP address. If this option is not selected, the header will contain the IP address of the FortiGate unit.

This option appears only if Type is set to HTTP or HTTPS.

SSL Offloading

Accelerate clients’ SSL connections to the server by using the FortiGate to perform SSL operations. This option appears only if Type is set to one of the SSL protocols.


Select which segments of the SSL connection will receive SSL offloading. You can select Client <-> FortiGate (or half mode) or Full (full mode).

This option appears only if Type is set to one of the SSL protocols.


Select the certificate to use with SSL Offloading. The certificate key size must be 1024 or 2048 bits. 4096-bit keys are not supported.

This option appears only if Type is set to one of the SSL protocols.

Real Servers

Add Real Servers to the virtual server. The virtual server load balances traffic to these real servers. See Real servers on page 23.

Configuring load balancing from the CLI

From the CLI you configure IPv4 load balancing by adding a firewall virtual IP and setting the virtual IP type to server load balance:

config firewall vip edit Vserver-HTTP-1 set type server-load-balance …

Sever load balancing is also supported for:

Load balancing methods

l IPv6 using the command config firewall vip6 l IPv6 to IPv4 using the command config firewall vip64 l IPv4 to IPv6 using the commmand config firewall vip46

Configuration is the same as IPv4 VIPs except support for advanced HTTP and SSL related features is not available. IPv6 server load balancing supports all the same server types as IPv4 server load balancing (HTTP, HTTPS, IMAPS, POP3S, SMTPS, SSL, TCP, UDP, and IP). IPv4 to IPv6 and IPv6 to IPv4 server load balancing supports fewer server types (HTTP, TCP, UDP, and IP).

A virtual server includes a virtual server IP address bound to an interface. The virtual server IP address is the destination address incoming packets to be load balanced and the virtual server is bound to the interface that receives the packets to be load balanced.

For example, if you want to load balance incoming HTTP traffic from the Internet to a group of web servers on a DMZ network, the virtual server IP address is the known Internet IP address of the web servers and the virtual server binds this IP address to the FortiGate interface connected to the Internet.

When you bind the virtual server’s external IP address to a FortiGate unit interface, by default, the network interface responds to ARP requests for the bound IP address. Virtual servers use proxy ARP, as defined in RFC 1027, so that the FortiGate unit can respond to ARP requests on a network for a real server that is actually installed on another network. In some cases you may not want the network interface sending ARP replies. You can use the arp-reply option disable sending ARP replies:

config firewall vip edit Vserver-HTTP-1 set type server-load-balance set arp-reply disable …

The load balancing virtual server configuration also includes the virtual server port. This is the TCP port on the bound interface that the virtual server listens for traffic to be load balanced on. The virtual server can listen on any port.


Load balancing methods

The load balancing method defines how sessions are load balanced to real servers. A number of load balancing methods are available as listed below.

All load balancing methods will not send traffic to real servers that are down or not responding. However, the FortiGate unit can only determine if a real server is not responding by using a health check monitor. You should always add at least one health check monitor to a virtual server or to individual real servers, or load balancing methods may attempt to distribute sessions to real servers that are not functioning.


The traffic load is statically spread evenly across all real servers. However, sessions are not assigned according to how busy individual real servers are. This load balancing method provides some persistence because all sessions from the same source address always go to the same real server. However, the distribution is stateless, so if a real server is added or removed (or goes up or down) the distribution is changed and persistence could be lost.

Session persistence

Round Robin

Directs new requests to the next real server, and treats all real servers as equals regardless of response time or number of connections. Dead real servers or non responsive real servers are avoided.


Real servers with a higher weight value receive a larger percentage of connections. Set the real server weight when adding a real server.

Least Session

Directs requests to the real server that has the least number of current connections. This method works best in environments where the real servers or other equipment you are load balancing all have similar capabilities. This load balancing method uses the FortiGate session table to track the number of sessions being processed by each real server. The FortiGate unit cannot detect the number of sessions actually being processed by a real server.

Least RTT

Directs sessions to the real server with the least round trip time. The round trip time is determined by a Ping health check monitor and is defaulted to 0 if no Ping health check monitors are added to the virtual server.

First Alive

Always directs sessions to the first alive real server. This load balancing schedule provides real server failover protection by sending all sessions to the first alive real server and if that real server fails, sending all sessions to the next alive real server. Sessions are not distributed to all real servers so all sessions are processed by the “first” real server only.

First refers to the order of the real servers in the virtual server configuration. For example, if you add real servers

A, B and C in that order, then all sessions always go to A as long as it is alive. If A goes down then sessions go to B and if B goes down sessions go to C. If A comes back up sessions go back to A. Real servers are ordered in the virtual server configuration in the order in which you add them, with the most recently added real server last. If you want to change the order you must delete and re-add real servers in the required order.


Load balances HTTP host connections across multiple real servers using the host’s HTTP header to guide the connection to the correct real server.

Session persistence

Use persistence to make sure that a user is connected to the same real server every time they make an HTTP,

HTTPS, or SSL request that is part of the same user session. For example, if you are load balancing HTTP and HTTPS sessions to a collection of eCommerce web servers, when a user is making a purchase they will be starting multiple sessions as they navigate the eCommerce site. In most cases all of the sessions started by this user during on eCommerce session should be processed by the same real server. Typically, the HTTP protocol Real servers

keeps track of these related sessions using cookies. HTTP cookie persistence makes sure that all sessions that are part of the same user session are processed by the same real server

When you configure persistence, the FortiGate unit load balances a new session to a real server according to the load balance method. If the session has an HTTP cookie or an SSL session ID, the FortiGate unit sends all subsequent sessions with the same HTTP cookie or SSL session ID to the same real server. For more information about HTTP and HTTPS persistence, see “HTTP and HTTPS persistence”.

Real servers

Add real servers to a load balancing virtual server to provide the information the virtual server requires to be able to send sessions to the server. A real server configuration includes the IP address of the real server and port number that the real server receives sessions on. The FortiGate unit sends sessions to the real server’s IP address using the destination port number in the real server configuration.

When configuring a real server you can also specify the weight (used if the load balance method is set to weighted) and you can limit the maximum number of open connections between the FortiGate unit and the real server. If the maximum number of connections is reached for the real server, the FortiGate unit will automatically switch all further connection requests other real servers until the connection number drops below the specified limit. Setting Maximum Connections to 0 means that the FortiGate unit does not limit the number of connections to the real server.

Real server active, standby, and disabled modes

By default the real server mode setting is active indicating that the real server is available to receive connections. If the real server is removed from the network (for example, for routine maintenance or because of a hardware or software failure) you can change the mode to standby or disabled. In disabled mode the FortiGate unit no longer sends sessions to the real server.

If a real server is in standby mode the FortiGate also does not send sessions to it unless other real servers added to the same virtual server become unavailable. For example:

  • A virtual server that includes two real servers one in active mode and one in standby mode. If the real server in active mode fails, the real server in standby mode is changed to active mode and all sessions are sent to this real server.
  • A virtual server includes three real servers, two in active mode and one in standby mode, if one of the real servers in active mode fails, the real server in standby mode is changed to active mode and sessions are load balanced between it and still operating real server. If both real servers in active mode fail, all sessions are sent to the real server in standby mode.

Adding real servers from the GUI

To add a real server from the GUI go to Policy & Objects > Virtual Servers, edit a virtual server and under Real Servers select Create New to add a real server to this virtual server.

IP Address

Enter the IP address of the real server.

Real servers


Enter the port number on the destination network to which the external port number is mapped.


Enter the weight value of the real server. The higher the weight value, the higher the percentage of connections the server will handle. A range of 1-255 can be used. This option is available only if the associated virtual server’s load balance method is Weighted.

Max Connections

Enter the limit on the number of active connections directed to a real server. A range of 1-99999 can be used. If the maximum number of connections is reached for the real server, the FortiGate unit will automatically switch all further connection requests to another server until the connection number drops below the specified limit.

Setting Maximum Connections to 0 means that the FortiGate unit does not limit the number of connections to the real server.


Enter the HTTP header for load balancing across multiple real servers. This feature is used for load balancing HTTP host connections across multiple real servers using the host’s HTTP header to guide the connection to the correct real server, providing better load balancing for those specific connections.


Select a mode for the real server. The real server can be active, on standby, or disabled.

Adding real servers from the CLI

To add a real server from the CLI you configure a virtual server and add real servers to it. For example, to add three real servers to a virtual server that load balances UDP sessions on port 8190 using weighted load balancing. For each real server the port is not changed. The default real server port is 0 resulting in the traffic being sent the real server with destination port 8190. Each real sever is given a different weight. Servers with higher weights have a max-connections limit to prevent too many sessions from being sent to them.

config firewall vip edit Vserver-UDP-1 set type server-load-balance set server-type udp set ldb-method weighted set extip set extintf wan1 set extport 8190 set monitor ping-mon-1 config realservers edit 1 set ip set weight 100 set max-connections 10000

next edit 2 set ip set weight 100

Health check monitoring

set max-connections 10000

next edit 3 set ip set weight 10



Health check monitoring

From the FortiGate GUI you can go to Policy & Objects > Health Check and configure health check monitoring so that the FortiGate unit can verify that real servers are able respond to network connection attempts. If a real server responds to connection attempts the load balancer continues to send sessions to it. If a real server stops responding to connection attempts the load balancer assumes that the server is down and does not send sessions to it. The health check monitor configuration determines how the load balancer tests the real servers. You can use a single health check monitor for multiple load balancing configurations.

You can configure TCP, HTTP and Ping health check monitors. Usually you would want the health check monitor to use the same protocol for checking the health of the server as the traffic being load balanced to it. For example, for an HTTP load balancing configuration you would normally use an HTTP health check monitor.

For the TCP and HTTP health check monitors you can specify the destination port to use to connect to the real servers. If you set the port to 0, the health check monitor uses the port defined in the real server. This allows you to use the same health check monitor for multiple real servers using different ports. You can also configure the interval, timeout and retry. A health check occurs every number of seconds indicated by the interval. If a reply is not received within the timeout period the health check is repeated every second. If no response is received after the number of configured retires, the virtual server is considered unresponsive, and load balancing does not srend traffic to that real server. The health check monitor will continue to contact the real server and if successful, the load balancer can resume sending sessions to the recovered real server.

The default health check configuration has an interval of 10 seconds, a timeout of 2 seconds and a retry of 3. This means that the health check monitor checks the health of a real server every 10 seconds. If a reply is not received within 2 seconds the health check monitor re-checks the server every second for 3 retries. If no response is received for 2 seconds after the final retry the server is considered unresponsive. This entire process takes a total of 7 seconds to consider a virtual server as unresponsive (2 second timeout + (3 re-checks x 1 second) + 2 second timeout = 7 seconds). Since this health check process is repeated every 10 seconds, a server can be down for a maximum of 10 + 7 = 17 seconds before the health check monitor considers it down.

For HTTP health check monitors, you can add URL that the FortiGate unit connects to when sending a get request to check the health of a HTTP server. The URL should match an actual URL for the real HTTP servers. The URL is optional.

The URL would not usually include an IP address or domain name. Instead it should start with a “/” and be followed by the address of an actual web page on the real server. For example, if the IP address of the real server is, the URL “/test_page.htm” causes the FortiGate unit to send an HTTP get request to “”.

For HTTP health check monitors, you can also add a matched content phrase that a real HTTP server should include in response to the get request sent by the FortiGate unit using the content of the URL option. If the URL returns a web page, the matched content should exactly match some of the text on the web page. You can use the URL and Matched Content options to verify that an HTTP server is actually operating correctly by responding to get requests with expected web pages. Matched content is only required if you add a URL.

Health check monitoring

For example, you can set matched content to “server test page” if the real HTTP server page defined by the URL option contains the phrase “server test page”. When the FortiGate unit receives the web page in response to the URL get request, the system searches the content of the web page for the matched content phrase.


Enter the name of the health check monitor configuration.


Select the protocol used to perform the health check.



Enter the port number used to perform the health check. If you set the Port to 0, the health check monitor uses the port defined in the real server. This way you can use a single health check monitor for different real servers.

This option does not appear if the Type is PING.


Enter the number of seconds between each server health check.


For HTTP health check monitors, add a URL that the FortiGate unit uses when sending a get request to check the health of a HTTP server. The URL should match an actual URL for the real HTTP servers. The URL is optional.

The URL would not usually include an IP address or domain name. Instead it should start with a “/” and be followed by the address of an actual web page on the real server. For example, if the IP address of the real server is, the URL “/test_page.htm” causes the FortiGate unit to send an HTTP get request to “”.

This option appears only if Type is HTTP.

Matched Content

For HTTP health check monitors, add a phrase that a real HTTP server should include in response to the get request sent by the FortiGate unit using the content of the URL option. If the URL returns a web page, the Matched Content should exactly match some of the text on the web page. You can use the URL and Matched Content options to verify that an HTTP server is actually operating correctly by responding to get requests with expected web pages. Matched content is only required if you add a URL.

For example, you can set Matched Content to “server test page” if the real HTTP server page defined by the URL option contains the phrase “server test page”. When the FortiGate unit receives the web page in response to the URL get request, the system searches the content of the web page for the Matched Content phrase.

This option appears only if Type is HTTP.

Load balancing limitations

Max Redirects

For an HTTP health check monitor, specify the maximum number of redirects that the health check monitor will follow when testing the health of the real HTTP server. This feature allows you to do health checking of the HTTP server is accessed through one or more redirects.


Enter the number of seconds which must pass after the server health check to indicate a failed health check.


Enter the number of times, if any, a failed health check will be retried before the server is determined to be inaccessible.

Load balancing limitations

The following limitations apply when adding virtual IPs, load balancing virtual servers, and load balancing real servers. Load balancing virtual servers are actually server load balancing virtual IPs. You can add server load balance virtual IPs from the CLI.

  • Virtual IP External IP Address/Range entries or ranges cannot overlap with each other or with load balancing virtual server Virtual Server IP
  • A virtual IP Mapped IP Address/Range cannot be or l A real server IP cannot be or
  • If a static NAT virtual IP External IP Address/Range is, the Mapped IP Address/Range must be a single IP address. l If a load balance virtual IP External IP Address/Range is, the Mapped IP Address/Range can be an address range.
  • When port forwarding, the count of mapped port numbers and external port numbers must be the same. The GUI does this automatically but the CLI does not. l Virtual IP and virtual server names must be different from firewall address or address group names.

Monitoring load balancing

From the GUI you can go to Monitor > Load Balance Monitor to monitor the status of configured virtual servers and real servers and start or stop the real servers. You can also use the get test ipldb command from the CLI to display similar information.

For each real server the monitor displays health status (up or down), active sessions, round trip time (RTT) and the amount of bytes of data processed. From the monitor page you can also stop sending new sessions to any real server. When you select to stop sending sessions the FortiGate unit performs of graceful stop by continuing to send data for sessions that were established or persistent before you selected stop. However, no new sessions are started.

Real Server

The IP addresses of the existing real servers.


Displays the health status according to the health check results for each real server. A green arrow means the server is up. A red arrow means the server is down.


The mode of the health check monitor. Can be active, standby, or disabled.

Monitor Events

Display each real server’s up and down times.

Active Sessions

Display each real server’s active sessions.

RTT (ms)

Displays the Round Trip Time (RTT) of each real server. By default, the RTT is “<1”. This value will change only when ping monitoring is enabled on a real server.

Bytes Processed

Displays the traffic processed by each real server.

Graceful Stop/Start

Select to start or stop real servers. When stopping a server, the FortiGate unit will not accept new sessions but will wait for the active sessions to finish.

Load balancing diagnose commands

You can also use the following diagnose commands to view status information for load balancing virtual servers and real servers:

diagnose firewall vip realserver {down | healthcheck | list | up} diagnose firewall vip virtual-server {filter | real-server | stats}

For example, the following command lists and displays status information for all real servers: diagnose firewall vip virtual-server real-server

vd root/0 vs vs/2 addr status 1/1 conn: max 0 active 0 attempts 0 success 0 drop 0 fail 0

Load balancing diagnose commands

vd root/0 vs vs/2 addr status 1/1 conn: max 0 active 0 attempts 0 success 0 drop 0 fail 0

Many of the diagnostic commands involve retrieving information about one or more virtual servers. To control which servers are queried you can define a filter:

diagnose firewall vip virtual-server filter <filter_str> Where <filter_str> can be:

l clear erase the current filter l dst the destination address range to filter by l dst-port the destination port range to filter by l list display the current filter l name the vip name to filter by l negate negate the specified filter parameter l src the source address range to filter by l src-port the source port range to filter by l vd index of virtual domain. -1 matches all

The default filter is empty so no filtering is done.

Logging diagnostics

The logging diagnostics provide information about two separate features:

diagnose firewall vip virtual-server filter

l filter sets a filter for the virtual server debug log l The filter option controls what entries the virtual server daemon will log to the console if diagnose debug application vs level is non-zero. The filtering can be done on source, destination, virtual-server name, virtual domain, and so on:

diagnose firewall vip virtual-server filter <filter_str> Where <filter_str> can be l clear erase the current filter l dst the destination address range to filter by l dst-port the destination port range to filter by l list display the current filter l name the virtual-server name to filter by l negate negate the specified filter parameter l src the source address range to filter by l src-port the source port range to filter by l vd index of virtual domain. -1 matches all

The default filter is empty so no filtering is done.

Real server diagnostics

Enter the following command to list all the real servers:

diagnose firewall vip virtual-server real-server list

In the following example there is only one virtual server called slb and it has two real-servers:

diagnose firewall vip virtual-server server

Load balancing diagnose commands

vd root/0 vs slb/2 addr status 1/1 conn: max 10 active 0 attempts 0 success 0 drop 0 fail 0 http: available 0 total 0

vd root/0 vs slb/2 addr status 1/1 conn: max 10 active 1 attempts 4 success 4 drop 0 fail 0 http: available 1 total 1

The status indicates the administrative and operational status of the real-server.

  • max indicates that the real-server will only allow 10 concurrent connections.
  • active is the number of current connections to the server attempts is the total number of connections attempted success is the total number of connections that were successful.
  • drop is the total number of connections that were dropped because the active count hit max.
  • fail is the total number of connections that failed to complete due to some internal problem (for example, lack of memory).

If the virtual server has HTTP multiplexing enabled then the HTTP section indicates how many established connections to the real-sever are available to service a HTTP request and also the total number of connections.

Basic load balancing configuration example

Basic load balancing configuration example

This section describes the steps required to configure the load balancing configuration shown below. In this configuration a FortiGate-51B unit is load balancing HTTP traffic from the Internet to three HTTP servers on the Internal network. HTTP sessions are accepted at the wan1 interface with destination IP address on TCP port 8080 and forwarded from the internal interface to the web servers. When forwarded the destination address of the sessions is translated to the IP address of one of the web servers.

The load balancing configuration also includes session persistence using HTTP cookies, round-robin load balancing, and TCP health monitoring for the real servers. Ping health monitoring consists of the FortiGate unit using ICMP ping to make sure the web servers can respond to network traffic.

Virtual server and real servers setup

To configure the example load balancing configuration – general configuration steps

  1. Add a load balance ping health check monitor.

A ping health check monitor causes the FortiGate unit to ping the real servers every 10 seconds. If one of the servers does not respond within 2 seconds, the FortiGate unit will retry the ping 3 times before assuming that the HTTP server is not responding.

  1. Add a load balance virtual server.
  2. Add the three load balance real servers to the virtual server.
  3. Add a security policy that includes the load balance virtual server as the destination address.

To configure the example load balancing configuration

  1. Go to Policy & Objects > Health Check and add the following health check monitor.
Name   Ping-mon-1
Type   Ping
Interval   10 seconds
Timeout   2 seconds
Retry   3
  1. Go to Policy & Objects > Virtual Servers and add a virtual server that accepts the traffic to be load balanced.
Name Vserver-HTTP-1
Interface wan1
Virtual Server IP
Virtual Server Port 8080
Load Balance Method Round Robin
Persistence HTTP Cookie
Health Check Ping-mon-1
HTTP Multiplexing Do not select
Preserve Client IP Do not select
  1. On the same GUI page and the real servers to the virtual server.
IP Address
Port   80
Max Connections   0
Mode   Active

Basic load balancing configuration example

IP Address
Port 80
Max Connections 0
Mode Active
IP Address
Port 80
Max Connections 0
Mode Active
  1. Go to Policy & Objects > IPv4 Policy and add a wan1 to internal security policy that includes the virtual server.

This policy also applies an Antivirus profile to the load balanced sessions.

Name Example-policy
Incoming Interface wan1
Outgoing Interface internal
Source all
Destination Vserver-HTTP-1
Schedule always
Service ALL
NAT Turn on NAT and select Use Outgoing Interface Address.
Antivirus Turn on and select an Antivirus profile.
  1. Select OK.

To configure the example load balancing configuration from the CLI

  1. Use the following command to add a Ping health check monitor.

config firewall ldb-monitor edit ping-mon-l set type ping set interval 10 set timeout 2

set retry 3 end

  1. Use the following command to add the virtual server that accepts HTTP sessions on port 8080 at the wan1 interface and load balances the traffic to three real servers. config firewall vip

Basic load balancing configuration example

edit Vserver-HTTP-1 set type server-load-balance set server-type http set ldb-method round-robin set extip set extintf wan1 set extport 8080 set persistence http-cookie set monitor tcp-mon-1 config realservers edit 1 set ip

set port 80 next edit 2 set ip

set port 80 end edit 3 set ip

set port 80 end


  1. Use the following command to add a security policy that includes the load balance virtual server as the destination address.

config firewall policy edit 0 set srcintf wan1 set srcaddr all set dstintf internal set dstaddr Vserver-HTTP-1 set action accept set schedule always set service ALL set nat enable set utm-status enable

set profile-protocol-options default set av-profile scan end


Inside FortiOS: Server Load Balancing

Inside FortiOS: Server Load Balancing

Server load balancing distributes workloads across multiple network servers, allowing simultaneous IPv4, IPv6, IPv4 to IPv6 and IPv6 to IPv4 requests to be handled quickly and reliably.

Server Load Balancing combined with NGFW and UTM protection

By introducing comprehensive server load balancing functionality to Next Generation Firewall (NGFW) and Unified Threat Management (UTM) solutions FortiOS takes threat protection to a whole new level. Rather than going to the expense of deploying multiple solutions to protect your server farm, you can combine firewalling, NGFW, UTM and load balancing into a single FortiGate unit or cluster. The benefit of consolidation is not only limited to cost.

Key Features & Benefits

Increased resilience A consolidated solution results in significantly simplified network architecture. High availability can be provided for all technologies with just a pair of devices rather than several.

operational overheads

A unified management solution consisting of a single GUI, logging and reporting, SNMP monitoring and other management functions will significantly reduce the resources required to manage the multiple technology areas. A consolidated solution provides a single point of contact for support and renewals rather than having to deal with multiple vendors.

The FortiOS server load balancing feature set contains all of the features you would expect of a server load balancing solution. Traffic can be balanced across multiple backend servers based on multiple load balancing schedules including static (failover), round robin, weighted to account for different sized servers, or based on the health and performance of the server including round trip time and number of connections.

The load balancer supports HTTP, HTTPS, IMAPS, POP3S, SMTPS, SSL/TLS, and generic TCP/UDP and IP protocols. Session persistence is supported based on the SSL session ID, based on an injected HTTP cookie, or based on the HTTP or HTTPS host. SSL/TLS load balancing includes protection from protocol downgrade SSL/TLS offloading  Inside FortiOS: Server Load Balancing attacks. Server load balancing is supported on most FortiGate devices and includes up to 10,000 virtual servers on our high end systems.

SSL/TLS offloading

With more and more critical business applications being made available online and in the cloud, the demand for secure remote continues to increase. While securing web and email applications with SSL/TLS is essential, this protection adds significant performance overheads. An SSL/TLS protected application running on a standard server will perform all the costly encryption/decryption and key exchange routines in software which uses vital CPU resources that should be available for running the application. The consequence of this is that many more or more powerful servers are required to deliver the application.

FortiGate SSL/TLS offloading is designed with the explosion of SSL/TLS applications in mind. The key exchange and encryption/decryption tasks are offloaded to the FortiGate unit where they are accelerated using FortiASIC technology providing significantly more performance than a standard server or load balancer could handle. This frees up valuable resources on the server farm which can be used to run a more responsive business. Server load balancing offloads most SSL/TLS versions including SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.2 and supports full mode or half mode SSL offloading with DH key sizes up to 4096 bits.

SSL/TLS content inspection

Traditionally, SSL encrypted application data would be invisible to any border gateway filtering solution. This is because the encryption process prevents the payload of any connection from being seen other than by the communicating systems. FortiGate SSL Offloading allows the application payload to be inspected before it reaches your servers; preventing intrusion attempts, blocking viruses, stopping unwanted applications, and preventing data leakage. SSL/TLS content inspection supports TLS versions 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2 and SSL versions 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, and 3.0.

Health Check

Health checking can be enabled to prevent load balancing traffic from being sent to a non-functioning real server. Real server health can be monitored using ICMP ping or more sophisticated TCP testing. The most comprehensive test is HTTP which verifies that the HTTP application is responding and that it is returning the correct content.

Health checking removes real servers from the load balancing cluster which are returning invalid content. The removal of real servers from the clusters is based on the Interval, Timeout and Retry Settings:

Interval How often to test the server.
Timeout What maximum response time is permissible before a server is treated as non-functional.
Retry How many failures before the server is considered “dead” and removed from the cluster.


Server Monitoring and Management

The health and performance of real servers can be monitored from the FortiGate GUI. Virtual servers and their assigned real servers can be monitored for health status, if there have been any monitor events, number of active sessions, round trip time and number of bytes processed. Should a server become problematic and require

administration, it can be gracefully removed from the Real Server pool to enable disruption free maintenance. When a removed real server is able to operate it can gracefully be added back to the virtual server.

HTTP Multiplexing

A performance saving feature of HTTP/1.1 compliant web servers is the ability to pipeline requests on the same connection. This allows a single HTTPD process on the server to interleave and server multiple requests. HTTP multiplexing reduces the number idle sessions, too many of which can exhaust the resources on a server. The Fortinet solution has the ability to take multiple separate inbound sessions and multiplex them over the same internal session. This reduces the load on the backend server and increases the overall performance.

FortiOS Server Load Balancing Introduction


FortiOS server load balancing includes the features you would expect of any server load balancing solution. Traffic can be distributed across multiple backend servers based on multiple methods including static (failover), round robin, weighted to account for different sized servers, or based on the health and performance of the server including round trip time, number of connections. The load balancer supports HTTP, HTTPS, IMAPS, POP3S, SMTPS, SSL or generic TCP/UDP or IP protocols. Session persistence is supported based on the SSL session ID or based on an injected HTTP cookie.

Before you begin

Before you can configure server load balancing on the GUI go to System > Feature Visibility and turn on Load Balance. Its in the Additional Features list.

To be able to use all of the features described in this chapter you should go to System > Settings and setting the Inspection Mode to Proxy. If Inspection mode is set to Flow-based, you can only configure Virtual Servers with Type set to HTTP, TCP, UDP, or IP. Proxy mode is required for persistence, HTTP Multiplexing, SSL offloading and other advanced HTTP and SSL features.

Diagnose commands for WAN optimization

Diagnose commands for WAN optimization

The following get and diagnose commands are available for troubleshooting WAN optimization, web cache, explicit proxy and WCCP.

get test {wad | wccpd} <test_level>

Display usage information about WAN optimization, explicit proxy, web cache, and WCCP applications. Use <test_level> to display different information.

get test wad <test_level> get test wccpd <test_level>

Variable Description
wad Display information about WAN optimization, web caching, the explicit web proxy, and the explicit FTP proxy.
wccpd Display information about the WCCP application.


Enter the following command to display WAN optimization tunnel protocol statistics. The http tunnel and tcp tunnel parts of the command output below shows that WAN optimization has been processing HTTP and TCP packets.

get test wad 1

WAD manager process status: pid=113 n_workers=1 ndebug_workers=0 Enter the following command to display all test options:

get test wad

WAD process 82 test usage:

1: display process status 2: display total memory usage.

99: restart all WAD processes 1000: List all WAD processes.

1001: dispaly debug level name and values 1002: dispaly status of WANOpt storages 1068: Enable debug for all WAD workers.

1069: Disable debug for all WAD workers.

2yxx: Set No. xx process of type y as diagnosis process. 3: display all fix-sized advanced memory stats

4: display all fix-sized advanced memory stats in details

500000..599999: cmem bucket stats (599999 for usage)

800..899: mem_diag commands (800 for help & usage)

800000..899999: mem_diag commands with 1 arg (800 for help & usage) 80000000..89999999: mem_diag commands with 2 args (800 for help & usage) 60: show debug stats.


diagnose wad

61: discard all wad debug info that is currently pending

62xxx: set xxxM maximum ouput buffer size for WAD debug. 0, set back to default.

68: Enable process debug

69: Disable process debug

98: gracefully stopping WAD process

9xx: Set xx workers(0: default based on user configuration.)

diagnose wad

Display diagnostic information about the WAN optimization daemon (wad).

diagnose wad console-log {disable | enable) diagnose wad debug-url {disable | enable)

diagnose wad filter {clear | dport | dst | list | negate | protocol | sport | src | vd} diagnose wad history {clear | list} diagnose wad session {clear | list}

diagnose wad stats {cache | cifs | clear | crypto | ftp | http | list | mapi | mem | scan | scripts | summary | tcp | tunnel}

diagnose wad user {clear | list} diagnose wad tunnel {clear | list}1

diagnose wad webcache {clear | list} {10min | hour | day | 30days}

Variable Description
console-log Enable or disable displaying WAN optimization log messages on the CLI console.
filter Set a filter for listing WAN optimization daemon sessions or tunnels. clear reset or clear the current log filter settings. dport enter the destination port range to filter by. dst enter the destination address range to filter by.

list display the current log filter settings

history Display statistics for one or more WAN optimization protocols for a specified period of time (the last 10 minutes, hour, day or 30 days).
session Display diagnostics for WAN optimization sessions or clear active sessions.
stats Display statistics for various parts of WAN optimization such as cache statistics, CIFS statistics, MAPI statistics, HTTP statistics, tunnel statistics etc. You can also clear WAN optimization statistics and display a summary.
tunnel Display diagnostic information for one or all active WAN optimization tunnels. Clear all active tunnels. Clear all active tunnels.
webcache Display web cache activity for the specified time period.

diagnose wad

Example diagnose wad tunnel list

Enter the following command to list all of the running WAN optimization tunnels and display information about each one. The command output shows 10 tunnels all created by peer-to-peer WAN optimization rules (autodetect set to off).

diagnose wad tunnel list

Tunnel: id=100 type=manual vd=0 shared=no uses=0 state=3

peer name=Web_servers id=100 ip=

SSL-secured-tunnel=no auth-grp= bytes_in=348 bytes_out=384

Tunnel: id=99 type=manual vd=0 shared=no uses=0 state=3

peer name=Web_servers id=99 ip=

SSL-secured-tunnel=no auth-grp= bytes_in=348 bytes_out=384

Tunnel: id=98 type=manual vd=0 shared=no uses=0 state=3

peer name=Web_servers id=98 ip=

SSL-secured-tunnel=no auth-grp= bytes_in=348 bytes_out=384

Tunnel: id=39 type=manual vd=0 shared=no uses=0 state=3

peer name=Web_servers id=39 ip=

SSL-secured-tunnel=no auth-grp= bytes_in=1068 bytes_out=1104

Tunnel: id=7 type=manual vd=0 shared=no uses=0 state=3

peer name=Web_servers id=7 ip=

SSL-secured-tunnel=no auth-grp= bytes_in=1228 bytes_out=1264

Tunnel: id=8 type=manual vd=0 shared=no uses=0 state=3

peer name=Web_servers id=8 ip=

SSL-secured-tunnel=no auth-grp= bytes_in=1228 bytes_out=1264

Tunnel: id=5 type=manual vd=0 shared=no uses=0 state=3

peer name=Web_servers id=5 ip=

SSL-secured-tunnel=no auth-grp= bytes_in=1228 bytes_out=1264

Tunnel: id=4 type=manual vd=0 shared=no uses=0 state=3

peer name=Web_servers id=4 ip=

SSL-secured-tunnel=no auth-grp= bytes_in=1228 bytes_out=1264

diagnose wad

Tunnel: id=1 type=manual vd=0 shared=no uses=0 state=3

peer name=Web_servers id=1 ip=

SSL-secured-tunnel=no auth-grp= bytes_in=1228 bytes_out=1264

Tunnel: id=2 type=manual vd=0 shared=no uses=0 state=3

peer name=Web_servers id=2 ip=

SSL-secured-tunnel=no auth-grp= bytes_in=1228 bytes_out=1264

Tunnels total=10 manual=10 auto=0

Example diagnose wad webcache list

This following command displays the web caching stats for the last 10 minutes of activity. The information displayed is divided into 20 slots and each slot contains stats for 30 seconds:

20 * 30 seconds = 600 seconds = 10 minutes

diagnose wad webcache list 10min web cache history vd=0 period=last 10min

The first 20 slots are for HTTP requests in the last 10 minutes. Each slot of stats has four numbers, which is the total number of HTTP requests, the number of cacheable HTTP requests, the number of HTTP requests that are processed by the web cache (hits), and the number of HTTP requests that are processed without checking the web cache (bypass). There are many reasons that a HTTP request may bypass web cache. total cacheable hits bypass

———— ————- ———— ————-

36 10            3 1
128 92            1 10
168 97            2 3
79 56            0 3
106 64            5 3
180 118           6 11
88 53            7 3
80 43            4 4
107 44            9 2
84 12            0 2
228 139           52 10
32 2             0 5
191 88           13 7
135 25            40 3
48 10            0 8
193 13            7 7
67 31            1 2
109         35             24 6
117          36           10 5
22          0              0 4

diagnose wad

The following slots are for video requests in the last 10 minutes. Each slot has two numbers for each 30 seconds: total number of video requests, and the number of video requests that are processing using cached data.

video total video hit

———— ————-

0            0

0            0

0            0

0            0

0            0

0            0

0            0

0            0

0            0

0            0

0            0

0            0

0            0

0            0

0            0

The following 20 slots are for traffic details in last 10 minutes. Each slot has four numbers for 30 seconds each.

— LAN —                — WAN —

bytes_in     bytes_out     bytes_in     bytes_out

———— ————- ———— ————-

34360       150261        141086       32347

105408       861863        858501       100670

128359       1365919       1411849     127341

60103 602813 818075      59967 105867 1213192 1463736 97489

154961       1434784       1344911      158667

73967        370275        369847       70626

129327       602834        592399      123676

115719 663446 799445      111262 58151       724993 631721 59989

175681      2092925 1092556 166212 37805 33042        41528 37779

183686       1255118       1114646     172371

106125       904178        807152       81520

66147        473983       543507       66782

170451      1289530      1201639 165540 69196       544559       865370 68446

134142      579605        821430      132113

96895       668037       730633      89872

59576       248734      164002 59448 diagnose wad csvc

The diagnose wad csvc command refers to the cache-service. The next options to the command are listed in the table. Some will have there own sub options for refining the output or results.

diagnose wacs

Option Description
memory Cache service memory diagnostics
webcache Webcache diagnostics
bytecache Bytecache diagnostics
memcache Memcache diagnostics
restart Restart cache service

diagnose wad worker

The diagnose wad worker command has some settings that show useful WAD stats for one or all workers.The next options to the command are listed in the table. Some will have there own sub options for refining the output or results.

Option Description
memory WAD worker memory diagnostics.
tcp TCP statistics.
ssl SSL statistics.
tunnel Tunnel statistics.
webcache Webcache diagnostics.
bytecache Bytecache diagnostics.
memcache Memcache diagnostics.
restart Restart workers.

diagnose wacs

Display diagnostic information for the web cache database daemon (wacs).

diagnose wacs clear diagnose wacs recents diagnose wacs restart diagnose wacs stats

diagnose wadbd

Variable Description
clear Remove all entries from the web cache database.
recents Display recent web cache database activity.
restart Restart the web cache daemon and reset statistics.
stats Display web cache statistics.

diagnose wadbd

Display diagnostic information for the WAN optimization database daemon (waddb).

diagnose wadbd {check | clear | recents | restart | stats}

Variable Description
check Check WAN optimization database integrity.
clear Remove all entries from the WAN optimization database.
recents Display recent WAN optimization database activity.
restart Restart the WAN optimization daemon and reset statistics.
stats Display WAN optimization statistics.

diagnose debug application {wad | wccpd} [<debug_level>]

View or set the debug level for displaying WAN optimization and web cache-related daemon debug messages. Include a <debug_level> to change the debug level. Leave the <debug_level> out to display the current debug level. Default debug level is 0.

diagnose debug application wad [<debug_level>] diagnose debug application wccpd [<debug_level>]

Variable Description
wad Set the debug level for the WAN optimization daemon.
wccpd Set the debug level for the WCCP daemon.

diagnose test application wad 2200

diagnose test application wad 2200

The debug level 2200 switches the debug to explicit proxy mode. You have to enter this debug level first. After that you have to type the command again with a different debug level to check the different explicit proxy statistics. To list what each debug level shows, follow these steps in any FortiGate device:

  1. Enable explicit proxy globally and in one interface, to start the wad process. If the wad process is not running, you cannot list the options.
  2. Once the wad process starts, type:

diagnose test application wad 2200 diagnose test application wad ///// Do not type any debug level value to list all the options.

This is the output you will get:

# diagnose test application wad 2200

Set diagnosis process: type=wanopt index=0 pid=114 # diagnose test application wad WAD process 114 test usage:

1: display process status

2: display total memory usage

99: restart all WAD processes

1000: List all WAD processes

1001: dispaly debug level name and values

1002: dispaly status of WANOpt storages 1068: Enable debug for all WAD workers

1069: Disable debug for all WAD workers

2yxx: Set No. xx process of type y as diagnosis process

3: display all fix-sized advanced memory stats

4: display all fix-sized advanced memory stats in details

500000..599999: cmem bucket stats (599999 for usage)

800..899: mem_diag commands (800 for help & usage)

800000..899999: mem_diag commands with 1 arg (800 for help & usage)

80000000..89999999: mem_diag commands with 2 args (800 for help & usage)

60: show debug stats

61: discard all wad debug info that is currently pending

62xxx: set xxxM maximum ouput buffer size for WAD debug (0: set back to default)

68: Enable process debug

69: Disable process debug

98: gracefully stopping WAD process

20: display all listeners 21: display TCP port info

22: display SSL stats

23: flush SSL stats

24: display SSL mem stats

70: display av memory usage

71xxxx: set xxxxMiB maximum AV memory (0: set back to default)

72: toggle av memory protection

73: toggle AV conserve mode (for debug purpose)

90: set to test disk failure

91: unset to test disk failure

92: trigger a disk failure event

100: display explicit proxy settings

101: display firewall policies

102: display security profile mapping for regular firewall policy

diagnose test application wad 2200

103: display Web proxy forwarding server and group

104: display DNS stats

105: display proxy redirection scan stats

106: list all used fqdns

107: list all firewall address

110: display current web proxy users

111: flush current web proxy users

112: display current web proxy user summary

113: display WAD fsso state

114: display HTTP digest stats

115: display URL patterns list of cache exemption or forward server

116: toggle dumping URL when daemon crashes

120: display Web Cache stats

121: flush Web Cache stats

122: flush idle Web cache objects

123: display web cache cache sessions

130: display ftpproxy stats

131: clear ftpproxy stats

132: list all current ftpproxy sessions

133: display all catched webfilter profiles

200: display WANopt profiles

201: display all peers

202: display video cache rules (patterns)

203: display all ssl servers

210: toggle disk-based byte-cache

211: toggle memory-based byte-cache

212: toggle cifs read-ahead

221: display tunnel protocol stats

222: flush tunnel protocol stats

223: display http protocol stats

224: flush http protocol stats

225: display cifs protocol stats

226: flush cifs protocol stats

227: display ftp protocol stats

228: flush ftp protocol stats

229: display mapi protocol stats

230: flush mapi protocol stats

231: display tcp protocol stats

232: flush tcp protocol stats

233: display all protocols stats

234: flush all protocols stats

240: display WAD tunnel stats

241: display tunnel compressor state

242: flush tunnel compressor stats

243: display Byte Cache DB state

244: flush Byte Cache DB stats

245: display Web Cache DB state

246: flush Web Cache DB stats

247: display cache state

248: flush cache stats

249: display memory cache state

250: flush memory cache stats

261yxxx: set xxx concurrent Web Cache session for object storage y

262yxxx: set xxxK(32K, 64K,…) unconfirmed write/read size per Web Cache object for object storage y

263yxxxx: set xxxxK maximum ouput buffer size for object storage y

diagnose test application wad 2200

264yxx: set lookup lowmark (only if more to define busy status) to be xx for object storage y

265yxxx: set xxxK maximum ouput buffer size for byte storage y

266yxxx: set number of buffered add requests to be xxx for byte storage y

267yxxxx: set number of buffered query requests to be xxxx for byte storage y

268yxxxxx: set number of concurrent query requests to be xxxxx for byte storage y