FortiAnalyzer – Fortinet Security Fabric – FortiOS 6.2.3

Fortinet Security Fabric

FortiAnalyzer can recognize a Security Fabric group of devices and display all units in the group on the Device Manager pane. See Adding a Security Fabric group on page 37. FortiAnalyzer supports the Security Fabric by storing and analyzing the logs from the units in a Security Fabric group as if the logs are from a single device. You can also view the logging topology of all units in the Security Fabric group for additional visibility. See Displaying Security Fabric topology on page 38.

FortiAnalyzer provides dynamic data and metadata exchange with the Security Fabric and uses the data in FortiView and Reports for additional visibility. A default report template lets you monitor new users, devices, applications, vulnerabilities, threats and so on from the Security Fabric.

A set of dashboard widgets lets you review audit scores for a FortiGate Security Fabric group with recommended best practices and historical audit scores and trends.

If FortiClient is installed on endpoints for endpoint control with FortiGate, you can use the endpoint telemetry data collected by the Security Fabric agent to display user profile photos in reports and FortiView.

Adding a Security Fabric group

Before you can add a Security Fabric group to FortiAnalyzer, you need to create the Security Fabric group in FortiGate.

Fortinet recommends using a dedicated Super_User administrator account on the FortiGate for FortiAnalyzer access. This ensures that associated log messages are identified as originating from FortiAnalyzer activity. This dedicated Super_User administrator account only needs Read Only access to System Configuration; all other access can be set to None.

To add a Security Fabric group:

  1. Go to Device Manager> Unauthorized Devices.
  2. Select all the devices corresponding to the Security Fabric group created in FortiGate.
  3. Authenticate the Security Fabric group by clicking the Warning icon (yellow triangle) beside the corresponding FortiGate root.
  4. Enter the Authentication Credentials. The authentication credentials are the ones you specified in FortiGate. Once the FortiGate root has been authenticated, the Warning icon will disappear.
  5. After authentication, it takes a few minutes for FortiAnalyzer to automatically populate the devices under the FortiGate root which creates the Security Fabric group.

Displaying Security Fabric topology

For Security Fabric devices, you can display the Security Fabric topology.

To display the Security Fabric topology:

  1. If using ADOMs, ensure that you are in the correct ADOM.
  2. Go to Device Manager and click the Devices Total tab in the quick status bar.
  3. Right-click a Security Fabric device and select Fabric Topology.

A pop-up window displays the Security Fabric topology for that device.

If you selected Fabric Topology by right-clicking a device within the Security Fabric group, the device is highlighted in the topology. If you selected Fabric Topology by right-clicking the name of the Security Fabric group, no device is highlighted in the topology.

Security Fabric traffic log to UTM log correlation

FortiAnalyzer correlates traffic logs to corresponding UTM logs so that it can report sessions/bandwidth together with its UTM threats. Within a single FortiGate, the correlation is performed by grouping logs with the same session IDs, source and destination IP addresses, and source and destination ports.

In a Cooperative Security Fabric (CSF), the traffic log is generated by the ingress FortiGate, while UTM inspection (and subsequent logs) can occur on any of the FortiGates. This means that the traffic logs did not have UTM related log fields, as they would on a single FortiGate. Different CSF members also have different session IDs, and NAT can hide or change the original source and destination IP addresses. Consequently, without a proper UTM reference, the FortiAnalyzer will fail to report UTM threats associated with the traffic.

This feature adds extensions to traffic and UTM logs so that they can be correlated across different FortiGates within the same security fabric. It creates a UTM reference across CSF members and generates the missing UTM related log fields in the traffic logs as if the UTM was inspected on a single FortiGate.

NAT translation is also considered when searching sources and destinations in both traffic and UTM logs. The FortiGate will generate a special traffic log to indicate the NAT IP addresses to the FortiAnalyzer within the CSF.

Traffic logs to DNS and SSH UTM references are also implement – the DNS and SSH counts in Log View can now be clicked on to open the related DNS and SSH UTM log. IPS logs in the UTM reference are processed for both their sources and destinations in the same order, and in the reverse order as the traffic log. The FortiGate log version indicator is expanded and used to make a correct search for related IPS logs for a traffic log.

This feature requires no special configuration. The FortiAnalyzer will check the traffic and UTM logs for all FortiGates that are in the same CSF cluster and create the UTM references between them.

To view the logs:

  1. On the FortiAnalyzer, go to Log View > Traffic.

The UTM security event list, showing all related UTM events that can happen in another CSF member, is shown.

  1. Click the count beside a UTM event to open the related UTM event log window. In this example, the traffic log is from the CSF child FortiGate, and the UTM log is from the CSF root FortiGate.

Like other UTM logs, newly added DNS and SSH UTM references can also be shown in the FortiAnalyzer Log View. Clicking the count next to the DNS or SSH event opens the respective UTM log.

  1. Go to SOC > FortiView > Threats > Top Threats. All threats detected by any CSF member are shown.
  2. The created UTM reference is also transparent to the FortiGate when it gets its logs from the FortiAnalyzer. On the

FortiGate, the traffic log shows UTM events and referred UTM logs from other CSF members, even though the FortiGate does not generate those UTM log fields in its traffic log. In this example, the CSF child FortiGate shows the referred UTM logs from the CSF root FortiGate.

Creating a Security Fabric ADOM

All Fortinet devices included in a Security Fabric can be placed into a Security Fabric ADOM, allowing for fast data processing and log correlation. Fabric ADOMs enable combined results to be presented in the Device Manager, Log View, SOC, Incidents & Events and Reports panes.

In a Fabric ADOM:

  • Device Manager: View and add all Fortinet devices in the Security Fabric to the Fabric ADOM, including FortiGate, FortiSandbox, FortiMail, FortiDDoS, and FortiClient EMS.
  • Log View: View logs from all Security Fabric devices.
  • SOC: FortiDDoS and FortiClient EMS widgets are available.
  • Incidents & Events: Predefined event handlers for FortiGate, FortiSandbox, FortiMail, and FortiWeb ADOMs are available, and triggered events are displayed for all device types.
  • Reports: View predefined reports, templates, datasets, and charts for all device types. Charts from all device types can be inserted into a single report.

To create a Fabric ADOM:

  1. In FortiAnalyzer, go to System Settings > All ADOMs.
  2. Select Create New.
  3. Configure the settings for the new Fabric ADOM and select Fabric as the type.

See Creating ADOMs on page 181 for more information on the individual settings.

  1. Select OK to create the ADOM.

The Fabric ADOM is listed under the Security Fabric section of All ADOMs.


Fabric View – FortiAnalyzer – FortiOS 6.2.3

Fabric View

Fabric Connectors

You can use FortiAnalyzer to create the following types of fabric connectors:


You can use the Fabric Connectors tab to create the following types of ITSM connectors:

l ServiceNow l Webhook, a generic connector

Creating or editing ITSM connectors

You can create ITSM connectors for ServiceNow and Webhook.

To create or edit ITSM connectors:

  1. Go to Fabric View > Fabric Connectors.
  2. To create an ITSM connector, click Create New. In the Create New Fabric Connector wizard, select ServiceNow or Webhook, and click Next.

To edit an ITSM connector, click the ITSM connector. The connector options are displayed.

  1. Configure the following options, and then click OK:
Property   Description
Name   Type a name for the fabric connector.
Description   (Optional) Type a description for the fabric connector.
Protocol   Select HTTPS.
Property Description
Port Specify the port FortiAnalyzer uses to communicate with the external platform.
Method Select POST.
Title Type a title for the fabric connector.
URL Type the URL of the external platform.

Using ServiceNow as an example, copy and paste the URL from ServiceNow API URL in the Connection to ServiceNow API section in ServiceNow > FortiAnalyzerSystem Properties.

Enable HTTP Authentication Set HTTP authentication to ON or OFF.

Using ServiceNow as an example, enter the username and password from the Connection to ServiceNow API section in ServiceNow > FortiAnalyzer System Properties.

Status Toggle ON to enable the fabric connector. Toggle OFF to disable the fabric connector.


You can use the Fabric Connectors tab to create the following types of storage connectors: l Amazon S3

l Microsoft Azure l Google Cloud

Creating or editing storage connectors

You can create storage connectors for Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud. Once you have created a storage connector, you can upload FortiAnalyzer logs to cloud storage. See Upload logs to cloud storage on page 219

To create a storage connector:

  1. Go to Fabric View > Fabric Connectors.
  2. Select Create New. In the Create New Fabric Connector wizard, choose Amazon S3, Azure Blob, or Google and select Next.
  3. Configure the following options and select OK.
Property   Description
Name   Type a name for the fabric connector.
Comments   (Optional) Add comments about the connector.
Title   Type a title for the fabric connector.
Status   Toggle On to enable the fabric connector. Toggle Off to disable the fabric connector.
Amazon S3

Azure Blob


Provider Type AWS.
Region Select a region.
Access Key ID Paste the access key from the IAM user account.
Secret Access Key Paste the secret access key from the IAM user account. Click the eye icon to Show or Hide the key.
Storage Account


Paste the storage account name from the Microsoft Azure account.
Account Key Paste the account key from the Microsoft Azure account.

Project Number

Paste the project number from the Google account.
Service Account Credentials Paste the entire Google account JSON key into the field. Click the eye icon to Show or Hide the key.
Cloud Location Select a Google Cloud location. For information about Google locations, visit the product help.
  1. Advanced options will differ between the various types of storage connectors.

To edit a storage connector:

  1. Go to Fabric View > Fabric Connectors.
  2. Select an existing storage connector to edit.
  3. In the dropdown menu that appears below the connector name, modify the connector settings.
  4. Select OK.

Identity Center

The Fabric View > Identity Center pane displays a list of users and endpoints in the network from relevant logs, and correlates them with FortiAnalyzer modules.

The Identity Center is useful for user and endpoint mapping. Some users might use multiple endpoints in the network, endpoints might use multiple different interfaces to connect, network interfaces might have multiple IP addresses, and so on. A map of users and their endpoints gives you better visibility when you analyze logs, events, and incidents. This also helps with your reporting.

To view relevant identity logs directly from the SOC, Log View, and Incidents & Events panes, click the user or endpoint log, then click the Topography link in the pop-up that appears.

This Identity pane lists all endpoints and users from relevant logs and correlates them with FortiAnalyzer modules.

Column Description
User Name The name of the user.
User Group The group of user identities. An identity can be a: l Local user account (username/password stored on the FortiGate unit) l Remote user account (password stored on a RADIUS, LDAP, or TACACS+ server) l PKI user account with digital client authentication certificate stored on the FortiGate unit l RADIUS, LDAP, or TACACS+ server, optionally specifying particular user groups on that server l User group defined on an FSSO server.
Endpoints Endpoint host name, IP address, or MAC address. A user may be connected to multiple endpoints.

Click the endpoint to display the corresponding user information in the Assets pane.

Social The user’s Name, Picture, Email, Phone Number, and Social if it is available.
Source The name of device that created the log.
Last Update The date and time the log was updated.

Use the toolbar to select a Security Fabric, time period, and columns.

End user information is limited if there is no FortiClient in your installation.

  • Endpoints are detected based on MAC address and displayed by IP address instead of host name.
  • User related information might not be available.
  • Detailed information such as OS version, avatar, and social ID information are not available.

To provide a unified experience, you can customize how identity information is displayed, including which fields are displayed, the order, and the priority.

To configure the display settings in the Social column:

  1. Go to Log View >Tools > UserDisplay Preferences.
  2. Select the order preference tab you want to configure.

Tabs include Name, Picture, Email, Phone Number, and Social.

  1. Rearrange the order preference as per your needs by drag-and-dropping an entry. For names, pictures, emails, and phone numbers, only the top entry will appear in the identity pop-up window.
  2. User information can be disabled by moving the Show toggle to the Off position in the respective tabs.


The Fabric View > Assets pane is the central location for security analysts to view endpoint and user information to make sure they are compliant. Endpoints are important assets in a network as they are the main entry points in a cybersecurity breach.

The Assets pane is useful for the following:

  • Incident response. Check assets that are infected or vulnerable as part of your SOC analysis and incident response process. l Identify unknown and non-compliant users and endpoints.

To view relevant asset logs directly from the SOC, Log View, and Incidents & Events panes, click the user or endpoint log, then click the Topography link in the pop-up that appears.

The Assets pane lists all endpoints and users from relevant logs and correlates them with FortiAnalyzer modules. Sort by the Vulnerabilities column to see which endpoints and users have the highest vulnerabilities.

Column Description
Endpoint Endpoint host name or IP address.
User The name of the user. Click the name to view the corresponding user information in the Identity Center pane.
MAC Address Endpoint MAC address.
IP Address IP address the endpoint is connected to. A user might be connected to multiple endpoints.
FortiClient UUID Unique ID of the FortiClient.
Hardware / OS OS name and version.
Vulnerabilities The number of vulnerabilities for critical, high, medium, and low vulnerabilities. Click the vulnerability to view the name and category.
Network Location The location of the FortiAnalyzer device.
Last Update The date and time the log was updated.

Use the toolbar to select a Security Fabric, time period, and columns.

If there is no FortiClient in your installation, then endpoint and end user information is limited.

  • Endpoints are detected based on MAC address and displayed by IP address instead of host name.
  • User related information might not be available.
  • Detailed information such as OS version, avatar, and social ID information are not available.


FortiAnalyzer – Device Manager – FortiOS 6.2.3

Device Manager

Use the Device Manager pane to add, configure, and manage devices and VDOMs.

After you add and authorize a device or VDOM, the FortiAnalyzer unit starts collecting logs from that device or VDOM. You can configure the FortiAnalyzer unit to forward logs to another device. See Log Forwarding on page 190.


You can organize connected devices into ADOMs to better manage the devices. ADOMs can be organized by:

  • Firmware version: group all 6.0 devices into one ADOM, and all 6.2 devices into another.
  • Geographic regions: group all devices for a specific geographic region into an ADOM, and devices for a separate region into another ADOM.
  • Administrator users: group devices into separate ADOMs based for specific administrators responsible for the group of devices.
  • Customers: group all devices for one customer into an ADOM, and devices for another customer into another ADOM.

FortiAnalyzer, FortiCache, FortiClient, FortiDDos, FortiMail, FortiManager, FortiSandbox, FortiWeb, Chassis, and FortiCarrier devices are automatically placed in their own ADOMs. l Security Fabric: group all devices that are within the Security Fabric.

Each administrator profile can be customized to provide read-only, read/write, or restrict access to various ADOM settings. When creating new administrator accounts, you can restrict which ADOMs the administrator can access, for enhanced control of your administrator users. For more information on ADOM configuration and settings, see Administrative Domains on page 176.

FortiClient EMS devices

You can add FortiClient EMS servers to FortiAnalyzer. Authorized FortiClient EMS servers are added to the default

FortiClient ADOM. You must enable ADOMs to work with FortiClient EMS servers in FortiAnalyzer. When you select the FortiClient ADOM and go to the Device Manager pane, the FortiClient EMS servers are displayed. See also FortiClient support and ADOMs on page 178.

Unauthorized devices

When a device is configured to send logs to FortiAnalyzer, the unauthorized device is displayed in the Device Manager > Devices Unauthorized pane. You can then add devices to specific ADOMs or delete devices by using the toolbar buttons or the right-click menu.

Using FortiManager to manage FortiAnalyzer devices

You can add FortiAnalyzer devices to FortiManager and manage them. When you add a FortiAnalyzer device to FortiManager, FortiManager automatically enables FortiAnalyzer features. FortiAnalyzer and FortiManager must be running the same OS version, at least 5.6 or later.

In the Device Manager pane, a message informs you the device is managed by FortiManager and all changes should be performed on FortiManager to avoid conflict. The top right of this pane displays a lock icon. If ADOMs are enabled, the System Settings > All ADOMs pane displays a lock icon beside the ADOM managed by FortiManager.

Logs are stored on the FortiAnalyzer device, not the FortiManager device. You configure log storage settings on the FortiAnalyzer device; you cannot change log storage settings using FortiManager.

For more information, see Adding FortiAnalyzer devices in the FortiManagerAdministration Guide.

Adding devices

You must add and authorize devices and VDOMs to FortiAnalyzer to enable the device or VDOM to send logs to FortiAnalyzer. Authorized devices are also known as devices that have been promoted to the DVM table.

You must configure devices to send logs to FortiAnalyzer. For example, after you add and authorize a FortiGate device with FortiAnalyzer, you must also configure the FortiGate device to send logs to FortiAnalyzer. In the FortiGate GUI, go to Log & Report > Log Settings, and enable Send Logs to FortiAnalyzer/FortiManager.

Adding devices using the wizard

You can add devices and VDOMs to FortiAnalyzer using the Add Device wizard. When the wizard finishes, the device is added to the FortiAnalyzer unit, authorized, and is ready to start sending logs.

To add devices using the wizard:

  1. If using ADOMs, ensure that you are in the correct ADOM.
  2. Go to Device Manager and click Add Device.
  3. Configure the following settings:
IP Address Type the IP address for the device.
SN Type the serial number for the device.
Device Name Type a name for the device.
Device Model Select the model of the device.
Firmware Version Select the firmware version of the device.
Description Type a description of the device (optional).
  1. Click Next.

The device is added to the ADOM and, if successful, is ready to begin sending logs to the FortiAnalyzer unit.

  1. Click Finish to finish adding the device and close the wizard.

Authorizing devices

You can configure supported devices to send logs to the FortiAnalyzer device. These devices are displayed in the root ADOM as unauthorized devices. You can quickly view unauthorized devices by clicking Unauthorized Devices in the quick status bar. You must authorize the devices before FortiAnalyzer can start receiving logs from the devices.

When ADOMs are enabled, you can assign the device to an ADOM. When authorizing multiple devices at one time, they are all added to the same ADOM.

When you delete a device or VDOM from the FortiAnalyzer unit, its raw log files are also deleted. SQL database logs are not deleted.

To authorize devices:

  1. In the root ADOM, go to Device Manager and click Unauthorized Devices in the quick status bar. The content pane displays the unauthorized devices.
  2. If necessary, select the Display Hidden Devices check box to display hidden unauthorized devices.
  3. Select the unauthorized device or devices, then click Authorize. The Authorize Device dialog box opens.
  4. If ADOMs are enabled, select the ADOM in the Add the following device(s)to ADOM If ADOMs are disabled, select root.
  5. Click OK to authorize the device or devices.

The device or devices are authorized and FortiAnalyzer can start receiving logs from the device or devices.

Hiding unauthorized devices

You can hide unauthorized devices from view, and choose when to view hidden devices. You can authorize or delete hidden devices.

To hide and display unauthorized devices:

  1. In the root ADOM, go to Device Manager and click Unauthorized Devices in the quick status bar. The content pane displays the unauthorized devices.
  2. Select the unauthorized device or devices, then click Hide. The unauthorized devices are hidden from view.

You can view hidden devices by selecting the Display Hidden Devices check box.

Adding an HA cluster

You can use a HA cluster to synchronize logs and data securely among multiple FortiGate devices.

An HA cluster can have a maximum of four devices: one primary or master device with up to three backup or slave devices. All the devices in the cluster must be of the same FortiGate series and must be visible on the network.

You can use auto-grouping in FortiAnalyzer to group devices in a cluster based on the group name specified in Fortigate’s HA cluster configuration. For auto-grouping to work properly, each FortiGate cluster requires a unique group name.

If a unique group name is not used, auto-grouping should be disabled.

FAZ # config system global

(global)# set ha-member-auto-grouping disable

To create a HA cluster:

  1. If using ADOMs, ensure that you are in the correct ADOM.
  2. Add the devices to the Device Manager.
  3. Choose a master device, and click Edit.
  4. In the Edit Device pane, select HA Cluster.
  5. From the Add Existing Device list, select a device, and click Add.
  6. Optionally, you can use the Add OtherDevice field to add a new device.
  7. Add more devices as necessary, and click OK. The maximum is three slave devices.

To view the HA in the Device Manager, click Column Settings > HA Status.

Managing devices

Use the tools and commands in the Device Manager pane to manage devices and VDOMs.

Using the quick status bar

You can see the quick status bar at the top of the Device Manager pane. The quick status bar contains the following tabs:

  • Devices Total: Displays the authorized devices. l Devices Unauthorized: Displays the unauthorized devices.
  • Devices Log Status Down: Displays the authorized devices with a log status of down. l Storage Used: Displays the Log View > Storage Statistics

The Devices Total, Devices Unauthorized, and the Devices Log Status Down tabs include the following default columns:

Column Description
Device Name Displays the name of the device.
Column Description
IP Address Displays the IP address for the device.
Platform Displays the platform for the device.
Logs Identifies whether the device is successfully sending logs to the FortiAnalyzer unit. A green circle indicates that logs are being sent. A red circle indicates that logs are not being sent.

A lock icon displays when a secure tunnel is being used to transfer logs from the device to the FortiAnalyzer unit.

Average Log Rate (Logs/Sec) Displays the average rate at which the device is sending logs to the FortiAnalyzer unit in log rate per second. Click the number to display a graph of historical average log rates.
Device Storage Displays how much of the allotted disk space has been consumed by logs.
Description Displays a description of the device (not displayed in Devices Unauthorized tab).

Using the toolbar

The following buttons and menus are available for selection on the toolbar:

Button Description
Add Device Opens the Add Device Wizard to add a device to the FortiAnalyzer unit. The device is added, but not authorized. Unauthorized devices are displayed in the Unauthorized Devices tree menu.
Edit Edits the selected device.
Delete Deletes the selected devices or VDOMs from the FortiAnalyzer unit.

When you delete a device, its raw log files are also deleted. SQL database logs are not deleted.

Column Settings Click to select which columns to display or select Reset to Default to display the default columns.
More Displays more menu items including Import Device List and Export Device List.
Search Type the name of a device. The content pane displays the results. Clear the search box to display all devices in the content pane.

Editing device information

Use the Edit Device page to edit information about a device. The information and options available on the Edit Device page depend on the device type, firmware version, and which features are enabled.

To edit information for a device or model device:

  1. Go to Device Manager and click the Devices Total tab in the quick status bar.
  2. In the content pane, select the device or model device and click Edit, or right-click on the device and select Edit. The Edit Device pane displays.
  3. Edit the device settings and click OK.
Name The name of the device.
Description Descriptive information about the device.
IP Address Enter the IP address of the device.
Serial Number The serial number of the device.
Firmware Version The firmware version.
Admin User Enter the administrator user name.
Password Enter the administrator user password.
HA Cluster Select to identify the device as part of an HA cluster, and to identify the other device in the cluster by selecting them from the drop-down list, or by inputting their serial numbers.
Geographic Coordinates Identifies the latitude and longitude of the device location to support the interactive maps.

Click Show Map to open a map showing the location of the device based on the coordinates. Click and drag the map marker to adjust the device’s location.

Company/Organization Optionally, enter the company or organization information.
Country Optionally, enter the country where the device is located.
Province/State Optionally, enter the province or state.
City Optionally, enter the city.
Contact Optionally, enter the contact information.

Displaying historical average log rates

You can display a graph of the historical, average log rates for each device.

To display historical average logs rates:

  1. If using ADOMs, ensure that you are in the correct ADOM.
  2. Go to Device Manager and click the Devices Total tab in the quick status bar.
  3. In the Average Log Rate (Logs/Sec) column, click the number to display the graph.
  4. Hover the cursor over the graph to display more details.

Connecting to an authorized device GUI

You can connect to the GUI of an authorized device from Device Manager.

To connect to an authorized device GUI:

  1. If using ADOMs, ensure that you are in the correct ADOM.
  2. Go to Device Manager and click the Devices Total tab in the quick status bar.
  3. Right-click the device that you want to access, and select Connect to Device.
  4. If necessary, change the port number and click OK.

You are directed to the Login page of the device GUI.


FortiAnalyzer Key Concepts – FortiOS 6.2.3

FortiAnalyzer Key Concepts

Two operation modes

FortiAnalyzer can run in two operation modes: Analyzer and Collector. Choose the operation mode for your FortiAnalyzer units based on your network topology and requirements.

Analyzer mode

Analyzer mode is the default mode that supports all FortiAnalyzer features. Use this mode to aggregate logs from one or more Collectors.

The following diagram shows an example of deploying FortiAnalyzer in Analyzer mode.

Collector mode

When FortiAnalyzer is in Collector mode, its primary task is forwarding logs of the connected devices to an Analyzer and archiving the logs. Instead of writing logs to the database, the Collector retains logs in their original binary format for uploading. In this mode, most features are disabled.

Analyzer and Collector feature comparison

Feature Analyzer Mode Collector Mode
Device Manager Yes Yes
FortiView Yes No
Feature Analyzer Mode Collector Mode
Log View Yes Raw archive logs only
Incidents & Events Yes No
Monitoring devices Yes No
Reporting Yes No
System Settings Yes Yes
Log Forwarding Yes Yes

Analyzer–Collector collaboration

You can deploy Analyzer mode and Collector mode on different FortiAnalyzer units and make the units work together to improve the overall performance of log receiving, analysis, and reporting. The Analyzer offloads the log receiving task to the Collector so that the Analyzer can focus on data analysis and report generation. This maximizes the Collector’s log receiving performance.

For an example of setting up Analyzer–Collector collaboration, see Collectors and Analyzers on page 256.

Administrative domains

Administrative domains (ADOMs) enable the admin administrator to constrain the access privileges of other FortiAnalyzer unit administrators to a subset of devices in the device list. For Fortinet devices with virtual domains (VDOMs), ADOMs can further restrict access to only data from a specific VDOM for a device.

Enabling ADOMs alters the available functions in the GUI and CLI. Access to the functions depends on whether you are logged in as the admin administrator. If you are logged in as the admin administrator, you can access all ADOMs. If you are not logged in as the admin administrator, the settings in your administrator account determines access to ADOMs.

For information on enabling and disabling ADOMs, see Enabling and disabling the ADOM feature on page 179. For information on working with ADOMs, see Administrative Domains on page 176. For information on configuring administrator accounts, see Managing administrator accounts on page 223.

Log storage

Logs and files are stored on the FortiAnalyzer disks. Logs are also temporarily stored in the SQL database.

You can configure data policy and disk utilization settings for devices. These are collectively called log storage settings.

You can configure global log and file storage settings. These apply to all logs and files in the FortiAnalyzer system regardless of log storage settings.

SQL database

FortiAnalyzer supports Structured Query Language (SQL) for logging and reporting. The log data is inserted into the SQL database to support data analysis in SOC > FortiView, Log View, and Reports. Remote SQL databases are not supported.

For more information, see FortiView on page 98, Types of logs collected for each device on page 42, and Reports on page 111.

The log storage settings define how much FortiAnalyzer disk space to use for the SQL database.

When FortiAnalyzer is in Collector mode, the SQL database is disabled by default. If you want to use logs that require SQL when FortiAnalyzer is in Collector mode, you must enable the SQL database. See Two operation modes on page 19.

Analytics and Archive logs

Logs in FortiAnalyzer are in one of the following phases. Use a data policy to control how long to retain Analytics and Archive logs.

l Real-time log: Log entries that have just arrived and have not been added to the SQL database, i.e., have not been rolled. l Analytics logs or historical logs: Indexed in the SQL database and online. l Archive logs: Compressed on hard disks and offline.

In the indexed phase, logs are indexed in the SQL database for a specified length of time for the purpose of analysis.

Logs in the indexed phase in the SQL database are considered online and you can view details about these logs in SOC > FortiView, Log View, and Incidents & Events panes. You can also generate reports about the logs in the Reports pane.

In the compressed phase, logs are compressed and archived in FortiAnalyzer disks for a specified length of time for the purpose of retention. Logs in the compressed phase are considered offline and you cannot immediately view details about these logs in the SOC > FortiView, Log View, and Incidents & Events panes. You also cannot generate reports about the logs in the Reports pane.

Data policy and automatic deletion

Use a data policy to control how long to keep compressed and indexed logs. When ADOMs are enabled, you can specify settings for each ADOM and the settings apply to all devices in that ADOM. When ADOMs are disabled, settings apply to all managed devices.

A data policy specifies:

  • How long to keep Analytics logs indexed in the database

When the specified length of time in the data policy expires, logs are automatically purged from the database but remain compressed in a log file on the FortiAnalyzer disks.

  • How long to keep Archive logs on the FortiAnalyzer disks

When the specified length of time in the data policy expires, Archive logs are deleted from the FortiAnalyzer disks.

See also Log storage information on page 57.

Disk utilization for Archive and Analytic logs

You can specify how much of the total available FortiAnalyzer disk space to use for log storage. You can specify what ratio of the allotted storage space to use for logs that are indexed in the SQL database and for logs that are stored in a compressed format on the FortiAnalyzer disks. Then you can monitor how quickly device logs are filling up the allotted disk space.

Analytic logs indexed in the SQL database require more disk space than Archive logs (purged from the SQL database but remain compressed on the FortiAnalyzer disks). An average indexed log is 400 bytes and an average compressed log is 50 bytes. Keep this difference in mind when specifying the storage ratio for Analytics and Archive logs.

When ADOMs are enabled, you can specify settings for each ADOM and the settings apply to all devices in that ADOM. When ADOMs are disabled, settings apply to all managed devices. See Log storage information on page 57.

SOC dashboard

FortiAnalyzer provides dashboard for Security Operations Center (SOC) administrators. SOC includes monitors which enhance visualization for real-time activities and historical trends for analysts to effectively monitor network activities and security alerts. See SOC Monitoring on page 87.

In high capacity environments, the SOC module can be disabled to improve performance. See Enabling and disabling SOC on page 109.


Setting up FortiAnalyzer – FortiOS 6.2.3

Setting up FortiAnalyzer

Connecting to the GUI

The FortiAnalyzer unit can be configured and managed using the GUI or the CLI. This section will step you through connecting to the unit via the GUI.

To connect to the GUI:

  1. Connect the FortiAnalyzer unit to a management computer using an Ethernet cable.
  2. Configure the management computer to be on the same subnet as the internal interface of the FortiAnalyzer unit:

l IP address: 192.168.1.X l Netmask:

  1. On the management computer, start a supported web browser and browse to
  2. Type admin in the Name field, leave the Password field blank, and click Login. The Change Password dialog box is displayed.
  3. Change the default password now, or click Later to change the password later:
    1. In the New Password box, type a new password.
    2. In the Confirm Password box, type the new password again, and click OK.
  4. If ADOMs are enabled, the Select an ADOM pane is displayed. Click an ADOM to select it. The FortiAnalyzer home page is displayed.
  5. Click a tile to go to that pane. For example, click the Device Manager tile to go to the Device Manager See also GUI overview on page 12.

If the network interfaces have been configured differently during installation, the URL and/or permitted administrative access protocols (such as HTTPS) may no longer be in their default state.


For information on enabling administrative access protocols and configuring IP addresses, see Configuring network interfaces on page 167.

After logging in for the first time, you should create an administrator account for yourself and assign the Super_User profile to it. Then you should log into the FortiAnalyzer unit by using the new administrator account. See Managing administrator accounts on page 223 for information.

Security considerations

You can take steps to prevent unauthorized access and restrict access to the GUI. This section includes the following information:

l Restricting GUI access by trusted host on page 11 l Other security considerations on page 11

Restricting GUI access by trusted host

To prevent unauthorized access to the GUI you can configure administrator accounts with trusted hosts. With trusted hosts configured, the administrator user can only log into the GUI when working on a computer with the trusted host as defined in the administrator account. You can configure up to ten trusted hosts per administrator account. See Administrators on page 222 for more details.

Other security considerations

Other security consideration for restricting access to the FortiAnalyzer GUI include the following:

l Configure administrator accounts using a complex passphrase for local accounts l Configure administrator accounts using RADIUS, LDAP, TACACS+, or PKI l Configure the administrator profile to only allow read/write permission as required and restrict access using readonly or no permission to settings which are not applicable to that administrator l Configure the administrator account to only allow access to specific ADOMs as required

When setting up FortiAnalyzer for the first time or after a factory reset, the password cannot be left blank. You are required to set a password when the admin user tries to log in to FortiManager from GUI or CLI for the first time. This is applicable to a hardware device as well as a VM. This is to ensure that administrators do not forget to set a password when setting up FortiAnalyzer for the first time.

After the initial setup, you can set a blank password from System Settings > Administrators.

GUI overview

When you log into the FortiAnalyzer GUI, the following home page of tiles is displayed:

Select one of the following tiles to display the respective pane. The available tiles vary depending on the privileges of the current user.

Device Manager Add and manage devices and VDOMs. See Device Manager on page 24.
Fabric View Configure fabric connectors. See Fabric View on page 32.
SOC Summarizes SOC information in FortiView and Monitors dashboards, which include widgets displaying log data in graphical formats, network security, WiFi security, and system performance in real-time.

This pane is not available when the unit is in Collector mode.

Log View View logs for managed devices. You can display, download, import, and delete logs on this page. You can also define custom views and create log groups. See Log View and Log Quota Management on page 42.
Incidents & Events Configure and view events for logging devices. See Incident and Event Management on page 61.

This pane is not available when the unit is in Collector mode.

Reports Generate reports. You can also configure report templates, schedules, and output profiles, and manage charts and datasets. See Reports on page 111.

This pane is not available when the unit is in Collector mode.

FortiRecorder Manage FortiCamera devices and view camera streams and recordings through the Monitors dashboard.

This pane is only available in physical appliances and is disabled by default. See

FortiRecorder on page 143

This pane is not available when the unit is in Collector mode.

System Settings Configure system settings such as network interfaces, administrators, system time, server settings, and others. You can also perform maintenance and firmware operations. See System Settings on page 154.

The top-right corner of the home page includes a variety of possible selections:

ADOM If ADOMs are enabled, the required ADOM can be selected from the dropdown list. The ADOMs available from the ADOM menu will vary depending on the privileges of the current user.
Full Screen Click to view only the content pane in the browser window. See Full-screen mode on page 15.
Help Click to open the FortiAnalyzer online help, or view the About information for your device (Product, Version, and Build Number).

You can also open the FortiAnalyzer basic setup video


CLI Console Click the CLI Console icon on the right side of the banner on any page.

The CLI console is a terminal window that enables you to configure the FortiAnalyzer unit using CLI commands directly from the GUI, without making a separate SSH, or local console connection to access the CLI.

When using the CLI console, you are logged in with the same administrator account that you used to access the GUI. You can enter commands by typing them, or you can copy and paste commands into or out of the console.

Click Detach in the CLI Console toolbar to open the console in a separate window.

Note: The CLI Console requires that your web browser support JavaScript.

Notification Click to display a list of notifications. Select a notification from the list to take action on the issue.
admin Click to change the password or log out of the GUI.


In general, panes have four primary parts: the banner, toolbar, tree menu, and content pane.

Banner   Along the top of the page; includes the home button (Fortinet logo), tile menu, ADOM menu (when enabled), admin menu, notifications, help button, and CLI console button.
Tree menu   On the left side of the screen; includes the menus for the selected pane. Not available in Device Manager.
Content pane Contains widgets, lists, configuration options, or other information, depending on the pane, menu, or options that are selected. Most management tasks are handled in the content pane.
Toolbar Directly above the content pane; includes options for managing content in the content pane, such as Create New and Delete.

To switch between panes, either select the home button to return to the home page, or select the tile menu then select a new tile.

Color themes

You can choose a color theme for the FortiAnalyzer GUI. For example, you can choose a color, such as blue or plum, or you can choose an image, such as summer or autumn. See Global administration settings on page 243.

Full-screen mode

You can view several panes in full-screen mode. When a pane is in full-screen mode, the tree menu on the left side of the screen is hidden.

Click the Full Screen button in the toolbar to enter full-screen mode, and press the Esc key on your keyboard to exit fullscreen mode.

Switching between ADOMs

When ADOMs are enabled, you can move between ADOMs by selecting an ADOM from the ADOM menu in the banner.

ADOM access is controlled by administrator accounts and the profile assigned to the administrator account. Depending on your account privileges, you might not have access to all ADOMs. See Managing administrator accounts on page 223 for more information.

Using the right-click menu

Options are sometimes available using the right-click menu. Right-click an item in the content pane, or within some of the tree menus, to display the menu that includes various options similar to those available in the toolbar.

In the following example on the Reports pane, you can right-click a template, and select Create New, View, Clone, or Create Report.


When FortiClient sends logs to FortiAnalyzer, an avatar for each user can be displayed in the Source column in the

SOC > FortiView and Log View panes. FortiAnalyzer can display an avatar when the following requirements are met:

l FortiClient is managed by FortiGate or FortiClient EMS with logging to FortiAnalyzer enabled. l FortiClient sends logs and a picture of each user to FortiAnalyzer.

If FortiAnalyzer cannot find the defined picture, a generic, gray avatar is displayed.

Showing and hiding passwords

In some cases you can show and hide passwords by using the toggle icon. When you can view the password, the Toggle show password icon is displayed:

When you can hide the password, the Toggle hide password icon is displayed:

Target audience and access level

This guide is intended for administrators with full privileges, who can access all panes in the FortiAnalyzer GUI, including the System Settings pane.

In FortiAnalyzer, administrator privileges are controlled by administrator profiles. Administrators who are assigned profiles with limited privileges might be unable to view some panes in the GUI and might be unable to perform some tasks described in this guide. For more information about administrator profiles, see Administrator profiles on page 228.

If you logged in by using the admin administrator account, you have the Super_User administrator profile, which is assigned to the admin account by default and gives the admin administrator full privileges.

Initial setup

This topic provides an overview of the tasks that you need to do to get your FortiAnalyzer unit up and running.

To set up FortiAnalyzer:

  1. Connect to the GUI. See Connecting to the GUI on page 10.
  2. Configure the RAID level, if the FortiAnalyzer unit supports RAID. See Configuring the RAID level on page 174.
  3. Configure network settings. See Configuring network interfaces on page 167.

Once the IP address of the administrative port of FortiAnalyzer is changed, you will lose connection to FortiAnalyzer. You will have to reconfigure the IP address of the management computer to connect again to FortiAnalyzer and continue.

  1. (Optional) Configure administrative domains. See Managing ADOMs on page 180.
  2. Configure administrator accounts. See Managing administrator accounts on page 223.
  3. Add devices to the FortiAnalyzer unit so that the devices can send logs to the FortiAnalyzer unit. See Adding devices on page 25.
  4. Configure the operation mode. See Configuring the operation mode on page 161 and Two operation modes on page 19.

FortiManager features

FortiManager features are not available in FortiAnalyzer 6.2.0 and up.

For information about FortiManager, see the FortiManagerAdministration Guide.

If FortiManager features are enabled in FortiAnalyzer before upgrading to 6.2.0 and later, the existing feature configurations will continue to be available after the upgrade. FortiManager features carried over during an upgrade can be disabled through the CLI console.

Next steps

Now that you have set up your FortiAnalyzer units and they have started receiving logs from the devices, you can start monitoring and interpreting data. You can:

  • View log messages collected by the FortiAnalyzer unit in Log View. See Types of logs collected for each device on page 42.
  • View multiple panes of network activity in SOC (Security Operations Center). See SOC Monitoring on page 87.
  • View summaries of threats, traffic, and more in SOC > FortiView. See FortiView on page 98 l Generate and view events in Incidents & Events. See Incident and Event Management on page 61. l Generate and view reports in Reports. See Reports on page 111.

Restarting and shutting down

Always use the operation options in the GUI or the CLI commands to reboot and shut down the FortiAnalyzer system to avoid potential configuration problems.

To restart the FortiAnalyzer unit from the GUI:

  1. Go to System Settings > Dashboard.
  2. In the Unit Operation widget, click the Restart
  3. Enter a message for the event log, then click OK to restart the system.

To restart the FortiAnalyzer unit from the CLI:

  1. From the CLI, or in the CLI Console menu, enter the following command:

execute reboot The system will be rebooted.

Do you want to continue? (y/n)

  1. Enter y to continue. The FortiAnalyzer system will restart.

To shutdown the FortiAnalyzer unit from the GUI:

  1. Go to System Settings > Dashboard.
  2. In the Unit Operation widget, click the Shutdown
  3. Enter a message for the event log, then click OK to shutdown the system.

To shutdown the FortiAnalyzer unit from the CLI:

  1. From the CLI, or in the CLI Console menu, enter the following command:

execute shutdown The system will be halted.

Do you want to continue? (y/n)

  1. Enter y to continue. The FortiAnalyzer system will shutdown.

To reset the FortiAnalyzer unit:

  1. From the CLI, or in the CLI Console menu, enter the following command: execute reset all-settings

This operation will reset all settings to factory defaults

Do you want to continue? (y/n)

  1. Enter y to continue. The device will reset to factory default settings and restart.

To reset logs and re-transfer all SQL logs to the database:

  1. From the CLI, or in the CLI Console menu, enter the following command: execute reset-sqllog-transfer

WARNING: This operation will re-transfer all logs into database. Do you want to continue? (y/n)

  1. Enter y to continue. All SQL logs will be resent to the database.


FortiOS 6.4 Release Notes

Change Log

Date Change Description
2020-03-31 Initial release.
2020-04-01 Updated Changes in default behavior, Changes in CLI, Changes in default values, Changes in table size, New features orenhancements, Resolved issues, and Known issues.

Added Special notices > AWS-On-Demand image.

2020-04-02 Added link to New Features Guide in New features orenhancements.
2020-04-06 Updated Changes in default behavior, Changes in CLI, New features orenhancements, Resolved issues, and Known issues.

Added FG-91E, FG-1100E, FG-1101E, and FOS-VM64-HV to Supported models.

Removed FG-VM64-AWSONDEMAND from Supported models.

2020-04-07 Moved FG-VM64-AWS to Special branch supported models.
2020-04-08 Removed FortiOS Carrier from Supported models.

Added FG-2200E, FG-2201E, FG-3300E, and FG-3301E to Special branch supported models.

2020-04-09 Updated Changes in default behavior, Resolved issues, and Known issues. Added Downgrading from 6.4.0 to 6.2.3 and IPsec interface MTU value to Upgrade Information.

Introduction and supported models

This guide provides release information for FortiOS 6.4.0 build 1579.

For FortiOS documentation, see the Fortinet Document Library.

Supported models

FortiOS 6.4.0 supports the following models.

FortiGate FG-60E, FG-60E-DSL, FG-60E-DSLJ, FG-60E-POE, FG-61E, FG-80E, FG-80E-POE, FG81E, FG-81E-POE, FG-90E, FG-91E, FG-100E, FG-100EF, FG-101E, FG-140E, FG-140E-

POE, FG-200E, FG-201E, FG-300D, FG-300E, FG-301E, FG-400D, FG-400E, FG-401E,

FG-500D, FG-500E, FG-501E, FG-600D, FG-600E, FG-601E, FG-800D, FG-900D, FG1000D, FG-1100E, FG-1101E, FG-1200D, FG-1500D, FG-1500DT, FG-2000E, FG-2500E,

FG-3000D, FG-3100D, FG-3200D, FG-3400E, FG-3401E, FG-3600E, FG-3601E, FG3700D, FG-3800D, FG-3810D, FG-3815D, FG-5001D, FG-3960E, FG-3980E, FG-5001E, FG-5001E1

FortiWiFi FWF-60E, FWF-60E-DSL, FWF-60E-DSLJ, FWF-61E


Pay-as-you-go images FOS-VM64, FOS-VM64-HV, FOS-VM64-KVM, FOS-VM64-XEN

Special branch supported models

The following models are released on a special branch of FortiOS 6.4.0. To confirm that you are running the correct build, run the CLI command get system status and check that the Branch point field shows 1579.

FG-2200E is released on build 6013.
FG-2201E is released on build 6013.
FG-3300E is released on build 6013.
FG-3301E is released on build 6013.
FG-VM64-AWS is released on build 5123.

Special notices

  • CAPWAP traffic offloading
  • FortiClient (Mac OS X) SSL VPN requirements l Use of dedicated management interfaces (mgmt1 and mgmt2) l Tags option removed from GUI
  • System Advanced menu removal (combined with System Settings) on page 8 l Application group improvements on page 8 l NGFW mode on page 8
  • PCI passthrough ports on page 8 l CLI and GUI behavior changes on page 9
  • FG-80E-POE and FG-81E-POE PoE controller firmware update on page 9 l Managed switch controller in NAC policy on page 9 l VLANs on a FortiLink interface on page 9 l AWS-On-Demand image on page 10

CAPWAP traffic offloading

CAPWAP traffic will not offload if the ingress and egress traffic ports are on different NP6 chips. It will only offload if both ingress and egress ports belong to the same NP6 chip. The following models are affected: l FG-900D l FG-1000D l FG-2000E l FG-2500E

FortiClient (Mac OS X) SSL VPN requirements

When using SSL VPN on Mac OS X 10.8, you must enable SSLv3 in FortiOS.

Use of dedicated management interfaces (mgmt1 and mgmt2)

For optimum stability, use management ports (mgmt1 and mgmt2) for management traffic only. Do not use management ports for general user traffic.


Tags option removed from GUI

The Tags option is removed from the GUI. This includes the following:

l The System > Tags page is removed. l The Tags section is removed from all pages that had a Tags section. l The Tags column is removed from all column selections.

Bug ID Description
605103 PCI passthrough ports order might be changed after upgrading. This does not affect VMXNET3 and SR-IOV ports because SR-IOV ports are in MAC order by default.

System Advanced menu removal (combined with System Settings)

Bug ID Description
584254 l Removed System > Advanced menu (moved most features to System > Settings page). l Moved configuration script upload feature to top menu > Configuration > Scripts page. l Removed GUI support for auto-script configuration (the feature is still supported in the CLI). l Converted all compliance tests to security rating tests.

Application group improvements

Bug ID Description
565309 Application Group improvements.

NGFW mode

Bug ID Description
584314 NGFW mode should have a link to show list of all applications.

PCI passthrough ports

CLI and GUI behavior changes

Bug ID Description
610191 This change includes multiple behaviour changes to both the CLI and GUI:

l  Added default automation rules (after factory reset). All are disabled by default, except for the FEXP push notification.

l  Added new incoming webhook trigger for automation.

l  Removed Email Alert Settings page.

l  Added new API for POST /api/v2/monitor/system/automationstitch/webhook/<trigger mkey>.

FG-80E-POE and FG-81E-POE PoE controller firmware update

FortiOS 6.4.0 has resolved bug 570575 to fix a FortiGate failing to provide power to ports. Please see the Resolved issues on page 56 section. The PoE hardware controller, however, may require an update that must be performed using the CLI. Upon successful execution of this command, the PoE hardware controller firmware is updated to the latest version 2.18:

diagnose poe upgrade-firmware

Managed switch controller in NAC policy

Bug ID Description
621785 user.nac-policy[].switch-scope may contain a data reference to switchcontroller.managed-switch. When this reference is set by an admin, they need to remove this reference prior to deleting the managed-switch.

VLANs on a FortiLink interface

Bug ID Description
622812 VLANs on a FortiLink interface configured to use a hardware switch may fail to come up after upgrading or rebooting due to an incorrect registration of the IP address of the switch VLAN interface.

This issue affects the FG-60E, FG-61E, FG-80E, FG-81E, FG-90E, and FG-91E models that contain a hardware switch and have FortiLink configured on it by default. Aggregate, physical, and software switch interfaces are unaffected.

Bug ID Description
  Workaround (not reboot persistent): Re-configure the IP address on each VLAN interface to a different IP address. You may use an IP address in the same subnet and then change it back to the original IP address if desired.

AWS-On-Demand image

Bug ID Description
589605 Starting from FortiOS 6.4.0, the FGT-VM64-AWSONDEMAND image is no longer provided. Both AWS PAYG and AWS BYOL models will share the same FGT-VM64-AWS image.


Changes in CLI

Bug ID Description
497161 Add function for SMC NTP on supported platforms.

config system smc-ntp <==added set ntpsync enable <==added set syncinterval 120 <==added config ntpserver <==added edit 1 set server <==added




542570 Rename diagnose system botnet to diagnose system botnet-ip. Remove stat, reload, and file under diagnose system botnet-ip.
555201 Add certificate attribute to the endpoint-control.fctems table.

config endpoint-control fctems edit <name> …

set certificate <cert-name> <==added … next …


Add execute fctems verify. execute fctems verify <fctems name>

564318 Move frequency-handoff and ap-handoff from radio level to AP level.

config wireless-controller wtp-profile edit “FAP423E-default” config platform set type 423E


set handoff-sta-thresh 55 set frequency-handoff enable <==changed set ap-handoff enable <==changed config radio-1 set band 802.11n,g-only

end config radio-2 set band 802.11ac


Bug ID Description



571819 Collect EIP from cloud-VMS (Azure, AWS, GCP, AliCloud, and OCI).

pcui-cloudinit-test # execute <?> update-eip Update external IP. <==added

config sys interface edit [Name] set eip               <==added



572420 Add SD-WAN health check DNS monitoring related configuration.

config system virtual-wan-link config health-check set protocol dns <==added dns option set system-dns <==added



572779 Add type under sdn-connector.

config system sdn-connector edit “aci_direct1” set type aci-direct <==added



573330 Add external-web-format setting under captive-portal VAP when external portal is selected.

config wireless-controller vap edit guestwifi set ssid “GuestWiFi” set security captive-portal set external-web “” set selected-usergroups “Guest-group” set intra-vap-privacy enable set schedule “always”

set external-web-format auto-detect <==added



573410 Add vendor-mac option under firewall policy.

config firewall policy edit 9


Bug ID Description
  set name “policy_id_9” set srcintf “wan2” set dstintf “wan1” set srcaddr “all” set dstaddr “all” set vendor-mac 36 16 <==added set action accept set schedule “always” set service “ALL” set logtraffic all set auto-asic-offload disable

set nat enable



Add diagnose commands to show vendor information.

diagnose vendor-mac id diagnose vendor-mac match

573411 Add UTM scan for HTTP and HTTPS over SSH tunnel (AV, WF, WAF, ICAP, DLP).

config firewall proxy-policy edit 4 set av-profile “av” <==added

  set webfilter-profile “webfilter” <==added
  set dlp-sensor “dlp” <==added
  set icap-profile “icap” <==added



waf-profile “waf” <==added
574588 Add GRE and L2TP support in WiFi.

config wireless-controller wag-profile <==added edit [Profile Name]               <==added


config wireless-controller vap edit “80e_gre” set ssid “FOS-QA_Bruce_80e_gre” set local-bridging enable set vlanid 3135 set primary-wag-profile “tunnel” <==added set secondary-wag-profile “l2tp” <==added




Bug ID Description
574882 FAP-U431F and FAP-U433F can support is single-5G.

config wireless-controller wtp-p edit “FAPU431F-default” config platform set type U431F set mode single-5G

end config radio-1 set band 802.11ax-5G

end config radio-2 set band 802.11ax

end config radio-3 set mode monitor




802.11ax on 2.4 GHz radio-2 when the platform mode


576424 Add NAT option under virtual wire with mandatory IP pool.

config firewall policy edit 88 set srcintf “port4”

pair policy and virtual wire pair policy6
  set dstintf “port1”  
  set srcaddr “all”  
  set dstaddr “all”  
  set action accept  
  set schedule “always”  
  set service “ALL”  
  set logtraffic all  
  set ippool enable  
  set poolname “vwp-pool-1” <==required



nat enable <==added
579703 Add hidden option never to session-ttl under firewall policy, firewall service, and system session-ttl.

config firewall policy edit 201 set srcintf “wan1” set dstintf “wan2” set srcaddr “all” set dstaddr “all”


Bug ID Description
  set action accept set schedule “always” set service “TCP_8080” set logtraffic disable set session-ttl never <==added set nat enable



582880 Add config firewall internet-service-name.

config firewall internet-service-name edit “test-locaction-isdb-1” set type location set internet-service-id 65537 set country-id 840 set region-id 283 set city-id 23352



Rename internet-service-id to internet-service-src-id, and internetservice-name to internet-service-src-name under firewall policy.

config firewall policy edit 99 set internet-service enable set internet-service-name “test-locaction-isdb-1” <==changed set internet-service-src enable

set internet-service-src-name “test-location-isdb-3” <==changed



582979 Add DPDK related CLI commands.

config dpdk global set status [enable | disable] set multiqueue [enable | disable] set sleep-on-idle [enable | disable] set elasticbuffer [enable | disable] set hugepage-percentage [Percentage of

main memory allocated to hugepages]
  set mbufpool-percentage [Percentage of main memory allocated to DPDK
  packet buffer] end

config dpdk cpus set rx-cpus [CPUs enabled to run DPDK RX engines] set vnp-cpus [CPUs enabled to run DPDK VNP engines] set ips-cpus [CPUs enabled to run DPDK IPS engines] set tx-cpus [CPUs enabled to run DPDK TX engines]


Bug ID Description
583929 Add split-route-negate option under vpn.ssl.web.portal.

config vpn ssl web portal edit tunnel-portal set split-tunneling-routing-negate [enable | disable] <==added set ipv6-split-tunneling-routing-negate [enable | disable] <==added



584166 Add type under firewall central-snat-map.

config firewall central-snat-map edit 2 set type ipv6 <==added

  set srcintf “wan2”
  set dstintf “wan1”
  set orig-addr6 “all”
  set dst-addr6 “all”



nat-ippool6 “test-ippool6-1”
584836 Add geoip-m

config fire edit 1 set

atch under firewall policy.

wall policy name “policy_id_1”

  set srcintf “wan2”
  set dstintf “wan1”
  set srcaddr “all”
  set dstaddr “test-geoip-CA”
  set action accept
  set schedule “always”
  set service “ALL”
  set geoip-match registered-location <==added
  set logtraffic all
  set auto-asic-offload disable



nat enable
586163 Remove acct-interim-interval setting under vap configuration, and acct-interiminterval can only be configured for RADIUS server.

Replace captive-portal-radius-server with radius-server on captive portal VAP with CMCC portal type.

config wireless-controller vap edit “vap-cmcc”


Bug ID Description
  set ssid “vap-cmcc” set security captive-portal set external-web

“” set radius-server “cmcc-radius” <==added set local-bridging enable set portal-type cmcc



Replace captive-portal-macauth-radius-server with radius-mac-auth-server on captive portal VAP with CMCC mac-auth portal type.

config wireless-controller vap edit “Melody-CMCC” set ssid “vap-CMCC-macauth” set security captive-portal set external-web

“” set radius-mac-auth enable set radius-mac-auth-server “cmcc_mac_auth_svr” <==added set radius-server “cmcc_auth_svr” <==added set local-bridging enable set portal-type cmcc-macauth



Change the least value of acct-interim-interval from 600 to 60 in RADIUS server.

config user radius edit radius set acct-interim-interval <60 – 86400> <==new range



586175 Add the ability to create IPv6 geography-based address, which can be applied in firewall policy6.

config firewall address6 edit “test-ipv6-geoip” set type geography <==added set country “CA”



586935 Add new command, execute factoryreset-shutdown.
587093 Add the UUID field under multicast-policy/local-in-policy/local-inpolicy6/central-snat-map.


Bug ID Description
  config firewall local-in-policy edit 1 set uuid 1aeb7d98-0016-51ea-7913-b6d62f4409cd <==added



Add comments field under multicast-policy.

config firewall multicast-policy edit 1 set uuid d0f74f64-fc41-51e9-2dfc-729f027e9979 set comments “multicast-policy-1”



587575 Add fabric-object-unification command under csf.

config system csf set fabric-object-unification [default | local] <==added


587646 Add encrypt-and-store-password and transform-backward-slashes under SSL

VPN settings.

config vpn ssl settings set encrypt-and-store-password [enable | disable] <==added set transform-backward-slashes [enable | disable] <==added


587860 The captive-portal-session-timeout-interval setting in local-bridge with external-portal vap is replaced with captive-portal-auth-timeout. The help message is improved to Hard timeout – AP will always clear the session after timeout regardless of traffic (0 – 864000 sec, default = 0).
587870 Add match-vrf under route-map.

config router route-map edit <name> config rule edit <id> set match-vrf Match VRF ID. <==added





Add vrf-leak under BGP configuration.

config router bgp config vrf-leak added edit <id> added


Bug ID Description  
  config target added edit <id> added set route-map <==added
  set interface <==added





Add clear route vrf-leak commands. execute router clear bgp all vrfexecute router clear bgp all soft



588180 Consolidate fortitelemetry and capwap into fabric for allowaccess in system interface.

config system interface edit port4 set allowaccess ? ping PING access. https HTTPS access.

ssh SSH access. snmp SNMP access. http HTTP access. telnet TELNET access. fgfm FortiManager access.

radius-acct RADIUS accounting access. probe-response Probe access.

fabric Security Fabric access. <==added ftm FTM access.



589842 Rename members to priority-members under manual mode SD-WAN service.

config sys virtual-wan-link config service edit 2 set mode manual

set priority-members 2 3 <==changed




591380 Add eap-auto-untagged-vlans under 802.1x security policy.

config switch-controller security-policy 802-1X


Bug ID Description
  edit “802-1X-policy-874535” set security-mode 802.1X-mac-based set user-group “SSO_Guest_Users” set mac-auth-bypass disable set open-auth disable set eap-passthru enable set eap-auto-untagged-vlans disable <==added set guest-vlan disable set auth-fail-vlan disable set framevid-apply enable set radius-timeout-overwrite disable



592352 Add support for multiple parameters under application list.

config application list edit “app-list-1” config entries edit 1000008 config parameters edit 1 config members <==added edit 1 <==added set name command <==added









592414 Add weighted-round-robin under ipsec-aggregate.

config system ipsec-aggregate edit testagg set algorithm ?

L3 Use layer 3 address for distribution. L4 Use layer 4 information for distribution.

round-robin Per-packet round-robin distribution. redundant Use first tunnel that is up for all traffic.

weighted-round-robin Weighted round-robin distribution. <==added



Add aggregate-weight under ipsec phase1-interface.


Bug ID Description
  config vpn ipsec phase1-interface edit testp1 set net-device disable set aggregate member enable set aggregate-weight 1 <==added



592507 Add timeout setting under auto-script.

config system auto-script edit 1 set timeout 0 <==added



593968 To populate the interface bandwidth into the interface widget, set monitor-bandwidth must be enabled.

config system interface edit “port1” set vdom “root” set ip set allowaccess ping set type physical set monitor-bandwidth enable set snmp-index 1



597703 Add new command for Azure SDN connector for FortiGate-VM deployed on Azure.

config system sdn-connector edit “azure1” set type azure

set use-metadata-iam [enable|disable] <==added



598286 Add new address group type, folder.

config firewall addrgrp edit “test-folder-addrgrp-1” set type folder <==added set member “172-16-200-156” set allow-routing enable



599034 Remove top-summary from diagnose system.


Bug ID Description
600478 Remove log-policy-name under log setting.
600830 Add probe-timeout under virtual-wan-link health-check and system linkmonitor.

config system virtual-wan-link config health-check set probe-timeout 500 <==added



601345 No warning is shown in GUI when FortiGuard filtering protocol/port setting is not saved.
601405 Add action-type under automation-action.

config system automation-action edit “slack1” set action-type slack-notification <==added



601575 Add radius_server and nas_ip to SSL VPN realm definition.

config vpn ssl web realm edit <realm_name> set radius-server <radius_server> <==added set nas-ip <nas_ip> <==added



603137 Add tx-period under both VDOM and FortiSwitch 802.1x settings.

config switch-controller 802-1X-settings set tx-period 30 <==added


config switch-controller managed-switch edit S524DN4K16000116 config 802-1X-settings set local-override enable set tx-period 30 <==added




603590 Support filtering on AWS Auto Scaling group for dynamic address objects.

config firewall address edit “aws-asg-addr1” set type dynamic set sdn “aws-sdn”

set filter “AutoScaleGroup=10703c-4f731e90-fortigate-payg-auto-


Bug ID Description
  scaling-group” <==added filter next


604980 Support dynamic address objects in real servers under virtual server load balance.

config firewall vip config realservers set type address <==added

set address [firewall.address.dynamic_address] <==added



605369 Remove igmp-snooping command from switch-controller managed-switch.

config switch-controller managed-switch edit S248EPTF18001384 config ports edit port1 get | grep igmp-snooping <==removed





605951 Remove sla-compare-method under virtual-wan-link load-balance.

config sys virtual-wan-link config service edit 1 set mode load-balance

set sla-compare-method number <==removed




606544 Remove scan-mode from AV when feature-set is set to flow.

config antivirus profile edit “av” set scan-mode legacy <==removed



607351 Remove default-db option under antivirus settings.

config antivirus settings set default-db extended <==removed set grayware enable set override-timeout 0



Bug ID Description
  Add use-extreme-db option is on mid- and high-end FortiGates under antivirus setting.

config antivirus settings set use-extreme-db [enable | disable] <==added only on mid- and high-end

FortiGates set grayware enable set override-timeout 0


607594 Add feature-set option under antivirus profile. It is used to hide non-supported features based on value.

config antivirus profile edit “av” set feature-set [flow | proxy] <==added



608185 Resource record limit is now a configurable value for DNS slaves can be edited per dns-zone. The rr-max attribute for DNS slaves was added. The maximum number of resource records is an integer: 10–65536, or infinite is 0; the default is 16384.

config system dns-database edit “slave” set domain “”

set type slave set rr-max 0

set ip-master

next edit “slave2” set status disable set domain “” set type slave set rr-max 40000 set ip-master



608942 Add force-inclusion-ssl-di-sigs under application profile.

config application list edit “app-list-1” set force-inclusion-ssl-di-sigs disable <==added



613860 Add object under vdom-exception that allows HA master and HA slave to send logs to different syslog servers.

config sys vdom-exception


Bug ID Description  
  edit 1 set object log.syslogd.setting <==added
  next edit 2 set object log.syslogd.override-setting <==added
  set scope inclusive



vdom root
613876 Add dhcp-ra-giaddr under ipsec phase1-interface.

config vpn ipsec phase1-interface edit “1” set type dynamic set peertype any set net-device disable set mode-cfg enable set proposal aes128-sha256 aes256-sha256 aes128-sha1 aes256-sha1 set dpd on-idle set assign-ip-from dhcp set dhcp-ra-giaddr <==added



614198 Remove all MMS-related configurations, which includes: l Remove mms/mm1/mm3/mm4/mm7 under config system replacemsg-group. l Remove mms/mm1/mm3/mm4/mm7 under config system replacemsg. l Remove mms-profile under config firewall and config firewall policy. l Remove mms-checksum under config antivirus. l Remove carrier-endpoint-bwl under config firewall. l Remove config notification under config global.
616860 Add overlays, forticlient-access, ip-allocation-block, wan-interface, and multipath under ocvpn.

config vpn ocvpn set multipath [enable | disable] <==added set wan-interface <interface name> <==added set ip-allocation-block x.x.x.x y.y.y.y <==added set sdwan [enable | disable] <==added config overlays <==added edit <overlay name> <==added set inter-overlay [allow | deny] <==added next


config forticlient-access <==added set status enable <==added


Bug ID Description
  set psksecret xxxxxx <==added config auth-groups <==added edit <name> <==added set auth-group <group name> <==added set overlays <overlay name> <==added





Changes in default behavior

Bug ID Description
518983 When upgrading from previous FortiOS 6.2 versions to 6.4.0, the default WTP profiles with zero reference are deleted.

In FortiOS 6.4.0, the default WTF profiles are not created by default until a FortiAP is added by discovery or manually.

537354 Interface egress shaping offload to NPU when shaping-offload is enabled.
573065 Command exe log roll only rolls disk log, no matter what device filter is set.
587579 Implement third-party certificate verification and OCSP stapling check for all FortiGuard servers connected from FortiOS. Make fortiguard-anycast enabled by default and through upgrading.
588583 Allow user set gateway when they use VPN IPsec static and remote IP is empty.
593122 CSF root FortiGate SDN connector and automation settings will not be synced down to CMDB in CSF downstream FortiGate anymore.
598320 In a scenario where there are duplicate entries of config icap server with a duplicate combination of ip-addresss, ip-version, and port, the duplicate config icap server

entries must be removed and replaced in the source data configuration (config icap profile). This step needs to be performed before upgrading in case of configuration loss.

601413 Change set interface setting under SD-WAN member as an optional configuration.
616158 While hovering over an IP address on different GUI pages (such as Log & Report, Fabric Connectors, and others), a tooltip informs users of additional information for the IP such as its country, location, owner, resolved domains, etc.

Changes in default values

Bug ID Description
548906 Change default extension information setting in wtp-profile from disable to enable.

config wireless-controller wtp-profile edit <FAP-Profile> set ext-info-enable enable <==changed



585889 Change default platform type setting in wtp-profile from 220B to 221E.

config wireless-controller wtp-profile edit <New profile> config platform set type 221E <==changed




587372 Default memory log filter severity change from warning to information.

config log memory filter set severity information <==changed


588382 Single 5G mode is the default setting for tri-radio AP models (FAP-U431F/U433F).
590510 Default value for unknown-unicast under switch-controller storm-control is changed from enable to disable.

config switch-controller storm-control set rate 500 set unknown-unicast disable <==changed set unknown-multicast disable set broadcast disable <==changed


606533 Increase timeout from 10 s to 20 s when activating FortiGate Cloud from the web UI.
611695 Default value of password-renewal is changed from disable to enable.

config user radius edit 1 set password-renewal enable <==changed



612543 Default switch-log level is changed from critical to information.

Changes in default values

Bug ID Description
  config switch-controller switch-log set severity information <==changed



Changes in table size

Bug ID Description
599271 Except for desktop models, all other platforms’ table size of VIP real servers are increased as follows:

l 1U platforms increased from 8 to 16 l 2U platforms increased from 32 to 64 l High-end platforms increased from 32 to 256

609785 Update number of supported FortiSwitch models per FortiGate platform.
611296 Added wireless capability and scalability for the number of supported FAPs:

l FG-200E/201E WTP table size changed from 128 to 256 l FG-3960E/3980E WTP table size changed from 4096 to 8192


New features or enhancements

More detailed information is available in the New Features Guide.

Bug ID Description
239809 Remove sticky clients by maintaining good SNR clients in BSS. Low SNR-based clients shall be deauthenticated and not allowed in BSS until SNR improves for these.

config wireless-controller vap edit weak-signal-vap set probe-resp-suppression enable|disable set probe-resp-threshold set radio-sensitivity enable|disable set radio-2g-threshold set radio-5g-threshold set sticky-client-remove enable|disable <==added set sticky-client-2g-threshold <==added set sticky-client-5g-threshold <==added



437116 For DFS-approved countries, add 160 MHz channel bonding support for FortiAP U421EV, U422EV, and U423EV models

config wireless-controller wtp-profile edit [ FAPU421EV-default | FAPU422EV-default | FAPU423EV-default ] config radio-2 set band 802.11ac set channel-bonding 160MHz




456803 Add virtual switch feature for FG-140E and FG-140E-POE.
457153 Support SSL VPN sign on using certificate and remote (LDAP or RADIUS) username/password authentication.
520828 Support VMWare tag filters in ESXi SDN connectors. Support obtaining and filtering of addresses by distributed port group names when a VM is attached to a distributed virtual switch.
529340 Decouple the memory size limit from the private VM license.
529445 In wids-profile, add the new ap-scan-threshold setting, which is the minimum signal level of rogue APs detected and required by the managed FortiAP devices. Only the rogue APs with a signal level higher than the threshold will be reported to the FortiGate WiFi Controller.

config wireless-controller wids-profile edit <WIDS-profile-name>



Bug ID Description
  set ap-scan enable set ap-scan-threshold “-80”



The range of ap-scan-threshold, in dBm, is -95 to -20 (default = -90).

532168 Support proxy traffic after TCP three-way handshake from client to original server for a specific port. CLI changes:

l Add proxy-after-tcp-handshake option in protocol option and SSL-SSH profile.

553382 REST API to support transaction operation.
538760 Monitor API to check SLBC cluster checksum status. New API added – monitor/system/configsync/status.
544704 Introduce 802.11ax support for FortiAP-U431F and FortiAP-U433F: l Tri-radio support l Radio mode 11ax support l Dual 5G and single 5G mode support

l HE (high efficiency)/160 MHz bandwidth/TWT support

550911 Consolidate Monitor and FortiView pages.

FortiView and Monitor entries have been removed from the navigation bar. Most of the pages under them now show up as widgets in several newly added default dashboards. Exceptions being:

l WiFi Client Monitor, which has been renamed to WiFi Clients and moved to the WiFi &

Switch Controller section l Modem and WAN OPT pages which will still show up under Monitor if the feature is enabled.

553372 Under Administrative Access, CAPWAP and FortiTelemetry have been combined into one option labeled Fabric Connection. If either CAPWAP or FortiTelemetry were enabled on a particular interface, the new fabric option will be enabled after upgrading.
557614 FortiGate support for NSX-T v2.4: East/West traffic.
560138 External IP list (threat feed) object support added to security policy.
562394 Add support for EMS cloud.

l Added CMDB attribute fortinet-one-cloud-authentication to FortiClient EMS table. l Added curl verbose diagnosis debugs to FortiClient NAC daemon for debug images. l Added fortiems-cloud option to type attribute in user.fsso table.

568528 Add IPv4 source guard to the switch controller.

Added CLI command to push ip-source-guard static entries to FortiSwitch.

l  This feature enables source guard entries to be set for physical switches as well as trunk ports. l The source guard IP needs to be unique for every source guard entry across all ports.

l  The binding entry is a second level table (switch_id being the base) with port_name as the parent key. Deleted events work at a switch level, but the with second level tables, there is a need to store grandparent context as well. An opaque data field has been created in the queue node and the corresponding flcfg_add_event_queue and flcfg_delete_sw_


Bug ID Description
  event_queue have been modified accordingly.

l  Any calls to the flcfg_add_event_queue have been modified.

l  There are two kinds of events that will be generated with this command: FLCFG_MSW_CMF_ SOURCE_GUARD_UPDATE for port level info change and FLCFG_MSW_CMF_SOURCE_ GUARD_ENTRY_UPDATE for binding entry level info change.

569708 Support FSSO for dynamic addresses and support ClearPass endpoint connector (via FortiManager). CLI changes:

l  Add command to show FSSO dynamic address from authd daemon:

diagnose debug authd fsso show-address

l  Make diagnose firewall dynamic commands to accept one optional parameter as address name:

diagnose firewall dynamic list diagnose firewall dynamic address

l  Add FSSO subtype for firewall address:

config firewall address edit <name> set sub-type fsso



GUI changes:

l  Address dialog page l New subtype field to select between FSSO and Fabric Connector l New FSSO group field to select address group

l  Address list page

l  Tooltip for new FSSO dynamic address supports resolved address l Detail column shows the address groups for the address

570207 Support SAML method in firewall and SSL VPN authentications. CLI changes:

l Add new CLI setting for SAML user:

config user saml edit * set ?

cert Certificate to sign SAML messages.

*entity-id SP entity ID.

*single-sign-on-url SP single sign-on URL. single-logout-url SP single logout URL.

*idp-entity-id IDP entity ID.

*idp-single-sign-on-url IDP single sign-on URL. idp-single-logout-url IDP single logout url.


Bug ID Description
  *idp-cert IDP Certificate name. user-name User name in assertion statement.

group-name Group name in assertion statement.



571639 Policy route changes:

l  Added Hit Count and Last Used columns for Routing Monitor> Policy, Policy Route List, and SD-WAN Rules pages.

SD-WAN interfaces:

SD-WAN in navigation bar renamed SD-WAN Interfaces. l SD-WAN Interfaces list converted to a full page list with pie charts at the top.

l  Added Sessions, Upload, Download (bandwidth), Bytes Sent, and Bytes Received columns to the table.

l  The Edit dialog is no longer a slide in so it is consistent with other full page lists.

SD-WAN rules:

l  Added a checkmark next to interface that is currently selected by SD-WAN.

l  Checkmark has Memberis selected tooltip. A reason (has best measured performances/meets most SLAs) is further stated for Best Performance (priority) and SLA (SLA/load-balance) strategies.

l  If multiple members are selected at the same time, GUI only marks the highest ranked member, unless mode is load-balance.

l  Added health check/SLA statistics tables for SD-WAN member omni select tooltip.

l  In the Edit dialog, the Strategies field changed to cards to allow a brief description of each strategy.

l  Added gutter to the Edit dialog. The gutter contains Last used and Hit count of the rule. l The gutter also contains a table showing statistics of currently selected members for SLA. l Added support for multiple members being selected in manual mode.

Performance SLA:

l  Added support for IPv4 DNS protocol. l Added support for using system DNS. GUI will display the system DNS server in this case. l Support set members 0, which means all SD-WAN members participate in a health check.

571642 SD-WAN rule correlation improvement.
573176 Support destination MAC addresses in the sniffer traffic log.
573568 For FortiGate Azure HA, change public IP and routing table entries allocated in different resource groups.

In an Azure HA scenario, EIP and route tables failover are specified in the SDN connector configuration. A new attribute, resource-group, was added, which allows a user to specifying the resource group that an EIP or route table is from. This new attribute can be empty so upgrade code is not required.

If the resource-group of an EIP or route table is not provided, it is assumed the resource comes from the same resource group setting in the SDN connector (if there is no setting, it assumes the same resource group as the FortiGate itself by getting it from the instance metadata). CLI changes:


Bug ID Description
  l Add resource-group attribute.
573993 Add UTM log for FortiAnalyzer cloud-based subscription. CLI changes: l Default FortiAnalyzer Cloud filters set to enable

config log fortianalyzer-cloud filter

Most options within config log fortianalyzer-cloud filter defaulted to disable and could not be changed. Now, they default to enable and can be changed. License-based restrictions still apply, but the configuration can be used to refine the logs being sent to FortiAnalyzer Cloud.

The exception is the dlp-archive option, which is still set to disable and cannot be changed.

574376 Consolidate IPv4 and IPv6 policy configuration. CLI changes: l policy6 removed, related function and attribute removed

l  consolidated.policy removed, related function and attribute removed

l  system.settings.consolidated-firewall-mode removed, consolidated related function and attribute removed

l  Both policies are merged to firewall.policy

l  Application changes related to policy merge including ips, wad, sslvpn, ocvpn, dnsproxy, voip, urlfilter, proxy, scanunit, authd, snmp, updated, miglogd, etc.

GUI changes: l IPv4 Policy and IPv6 Policy menu entries have been removed and both can now be configured under the new Firewall Policy menu.

575770 Increase IPS custom signature length to 4096.
576381 Automatically disable NPU offloading if the session interface has shaping-profile enabled.
577000 FortiGate debugger Chrome extension support.

The extension improves the quality of GUI bug reports. The extension communicates with FortiOS and allows users to perform a capture. The capture includes (but is not limited to) the following:

l Screen recording l Device metadata l Client (browser) metadata l HTTP network logs l JavaScript console logs l Various daemon logs l Client memory and CPU usage l Device memory and CPU usage

577730 Authentication support for upstream/chained proxy in transparent mode.
578099 FortiAP profile support for FortiAP-231E NPI model. CLI changes:

l Added wtp-profile support for FAP-231E NPI platform.


Bug ID Description
  l  Multimode: single 5G and dual 5G same as U43xF with minor differences:

l  Single 5G l Radio 1 operates at 2.4 GHz l Radio 2 operates at 5 GHz l Radio 3 set to monitor mode l Dual 5G

l  Radio 1 operates at 5 GHz and uses the higher spectrum of channels ( >=

64 ) l Radio 2: operates at 5 GHz and uses the lower spectrum of channels ( < 64) l Radio 3: can be set to AP mode

l  New wtp-profile platform property ddscan.

l  FortiGate will configure DFS channels on FAP-231E with region code E, I, V, Y, and D.

l  Default mode for 3-radio AP models set to single 5G .

GUI changes:

l  Added GUI support for FAP-231E platform: l New GUI option, Dedicated scan, which is counterpart of ddscan platform property.

l  When dedicated scan is enabled:

l  Monitor mode becomes exclusive to radio 3 l No AP mode for radio 3, even in dual 5G l No WIDS profile setting for radio 1 and 2 API changes:

l  /api/v2/monitor/wifi/ap_platforms l Radio property changed from object to array to accommodate for multimode platforms. First element is single 5G, and second is dual 5G platform radio configuration. For nonmultimode platforms, array is of length 1.

578643 The feature extends the quarantine function on the FortiSwitch by allowing a device to be quarantined but remain with the VLAN where it was detected. The option to quarantine devices to a VLAN remains available.
578643 GUI changes in OCVPN to map user workflow habit.
579484 Limit OCVPN spoke to only join existing overlay.
579899 Monitoring DHCP Pool via SNMP query and trap.

l  Added SNMP query OIDs ( for the following DHCP servers:

l  OID:


MIB:fortinet.fnFortiGateMib.fgDhcp.fgDhcpInfo.fgDhcpServerNumber l OID: l FORTINET-FORTIGATE-



l  Added one SNMP trap (1301) for 3 DHCP events (DHCP server runs out of IP pool, IP address is already in use, or DHCP client interface received NAK).


Bug ID Description
  l In CLI, added dhcp option to events setting in SNMP configuration.
580048 NetFlow using HA reserved management interface.
580889 DPDK support on FortiOS VM platform.
581409 Allow administrators the ability to modify some configuration options of automatically generated VLANs by the switch controller. These changes are applied at the time of VLAN creation.
581412 Add automated detection and recommendations to configuration and conditions observed in the switch controller and FortiSwitch network. Administrators may accept the recommendations and have them automatically applied.
581742 Provide an integrated FortiGate network access control (NAC) function to the FortiAP and FortiSwitch networks by using a shared set of NAC policies. The NAC policy can be applied based on data from the user device list.
582241 Add antiphishing feature. The initial implementation adds functionality into WAD by parsing incoming HTTP requests, looking for known credentials, and if there is a match, performing the configured action.
582691 Extend SSL and certificate options in ssl-ssh-profile.

config firewall ssl-ssh-profile edit “custom-deep-inspection” set comment “Customizable deep inspection config ssl set inspect-all disable

end config https set ports 443

set status deep-inspection set proxy-after-tcp-handshake disable set client-certificate bypass set unsupported-ssl-cipher allow

profile.” <==added
  set unsupported-ssl-negotiation allow <==added
  set expired-server-cert block <==added
  set revoked-server-cert block <==added
  set untrusted-server-cert allow set cert-validation-timeout allow <==added
  set cert-validation-failure block set sni-server-cert-check enable




583851 Add new style-3 option for dhcp-option82-circuit-id-insertion when dhcpoption82-insertion is enabled. style-3 is an ASCII string composed of NETWORKTYPE:WTPPROF-NAME:VLAN:SSID:AP-MODEL:AP-HOSTNAME:AP-MAC.

config wireless-controller vap


Bug ID Description
  edit br-vap set dhcp-option82-insertion enable

set dhcp-option82-circuit-id-insertion style-3 <==added



589374 Add client DHCP options.

config system interface edit wan1 set mode dhcp …. config client-options edit 1 set code 60 set type {hex | string | ip | fqdn}

set value|ip “xxxxxx”





591567 Support for additional SHA2 algorithms with SNMPv3.
592214 Support UTM inspection on asymmetric traffic in FGSP where traffic returning to the session owner is encapsulated in UDP via the peer interface.
592220 WiFi client IPv6 traffic is supported by tunnel mode and local bridge mode SSID. Add new IPv6 suppression rule under VAP configuration.

config wireless-controller vap edit vap-ipv6 set ipv6-rules drop-icmp6ra drop-icmp6rs drop-llmnr6 drop-icmp6mld2 drop-dhcp6s drop-dhcp6c ndp-proxy drop-ns-dad drop-ns-nondad next


593148 Update interface-related pages to use AngularJS and muTable.

Interfaces list:

l  Radio buttons in the top-right corner let users switch between grouping by type, role, and sort lists alphabetically have been removed. There is a dropdown instead with the following options:

l  Group by type l Group by zone l Group by status, l Group by role l No grouping

l  Zones do not support parent-child relationships anymore.

l  The DHCP Server column has been divided into two separate columns, DHCP Clients and


Bug ID Description
  DHCP Ranges.

l  CSF support has been added. When switching to a downstream device, both the list and the faceplate should update.

l  For VDOMs, administrators can only view complete information about interfaces for the VDOM they are in. This applies even to administrators who have access to more than one VDOM.

l  On devices that support VLAN switching, the VLAN Switch Mode toggle has been removed from the list page. It now shows up under System> Settings.

l  Faceplates do not auto-refresh on page load anymore. For auto-refresh, users need to enable the muTable refresh feature from the button in the bottom-right corner.

Interfaces dialog:

l  Under Administrative Access, CAPWAP and FortiTelemetry have been combined into one option labeled Fabric Connection.

l  The secondary IP address toggle has been moved from the Miscellaneous section to the Address section.

l  A gutter has been added that displays the device hostname, the interface it belongs to, and relevant help links.

CLI changes:

l Consolidate fortitelemetry and capwap into fabric for allowaccess in system.interface.

593216 In order to more accurately detect Internet of Things (IoT), a new FortiGuard service provides a large database of device IoT identification. Devices detected on the local FortiGate and via FortiAP and FortiSwitch networks can be queried with the FortiGuard IoT device database to provide enhanced identification.
593262 Add prompt in CLI when creating a new VDOM.
593694 This backend implementation allows the root FortiGate in a Security Fabric to store historic user and device information in a database on its disk.
596870 Add kernel support for the IEEE 802.1ad (QinQ) feature.

In the past, 802.1Q specification allowed a single VLAN header to be inserted into an Ethernet frame. This new feature allows one more VLAN tag to be inserted into a single frame.

597159 Enable autoscale feature in KVM platforms for use in OpenStack.
597685 Starting from FortiOS 6.2.3 and 6.4.0, a single annually contracted SKU contains both VM base and one of the FC service bundles. It is BYOL (bring-your-own-license) and supports VMware ESXi, KVM, Hyper-V, Xen, AWS, Azure, Azure Stack, GCP, OCI, Alibaba Cloud, Rackspace, VMware NSX-T, and Nutanix.
599826 Replace FSSO with REST API for EMS connector.
599925 Add option to enable/disable DFS zero wait functionality for 5 GHz radio on FAP-U platforms.

config wireless-controller wtp-profile edit “FAPU431F-default” config platform


Bug ID Description
  set type U431F

end set handoff-sta-thresh 30 config radio-1 set band 802.11ax-5G

set zero-wait-dfs [enable | disable] <==added, default is enable

end config radio-2 set band 802.11ax

end config radio-3 set mode monitor




600474 New feature added so local-standalone can be enabled on local bridge mode VAP with external captive portal type.

config wireless-controller vap edit “lo-sd-cap” set ssid “local-stand-cap” set security captive-portal set external-web “” set radius-server “peap”

set local-standalone enable <==added set local-bridging enable set portal-type external-auth



601214 Support ADVPN peer-to-peer shortcuts through NAT.

This solution provides hole punching support for RFC 4787 compliant NATs that use endpoint independent mapping. For a given source IP/port, the NAT mapping observed by the hub does not change when communicating with other endpoints, such as spoke-to-spoke shortcuts.

603145 GUI change:

l After setting the radio to monitor mode, the spectrum analysis tag is enabled in the FortiAP

View More Details page. The tag displays the spectrum scan results for 2.4G and 5G bands.

CLI changes: l Add get command to view spectrum data for an AP.

get wireless-controller spectral-info <wtp_id> <radio_id>

l Add exec command to start spectrum analysis.

exec wireless-controller spectral-scan <wtp_id> <radio_id> <on/off>

<duration(s)> <channels> <report-interval>

603216 Allow SD-WAN monitor to work on ADVPN shortcut.


Bug ID Description
  With this enhancement, SD-WAN can monitor link quality of the shortcut VPN between spoke-tospoke. The SD-WAN service rules among spokes can accurately rely on SLA performance to determine which link to use. CLI changes:

l  Add a configurable probe count as number of most recent probes to calculate latency and jitter.

l  This new option is under config system virtual-wan-link > config healthcheck > edit a health-check.

604813 Add apcfg-profile in WiFi controller to allow storing and pushing FortiAP local configuration to FortiAP units.

config wireless-controller apcfg-profile <==added edit [Profile Name] <==added next


config wireless-controller wtp-profile edit “FAP423E-default” config platform set type 423E


set apcfg-profile “FAP423E-apcfg” <==added



This feature is currently only applicable on FAP-W2/S models with the latest 6.4 firmware.

605339 Add encryption option for FGSP.
605577 Support 24 interfaces in FG-VM.
605709 New profiles added for NPI platforms, FAP-431F and FAP-433F.

config wireless-controller wtp-profile edit “FAP433F-default” config platform set type 433F <==new type set ddscan enable

end set handoff-sta-thresh 55 config radio-1 set band 802.11ax,n,g-only

end config radio-2 set band 802.11ax-5G

end config radio-3 set mode monitor


Bug ID Description


edit “FAP431F-default” config platform set type 431F <==new type set ddscan enable

end set handoff-sta-thresh 55 config radio-1 set band 802.11ax,n,g-only

end config radio-2 set band 802.11ax-5G

end config radio-3 set mode monitor




607855 New subscription service for IoT device identification.
608856 For FortiAPs managed by the FortiGate, a new layer-3 access control list (ACL) can be applied to the bridge or tunnel mode SSID. This is supported on 6.4.0 FortiAP-S and FortiAP-W2, and 5.4.3 FortiAP-C platforms.

config wireless-controller access-control-list <==added edit “ACL-1” config layer3-ipv4-rules edit 10 set dstaddr

  set action deny
  next edit 20 set protocol 1
  set action deny
  next edit 30 set dstport 21
  set action deny




config wireless-con edit “wifi.fap.01” set ssid

troller vap



Bug ID Description
  set passphrase xxxxxxxx set local-bridging enable

set access-control-list “ACL-1” <==added



609167 FortiGate will assign a report index for each managed FAP, so the FAP can send client, rogue AP, and rogue station information in order. This can prevent the burst CPU usage to deal with reports from all FAPs at the same time. This is not a visible functionality. It is a backend optimization feature.
610146 Add provision for FortiAP unit to upgrade to designated firmware version that has been stored on the FortiGate, while upgrading by image download after it joined.

config wireless-controller wtp edit “FP423E3X16000020” set admin enable set firmware-provision “6.4.0412” <==added set wtp-profile “FAP423E-default” config radio-1 end config radio-2




With this change, a FortiGate with a built-in disk can hold up to four versions of firmware for each FAP model instead of one as before. A FortiGate without built-in disk can hold one version as before.

611391 Allow mtu-override for an IPsec interface.

config system interface edit ipsec-tunnel-1 set type tunnel set mtu-override enable/disable <==added

set mtu 1400 <==added



612176 Support diffserv code setting for SD-WAN health check probe packet. When SD-WAN health check packet is sent out, the differentiated services code point (DSCP) can be set with the set diffservcode command:

config system virtual-wan-link config health-check edit h1 …. set diffservcode <6-bits binary, range 000000–111111> next


Bug ID Description



615615 The purpose of the VLAN probe tool is to help customers to decide whether or not there is a WiFi problem when they cannot reach the internet. The FortiGate and FortiAP work together to scan all available VLANs to help customers to find the real internet issue.
615982 Simplify the Security Fabric > Settings page.

The Security Fabric Settings page has been renamed to Fabric Connectors and all the settings under it now show up as separate cards. The Fabric Connectors menu entry is renamed and shows up as External Connectors.

Fabric Connectors is now a card view similar to External Connectors with various Fortinet products (FortiSandbox, FortiManager, Cloud Logging, etc.).

l  Every card goes to its own dialog instead of having a dialog with all the configuration settings. l CSF support is not added in this version.

l  Various statistics and connectivity results have been moved from the main dialog to the gutter to reduce clutter from the Edit dialog views.

617574 A new slide page is created when drilling down a WiFi station from WiFi & Switch Controller> WiFi Clients page to view a detailed summary of the station, including signal health and logs.


Upgrade Information

Supported upgrade path information is available on the Fortinet Customer Service & Support site.

To view supported upgrade path information:

  1. Go to
  2. From the Download menu, select Firmware Images.
  3. Check that Select Product is FortiGate.
  4. Click the Upgrade Path tab and select the following:

l Current Product l Current FortiOS Version l Upgrade To FortiOS Version

  1. Click Go.

Device detection changes

In FortiOS 6.0.x, the device detection feature contains multiple sub-components, which are independent:

  • Visibility – Detected information is available for topology visibility and logging.
  • FortiClient endpoint compliance – Information learned from FortiClient can be used to enforce compliance of those endpoints.
  • Mac-address-based device policies – Detected devices can be defined as custom devices, and then used in devicebased policies.

In 6.2, these functionalities have changed:

  • Visibility – Configuration of the feature remains the same as FortiOS 6.0, including FortiClient information. l FortiClient endpoint compliance – A new fabric connector replaces this, and aligns it with all other endpoint connectors for dynamic policies. For more information, see Dynamic Policy FortiClient EMS (Connector) in the FortiOS 6.2.0 New Features Guide.
  • MAC-address-based policies – A new address type is introduced (MAC address range), which can be used in regular policies. The previous device policy feature can be achieved by manually defining MAC addresses, and then adding them to regular policy table in 6.2. For more information, see MAC Addressed-Based Policies in the FortiOS 6.2.0 New Features Guide.

If you were using device policies in 6.0.x, you will need to migrate these policies to the regular policy table manually after upgrade. After upgrading to 6.2.0:

  1. Create MAC-based firewall addresses for each device.
  2. Apply the addresses to regular IPv4 policy table.

In 6.4.0, device detection related GUI functionality has been relocated:

  1. The device section has moved from User& Authentication (formerly User& Device) to a widget in Dashboard.
  2. The email collection monitor page has moved from Monitor to a widget in Dashboard.

FortiClient Endpoint Telemetry license

Starting with FortiOS 6.2.0, the FortiClient Endpoint Telemetry license is deprecated. The FortiClient Compliance profile under the Security Profiles menu has been removed as has the Enforce FortiClient Compliance Check option under each interface configuration page. Endpoints running FortiClient 6.2.0 now register only with FortiClient EMS 6.2.0 and compliance is accomplished through the use of Compliance Verification Rules configured on FortiClient EMS 6.2.0 and enforced through the use of firewall policies. As a result, there are two upgrade scenarios:

  • Customers using only a FortiGate device in FortiOS 6.0 to enforce compliance must install FortiClient EMS 6.2.0 and purchase a FortiClient Security Fabric Agent License for their FortiClient EMS installation.
  • Customers using both a FortiGate device in FortiOS 6.0 and FortiClient EMS running 6.0 for compliance enforcement, must upgrade the FortiGate device to FortiOS 6.2.0, FortiClient to 6.2.0, and FortiClient EMS to 6.2.0.

The FortiClient 6.2.0 for MS Windows standard installer and zip package containing FortiClient.msi and language transforms and the FortiClient 6.2.0 for macOS standard installer are included with FortiClient EMS 6.2.0.

Fortinet Security Fabric upgrade

FortiOS 6.4.0 greatly increases the interoperability between other Fortinet products. This includes:

  • FortiAnalyzer 6.4.0 build 1992 l FortiClient EMS 6.4.0 build 1393 l FortiClient 6.4.0 build 1440 l FortiAP 5.6.5 and later l FortiSwitch 3.6.11 and later

Upgrade the firmware of each product in the correct order. This maintains network connectivity without the need to use manual steps.

If Security Fabric is enabled, then all FortiGate devices must be upgraded to 6.4.0. When Security Fabric is enabled in FortiOS 6.4.0, all FortiGate devices must be running FortiOS 6.4.0.

Minimum version of TLS services automatically changed

For improved security, FortiOS 6.4.0 uses the ssl-min-proto-version option (under config system global) to control the minimum SSL protocol version used in communication between FortiGate and third-party SSL and TLS services.

When you upgrade to FortiOS 6.4.0 and later, the default ssl-min-proto-version option is TLS v1.2. The following SSL and TLS services inherit global settings to use TLS v1.2 as the default. You can override these settings.

  • Email server (config system email-server) l Certificate (config vpn certificate setting) l FortiSandbox (config system fortisandbox)
  • FortiGuard (config log fortiguard setting) l FortiAnalyzer (config log fortianalyzer setting) l LDAP server (config user ldap) l POP3 server (config user pop3)

Downgrading to previous firmware versions

Downgrading to previous firmware versions results in configuration loss on all models. Only the following settings are retained:

  • operation mode l interface IP/management IP l static route table l DNS settings l admin user account l session helpers l system access profiles

Amazon AWS enhanced networking compatibility issue

With this enhancement, there is a compatibility issue with 5.6.2 and older AWS VM versions. After downgrading a 6.4.0 image to a 5.6.2 or older version, network connectivity is lost. Since AWS does not provide console access, you cannot recover the downgraded image.

When downgrading from 6.4.0 to 5.6.2 or older versions, running the enhanced NIC driver is not allowed. The following AWS instances are affected:










Inf1 m4.16xlarge



M5ad M5d








R5ad R5d





u-6tb1.metal u-9tb1.metal u-12tb1.metal u-18tb1.metal u-24tb1.metal

X1 X1e z1d

A workaround is to stop the instance, change the type to a non-ENA driver NIC type, and continue with downgrading.

FortiLink access-profile setting

The new FortiLink local-access profile controls access to the physical interface of a FortiSwitch that is managed by FortiGate.

After upgrading FortiGate to 6.4.0, the interface allowaccess configuration on all managed FortiSwitches are overwritten by the default FortiGate local-access profile. You must manually add your protocols to the localaccess profile after upgrading to 6.4.0.

To configure local-access profile:

config switch-controller security-policy local-access edit [Policy Name] set mgmt-allowaccess https ping ssh set internal-allowaccess https ping ssh



To apply local-access profile to managed FortiSwitch:

config switch-controller managed-switch edit [FortiSwitch Serial Number] set switch-profile [Policy Name] set access-profile [Policy Name]



FortiGate VM with V-license

This version allows FortiGate VM with V-License to enable split-vdom.

To enable split-vdom:

config system global set vdom-mode [no-vdom | split vdom]


FortiGate VM firmware

Fortinet provides FortiGate VM firmware images for the following virtual environments:

Citrix Hypervisor 8.1 Express Edition

  • .out: Download the 64-bit firmware image to upgrade your existing FortiGate VM installation.
  • Download the 64-bit package for a new FortiGate VM installation. This package contains the QCOW2 file for Open Source XenServer.
  • Download the 64-bit package for a new FortiGate VM installation. This package contains the Citrix XenServer Virtual Appliance (XVA), Virtual Hard Disk (VHD), and OVF files.

Linux KVM

  • .out: Download the 64-bit firmware image to upgrade your existing FortiGate VM installation.
  • Download the 64-bit package for a new FortiGate VM installation. This package contains QCOW2 that can be used by qemu.

Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2019 and Windows Server 2012R2 with Hyper-V role

  • .out: Download the 64-bit firmware image to upgrade your existing FortiGate VM installation.
  • Download the 64-bit package for a new FortiGate VM installation. This package contains three folders that can be imported by Hyper-V Manager. It also contains the file vhd in the Virtual Hard Disks folder that can be manually added to the Hyper-V Manager.

VMware ESX and ESXi

  • .out: Download either the 64-bit firmware image to upgrade your existing FortiGate VM installation.
  • Download either the 64-bit package for a new FortiGate VM installation. This package contains Open Virtualization Format (OVF) files for VMware and two Virtual Machine Disk Format (VMDK) files used by the OVF file during deployment.

Firmware image checksums

The MD5 checksums for all Fortinet software and firmware releases are available at the Customer Service & Support portal, After logging in select Download > Firmware Image Checksums, enter the image file name including the extension, and select Get Checksum Code.

FortiGuard update-server-location setting

The FortiGuard update-server-location default setting is different between hardware platforms and VMs. On hardware platforms, the default is any. On VMs, the default is usa.

On VMs, after upgrading from 5.6.3 or earlier to 5.6.4 or later (including 6.0.0 or later), update-server-location is set to usa.

If necessary, set update-server-location to use the nearest or low-latency FDS servers.

To set FortiGuard update-server-location:

config system fortiguard set update-server-location [usa|any] end

FortiView widgets

FortiView widgets have been rewritten in 6.4.0. The FortiView page has been removed and merged in the Top standalone dashboards in the GUI by default.

WanOpt configuration changes in 6.4.0

Port configuration is now done in the profile protocol options. HTTPS configurations need to have certificate inspection configured in the firewall policy.

In FortiOS 6.4.0, set ssl-ssh-profile certificate-inspection must be added in the firewall policy:

config firewall policy edit 1 select srcintf FGT_A:NET_CLIENT select dstintf FGT_A:WAN select srcaddr all select dstaddr all set action accept set schedule always select service ALL set inspection-mode proxy

set ssl-ssh-profile certificate-inspection

set wanopt enable set wanopt-detection off set wanopt-profile “http” set wanopt-peer FGT_D:HOSTID



Downgrading from 6.4.0 to 6.2.3

The FortiGate may fail to boot up when downgrading from FortiOS 6.4.0 to 6.2.3.

IPsec interface MTU value

IPsec interfaces may calculate a different MTU value after upgrading from 6.2.

This change might cause an OSPF neighbor to not be established after upgrading. The workaround is to set mtuignore to enable on the OSPF interface’s configuration:

config router ospf config ospf-interface edit “ipsce-vpnx” set mtu-ignore enable next

end end


Product integration and support

The following table lists FortiOS 6.4.0 product integration and support information:

Web Browsers l Microsoft Edge 44 l Mozilla Firefox version 72 l Google Chrome version 80

Other web browsers may function correctly, but are not supported by Fortinet.

Explicit Web Proxy Browser l Microsoft Edge 44 l Mozilla Firefox version 74 l Google Chrome version 80

Other web browsers may function correctly, but are not supported by Fortinet.

FortiManager See important compatibility information in Fortinet Security Fabric upgrade on page 46. For the latest information, see FortiManager compatibility with FortiOS in the Fortinet Document Library.

Upgrade FortiManager before upgrading FortiGate.

FortiAnalyzer See important compatibility information in Fortinet Security Fabric upgrade on page 46. For the latest information, see FortiAnalyzer compatibility with FortiOS in the Fortinet Document Library.

Upgrade FortiAnalyzer before upgrading FortiGate.


l Microsoft Windows l Mac OS X l Linux

l 6.2.0

See important compatibility information in FortiClient Endpoint Telemetry license on page 46 and Fortinet Security Fabric upgrade on page 46.

FortiClient for Linux is supported on Ubuntu 16.04 and later, Red Hat 7.4 and later, and CentOS 7.4 and later.

If you are using FortiClient only for IPsec VPN or SSL VPN, FortiClient version 5.6.0 and later are supported.

FortiClient iOS l 6.2.0 and later
FortiClient Android and FortiClient VPN Android l 6.2.0 and later
FortiAP l 5.4.2 and later l 5.6.0 and later
FortiAP-S l 5.4.3 and later l 5.6.0 and later
FortiAP-U l 5.4.5 and later
FortiAP-W2 l 5.6.0 and later


FortiSwitch OS

(FortiLink support)

l 3.6.9 and later
FortiController l 5.2.5 and later

Supported models: FCTL-5103B, FCTL-5903C, FCTL-5913C

FortiSandbox l 2.3.3 and later
Fortinet Single Sign-On (FSSO) l 5.0 build 0289 and later (needed for FSSO agent support OU in group filters) l Windows Server 2016 Datacenter l Windows Server 2016 Standard l Windows Server 2016 Core l Windows Server 2012 Standard l Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard l Windows Server 2012 Core l Windows Server 2008 (32-bit and 64-bit) l Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit l Windows Server 2008 Core l Novell eDirectory 8.8
FortiExtender l 3.2.1
AV Engine l 6.00144
IPS Engine l 6.00016
Virtualization Environments  
Citrix l Hypervisor 8.1 Express Edition, Dec 17, 2019
Linux KVM l Ubuntu 18.0.4 LTS, 4.15.0-72-generic, QEMU emulator version 2.11.1 (Debian 1:2.11+dfsg-1ubuntu7.21)
Microsoft l  Windows Server 2012R2 with Hyper-V role

l  Windows Hyper-V Server 2019

Open Source l XenServer version 3.4.3 l XenServer version 4.1 and later
VMware l  ESX versions 4.0 and 4.1

l  ESXi versions 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, and 6.7

VM Series – SR-IOV The following NIC chipset cards are supported:

l Intel 82599 l Intel X540 l Intel X710/XL710

Language support

The following table lists language support information.

Operating System Web Browser
Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 (32-bit & 64-bit) Mozilla Firefox version 74

Google Chrome version 80

Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit) Microsoft Edge

Mozilla Firefox version 74

Google Chrome version 80

Linux CentOS 6.5 / 7 (32-bit & 64-bit)

Ubuntu 16.04 / 18.04

Mozilla Firefox version 54
OS X Catalina 10.15.2 Apple Safari version 13

Mozilla Firefox version 74

Google Chrome version 80

iOS Apple Safari

Language support

Language GUI
Chinese (Simplified)
Chinese (Traditional)
Portuguese (Brazil)

SSL VPN support

SSL VPN web mode

The following table lists the operating systems and web browsers supported by SSL VPN web mode.

Supported operating systems and web browsers

Operating System Web Browser
  Mozilla Firefox

Google Chrome

Android Mozilla Firefox

Google Chrome

Other operating systems and web browsers may function correctly, but are not supported by Fortinet.


Resolved issues

The following issues have been fixed in version 6.4.0. For inquires about a particular bug, please contact Customer Service & Support.

Anti Virus

Bug ID Description
557998 Quarantined CDR files cannot be downloaded. Encountered 404 error when clicking Archived File.
563250 Shared memory does not empty out properly under /tmp.
575177 Advanced threat protection statistics widget clean file count is incorrect.
590092 Cannot clear scanunit vdom-stats to reset the statistics on ATP widget.
594696 Sample file eicar.exe cannot pass through SMTPS, POP3S, or IMAPS with deep inspection and flow enabled on IPv6 policy.

Data Leak Prevention

Bug ID Description
522472 DLP logs have a wrong reference link to archived file.
540317 DLP cannot detect attached zip files when receiving emails via MAPI over HTTP.
546964 DLP sensors and DLP options in firewall policy and profile groups are removed.
563447 Cannot download DLP archived file from GUI for HTTPS, FTPS, SMTP and SMTPS.
571171 Excessive false positives for credit card DLP profiles.
574722 DLP blocks Gmail with deep inspection.
586689 Downloading a file with an FTP client in EPSV mode will hang.
591178 WAD fails to determine the correct file name when downloading a file from Nextcloud.
591676 Enable file filter password protected blocked for 7Z, RAR, PDF, MSOffice, and MSOfficeX.

DNS Filter

Bug ID Description
561297 DNS filtering does not perform well on the zone transfer when a large DNS zone’s AXFR response consists of one or more messages.
563441 7K DNS filter breaking DNS zone transfer.
574980 DNS translation is not working when request is checked against the local FortiGate.
578267 DNS request to a second DNS server with same Transaction ID is discarded when DNS Filter is enabled on a policy.
581778 Cannot re-order DNS domain filter list.
582374 License shows expiry date of 0000-00-00.
583449 DNS filter explicit block all (wildcard FQDN) not working in 6.2 firmware.
586178 In domain threat feed, some URLs cannot be fetched due to SSL error.
586526 Unable to change DNS filter profile category action after upgrading from 6.0.5 to 6.2.0.

Endpoint Control

Bug ID Description
599826 Replace FSSO with REST API for EMS connector.

Explicit Proxy

Bug ID Description
504011 FortiGate does not generate traffic logs for SOCKS proxy.
540091 Cannot access explicit FTP proxy via VIP.
571034 Using disclaimer causes incorrect redirection.
576205 App traffic cannot be blocked in a proxy policy with certificate inspection while it works in a firewall policy.
577372 WAD has signal 11 crash at wad_ssl_cert_get_auth_status.
578098 Unwanted traffic log generated for firewall policy with web filter profile as MonitorAll.
585310 Block page is not displayed for a URL in the frames of an allowed web page.
Bug ID Description
588211 WAD cannot learn policy if multiple policies use the same FQDN address.
589065 FSSO-based NTLM sessions from explicit proxy do not respect timeout duration and type.
589166 EPSV does not work when using an FTP proxy.
589811 urfilter process does not started when adding a category as dstaddr in a proxy policy with the deny action.
590942 AV does not forward reply when GET for FTP over HTTP is used.
590959 FortiGate returns 500 internal error instead of 521 Not logged in – Secure authentication required.
594580 FTP traffic over HTTP explicit proxy does not generate traffic logs once receiving error message.
594598 Enabling proxy policies (+400) increases memory by 30% and up to 80% total.
603707 The specified port configurations of https-incoming-port for config web-proxy explicit disappeared after rebooting.
605209 LDAP ignores source-ip with web proxy Kerberos authentication.
610298 Compare and sync the VSD change in V5.6 to WAD VS.


Bug ID Description
508015 Editing a policy in the GUI changes the FSSO setting to disable.
558996 FortiGate sends type-3 code-1 IP unreachable for VIP.
560011 Fabric device object does not work in NGFW policy.
570507 Application control causing NAT hairpin traffic to be dropped.

Workaround: Create a new firewall policy from scratch and the default application control can be applied again.

574012 Session created by RPC session helper does not honor delay-tcp-npu-session.
577752 Policy with a VIP with a destination interface of a zone is dropping packets.
584451 NGFW default block page partially loads.
585073 Adding too many address objects to a local-in policy causes all blocking to fail.
585122 Should not be allowed to rename VIP or address with the same name as an existing VIP group or address group object.
590039 Samsung OEM internet browser cannot connect to FortiGate VS/VIP.
Bug ID Description
593103 When a policy denies traffic for a VIP and send-deny-packet is enabled, ICMP unreachable message references the mapped address, not the external.
595044 Get new CLI signal 11 crash log when performing execute internet-service refresh.
595364 Some NetFlows have an active-flow-timeout when the session does not have any packets and the session cache in NetFlow expires and clears.
596744 Firewall policy hit count is incorrect.
597110 When creating a firewall address with the associated-interface setting, CMD gets stuck if there is a large nested address group.
598000 When SCTP is in closing state and there is traffic passing through to keep it from timing out, even when an INIT is received, the traffic still passes through the old session.
598559 ISDB matches all objects and chooses the best one based on their weight values and the firewall policy.
599253 GUI traffic shaper Bandwidth Utilization should use KBps units.
600051 Cannot establish the connection to the real servers using VIP server load-balancing after upgrading to FortiOS 6.2.2.
600644 IPS engine did not resolve nested address groups when parsing the address group table for NGFW security policies.
601331 Virtual load-balance VIP and intermittent HTTP health check failures.
603263 Increase the maximum limit for the optional parameters in SCTP INIT packet. After the fix, the maximum limit is 10 instead of 4 parameters.
604886 Session stuck in proto_state=61 only when flow-based AV is enabled in the policy.
610557 FortiGate VIP object offers weak elliptic curves since VS implementation in WAD for FortiOS 6.0 and above.
611840 Firewall policy search with decimal in the name fails in GUI.
612515 Cannot add multicast-policy6, adding it causes CLI to crash.
615073 FTP session helper does not work when there is reflected (auxiliary) session.
Bug ID Description
527540 Cannot click the Quarantine Host option on a registered device.
537819 FortiView All Sessions page tooltip for geography IP shows as undefined.
582341 On Policies page, consolidated policies are without names and tooltips; tooltips not working for security policies.



Bug ID Description
282160 GUI does not show byte information for aggregate and VLAN interfaces.
303651 Should hide Override internal DNS option if vdom-dns is set to disable.
354464 AntiVirus profile in GUI should not override quarantine archive value.
438298 When VDOM is enabled, the interface faceplate should only show data for interfaces managed by the admin.
445074 The MMS profiles pages have been removed from the FortiOS Carrier GUI.

Workaround: You can configure MMS profiles from the CLI using the config firewall mms-profile command.

451306 Add a tooltip for IPS Rate Based Signatures.
460698 There is no uptime information in the HA Status widget for the slave unit’s GUI.
467495 A wrong warning message appears that the source interface has no members after enabling an inserted proxy policy.
478472 Options 150, 15, and 51 for the DHCP server should not be shown after removing them and having no related configuration in the backend.
480731 Interface filter gets incorrect result (EMAC VLAN, VLAN ID, etc.) when entries are collapsed.
482437 SD-WAN member number is not correct in Interfaces page.
486230 GUI on FG-3800D with 5.6.3 is very slow for configurations with numerous policies.
493527 Compliance events GUI page does not load when redirected from the advanced compliance page.
493704 While accessing the FortiGate page, PC browser memory usage keeps spiking and finally PC hangs.
498892 GUI shows wrong relationship between VLAN and physical interface after adding them to a zone.
502962 Get Fail to retrieve info for default VDOM link on Network > Interfaces page.
504829 GUI should not log out if there is a 401 error on the downstream device.
505066 Not possible to select value for DN field in LDAP GUI browser.
510685 Hardware Switch row is shown indicating a number of interfaces but without any interfaces below.
514027 Cannot disable CORS setting on GUI.
514632 Inconsistent Refcnt value in GUI when using ports in HA session-sync-dev.
525535 OK button greyed out when editing an interface that has DHCP option 224 in the list with FortiClient-On-Net Status enabled.
526254 Interface page keeps loading when VDOM admin have netgrp permission.
529094 Anti-Spam Black White List Entry in GUI permits action Mark as Reject in GUI when it should not.


Bug ID Description
531376 Get Internal ServerError when editing an aggregate link that has a name with a space in it.
534853 Suggest GUI Interfaces list includes SIT tunnels.
536718 Cannot change MAC address setting when configuring a reserved DHCP client.
536843 LACP aggregate interface flaps when adding/removing a member interface (first position in member list).
537307 Failed to retrieve info message appears for ha-mgmt-interface in Network > Interfaces.
538125 Hovering mouse over FortiExtender virtual interface shows incorrect information.
540098 GUI does not display the status for VLAN and loopback in the Network > Interfaces > Status column.
542544 In Log & Report, filtering for blank values (None) always shows no results.
543487 Collected Email Monitor page cannot list the wireless client if connected from captiveportal+email-collection.
543637 Not able to filter the policy by multiple ID.
544442 Virtual IPs page should not show port range dialog box when the protocol is ICMP.
552038 Routing monitor network filter does not filter subnets after upgrading.
552623 Policy list page should not show inline editing icon in column field when logged in as a read-only user.
552811 Scripts pushed from FortiCloud do not show up in System > Advanced Settings when FortiCloud remote access is used.
553290 The tooltip for VLAN interfaces displays as Failed to retrieve info.
555121 Context menu of AP group has unsupported actions enabled after change view on Managed FortiAPs page.
555687 Network mask of a VPN interface is changed to without an actual configuration change.
559799 Webhook automation host header incorrect.
559866 When sending CSF proxied request, segfault happens (httpsd crashes) if FortiExplorer accesses root FortiGate via the management tunnel.
560206 Change/remove FortiCloud standalone reference.
563053 Warning message for third-party transceivers were removed for 6.2.1 to prevent excessive RMA or support tickets. 6.2.2 re-added the warning for third-party transceivers.
564201 After OSPF change via GUI, password for virtual-link will completely disappear and must be reentered.
565109 Add Selected button does not appear under Application Control slide-in when VDOM is enabled.
565309 Application group improvements.


Bug ID Description
565748 New interface pair consolidated policy added via CLI is not displayed on GUI policy page.
566414 Application Name field shows vuln_id for custom signature, not its application name in logs.
566666 AP comments do not appear on the columns for Managed AP page.
567369 Cannot save DHCP Relay configuration when the Relay IP address list is separated by a comma.
567452 IPS sensor not configurable in GUI with Firefox.
568176 GUI response is very slow when accessing Route Monitor page in GUI.
569080 SD-WAN rule GUI page doesn’t show red exclamation mark for DST-negate enabled, like firewall policy.
571909 SSL VPN Settings page shows undefined error.
573070 Interface widget not loading fully (keeps spinning) when a VDOM “prof_admin” is used.
573456 FortiGate without disk email alert settings page should remove Disk usage exceeds option.
573579 Editing policies inline can result in previously selected policies being changed.
573596 GUI shifts central management type to FortiManager after clicking Apply to enable FortiManager Cloud.
573869 Log search index files are never deleted when the log disk is out of space.
574101 Empty firmware version in managed FortiSwitch from FortiGate GUI.
575756 Port Link speed option is missing on the FortiGate GUI after upgrading the managed FortiSwitch to 6.2.1.
579259 Firewall UserMonitor shows “Failed to retrieve info” and no entries if session-based proxy authentication is used.
579711 Cannot run Security Rating (Fabric device error).
580168 Connected routes in the routing monitor are showing up with 1969/12/31 18:59:59 for Up Since times.
582658 Email filter page keeps loading and cannot create a new profile when the VDOM admin only has emailfilter permission.
582716 Filtering service availability check always fails once anycast is enabled and override server is set.
583049 Internal server error while trying to create a new interface.
583760 After adding few web rating overrides via GUI to an already existing long list of URIs, Web Rating Overrides page does not load and keeps spinning.
584304 IpSec Monitor window Bring Up function does not work.
584314 NGFW mode should have a link to show all applications in the list.
584419 Issue with application and filter overrides.
584426 Add Selected button does not show up under FSSO Fabric Connector with custom admin profile.


Bug ID Description
584560 GUI does not have the option to disable the interface when creating a VLAN interface.
584939 VPN event logs shows incorrectly when adding two action filters and if the filter action filter contains


584949 When the link status is up, the aggregate interface status icon is incorrectly displayed in red.
585055 High CPU utilization by httpsd daemon if there are too many API connections
585924 Wrong traffic shaper bandwidth unit on 32-bit platform GUI pages.
586604 No matching IPS signatures are found when Severity or Target filter is applied.
586749 Enable/disable Disarm and Reconstruction in the GUI only affects the SMTP protocol in AV profiles.
587091 When logged in as administrator with web filter read/write only privilege, the Web Rating Overrides GUI page cannot load.
587673 On Proxy Policy page, the default view method (Interface PairView) is not clickable.
588028 If the Endpoint Control feature is disabled, the exempt options for captive portal are not shown in the GUI.
588222 WAN Opt. Monitor displays Total Savings as negative integers during file transfers.
588665 Option to reset statistics from Monitor> WAN Opt. Monitor in GUI does not clear the counters.
589085 Web filter profile warning message when logged in with read/write admin on VDOM environment.
592244 VIPs dialog page should be able to create VIP with the same extip/extport but different source IP address.
593175 FortiGate with no anti-spam license is showing incorrect information under FortiGuard > Filtering Services Availability.
593433 DHCP offset option 2 has to be removed before changing the address range for the DHCP server in the GUI.
593624 GUI behavior is different with local user using super admin profile and TACACS user using super admin profile.
593899 Upgrading from build 0932 to build 1010 displays Malware Hash Threat Feed is not found or enabled error.
594162 Interface hierarchy is not respected in the GUI when a LAG interface belongs to SD-WAN and its VLANs belong to a zone.
594565 Wrong Sub-Category appears in the Edit Web Rating Override page.
598247 One-minute memory; CPU and Sessions widgets stopped updating after system entered and exited conserve mode.
598725 Login page shows random characters when system language is not English.
599284 Pyfcgid crashed with signal 11 (Segmentation fault) received.


Bug ID Description
599401 FortiGuard quota category details displays No matching entries found for local category.
599612 GUI should allow user to create redundant IPsec tunnel over different interface to the same remote gateway.
601653 When deleting an AV profile in the GUI, there is no confirmation message prompt.
602397 FortiSwitch port page is noticeably slow for large topology.
602637 Block intra-zone traffic toggle button function is inverted in FortiOS 6.2.3.
602692 Security Rating result for SSL VPN certificate fails when using a 384-bit elliptic curve certificate.
603583 Data source is missing in child table entries in a complex type property.
605493 Admin cannot log in to FortiGate GUI.
605677 System goes into conserve mode when editing ISDB entries through GUI.
606074 Interfaces is missing in the GUI in sections for IPv4 Policy and SSL-VPN Settings after upgrading from 6.2.2 to 6.2.3.
606295 Cannot activate or log out of FortiGate Cloud from widget.
606394 DPD setting in GUI cannot be reflected correctly when Dialup User and On Demand are set by the IPsec wizard.
607972 FortiGate enters conserve mode when accessing Amazon AWS ISDB object.
607982 Edit DNS FilterProfile page cannot be displayed if botnet domain is enabled.
609064 Revoke Token in GUI reports URL not found on server.
610191 Multiple behavior changes to both CLI and GUI:

l  Added default automation rules (after factory reset). All are disabled by default, except for the FEXP push notification.

l  Added new incoming webhook trigger for automation.

l  Removed Email Alert Settings page.

l  Added new API for POST /api/v2/monitor/system/automationstitch/webhook/<trigger mkey>.

610573 When saving configuration under global interface, explicit proxy settings are removed.
611436 FortiGate displays a hacked web page after selecting an IPS log.
601345 No warning is shown in GUI when FortiGuard filtering protocol/port setting is not saved.
617364 GUI does not list AliCoud SDN address filter.


Bug ID Description
530215 Application hasync returns “*** signal 11 (Segmentation fault) received ***”.
540632 In HA, management-ip that is set on a hardware switch interface does not respond to ping after executing reboot.
543602 Unnecessary syncing process started during upgrade when it takes longer.
568553 Read-only admin account can failover a HA.
569629 HA A-A local FQDN not resolving on slave unit.
574564 In an HA configuration with HA uninterruptible upgrade enabled, some signature database files may fail to synchronize upon upgrading from 5.6.9 and earlier to 5.6.10.
575020 HA failing config sync on VM01 with error (slave and master have different hdisk status) when master is pre-configured.
575715 Unable to sync the local gateway in FGSP.
576638 HA cluster GUI change does not send logs to the slave immediately.
577115 Master unit console keeps showing message [ha_auth_set_logon_msg:228] buffer overflow.
578475 FortiGate HA reports not synced if firewall policy of master and slave does not contain the same VIP.
581906 HA slave sending out GARP packets in 16-20 seconds after HA monitored interface failed.
584551 hatalk keeps exchanging heartbeat packet incorrectly with FortiManager.
585348 default-gateway injected by dynamic-gateway on PPP interface deleted by other interface down.
585675 exe backup disk alllogs ftp command causes FortiGate to enter conserve mode.
586004 Moving VDOM via GUI between virtual clusters causes cluster to go out of sync and VDOM state work/standby does not change.
586835 HA slave unable to get checksum from master. HA sync in Z state.
588291 SIP HA message could overwhelm HA slave box and drive the slave box to conserve mode.
588908 FG-3400E hasync reports the network is unreachable.
590632 Heartbeat device (interface) up messages not triggered.
590931 Multiple PPPoE connections on a single interface does not sync PPPoE dynamic assigned IP and cannot start re-negotiation.
596837 Deleting tunnel on master via API call will not delete it from the slave unit.
596575 HA active-active master attempts to steer HTTP and SMTP sessions to slave unit over NPU-VLINK interfaces.
Bug ID Description
598937 Local user creation causes HA to be out of sync for several minutes.
601550 Application hasync crashes several times.
602266 The configuration of the SD-WAN interface gateway IP should not sync.
602406 In a FortiGate HA cluster, performance SLA (SD-WAN) information does not sync with the slave unit.
613714 HA failover takes over one minute when monitored aggregate interface goes down on master.


Bug ID Description
598320 New constraint added in config icap server entries in FortiOS ICAP client feature.

Intrusion Prevention

Bug ID Description
540718 Signal 14 alarm crashes were observed on DFA rebuild.
561623 IPS engine 5.009 crashes when updated new FFDB has different size from the old one.
579018 IPS engine 5.030 signal 14 alarm clock crash at nturbo_on_event.
586608 The CPU consumption of ipsengine gets high with customer configuration file.
590087 When IPS pcap is enabled, traffic is intermittently disrupted after disk I/O reaches IOPS limit.
608501 IPS forwards attacks that are previously identified as dropped.


Bug ID Description
449212 New dialup IPsec tunnel in policy mode/mode-cfg overwrites previously established tunnel.
557812 IPsec does not support the new interface-subnet type in its phase2-interface and ipv4-split-include settings for dialup VPN.
574115 PKI certificates with OU and/or DC as subject fail for PKI user filters.


Bug ID Description
575238 Redirected traffic on the same interface (ingress and egress interface are the same) is dropped.
575477 IKED memory leak.
577502 OCVPN cannot register – status “Undefined”.
582251 IKEv2 with EAP peer ID authentication validation does not work.
582876 ADVPN connections from the hub disconnects one-by-one and IKE gets stuck.
584982 The customer is unable to log in to VPN with RADIUS intermittently.
589096 In IPsec after HA failover, performance regression and IKESAs is lost.
589141 Dialup IPsec tunnel DPD discrepancy.
590633 Packet loss observed after ADVPN shortcut is created.
594962 IPsec VPN IKEv2 interoperability issue when the FortiGate uses a group as P2 selectors with a nonFortiGate in a remote peer gateway.
595810 Unable to reach network resources via L2TP over IPsec with WAN PPPoE connection.
596429 Traffic unable to pass through for certain phase 2 selectors when there is double SA.
597246 When disabling and re-enabling OCVPN after HA failover, cannot establish IPsec tunnel.
597748 L2TP/IPsec VPN disconnects frequently.
597845 IPsec VPN over IPv6 ISAKMP SA negotiation failure when setting is IPv4 DHCP mode.
599471 IKEv2 responder can delete static selectors when local narrowing occurs.
602240 IKEv2 EAP-TLS handshake detected retransmit of client, but FortiGate does not retransmit its response.
604334 L2TP disconnection when transferring large files.
604923 IKE memory leak when IKEv2 certificate subject alternative name/peer ID matching occurs.
606129 iked crashes when proposal is AES-GCM.
607212 IKEv2 DPD is not triggered if network overlay network ID was mismatched when first configured.
609033 After two HA failovers, one VPN interface member of SD-WAN cannot forward packets.
610390 IKEv2 EAP certificate authentication failings after upgrading from to 6.2.1 to 6.2.3.
611148 L2TP/IPsec does not send framed IP address in RADIUS accounting updates.
617419 FortiGate does not assign correct system DNS value to the client connected to dialup VPN.

Log & Report

Bug ID Description
568795 Specific traffic type is not logged on FortiAnalyzer/memory.
576024 Set sniffer policy to only log logtraffic=utm but many traffic log stats are still generated in disk or FortiAnalyzer.
578057 Action field in traffic log cannot record security policy action—it shows the consolidated policy action.
580887 No traffic log after reducing miglogd child to 1.
583499 Improve local log search logic from aggressive to passive mode to save resources and CPU.
586038 FortiOS 6.0.6 reports too long VPN tunnel durations in local report.
586854 FortiGate sends change notice for global REST APIs once a minute.
590598 Log viewer application control cannot show any logs (page is stuck loading).
590852 Log filter can return empty result when there are too many logs, but the filter result is small.
591152 IPS logs set srcintf(role)/dstinf(role) reversely at the time of IPS signature reverse pattern.
591523 When refreshing logs in GUI, some log_se processes are running extremely long and consuming CPU.
593363 Total sum of vdom log-disk-quota can be set to surpass total HD logging space.
593557 Logs to syslog server configured with FQDN addresses fail when the DNS entry gets updated for the FQDN address.
593907 Miglogd still uses the daylight savings time after daylight savings ends.
594053 Proxy policy forward traffic log should have “timeout” action for no-reply or timeout case.
599860 When logtraffic is set to all, existing sessions cannot change the egress interfaces when the routing table is updated with a new outgoing interface.
602459 GUI shows 401 Unauthorized error when downloading forward traffic logs with the time stamp as the filter criterion.
605174 Incorrect sentdelta/rcvddelta in traffic log statistics for RTSP sessions.
606533 User observes FGT internal error while trying to log in from the web UI.
608565 FortiGate sends incorrect long session logs to FortiGate Cloud.


Bug ID Description
519861 FortiGate does not bypass the forward server if upstream proxy is down and server-downoption is set to pass.
525328 External resource does not support no content length.
549660 WAD crash with signal 11.
550056 When SNI is exempt in an SSL profile, and the SNI does not match the CN, the FortiGate closes the session and does not perform deep inspection.
551119 Certificate blacklist not working correctly in proxy mode.
560893 When strict SNI check is enabled, FortiGate with certificate inspection cannot block session if SNI does not match CN.
561552 WAD crashed with signal 6 (MAPI/RPC).
566859 In WAD conserve mode 5.6.8, max_blocks value is high on some workers.
567942 FortiGate cannot block blacklist certificate against TLS 1.3 if the blacklist certificate server address is exempt.
572489 SSL handshake sometimes fail due to FortiGate replying back FIN to client.
573028 WAD crash causing traffic interruption.
573721 For FortiGate with client certificate inspect mode, traffic will trigger WAD crash.
573917 Certain web pages time out.
574171 Fail to connect by TLS 1.3.
574730 Wildcard URL filter stops working after upgrade.
576852 WAD process crashes in internet_svc_entry_cmp.
579225 FTP proxy traffic is blocked for FSSO guest users.
579400 High CPU with authd process caused by WAD paring multiple line content-encoding error and IPC broken between wad and authd.
580592 Policy in proxy-based mode with AV and WAF profile denies access to Nginx with enabled gzip compression.
580770 SSL decryption breaks App store and Google Play store traffic even though both sites are exempted in the decryption profile.
580943 FortiGate blacklist certificate info is not shown in replace message on certificate inspect case in TLS 1.3.
581865 In Proxy inspection with Application control and certificate inspection, TLS error for certain web pages, in EDGE browser only.
582475 WAD is crashing with signal 6 in wad_fmem_free when processing SMB2/CIFS.
Bug ID Description
582714 WAD might leak memory during SSL session ticket resumption.
583736 WAD application crashing in 6.2.1.
584719 WAD reads ftp over-limit multi-line response incorrectly.
586909 When CIFS profile is loaded, using MacOS to access Windows Share causes WAD to crash.
587214 WAD crash for wad_ssl_port_on_ocsp_notify.
587987 In case of TLS 1.3 with certificate inspection and a certificate with an empty CN name, WAD workers would locate a random size for CN name and then cause unexpected high memory usage in WAD workers.
589065 FSSO-based NTLM sessions from explicit proxy do not respect timeout duration and type.
592153 Potential memory leak that will be triggered by certificate inspection CIC connection in WAD.
593365 WAD crash due to user learned from proxy not purged from the kernel when user is deleted from proxy or zone with empty interface member.
594725 WAD memory leak detected on cert_hash in wad_ssl_cert.
594829 FTP connection is not working with AV profile in proxy inspection mode when FTP user name contains an “@”.
596012 Receive SSL fatal alert with source IP
608387 WAD virtual server with http-multiplex enabled causes crash after server is detached because the http_server object is detached from http_session.


Bug ID Description
450175 Cannot modify ge and le attributes for router prefix-list table without plugin flag.
553382 REST API to support transaction operation.
587470 REST API to support revision flag.
599516 When managing FortiGate via FortiGate Cloud, sometimes user only gets read-only access.
601613 CMDB plugin should be called when saving data through CMDB REST API.


Bug ID Description
371453 OSPF translated type 5 LSA not flushed according to RFC-3101.
524229 SD-WAN health-check keep records useless logs under some circumstances.
537354 BFD/BGP dropping when outbandwidth is set on interface.
570686 FortiOS 6.2.1 introduces asymmetric return path on the hub in SD-WAN after the link change due to SLA on the spoke.
571714 DHCPv6 relay shows no route to host when there are multiple paths to reach it.
576930 Time stamps missing in routing debugs.
578623 Gradual memory increase with full BGP table.
581488 BGP confederation router sending incorrect AS to neighbor group routers.
582078 ISDB ID is changed after restoring the configuration under the situation where the FortiGate has a previous ISDB version.
584095 SD-WAN option of set gateway enable/set default enable override available on connected routes.
584394 VRRP on LAG cannot forward packet after vrrp-virtual-mac is enabled.
584477 In transparent mode with asymmetric routing, packet in the reply direction does not use asymmetric route.
585027 There is no indication in proute if the SD-WAN service is default or not.
585325 IPv6 route cannot be inactive after link-monitor is down when link-monitor are set with ipv4 and ipv6.
587198 After failover/recovery of link, E2 route with non-zero forward address recurses to itself as a next hope.
587700 Routing monitor policy view cannot show source and destination data for SD-WAN route and wildcard destination.
587970 SD-WAN rules route-tag still used in service rule but not in diagnose sys virtual-wanlink route-tag-list.
589620 Link monitor with tunnel as srcintf cannot recover after remote server down/up.
592599 FortiGate sends malformed OSPFv3 LSAReq/LSAck packets on interfaces with MTU = 9k.
593375 OSPF NSSA with multiple ASBR losing valid external OSPF routes in upstream neighbors as different ASBRs are power cycled.
593864 Routing table is not always updated when BGP gets an update with changed next hop.
593951 Improve algorithm to distribute ECMP traffic for source IP-based/destination IP-based.
594685 Unable to create the IPsec VPN directly in Network > SD-WAN.
Bug ID Description
595937 PPPoE interface bandwidth is mistakenly calculated as 0 in SD-WAN.
597733 IPv6 ECMP routes cannot be synchronized correctly to HA slave unit.
598665 BGP route is in routing table but not in FIB (kernel routing table).
599667 OSPF over ADVPN flapping after shortcut tunnel established.
599884 Traffic not following SD-WAN rules when one of the interfaces is VLAN.
600332 SD-WAN GUI page bandwidth shows 0 issues when there is traffic running.
600598 SSH packets marked as CS0.
600830 SD-WAN health check reports have packet loss if response time is longer than the check interval.
600995 Policy routes with large address groups containing FQDNs no longer work after upgrading to 6.2.2.
602223 SD-WAN route is not added in routing table when the SD-WAN interface members are IPv4 over IPv6 IPsec.
602679 Prevent BGP daemon crashing when peer breaks TCP connection.
603063 Locally originated traffic on non-default VRF may follow route on VRF 0 when there are routes with the same prefix on both VRFs.
611539 Editing/adding any address object that is referenced in policy is generating false positive SD-WAN alert messages.
611708 Make SNMP get BGP peer state timely once BGP neighbor enters or exits established state.

Security Fabric

Bug ID Description
575495 FGCP dynamic objects are not populated in the slave unit.
586024 Automation stitch cannot execute shutdown command when FortiGate enters kernel conserve mode.
586587 Security Fabric widget keeps loading when FortiSwitches are in a loop, or the FortiSwitch is in MCLAG mode.
587758 Invalid CIDR format shows as valid by the Security Fabric threat feed.
588262 IP address Threat Feed fabric connector not working.
589503 Threat Feeds show the URL is invalid if there is a special character in the URL.
591015 ACI SDN connector dynamic address cannot be resolved.
592344 CSF automation configuration cannot be synced to downstream from root.
599474 FortiGate SDN connector not seeing all available tag name-value pairs.
Bug ID Description
604670 Time zone of scheduled automation stitches will always be taken as GMT-08:00 regardless of the system’s timezone configuration.
606714 auto-script returns failed to get SCSI info from /dev/mmcblk0 memory error.


Bug ID Description
476377 SSL VPN FortiClient login with FAC user FTM two-factor fail because it times out too fast.
478957 SSL VPN web portal login history is not displayed if logs are stored in FortiAnalyzer.
491733 When SSL VPN receives multiple HTTPS post requests under web filter, read_request_data_ f loops even when client is stopped, which causes the SSL VPN process to use 99% of CPU.
525342 In some special cases, SSL VPN main state machine reads function pointer is empty that will cause SSL VPN daemon crash.
537341 SSL bookmark is not loading SAP portal information.
549994 SSL VPN web mode logon page should not show Skip button for remote user with Force password change on next logon.
556657 Internal website not working through SSL VPN web mode.
557806 Cannot fully load a website through SSL VPN bookmark.
558685 Two-factor authentication with FortiToken easily bypassed when using LDAP authentication.
560438 interface subnet object not available in SSL VPN split-tunneling-routing-address.
561585 SSL VPN does not correctly show Windows Admin center application.
563022 SSL VPN LDAP group object matching only matches the first policy; is not consistent with normal firewall policy.
564871 SSL VPN users create multiple connections.
569711 Error for proxy SSH database through SSL VPN.
570171 When accessing ACT application through SSL VPN web mode, the embedded calendar request gets wrong response and redirects to login page.
570445 CMAT application through SSL VPN.
571721 Local portal needs more than 10 min. to load via SSL VPN bookmark.
572653 Unable to access Qlik Sense URL via SSL VPN web mode.
573787 SSL VPN web mode not displaying custom web application’s JavaScript parts.
573853 TX packet drops on ssl.root interface.


Bug ID Description
574551 Subpages on internal websites are not working via SSL VPN web mode (Tunnel mode is OK).
574724 In some lower-end FortiGates, the threshold of available memory is not calculated correctly for entering SSL VPN conserve mode. Threshold should be 10% of total memory when the memory is larger than 512 MB and less than 2 GB.
575259 SSL VPN connection is being dropped intermittently.
576013 The SSL VPN web mode webserver link is not rewritten correctly after login.
576288 FSSO groups set in rule with SSL VPN interface.
577522 SSL VPN daemon crashes when logging in several times with RADIUS user that is related to a framed IP address.
578581 SSL web mode VPN portal freezing when opening some websites using JavaScript.
578908 Fails to load bookmark site over SSL VPN portal.
580182 The EOASIS website is not displayed properly using SSL VPN web mode.
580377 Unable to access as bookmark in SSL VPN web mode.
580384 SSL VPN web mode not redirecting URL as expected after successful login.
581863 Accessing configured with bookmark name ‘NLYTE’ not getting authentication page.
582115 Third-party (Ultimo) web app does not load over SSL VPN web portal.
582161 Internal web application is not accessible through web SSL VPN.
582265 RDP sessions are terminated (disconnect) unexpectedly.
583339 Support HSTS include SubDomains and preload option under SSL VPN settings.
584780 When the SSL VPN portal theme is set to red, the style is lost in the SSL VPN portal.
585754 A VPN SSL bookmark failed to load the Proxmox GUI interface.
586032 Unable to download report from an internal server via SSL VPN web mode connection.
586035 The policy “script-src ‘self'” will block the SSL VPN proxy URL.
587075 SAML login is not stable for SSL VPN, it requires restarting sslvpnd to enable the function.
587300 In web mode, third-party webpage stuck on loading animation; JavaScript error in console.
587732 The SSL VPN web mode SSH widget is not connecting to the SSH server.
588066 SSO for HTTPS fails when using “\” (backslash) with the domain\username format.
588119 There is no OS support for the latest macOS Catalina version (10.15) when using SSL VPN tunnel mode.
588587 Different portals of SIPLAN COMPESA do not show properly in web mode.
588720 SSL VPN web portal bookmarks cannot resolve hostname.


Bug ID Description
589015 SSO does not correctly URL-encode POST-ed credentials.
590643 href rewrite has some issues with the customer’s JS file.
590663 Most charts and diagrams on the website could not be shown in SSL VPN web mode when using a special tool.
592318 After sslvpn proxy, some Kurim JS files run with an error.
592935 sslvpnd crashed on FortiGate.
593082 SSL VPN bookmark does not load Google Maps on internal server.
593367 SSL VPN bookmark does not load after clicking from the portal.
593621 Website not fully loading through web portal bookmark; loads correctly with iPad user agent.
593641 Cannot access HTTPS bookmark, get a blank page.
593850 SSL VPN logs out after some users click through the remote application.
594160 Screen shot feature is not working though SSL VPN portal.
594247 Cannot access through SSL VPN web portal.
595505 FortiGate does not send client IP address as a framed IP address to RADIUS server in RADIUS accounting request message.
595627 Cannot access some specific sites through SSL VPN web mode.
595920 SSL VPN web mode goes to 99% on a specific bookmark.
596273 sslvpnd worker process crashes, causing a zombie tunnel session.
596296 SSL VPN fails 90% when connecting with FortiClient.
596352 SAML user name is not correctly recorded in logs when logging in to SSL VPN portal via SSO entry, and history cannot be shown.
596412 Not possible to download PDF file after connecting to portal through SSL VPN bookmark.
596441 FortiOS does not correctly re-write the Exchange OWA logoff URL when accessed via SSL VPN bookmark.
596757 SSL VPN connection stuck at 95% or 98%.
596843 Internal website not working in SSL VPN web mode.
596846 Unable to deauthenticate FSSO user in GUI, but it works in CLI.
597282 The latest FortiOS GUI does not render when accessing it by the SSL VPN portal.
597336 Webpage does not load properly through SSL VPN web mode (fails to show CAPTCHA).
597566 Add SSL VPN SSO user logged in from SAML response.
597634 In SSL VPN web mode, internal web services not working and tunnel mode is working fine.


Bug ID Description
597658 Internal custom web application page running on Apache Tomcat is not displaying in SSL VPN web mode.
598659 SSL VPN daemon crash.
598660 Internal website is not accessible from SSL VPN as the URL is being modified.
599394 SSL VPN web portal bookmarks are not full loading for Vivendi SelfService application.
599668 In SSL VPN web mode, page keeps loading after user authenticates into internal application.
599671 In SSL VPN web mode, cannot display complete content on page, and cannot paste or type in the comments section.
599777 Problem with portal accessed via SSL VPN web mode.
599960 RADIUS user and local token push cannot log in to SSL VPN portal/tunnel when the password needs to be changed.
600029 Sending RADIUS accounting interim update messages with SSL VPN client framed IP are delayed.
600098 Unable to access internal web URL via web mode in Safari browser.
600103 sslvpnd crashes when trying to query a DNS host name without a period (.).
601084 Site in .NET framework 4.6 or 4.7 not loading in SSL VPN web mode.
601867 SSL VPN web mode cannot open DFS share subdirectories, gives invalid HTTP request message.
602392 Cannot access remote site using SSL VPN web mode after upgrading to FOS 6.2.2.
602645 SSL VPN synology NAS web bookmark log in page does not work after upgrading to 6.2.3.
603518 Internal website not working in SSL VPN web mode; cannot load ESS/MSS page.
603524 Download progress is not shown for the FTP files of the SSL portal.
603779 Chinese characters are garbled when downloading from SMB/CIFS in SSL VPN web mode.
603817 Internal website is not shown properly in SSL VPN web mode.
603957 SSL VPN LDAP authentication does not work in multiple user group configurations after upgrading the firewall to 6.0.7.
604882 Internal SAP website not working in SSL VPN web mode.
604910 Remedy application website is not accessible from SSL VPN as the URL is being modified.
605110 Mobile token is not required when LDAP user and LDAP group are set in SSL VPN policy together.
605699 Internal HRIS website dropdown list box not loading in SSL VPN web mode.
606094 SSL VPN web mode is not working; SSL VPN portal cannot be accessed.
606271 Double redirection through SSL web mode not working.
607687 RDP connection via SSL VPN web portal does not work with UserPrincipalName (UPN) and NLA security.
Bug ID Description
608195 AngularJS web application cannot load via SSL VPN web mode.
610247 SSL VPN access topinfo.gdfxpz — AnyGlass website problem with SSL VPN web bookmark.
610366 Webpage keep loading using through SSL VPN and bookmark.
610579 Videos from live cameras via SSL VPN web mode not working.
613641 SSL VPN web mode custom FortiClient download URL with %s causing sslvpnd to crash.
614528 Customer unable to load website through SSL VPN web mode.

Switch Controller

Bug ID Description
517663 On a managed FortiSwitch already running the latest GA image, Upgrade Available is shown.
527695 On a network running FortiSwitch prior to 6.0.0, a syn-error occurs. The network will still function normally.

Workaround: Users with 6.0.x should upgrade to remove the sync-error or disable vlanoptimization. On a network with all

configured, the setting will revert to the default value of defined. Users who wish to maintain the vlan-all-mode all behavior may restore it after upgrading.

557280 Need to add FortiSwitch port information on Security Fabric and device inventory the same as before 6.0.4.
581370 FortiSwitch managed by FortiGate not updating the RADIUS settings and user group in the FortiSwitch.
586299 Adding factory-reset device to HA fails with switch-controller.qos settings in root.
592111 FortiSwitch shows offline CAPWAP response packet getting dropped/failed after upgrading from 6.2.2.
595671 set key-outbound and set key-inbound parameters are missing for GRE tunnel in config system gre-tunnel.
601547 Unable to push user group configuration from FortiGate to FortiSwitch, and configuration is deleted.
607707 Unable to push configuration changes from FortiGate to FortiSwitch.
608231 LLDP policy did not download completely to the managed FortiSwitch 108Es.
613323 FortiSwitch trunk configuration sync issue after FortiGate failover.


Bug ID Description
398024 Some error padding formats of SHA-256 SSL encrypted packets can stop the output function of command queue in CP8.
444611 Firewall policy is deleted after a hard power cycle and subsequent file system check and reboot.
470875 OID seems to be COUNTER32 instead of GAUGE32.
484749 TCP traffic with tcp_ecn tag cannot go through ipip ipv6 tunnel with NP6 offload enabled.
511790 Router info does not update after plugging out/plugging in USB modem.
519209 diagnose command on VDOM disclose other VDOM information.
527459 SDN address filter unable to handle space character.
527599 Internal prioritization of OSPF/BGP/BFD packets in conjunction with HPE feature to ensure these routing packets are handled in time. It affects all NP6 platforms.
528052 FortiGuard filtering services show as unavailable for read-only admin.
544570 Master unit does not send SNMP trap for all SNMP servers if the cable is plugged out from the interface configured as LAG.
547712 HPE does not protect against DDoS attacks like flood on IKE and BGP destination ports.
550206 Memory (SKB) which is no longer needed is not released in NP6 and NP6lite drivers (FG-100E, FG140E, FG-3600D, FG-3800D).
556408 Aggregate link does not work for LACP mode active for FG-60E internal ports but works for wan1 and wan2 combination.
567487 CPU goes to 100% when modifying members of an addrgrp object.
570227 FortiGate is not selecting an NTP server that has a clock time in the majority clique of other NTP servers.
570575 PoE ports no longer deliver power.
570759 RX/TX counters for VLAN interfaces based on LACP interface are 0.
570834 STP (spanning tree) flapping.
572003 There was a hardware defect in an earlier revision of SSD used for FG-61E. When powering off then powering on in a very short time, the SSD may jump into ROM mode and cannot recover until a power circle.
572763 softirq causing high CPU when session increase in an acceptable way.
573090 Making a change to a policy through inline editing is very slow with large table sizes.
573177 GUI cannot save edits made on replacement messages in a VDOM. When using CLI, user gets logged out while editing.
573238 Session TTL expiry timer is not reset for VLAN traffic when offloading is enabled.


Bug ID Description
573973 ASIC offloading sessions sticking to interfaces after SD-WAN SLA interface selection.
574086 Kernel panic occurs after upgrading from 6.2.0 to 6.2.1.
574110 When adding admin down interface as a member of aggregate interface, it shows up and process the traffic.
574327 FortiGate CSR traffic to SCEP server generated from the root VDOM instead of the VDOM createf for the CSR.
574716 ospfNbrState OID takes too long to update.
574991 FortiGate can’t extract the user principal name UPN from user certificate when certificate contains UPN and additional names.
576337 SNMP polling stopped when FortiManager API script executed onto FortiGate.
576389 Cannot see the IP in diag ip address list if the secondary IP is deleted, set as the primary IP, and secondary-IP is disabled.
577047 FortiGate takes a long time to reboot when it has many firewall addresses used in many policies.
577302 Virtual WAN Link process (vwl) memory usage keeps increasing after upgrading to 6.2.1.
577423 FG-80D and FG-92D kernel error in CLI during FortiGate boot up.
578259 FG-3980E VLANs over LAG interface show no TX/RX statistics.
578269 Mismatch between number of lists with CPU usage OID and number of CPU threads.
578531 forticldd deamon resolved to wrong IP address.
578608 High CPU usage due to dnsproxy process as high at 99%.
578746 FortiGate does not accept FortiManager created country code and causes address install fails.
579524 DHCP lease is not stable and dhcpd process crashes.
580038 Problems with cmdbsvr while handling a large number of FSSO address groups and security policies.
580185 authd4 crashes when deleting a VDOM or rebooting the FortiGate.
580883 DNS servers acquired via PPPoE in non-management VDOMs are used for DHCP DNS server option 6.
581496 FG-201E stops sending out packets and NP6lite is stuck.
581528 SSH/RDP sessions are terminated unexpectedly.
581998 Session clash event log found on FG-6500F when passing a lot of the same source IP ICMP traffic over load-balance VIP.
582520 Enabling offloading drops fragmented packets.
582547 fgfmsd crash makes connection to FortiManager go down.
583199 fgfmsd crashed with signal 11 when some code accesses a VDOM that has been deleted, but does not check the return value from CMDB query.


Bug ID Description
583602 Script to purge and re-create a local-in-policy ran against the remote FortiGate directly (in the CLI) is causing auto-update issues.
586301 GUI cannot show default Fortinet logo for replacement messages.
586551 When an SD-WAN member is disabled or VWL is disabled, snmpwalk shows “No Such Object available on this agent at this OID” message.
587498 FortiGate sends ICMP type 3 code 3 (port unreachable) for UDP 500 and UDP 520 against vulnerability scan.
587521 VIP server load-balancing persistence HTTP cookie not refreshed after the timer.
587540 NetFlow traffic records sent with wrong interface index 0 (inputint = 0 and outputint = 0)
587995 Packet loss happened in FTP traffic for some cases.
588035 Kernel crashes when sniffing packets on interfaces that are related to EMAC VLAN.
588202 FortiGate returns invalid configuration during FortiManager retrieving configuration.
589027 EMAC VLAN drops traffic when asymmetric roue enabled on internet VDOM.
589079 QSFP interface goes down when the get system interface transceiver command is interrupted.
589234 Local system DNS setting instead of DNS setting acquired from upstream DHCP server was assigned to client under management VDOM.
589517 Dedicated management CPU running on high CPU (soft IRQ).
589723 Wrong source IP is bound for config system fortiguard.
589978 alertemail username length cannot go beyond 35 characters.
590021 Enabling auto-asic-offload results in keeping action=deny in traffic log with an accept entry.
590295 OID for the IPsec VPN phase 2 selector only displays the first one on the list.
590423 FortiManager needs patch and minor number to update global database when FortiGate firmware upgrade does not trigger an auto-retrieve configuration.
591466 Cannot change the mask for an existing secondary IP on interfaces.
592148 Issue with TCP packets when traversing the virtual wire pair in transparent mode.
592570 VLAN switch does not work on FG-100E.
592787 FortiGate got rebooted automatically due to kernel crash.
592827 FortiGate is not sending DHCP request after receiving offer.
593426 Remove DST for Brazil.
593606 diagnose hardware test suite all fails due to FortiLink loopback test.
594018 Update daemon is locked to one resolved update server.


Bug ID Description
594499 Communication over PPPoE fails after installing PPPoE configuration from FortiManager.
594596 Crash caused by JSON filter because a null check is not done.
594865 diagnose internet-service match does not return the IP value of the IP reputation database object.
595338 Unable to execute ping6 when configuring execute ping6-options tos, except for default.
595467 Invalid multicast policy created after transparent VDOM restored.
596180 Constant DHCPD crashes.
596421 FG-3400E/FG-3600E link is up on 25G ports only when the FEC is disabled on the Ixia tester.
598527 ISDB may cause crashes after downgrading FortiGate firmware.
600032 SNMP does not provide routing table for non-management VDOM.
601454 For 32-bit system, there is no bandwidth-unit option in traffic-shaper, but the guaranteed-bandwidth/maximum-bandwidth help text still says Units depend on the bandwidth-unit setting.
601866 nTurbo set IRQ affinity as failed when platform has quite a few PCIe devices and many interrupts are requested during system bootup.
602523 DDNS monitor-interface uses the monitored interface if DDNS services other than FortiGuard DDNS are used.
602548 Some of the clients are not getting their IP through DHCP intermittently.
602643 Interfaces get removed from SD-WAN after rebooting when interface is defined in both SD-WAN and zone.
603551 DHCPv6 relay does not work on FG-2200E.
604550 Locally-originated DHCP relay traffic on non-default VRF may follow route on VRF 0.
604613 sentbyte of NTP on local traffic log shows as 0 bytes, even though NTP client receives the packet.
604699 Header line that is not freed might cause system to enter conserve mode in a transparent mode deployment.
606597 When changing time zone on FG-101E, get Failed to set SMC timezone message.
607015 Too many DNS lookups with global NTP server as global NTP server often changes its IP.
607357 High CPU usage issue caused by high depth expectation sessions in the same hash table slot.
607452 Automatically logged out of CLI when trying to configure STP due to /bin/newcli crash.
608185 Number of resource records is limited to 16384 on DSN server.
608442 After a reboot of the PPPoE server, the FortiGate (PPPoE clients, 35 clients) keeps flapping (connection down and up) for a long time before connecting successfully.
Bug ID Description
608648 FortiCarrier 3000D kernel panic when establishing GTP tunnel.
610470 A single IP existing in IP range format may cause some issues in other daemons.
610903 SMC NTP functions are enabled on some of the models that do not support the feature.
612113 xcvrd attaches shared memory multiple times causing huge memory consumption.
612302 FortiOS is not sending out IPv6 router advertisements from the link-local addresses added on the fly.
612351 Many no session matched logs while managing FortiGate.
613017 ip6-extra-addr does not perform router advertisement after reboot in HA.
613410 Host header has been added to the HTTP 1.0 request for CRL file.
616022 Long delay and cmdbsvr at 100% CPU consumption when modifying address objects and address groups via GUI or REST API.


Bug ID Description
580450 Policies were removed after an upgrade in NGFW policy mode. Error message that Maximum numberof entries has been reached.
586123 Service group lost default members when restoring a configuration file via VDOM.
586793 Address objects have reference to old firewall policy after upgrading from 6.0.6 > 6.2.x NGFW policies.

User & Authentication

Bug ID Description
466651 The FortiToken Mobile push functionality on the FortiGate lacks the ability to map to a custom SSL certificate.
546794 De-authentication of RSSO user does not clear the login from the motherboard.
557947 Non-RSSO RADIUS server shows in FSSO GUI, which should only show RSSO RADIUS servers.
567831 Local FSSO poller regularly missing logon events.
573317 SSO admin with a user name over 35 characters cannot log in after the first login.


Bug ID Description
581519 Creating SCEP enrollment in context global no longer seems to work if VDOM is configured as the management VDOM.
583745 Wrong categorization of OS from device detection.
586334 Brief connectivity loss on shared service when RDP session is logged in to from local device.
586394 Authentication list entry is not created/updated after changing the client PC with another user in FSSO polling mode.
587293 The session to the SQL database is closed as timeout when a new user logs in to terminal server.
587519 fnbamd takes high CPU usage and user not able to authenticate.
587666 Mobile token authentication does not work for SSL VPN on SOC3 platforms.

Affected models include: FG-60E, FG-60E-POE, FG-61E, FG-80E, FG-80E-POE, FG-81E, FG81E-POE, FG-100E, FG-100EF, FG-101E, FG-140E, FWF-60E, FWF-61E.

591461 FortiGate does not send user IP to TACACS server during authentication.
592047 GUI RADIUS test fails with vdom-dns configuration.
592241 Gmail POP3 authentication fails with certificate error since version 6.0.5.
592253 RADIUS state attribute truncated in access request when using third-party MFA (ping ID).
593116 Client PC matching multiple authentication methods (firewall, FSSO, RSSO, WSSO) may not be matched to NGFW policies correctly.
593361 No source IP option available for OCSP certificate checking.
593949 Two-factor LDAP and token authentication silently fails for users with many memberships.
594863 UPN extraction does not work for particular PKI.
595583 Device identification of LLDP on an aggregate does not work.
596844 Admin GUI login makes the FortiGate unstable when there are lots of devices detected by device identification.
597118 URL redirection is not supported when making up a certificate chain list.
597496 Guest user log in expires after first log in and no longer works; user is not removed from the firewall authentication list after the set time.
603457 Guest user groups cannot be deleted.
604844 auth-concurrent setting in user group is not working as expected.
605206 FortiClient server certificate in FSSO CA uses weak public key strength of 1024 bits and certificate expiring in May 2020.
605404 FortiGate does not respond to disclaimer page request when traffic hits a disclaimer-enabled policy with thousands of address objects.


Bug ID Description
524052 Application cloudinitd has signal 11 crash on FortiGate-VM64-GCP.
561909 Azure SDN connector tries querying invalid FQDN when using Azure Stack integrated systems.
571212 Only one CPU core in AWS is being used for traffic processing.
575346 gui-wanopt cache missing under system settings after upgrading a FortiGate VM with two disks.
575400 In Azure SDN, the firewall address filter cannot fetch the secondary public and private IP addresses of the NICs.
577653 vMotion tasks cause connections to be dropped as sessions related to vMotion VMs do not appear on the destination VMX.
577856 Add missing AWS HA failover error log and set not syncing when cross zone HA is configured.
578727 FG-VM-OPC unable to failover the route properly during failover.
578966 OpenStack PCI pass through sub-interface VLAN cannot receive traffic.
579708 Should replace GUI option to register to FortiCare from AWS PAYG with link to portal for registration.
579948 New FGCP master is not updated in AWS route tables to reference the correct ENI.
580738 In the cluster setup, slave unit can have different fingerprint for the OCI SDN connector, which can cause unit to fail to connect to the OCI metatdata server properly.
580911 EIP assigned to the secondary IP address on the OCI does not fail over during HA failover.
582123 EIP does not failover if the master FortiGate is rebooted or stopped from the Alibaba Cloud console.
586954 FGCP cluster member reboots in infinite loop and hatalk daemon dumps the core with segmentation fault.
587757 FG-VM image unable to be deployed on AWS with additional HDD(st1) disk type.
588436 Azure SDN connector unable to connect to Azure Kubneretes integrated with AAD.
589445 VM deployed in ESX platform with VMXNET3 does not show the correct speed and duplex settings.
590140 FG-VM-LENC unable to validate new license.
590149 Azure FortiGate crashing frequently when MLX4 driver RX jumbo.
590253 VLAN not working on FortiGate in a Hyper-V deployment.
590555 Allow PAYG AWS VM to bootstrap the configuration first before acquiring FortiCare license.
590780 Azure FortiGate-VM (BYOL) unable to boot up when loading a lower vCPU license than the instance’s vCPU.
Bug ID Description
591563 Azure autoscale not syncing after upgrading to 6.2.2.
592000 In Alibaba Cloud, multiple VPC route entries fail to switch when HA fails over.
592611 HA not fully failing over when using OCI.
593797 FG-VM64-AWS not responding to ICMP6 request when destination IPv6 address is in the neighbor cache entry.
594248 Enabling or disabling SR-IOV under vNIC creates duplicate MAC addresses and extra interfaces on the FortiGate.
596430 If central-management server is set to FortiManager IP address and FortiGuard updateserver-location is set to usa, the FOS-VM is able to get web filter license and server list from FortiManager, but the GUI shows the service availability as down.
597003 Unable to bypass self-signed certificates on Chrome in macOS Catalina.
598419 Static routes are not in sync on FortiGate Azure.
599430 FG-VM-AZURE fails to bootup due to rtnl_lock deadlock.
600975 Race condition may prevent FG-VM-Azure from booting up because of deadlock when processing NETVSC offering and vPCI offering at the same time.
601357 FortiGate VM Azure in HA has unsuccessful failover.
601528 License validation failure log message missing when using FortiManager to validate a VM.
603365 HA slave member instance shuts down due to RAM difference after stopping/starting the cluster instances.
603599 VIP in autoscale on GCP not syncing to other nodes.
605103 E1000 network adapter will be deleted if there is a VMXNET3 network adapter.
605435 API call to associate elastic IP is triggered only when the unit becomes the master.
606439 License validation failure log message missing when using FortiManager to validate a VM.
609283 IP pools are synchronized in FortiGate Azure HA.
612611 Very hard to download image for FG-AWSONDEMAND from FDS.
614038 VMotion causing sessions to be disconnected as sessions are considered stateless.
Bug ID Description
570430 SIP ALG generates a VoIP session with wrong direction.
580588 SDP information fields are not being NATted in multipart media encapsulation traffic.


Bug ID Description
582271 Add support for Cisco IP Phone keepalive packet.
599117 voipd process crash.
601275 MGCP session helper does not NAT the MGCP body.

Web Filter

Bug ID Description
551956 Proxy web filtering blocks innocent sites due to urlsource=”FortiSandBox Block”.
560904 In NGFW mode, Security Profiles GUI is missing Web Rating Overrides page.
581523 Wrong web filter category when using flow-based inspection.
587120 Administrator logged in with web filter read/write privilege cannot create or edit web filter profiles in the GUI.
593203 Cannot enter a name for a web rating override and save—error message appears when entering the name.
606965 Unable to whitelist specific YouTube channel when all other YouTube channels or videos are blocked.

WiFi Controller

Bug ID Description
520677 When editing a FortiAP profile on the FortiGate web UI, the previously selected SSID group(s) cannot be displayed.
540027 FortiWiFi working as client mode cannot see and connect to the hotspot SSID from iOS devices.
555659 When FortiAP is managed with cross VDOM links, the WiFi client cannot join to SSID when autoasic-offload is enabled.
559370 darrp-optimize-schedules configurations move to the global settings instead of VDOM.
563630 Kernel panic observed on FWF-60E.
566054 Errors pop up while creating or editing as SSID.
567011 WPA2-Enterprise SSID should support acct-all-servers setting in RADIUS to send accounting messages to all servers.
567933 FortiAP unable to connect to FortiGate via IPsec VPN tunnel with dtls-policy clear-text.
572350 FortiOS GUI cannot support FAP-U431F and FAP-U433F profiles.


Bug ID Description
  Workaround: Edit wtp-profile of FAP-U431F and FAP-U433F in the CLI.
577394 hostapd (wpad_ac) crashed while removing RADIUS accounting servers.
579908 Tunnel mode SSID packet loss seen from FAP-U24JEV and 800 connected APs.
580169 Captive portal (disclaimer) redirect not working for Android phones.
580793 Auto-generated consolidated policy should skip saving in configuartion file/CMDB.
594170 FortiAPs not shown in the GUI.
595653 FortiGate in transparent mode cannot manage FortiAP devices successfully.
599690 Unable to perform COA with device MAC address for 802.1x wireless connection when usemanagement-vdom is enabled.
601012 When upgrading from 5.6.9 to 6.0.8, channels 120, 124, and 128 are no longer there for NZ country code.
608717 Packet loss over CAPWAP tunneled SSID.
615219 FortiGate cannot create WTP entry for FortiAP in transparent mode.


Known issues

The following issues have been identified in version 6.4.0. For inquires about a particular bug or to report a bug, please contact Customer Service & Support.

Endpoint Control

Bug ID Description
618718 set certificate configuration missing in config endpoint-control fctems after rebooting.
Bug ID Description
616429 Local user assigned with FortiToken cannot log in to SSL VPN web/tunnel mode when password change is required.
616879 Traffic cannot pass through FortiGate for SSL VPN web mode if the user is a PKI peer.


Bug ID Description
622510 Page is stuck and there is a blank message field when doing policy lookup with non-IP protocol.


Bug ID Description
622506 L2TP over IPsec tunnel established, but traffic cannot pass because wrong interface gets in route lookup.
623238 ADVPN shortcut cannot be established if both spokes are behind NAT.


Known issues

Switch Controller

Bug ID Description
607753 CAPWAP is not updated to be a Fabric connection after upgrading from 6.4.0 Beta1 build 1519 to build 1538.
621785 user.nac-policy[].switch-scope may contain a data reference to switchcontroller.managed-switch. When this reference is set by an admin, they need to remove this reference prior to deleting the managed-switch.
622812 VLANs on a FortiLink interface configured to use a hardware switch interface may fail to come up after upgrading or rebooting.


Bug ID Description
587824 Member of virtual WAN link lost after upgrade if management interface is set dedicated-to management before.


Bug ID Description
618809 Boot up may fail when downgrading from FOS 6.4.0 to 6.2.3.

User & Authentication

Bug ID Description
606327 FTM push return traffic (mobile device to FortiGate) has TLS handshake failure; same device with 6.2.3 GA is OK.

Known issues


Bug ID Description
623376 Multi Azure HA breaks after upgrading to 6.4.0 because upgrade process does not add relevant items under VDOM exception.



Citrix XenServer limitations

The following limitations apply to Citrix XenServer installations:

  • XenTools installation is not supported.
  • FortiGate-VM can be imported or deployed in only the following three formats:
  • XVA (recommended)
  • VHD l OVF
  • The XVA format comes pre-configured with default configurations for VM name, virtual CPU, memory, and virtual NIC. Other formats will require manual configuration before the first power on process.

Open source XenServer limitations

When using Linux Ubuntu version 11.10, XenServer version 4.1.0, and libvir version 0.9.2, importing issues may arise when using the QCOW2 format and existing HDA issues.

FortiDeceptor – System Log

System Log

Use the Log pages to view and download FortiDeceptor system logs. You can put logs locally on FortiDeceptor or on a remote log server.

Logging Levels

FortiDeceptor log level can be Emergency (reserved), Alert, Critical, Error, Warning, Information, or Debug. The following table provides example logs for each log level.

Log Level Description Example Log Entry
Alert Immediate action is required. Suspicious URL visit from to
Critical Functionality is affected. System database is not ready. A program should have started to rebuild it and it shall be ready after a while.
Error An erroneous condition exists and functionality is probably affected. Errors that occur when deleting certificates.
Warning Functionality might be affected. Submitted file AVSInstallPack.exe is too large: 292046088.
Information General information about system operations. LDAP server information that was successfully updated.
Debug Detailed information for debugging. Launching job for file. jobid=2726271637747836543 filename=log

md5=ebe5ae2bec3b653c2970e8cec9f5f1d9 sha1=06ea6108d02513f0d278ecc8d443df86dac2885b sha256=d678da5fb9ea3ee20af779a4ae13c402585 ebb070edcf20091cb20509000f74b

Raw logs

You can download and save raw logs to the management computer by clicking Download Log. Raw logs are saved as a text file with the extension .log.gz. You can search the system log for more details.

Sample raw logs file content

itime=1535413204 date=2018-08-27 time=16:40:04 logid=0106000001 type=event subtype=system pri=debug user=system ui=system action= status=success msg=”SNMP TRAP sent out: Service=SSH AttackerIp= AttackerPort=57190 VictimIp= VictimPort=22

Operation=Established SSH connection Description= Username=NA Password=NA” itime=1535413204 date=2018-08-27 time=16:40:04 logid=0106000001 type=event subtype=system pri=debug user=system ui=system action= status=success msg=”SNMP TRAP sent out: Service=SSH AttackerIp= AttackerPort=57190 VictimIp= VictimPort=22

Operation=SSH connection closed Description=83ssh Username=83ssh Password=83ssh” itime=1535413204 date=2018-08-27 time=16:40:04 logid=0106000001 type=event subtype=system pri=debug user=system ui=system action= status=success msg=”SNMP TRAP sent out: Service=SSH AttackerIp= AttackerPort=57190 VictimIp= VictimPort=22

Operation=Authentication Failure Description=83ssh Username=83ssh Password=83ssh” itime=1535413204 date=2018-08-27 time=16:40:04 logid=0106000001 type=event subtype=system pri=debug user=system ui=system action= status=success msg=”SNMP TRAP sent out: Service=SAMBA AttackerIp= AttackerPort=NA VictimIp= VictimPort=445

Operation=Change to dir Description=/home/share/samba Username=83samba Password=83samba” itime=1535413204 date=2018-08-27 time=16:40:04 logid=0106000001 type=event subtype=system pri=debug user=system ui=system action= status=success msg=”SNMP TRAP sent out: Service=SAMBA AttackerIp= AttackerPort=NA VictimIp= VictimPort=445

Operation=Access path Description=samba Username=83samba Password=83samba” itime=1535413204 date=2018-08-27 time=16:40:04 logid=0106000001 type=event subtype=system pri=debug user=system ui=system action= status=success msg=”SNMP TRAP sent out: Service=SAMBA AttackerIp= AttackerPort=NA VictimIp= VictimPort=445

Operation=Disconnect net share Description=samba Username=83samba Password=83samba” itime=1535413201 date=2018-08-27 time=16:40:01 logid=0106000001 type=event subtype=system pri=alert user=system ui=GUI action=update status=success msg=”Service=SSH

AttackerIp= AttackerPort=57190 VictimIp= VictimPort=22 Operation=SSH connection closed Description=83ssh Username=83ssh Password=83ssh”

itime=1535413201 date=2018-08-27 time=16:40:01 logid=0106000001 type=event subtype=system pri=alert user=system ui=GUI action=update status=success msg=”Service=SSH AttackerIp= AttackerPort=57190 VictimIp= VictimPort=22

Operation=Authentication Failure Description=83ssh Username=83ssh Password=83ssh” itime=1535413198 date=2018-08-27 time=16:39:58 logid=0106000001 type=event subtype=system pri=alert user=system ui=GUI action=update status=success msg=”Service=SSH AttackerIp= AttackerPort=57190 VictimIp= VictimPort=22

Operation=Established SSH connection Description= Username=NA Password=NA” itime=1535413198 date=2018-08-27 time=16:39:58 logid=0106000001 type=event subtype=system pri=alert user=system ui=GUI action=update status=success msg=”Service=SAMBA

AttackerIp= AttackerPort=NA VictimIp= VictimPort=445

Operation=Disconnect net share Description=samba Username=83samba Password=83samba” itime=1535413197 date=2018-08-27 time=16:39:57 logid=0106000001 type=event subtype=system pri=alert user=system ui=GUI action=update status=success msg=”Service=SAMBA

AttackerIp= AttackerPort=NA VictimIp= VictimPort=445 Operation=Change to dir Description=/home/share/samba Username=83samba Password=83samba”

itime=1535413197 date=2018-08-27 time=16:39:57 logid=0106000001 type=event subtype=system pri=alert user=system ui=GUI action=update status=success msg=”Service=SAMBA

AttackerIp= AttackerPort=NA VictimIp= VictimPort=445 Operation=Access path Description=samba Username=83samba Password=83samba”

Log Categories

Log > All Events show all logs.

The following options are available:

Download Log   Download the raw log file to the management computer.
History Logs   Enable to include historical logs in Log Search.
Refresh Refresh the log message list.
Filter Click Filter to add search filters. You can select different categories to search the logs. Search is not case sensitive.

The following information is displayed:

# Log number.
Date/Time Date and time the log message was created.
Level Level of the log message. For logging levels, see Logging Levels on page 46.
User The user to which the log message relates. User can be a specific user or system.
Message Detailed log message.

Log Servers

You can send FortiDeceptor logs to a remote syslog server or common event type (CEF) server. In Log > Log Servers, you can create new remote log servers, and edit and delete remote log servers. You can configure up to 30 remote log server entries.

The following options are available:

Create New Create a log server entry.
Edit Edit the selected log server entry.
Delete Delete the selected log server entry.

This page displays the following information:

Name Name of the server entry.
Server Type Server type: syslog or CEF.
Server Address Log server address.
Port Log server port number.
Status Log server status, Enabled or Disabled.

To create a server entry:

  1. Go to Log > Log Servers.
  2. Click Create New.
  3. Configure the following settings:
Name Name of the new server entry.
Type Select Syslog Protocol or Common Event Format.
Log Server Address Log server IP address or FQDN.
Port Port number. The default port is 514.
Status Enable or disable sending logs to the server.
Log Level Select the logging levels to forward to the log server. For logging levels, see Logging Levels on page 46.
  1. Click OK.

To edit or delete a log server

  1. Go to Log > Log Servers.
  2. Select an entry and click Edit or Delete.

FortiDeceptor – System Settings

System Settings


The System Status dashboard displays widgets that provide information and enable you to configure basic system settings. All the widgets appear on a single dashboard. You can select which widgets to display and you can customize the widgets.

The following widgets are available.

System Information Basic information about the FortiDeceptor system, such as the serial number, system up time, and license status information.
System Resources Real-time usage status of the CPU and memory.
Top Critical Logs The top logs that are classified as Critical.
Deception VM License The list of VM license keys and their expiry dates.
Disk Monitor The RAID level and status, disk usage, and disk management information.
Incidents & Events Distribution Information about the number of incidents and events, and their level of severity.
Incidents & Events Count Number of events occurring each day.
Decoy Distribution by OS Number of decoys with a chart showing the OS such as Windows or Ubuntu.
Lure Distribution Number of decoys deployed with the chart showing the type of service such as SSH, Samba, SMB, SCADA, or RDP.
Incidents Distribution by Service Information about the number and types of incidents, such as SMB, HTTP, TCP, and so on.
Top 10 Attackers by Incidents The top 10 attackers by the number of incidents.
Top 10 Attackers by Events The top 10 attackers by the number of events.
Global Incidents Distribution Displays the number of Attackers by country on a global map.
Top 10 IPS attacks Displays the top 10 IPS attackers by the number of events.

Customizing the dashboard

You can customize the FortiDeceptor system dashboard. You can select which widgets to display and where they are located on the page.

  • To add a widget, click Add Widget in the Dashboard’s floating toolbar at the bottom, and then select the widgets you want to add.
  • To edit a widget, click the Edit icon in the in the widget’s title bar, change the settings, and click OK. l To move a widget, click and drag the widget’s title bar.
  • To refresh a widget’s data, click Refresh in the widget’s title bar.
  • To reset all widgets to their default settings, click Reset in the Dashboard’s floating toolbar at the bottom. l To hide a widget, click the Close icon in the widget’s title bar.

System Information

The System Information widget displays information about the FortiDeceptor unit and enables you to configure basic system settings.

This widget displays the following information and options.

Host Name The name assigned to this FortiDeceptor unit. Click Change to edit the FortiDeceptor host name.
Serial Number Serial number of this FortiDeceptor unit. The serial number is unique to the FortiDeceptor unit and does not change with firmware upgrades. The serial number is used for identification when connecting to the FortiGuard server.
System Time The current time on the FortiDeceptor internal clock or NTP server. Click Change to configure the system time.
Firmware Version Version and build number of the firmware installed on the FortiDeceptor unit.

To update the firmware, you must download the latest version from the Fortinet Customer Service & Support portal. Click Update or UPDATE AVAILABLE and select the firmware image to load from the local hard disk or network volume.

Firmware License To load a firmware license, click Upload License and select a license file.
System Configuration Date and time of the last system configuration backup. Click Backup/Restore to go to the System Recovery page.
Current User The administrator that is currently logged into the system.
Uptime Duration that the FortiDeceptor unit has been running since it booted up.
Deception OS Deception OS license activation and initialization status.

Displays an up icon if the Deception OS is activated and initialized. Displays a Caution icon if the Deception OS is initializing or having issues. Hover the mouse pointer on the status icon to view detailed information. For more information, see Log > All Events.

To go to Deception > Deception OS to see the images available on FortiDeceptor, click Update or UPDATE AVAILABLE.

After purchase, download the license file from the Fortinet Customer Service & Support portal. Then click Upload License to select the license file. The system reboots and activates the newly-installed Deception OS.

FDN Download Server Shows if the FDN download server is accessible. When the FDN download server is inaccessible, no update packages are downloaded.
Web Filtering Server Shows if the web filtering query server is accessible.
Antivirus DB Contract Brief information about this contract.
Antivirus Engine Contract Brief information about this contract.
IDS Engine/DB Contract Brief information about this contract.
Web Filtering Contract Brief information about this contract.
ARAE Engine Contract Brief information about this contract.
Custom VM Contract Brief information about this contract.

System Resources

This widget displays the following information and options.

CPU Usage Gauges the CPU percentage usage.
Memory Usage Gauges the Memory percentage usage.
Reboot/Shutdown Options to shut down or reboot the FortiDeceptor device.

Decoy Distribution by OS

This widget displays the following information in a pie chart.

Ubuntu Number and percentage of Ubuntu Decoy VMs.
Windows Number and percentage of Windows Decoy VMs.
SCADA Number and percentage of SCADA Decoy VMs.

Hover over the pie chart to see the percentage. Click the pie chart to split out a Decoy from the pie chart.

Lure Distribution

This widget displays the number of lures deployed with the following information in a pie chart.

SSH Number and percentage of decoy images using SSH service.
SAMBA Number and percentage of decoy images using SAMBA service.
SMB Number and percentage of decoy images using SMB service.
RDP Number and percentage of decoy images using RDP service.
HTTP Number and percentage of decoy images using HTTP service.
FTP Number and percentage of decoy images using FTP service.
TFTP Number and percentage of decoy images using TFTP service.
SNMP Number and percentage of decoy images using SNMP service.
MODBUS Number and percentage of decoy images using MODBUS service.
S7COMM Number and percentage of decoy images using S7COMM service.
BACNET Number and percentage of decoy images using BACNET service.
IPMI Number and percentage of decoy images using IPMI service.
TRICONEX Number and percentage of decoy images using TRICONEX service.
Guardian-AST Number and percentage of decoy images using Guardian-AST service.
IEC104 Number and percentage of decoy images using IEC104 service.

Hover over the pie chart to see the percentage. Click the pie chart to split out a service from the pie chart.

Top Critical Logs

This widget displays recent critical logs including the time and a brief description of the event.

Click the edit icon to change the refresh interval and top count.

Disk Monitor

This widget is only available in hardware-based models. This widget displays the RAID level and status, disk usage, and disk management information.

This widget displays the following information.

Summary Disk summary information including RAID level and status.
RAID Level The RAID level.
Disk Status The disk status.
Disk Usage The current level of disk usage.
Disk Number The disk number.
Disk Size The disk size.

Basic System Settings

Change the GUI idle timeout

By default, the GUI disconnects administrative sessions if there is no activity for five minutes.

To change the idle timeout length:

  1. Go to System > Settings.
  2. Change the Idle timeout minutes (1 to 480 minutes).
  3. Click OK.

The setting takes affect after you log out and log back in.

Microsoft Windows VM license activation

When Fortinet ships FortiDeceptor, the default Windows guest VM image is activated. The Windows VM license is in an unactivated state and need re-activation.

Log out of the unit

To log out of the unit:

  1. In the FortiDeceptor banner at the top-right, click the user name and select Logout.

If you only close the browser or browse to another web site, you remain logged in until the idle timeout period elapses.

Update FortiDeceptor firmware

A best practice is to stay current on patch releases for your current major release. Only update to a new major release or version when you are looking for specific functionality in the new major release or version. For more information, see the FortiDeceptorRelease Notes or contact Technical Support.

Before any firmware update, complete the following:

  • Download the FortiDeceptor firmware image and Release Notes document from the Fortinet Customer Service & Support Review the Release Notes, including the special notices, upgrade information, product integration and support, and resolved and known issues.
  • Back up your configuration file. It is highly recommended that you create a system backup file and save it to your management computer. You can also schedule the system to back up system configurations to a remote server.
  • Plan a maintenance window for the firmware update. If possible, consider setting up a test environment to check that the update does not negatively impact your network.

To update the FortiDeceptor firmware:

  1. Go to Dashboard > System Information > Firmware Version.
  2. In the System Information widget beside Firmware Version, click Update or UPDATE AVAILABLE.
  3. Click Choose File and locate the firmware image on your management computer; then click Submit to start the upgrade.

Alternatively, in the AVAILABLE FIRMWARE pane Install column, click the download icon beside the firmware release you want. The system upgrades and restarts automatically.

When the update is complete, test your FortiDeceptor device to ensure that the update was successful.

Reboot or shut down the unit

To avoid potential configuration or hardware problems, always use the GUI or CLI to reboot or shut down FortiDeceptor.

To reboot the FortiDeceptor unit:

  1. Go to Dashboard > System Resources.
  2. Click Reboot.
  3. Enter a reason for the reboot in the Reason
  4. Click OK.

After reboot, the FortiDeceptor VM initialization might about 30 minutes. The Decoy VM icon in the System Information widget shows a warning sign until the process completes.

When FortiDeceptor boots or reboots, the following critical event log message is normal:

The VM system is not running and might need more time to startup. Please check system logs formore details. If needed, please reboot system.

After upgrading FortiDeceptor to a new firmware version, the system might clean up data and a Database is not ready message displays. The clean up time depends on the size of historical data.

To shut down the FortiDeceptor unit:

  1. Go to Dashboard > System Resources.
  2. Click Shutdown.
  3. Enter a reason for the shutdown in the Reason
  4. Click OK.

Back up or restore the system configuration

We recommend that yous regular maintenance includes system backups. Always backup before upgrading firmware or making major system configuration changes. Save configuration backups to a management computer in case you need to restore the system after a network event.

To back up the FortiDeceptor configuration to your local management computer:

  1. Go to Dashboard > System Information > System Configuration.
  2. Click Backup/Restore.
  3. Click Click here to save your backup file.

To restore the FortiDeceptor configuration:

  1. Go to Dashboard >System Information > System Configuration.
  2. Click Backup/Restore.
  3. Click Choose File and locate the backup file on your management computer.
  4. Click Restore to load the backup file.
  5. Click OK.

When the system configuration restore process completes, the login page appears.

When you do a system restore, all configurations are replaced with the backup data. The system reboots automatically to complete the restore. Only the backup configuration file from the previous or the same release is supported.


The Network page provides interface, DNS, and routing management options.


To view and manage interfaces, go to Network > Interfaces.

This page displays the following information and options:

Interface The interface name and description.

Failover IP is listed under this field with the descriptor: (clusterexternal port).


(administration port)

Port1 is hard-coded as the administration interface. You can enable or disable HTTP, SSH, and Telnet access rights on port1. HTTPS is enabled by default. You can use port1 for Device mode although a different, dedicated port is recommended.
port2 Decoy VM deployment.
port3 Decoy VM deployment.
port4 Decoy VM deployment.
port5/port6 Decoy VM deployment.
port7/port8 Decoy VM deployment.
IPv4 The IPv4 IP address and subnet mask of the interface.
IPv6 The IPv6 IP address and subnet mask of the interface.
Interface Status The state of the interface:

l     Interface up l Interface down

l     Interface is being used by sniffer

Link Status The link status: l Link up l Link down
Access Rights The access rights associated with the interface. HTTPS is enabled by default on port1. You can enable HTTP, SSH, and Telnet access on port1.
Edit Select the interface and click Edit in the toolbar to edit the interface.

To edit an interface:

  1. Select the IPv4 or IPv6 address of an interface name and click Edit in the toolbar.
  2. Edit the IP Address / Netmask.
  3. If you want, you can change the Interface Status.
  4. Click OK.

To edit administrative access:

  1. Select port1 (administration port) and click Edit in the toolbar.
  2. Edit the Access Rights.

HTTPS is enabled by default. You can also enable HTTP, SSH, and Telnet support.

  1. If necessary, edit the IP Address / Netmask.
  2. Click OK.

DNS Configuration

You can configure the primary and secondary DNS server addresses in Network > System DNS.

System Routing

Use the Network > System Routing page to manage static routes of your FortiDeceptor device.

The following options are available:

Create New Create a new static route.
Edit Edit the selected static route.
Delete Delete the selected static route.

The following information is displayed:

IP/Mask   IP address and subnet mask.
Gateway   Gateway IP address.
Device   The interface associated with the static route.

To create a new static route:

  1. Click Create New.
  2. Enter the Destination IP address, Mask, and Gateway.
  3. Select a Device (or interface).
  4. Click OK.

To edit a static route:

  1. Select a Static Route
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Edit the destination IP address and mask, gateway, and device (or interface) as required.
  4. Click OK to apply the edits to the static route.

To delete a static route or routes:

  1. Select one or more Static Routes.
  2. Click Delete.
  3. Confirm the deletion.