Category Archives: FortiWAN

FortiWAN TR Status Report

TR Status

The TR Status report shows the statuses of every FortiWAN’s TR link (See “Tunnel Routing”) by date the range defined.

Create a report for a specific day or over a range of dates (See “Create a Report”).

Export reports and send reports through email (See “Export and Email”).

The various statuses are defined as below.

l OK: TR link is enabled, configured and connected physically. l Fail: TR link is enabled and configured, but disconnected. l Disable: TR link is not enabled from FortiWAN Web UI. Statistics Table l Lists the statuses of every TR link by the date range defined. l Time: Time periods or dates if a date range is defined. l Local IP: Local IP address of the TR link. l Remote IP: Remote IP address of the TR link. l Status: the OK/Fail Status of this Source IP -> Destination IP pair at that time.

FortiWAN TR Reliability Report

TR Reliability

Tunnel Routing (TR) is FortiWAN’s important function used to construct intranets between multiple LANs anywhere in the world. Tunnel Routing also boosts performance by supporting link aggregation and fault tolerance over multiple links for services such as VPN and live video streaming. A Tunnel Group represents the configuration of Tunnel Routing on FortiWAN between two specific sites; it includes related internal IP addresses of both sites and routing policies between sites (See “Tunnel Routing”).


The TR Reliability report shows the statistics on the failures happened on FortiWAN’s TR links. Please reference FortiWAN User Manual for more information about Tunnel Routing.

Create a report for a specific day or over a range of dates (See “Create a Report”).

Export reports and send reports through email (See “Export and Email”). Statistics Table

  • Group: Tunnel Group configured on FortiWAN; the failed TR link belongs to. Select “Group” as primary sorting via clicking on the column title “Group”.
  • Local IP: Local IP address of the failed TR link in the Tunnel Group. Select “Local IP” as primary sorting via clicking on the column title “Local IP”.
  • Remote IP: Remote IP address of the failed TR link in the Tunnel Group. Select “Remote IP” as primary sorting via clicking on the column title “Remote IP”.
  • Fails: the count of failures occurring on the IP pair in this Tunnel Group for the reporting period. l Drill in: Click to check the status (OK and Fail) of the TR link (See “Drill In”).
  • Note: A “▲” or “▼” is shown aside the column header while the column is selected as primary sorting, e.g. Group ▲. The sorting order will be switched by clicking on the same column header.

FortiWAN WAN Status Report

WAN Status

FortiWAN supports various numbers of WAN links, for example, FortiWAN 700 supports 25 WAN links, FortiWAN 5000 and FortiWAN 6000 support 50 WAN links. The WAN Status report shows the statuses on every FortiWAN’s WAN link. The various statuses are defined as below.

  • OK: WAN link is enabled, configured and connected physically. l Fail: WAN link is enabled and configured, but disconnected. l Disable: WAN link is not enabled from FortiWAN Web UI.

Create a report for a specific day or over a range of dates (See “Create a Report”).

Export reports and send reports through email (See “Export and Email”). Statistics Table

  • Lists the statuses of every WAN link by the date range defined. l Time: Time periods or dates if a date range is defined. l WAN: The WAN link. l Status: The status happened on the WAN link at the time.

FortiWAN WAN Reliability Report

WAN Reliability

The WAN Reliability report shows the statistics on the failures happened on FortiWAN WAN links.

Create a report for a specific day or over a range of dates (See “Create a Report”).

Export reports and send reports through email (See “Export and Email”). Statistics Table

l Lists the times of failure happened on WAN links by the date range defined. l WAN: WAN links that are enabled on FortiWAN. (Disabled WAN links will not be shown in the table). l Fails: Times of failure happened on this WAN link. l Drill in: Click to check the status (OK and Fail) over time on this WAN link (See “Drill In”).

FortiWAN WAN Traffic Report

WAN Traffic

The WAN Traffic report shows the traffic distribution of every FortiWAN’s WAN link by the date range defined. This report will help you to determine if WAN links are capable for the data volumes.

Create a report for a specific day or over a range of dates (See “Create a Report”).

Export reports and send reports through email (See “Export and Email”). WAN Traffic Distribution

  • Traffic distributions of every WAN links are presented individually. l X axis: Time between 00:00 to 23:59 (of a selected date). Days from start to end if Date Range specified (max 90 days). l Y axis: Bandwidth in Kbps or Mbps. l Green indicates inbound data rate. l Blue indicates outbound data rate.

Clicking on Both, In or Out buttons at the right upper corner of the graph allows you to see bandwidth distribution in different directions:

  • Both: Displays both inbound and outbound bandwidth distribution. l In: Displays only inbound bandwidth distribution. l Out: Displays only outbound bandwidth distribution. l Moving the mouse over the graph will display time, date and corresponding traffic distribution.

FortiWAN Session Report


The Session report shows the distribution of sessions (connections) by the date range defined. Your FortiWAN model is rated by the number of simultaneous connections it can process (among other things as noted above). This report will help you determine if you are using the correct FortiWAN model for the number of connections in use by your users.

Create a report for a specific day or over a range of dates (See “Create a Report”).

Export reports and send reports through email (See “Export and Email”).

Session Amount Distribution:

  • X axis: Time between 00:00 to 23:59 (for a selected date). Days from start to end if Date Range specified (max 90 days).
  • Y axis: Number of Sessions in 1,000’s. l Moving the mouse over the graph will display time, date and corresponding number of sessions.

Statistics Table:

  • Lists the number of sessions distributed by the date range defined. This is the numerical presentation of the same information in the Session Distribution Charts.
  • Time: Time periods or dates if a date range is defined. l Count: Number of Sessions.

FortiWAN CPU Report


The CPU report shows the distribution of CPU usage of FortiWAN by the date range defined. CPU usage is a measure of how much traffic is being managed or how much services the FortiWAN is required to do on that traffic. Sustained usage near 80% is a good indicator that a larger FortiWAN model is required to handle the required traffic and services load. Use this chart to compare your target maximum usage with the actual usage over time.

Create a report for a specific day or over a range of dates (See “Create a Report”).

Export reports and send reports through email (See “Export and Email”). CPU Usage Distribution

l X axis: Time between 00:00 to 23:59 (of a selected date). Days from start to end if Date Range specified (max 90 days). l Y axis: CPU usage in %. l Moving the mouse over the graph will display time, date and corresponding CPU usage in percentage.

Statistics Table

  • Lists the CPU usage distributed in percentage (%) by the date range defined. This is the numerical presentation of the same information in the CPU Usage Distribution Charts.
  • Time: Time periods or dates if a date range is defined. l % Usage: CPU usage in %.

FortiWAN Bandwidth Report


The Bandwidth report shows the traffic distribution by the date range defined. Your FortiWAN model is rated by its data throughput (and number of simultaneous connections). This report will help you determine if you are using the correct FortiWAN model and bandwidth capability for the data volumes at our location.

Create a report for a specific day or over a range of dates (See “Create a Report”).

Export reports and send reports through email (See “Export and Email”).

Bandwidth Distribution:

  • X axis: Time between 00:00 to 23:59 (of a selected date). Days from start to end if Date Range specified (max 90 days) .


Y axis: Bandwidth in Kbps or Mbps. l Green indicates inbound data rate. l Blue indicates outbound data rate.

  • Clicking on Both, In or Out buttons at the right upper corner of the graph allows you to see bandwidth distribution in different directions:
  • Both: Displays both inbound and outbound bandwidth distribution. l In: Displays only inbound bandwidth distribution. l Out: Displays only outbound bandwidth distribution. l Moving the mouse over the graph will display time, date and corresponding traffic distribution (as shown below):

Statistics Table:

  • Lists the average inbound and outbound traffic rate distributed by the date range defined. This is the numerical presentation of the same information in the Bandwidth Distribution Charts.
  • Time: Time periods or dates if a date range is defined. l Inbound bps: Traffic originating from outside of FortiWAN, going into the internal port. l Outbound bps: Traffic originating from inside of FortiWAN, going to the external port.