Category Archives: FortiSIEM

FortiSIEM Using the Notification API

Using the Notification API

Applies To

General API Parameters

Request API Parameters

Polling API Parameters

Results API Parameters

Sample XML Ouput

XML Schema

Sample Code

Sample XML Input File

Querying Incidents for the Last 2 Hours

Sample Python Script

Applies To

Enterprise and multitenant deployments.

General API Parameters

Methodology REST API based: make an HTTP(S) request with an input XML. An output XML is returned. Since the number of returned results can be large, the requester has to first get the total number of results, and then get the results one chunk at a time.

Request API Parameters

Input URL https:///phoenix/rest/query/eventQuery


 XML file containing the query parameters


Enterprise Deployments: Username and password of any AccelOps account

Mulittenant Deployments: Username and password of Super account for getting incidents for all organizations. If incidents for a specific organization are needed, then an organization-specific account and an organization name is needed.

Output  queryId or an error code if there is a problem in handling the query or the query format

Polling API Parameters

The request will poll until the server completes the query.



Output progress (pct)

Until progress reaches 100, at which point the server completes the query, you need to continue polling the server. This is because the server may need to aggregate the results or insert meta-information before sending the results.

Results API Parameters



Output totalCount (first time) and an XML containing the incident attributes.

For the first call, begin = 0 and end can be 1000. You need to continuously query the server by using the same URL, but increasing the begin and end until the totalCount is reached

Sample XML Ouput

 Incidents Report Output

XML Schema

The AccelOps AONotification.xsd file shows the XML schema for incident notifications..

Sample Code

Sample XML Input File

Sample Python Script

<script name>.py Script Usage
Sample Query

python “super/admin” “admin*1” SoftwareAB

Super_user needs to be explicitly stated in organization/user format, for example “sup er/admin” or “super/admin” instead of just “admin”

External Help desk / CMDB Integration

Currently AccelOps has inbuilt support for ServiceNow and ConnectWise for CMDB and 2-way incident integration.  Other systems can be supported by create a new Java plugin by following instructions in the AccelOps ServiceAPI. The document is available at AccelOps support portal under AccelOps ServiceAPI section.

External Threat Intelligence Integration

New external threat intelligence websites can be supported by create a new Java plugin by following instructions in the AccelOps ServiceAPI. The document is available at AccelOps support portal under AccelOps ServiceAPI section.

License Registration

Worker registration

Collector registration

AccelOps License registration

Worker registration
Methodology  Run this command to add or delete a Worker from Super
Usage Command located at /opt/phoenix/deployment/jumpbox

Run commands from Super

Add a Worker to Super: phProvisionWorker –add <user> <password> <super> <worker>

Remove a Worker from Super: phProvisionWorker –delete <user> <password> <super> <worker>

Input Parameters user: username of admin account to logon to GUI password: password of admin account to logon to GUI superIp: Supervisor IP Address or FQDN workerIp: Worker IP Address or FQDN
Output None
Collector registration
Methodology  Run this command to add or delete a collector
Usage Add a Collector to Super

Run this command from Collector

Usage: /opt/phoenix/bin/phProvisionCollector  –add <user> <password> <super> <organization> <collector> Remove a Collector to Super

Run this command from Super

Usage: /opt/phoenix/bin/phProvisionCollector  –delete <user> <password> <super> <organization> <collector>

Input Parameters user: username of admin account to logon to GUI password: password of admin account to logon to GUI super: Supervisor IP Address or FQDN

organization: organization name (SP), Super (Enterprise) collector: Collector IP Address or FQDN

Output None


[root@Super171]# cd /opt/phoenix/deployment/jumpbox

[root@Super171]# phProvisionCollector –delete admin admin*1 test-org

Continue the provision process…

Deleting Collector: from Super: with Organization: test-org

Sucessfully done.

AccelOps License registration
Methodology  Download License from AccelOps
Usage Run this command from Super as root

Usage: /pbin/phdownloadlicense <user> <password> <ao-license-server>

Input Parameters user: username for obtaining license password: password for obtaining license

ao-license-server: AccelOps license server host name

Output None


Sample interaction [root@sp161 pbin]# phdownloadlicense rstest rstest

Retrieving Information …

New license file has been retrieved. You may use phinstalllicense to install the new license.

Methodology  Install downloaded license as root
Usage Run this command from Super as root

Usage: /pbin/phinstalllicense



Output None


[root@sp161 pbin]# phinstalllicense

The process of installing a license will disrupt AccelOps services. Do you want to start the installation at this time ?

[yes/no] : yes

Installing license …

Number of Licensed VA(s) = 10

Number of Running Worker(s) = 0

Exiting from worker provision …


[root@sp161 pbin]# phLicenseTool –verify                 license matched


[root@sp161 pbin]# phLicenseTool –show

Report License: workers=9; citems=5000; eps=10000;storage=10737418240000; starttime=1399878000; endtime=1447398000; mode=1; rsOrg=111; rsExp=1432796400; SP=1; organizationNum=10; country=; customerId=1086; customerName=rstest; collectors=5; devicesupport=1; basicAgents=1; advancedAgents=1; profile=0

FortiSIEM Incident Notification

Incident Notification

AccelOps can send notifications via email/SMS, HTTPS, SNMP traps, and over the AccelOps API. These topics describe the formats for these notification types, and how to use the notification API.

Formats for Incident Notifications over Email, HTTPS, SNMP Trap, and API Using the Notification API

Formats for Incident Notifications over Email, HTTPS, SNMP Trap, and API

This topic describes the formats for the various types of notifications that AccelOps can send by email/SMS, HTTPS, SNMP trap, or through the API>.

Email/SMS Notification

Subject Line Format

Body Format

SMS Format

SNMP Trap Notification

MIB File

HTTP(S) Notification

XML Schema

XML File Format

Email/SMS Notification

Email is the most common form of incident notification. For integration purposes, an incident email subject and body can be parsed and specific actions can be taken if necessary.

These screenshots shows three types of email that can be sent depending on whether an incident is NEW, UPDATEd or CLEARed

New Update Clear

Subject Line Format

[New|Update|Clear] <HostName>: <Rule Name>

Body Format

Section Field Description
Incident Id Unique ID of the incident in AccelOps. An incident can be searched in AccelOps by this ID.
Time Time when this incident occurred
Severity Incident severity: HIGH|MEDIUM|LOW and a numeric severity in the range 0-10 (0-4 LOW, 5-8 MEDIUM and 9-10 HIGH
Incident Count How many times this incident has occurred. For NEW incidents, the count is 1.
Rule Rule Name Name of the rule, repeated in the subject line


Incident Target Where the incident occurred, or the target of an IPS alert
Host Name


Host IP


Other attributes as defined in rule
Incident Source For security-related incidents, where the incident originated
Host Name


Host IP


Other attributes as defined in rule
Incident Details Rule-specific details that caused the incident to trigger
Affected Business

Services  (optional


Identity and


Xontains additional information for IP addresses in incident source or target. This information is present only if such information is discovered by AccelOps and shown in the Identity and Location tab. Host name



Nearest switch name/port or VPN gateway or Wireless Controller

First and last seen times for this IP address to identity/location binding

FortiSIEM Events and Report Integration

Events and Report Integration

This API provides a way to programmatically run any query or report that can be executed on the event data from the AccelOps GUI.

General Description

Request API Parameters

Polling API Parameters

Results API Parameters

Sample XML Output

Sample Code

General Description
Methodology REST API based:

make an HTTP(S) request with an input XML that defines the query.

Since the number of returned results can be large, the caller has to first get the total number of results

Then get the results one chunk at a time. Every time, an output XML containing the query results is returned.

Request API Parameters
Input URL https:///phoenix/rest/query/eventQuery


 XML file containing the query parameters


Enterprise Deployments: Username and password of any AccelOps account

Multi-tenant Deployments: Username and password of Super account for getting incidents for all organizations. If incidents for a specific organization are needed, then an organization-specific account and an organization name is needed.

Output  queryId or an error code if there is a problem in handling the query or the query format
Polling API Parameters

The request will poll until the server completes the query.



Output progress (pct)

Until progress reaches 100, at which point the server completes the query, you need to continue polling the server. This is because the server may need to aggregate the results or insert meta-information before sending the results.

Results API Parameters


Output totalCount (first time) and an XML containing the incident attributes.

For the first call, begin = 0 and end can be 1000. You need to continuously query the server by using the same URL, but increasing the begin and end until the totalCount is reached.

Sample XML Output


Sample Code

This sample takes the credentials, input XML and. optionally. organization name as arguments and writes out the query results in a comma separated value (CSV) format on the screen. The output can be redirected to a file if needed.

Sample XML Input Files

Failed Login at Any Device Top Events by Severity and


Top Reporting Device and Module by Event Count Top Servers By Least Free

Disk Space

Sample Python Script

<script name>.py Script Usage
You also need to download the getMonitoredOrganizations python script into the same directory Sample Query

python “super/admin” “admin*1” all ./failed-login.xml

Super_user needs to be explicitly stated in

organization/user format, for example “super/admin

” or “super/admin” instead of just “admin”

FortiSIEM Add, Update or Delete Device Maintenance Schedule

Add, Update or Delete Device Maintenance Schedule

Applies To

API Parameters for Adding/Updating Maintenance Schedule

API Parameters for Deleting Maintenance Schedule

Sample Code to Add/Update a Device Maintenance Schedule

Sample XML Input File

Sample Python Script

Sample Code to Delete a Device Maintenance Schedule Sample Python Script

Applies To

<Enterprise and multitenant deployments.>

<Enterprise deployments.> <Multitenant deployments>

API Parameters for Adding/Updating Maintenance Schedule
Methodology REST API based: make an HTTP(S) request with an input XML (optional). An output XML is returned.
Input URL https:///phoenix/rest/deviceMaint/update
Input Parameters An XML file
Input Credentials Username and password of any AccelOps account
Output An XML file
API Parameters for Deleting Maintenance Schedule
Methodology REST API based: make an HTTP(S) request with an input XML (optional). An output XML is returned.
Input URL https:///phoenix/rest/deviceMaint/delete
Input Parameters An XML file
Input Credentials Username and password of any AccelOps account
Output An XML file
Sample Code to Add/Update a Device Maintenance Schedule

Sample XML Input File


Sample Python Script Script Usage
 import sys, base64, urllib, urllib2 def restPost(appServer, user, password, file):

f = open(file, ‘r’)     content =

f.close()     url = “https://” + appServer + “/phoenix/rest/deviceMaint/update”     auth = “Basic %s” % base64.encodestring(user + “:” + password)     request = urllib2.Request(url, content)     request.add_header(‘Authorization’, auth)     request.add_header(‘Content-Type’, ‘text/xml’) # ‘application/xml’     request.add_header(‘Content-Length’, len(content)+2)     request.add_header(‘User-Agent’, ‘Python-urllib2/2.7’)     request.get_method = lambda: ‘PUT’     try:

handle = urllib2.urlopen(request)     except urllib2.HTTPError, error:         if (error.code != 204):

print error if __name__==’__main__’:     if len(sys.argv) != 5:

print “Usage: appServer user password scheduleDefFile”         print “Example: python super/admin adm1n scheduleDef.xml”         sys.exit()     restPost(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4])

python <AccelOps_IP> <user> <password> <maintenance schedule xml file name> Sample Query

python “super/admin”

“admin*1” MaintenanceSchedule.xml

Super_user needs to be explicitly stated in organization/user format, for example “super/admi n” or “super/admin” instead of just “admin”

Sample Code to Delete a Device Maintenance Schedule

Sample Python Script Script Usage
import sys, base64, urllib, urllib2 def restPost(appServer, user, password, file):

f = open(file, ‘r’)     content =

f.close()     url = “https://” + appServer + “/phoenix/rest/deviceMaint/delete”     auth = “Basic %s” % base64.encodestring(user + “:” + password)     request = urllib2.Request(url, content)     request.add_header(‘Authorization’, auth)     request.add_header(‘Content-Type’, ‘text/xml’) # ‘application/xml’     request.add_header(‘Content-Length’, len(content)+2)     request.add_header(‘User-Agent’, ‘Python-urllib2/2.7’)     request.get_method = lambda: ‘PUT’     try:

handle = urllib2.urlopen(request)     except urllib2.HTTPError, error:         if (error.code != 204):

print error if __name__==’__main__’:     if len(sys.argv) != 5:

print “Usage: appServer user password scheduleDefFile”         print “Example: python “super/admin” “adm1n” scheduleDef.xml”         sys.exit()

restPost(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4])

python <AccelOps_IP> <user> <password> <maintenance schedule xml file name> Sample Query

python “super/admin”

“admin*1” MaintenanceSchedule.xml

Super_user needs to be explicitly stated in organization/user format, for example “super/admi n” or “super/admin” instead of just “admin”

FortiSIEM Update Device Monitoring

Update Device Monitoring

Applies To

API Parameters for Enterprise Deployments

API Parameters for Multitenant Deployments

Sample XML Output

Sample Code

Sample XML Input File

Sample Python Script

Applies To

Enterprise and multitenant deployments.

API Parameters for Enterprise Deployments
Methodology REST API based: make an HTTP(S) request with an input XML (optional).
Input URL https:///phoenix/rest/deviceMon/updateMonitor


 Username and password of any AccelOps account


Username and password of Super account or Organization specific account, Organization name, input XML containing the updates to device monitoring configuration.
Output  HTTP Status Code
API Parameters for Multitenant Deployments
Methodology REST API based: make an HTTP(S) request with an input XML (optional).
Input URL https:///phoenix/rest/deviceMon/updateMonitor


Username and password of Super account or Organization specific account, Organization name, input XML containing the updates to device monitoring configuration.
Output  HTTP Status Code

Sample XML Output


Sample Code

Sample XML Input File

Sample Python Script

This sample takes the credentials, and optionally an organization name, as arguments and writes out the parsed XML output file in a comma separated value (CSV) format on the screen. The output can be redirected to a file if needed. Script Usage



import sys, base64, urllib, urllib2 def restPost(appServer, user, password, file):

f = open(file, ‘r’)     content =

f.close()     url = “https://” + appServer + “/phoenix/rest/deviceMon/updateMonitor”     auth = “Basic %s” % base64.encodestring(user + “:” + password)     request = urllib2.Request(url, content)     request.add_header(‘Authorization’, auth)     request.add_header(‘Content-Type’, ‘text/xml’) # ‘application/xml’     request.add_header(‘Content-Length’, len(content)+2)     request.add_header(‘User-Agent’, ‘Python-urllib2/2.7’)     request.get_method = lambda: ‘PUT’     try:

handle = urllib2.urlopen(request)     except urllib2.HTTPError, error:         if (error.code != 204):

print error if __name__==’__main__’:     if len(sys.argv) != 5:

print “Usage: appServer user password deviceDefFile”         print “Example: python super/admin adm1n deviceMonitorDef.xml”         sys.exit()     restPost(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4])

python <AccelOps_IP> <user> <password> <device monitor xml file name> Sample Query

python “super/admin”

“admin*1” MonitorDevice.xml

Super_user needs to be explicitly stated in organization/user format, for example “super/admi n” or “super/admin” instead of just “admin”



FortiSIEM Get the List of Monitored Organizations

Get the List of Monitored Organizations

Applies To

API Parameters

Sample XML Output

Sample Code

Applies To

Multitenant deployments

API Parameters
Methodology REST API based: make an HTTP(S) request with an input XML (optional). An output XML is returned.
Input URL https:///phoenix/rest/config/Domain
Input Credentials  Username and password of Super account
Output  An XML that contains Organization id, Organization name, Status, Included and Excluded IP range

Sample XML Output

Sample Code

This sample python script takes the Super credentials as arguments and writes out the parsed XML output file in a comma separated value (CSV) format on the screen. The output can be redirected to a file if needed.

mapping={‘name’:”, ‘domainId’:”, ‘disabled’:”, ‘initialized’:”, ‘include’:”, ‘exclude’:”}             for node2 in node1.getElementsByTagName(“domainId”):                for node3 in node2.childNodes:                   if node3.nodeType==Node.TEXT_NODE:                      mapping[‘domainId’]                for node4 in node1.getElementsByTagName(“excludeRange”):                   for node5 in node4.childNodes:                      if node5.nodeType==Node.TEXT_NODE:                         mapping[‘exclude’]                for node6 in node1.getElementsByTagName(“includeRange”):                   for node7 in node6.childNodes:                      if node7.nodeType==Node.TEXT_NODE:                         mapping[‘include’]                for node8 in node1.getElementsByTagName(“name”):                   for node9 in node8.childNodes:                      if node9.nodeType==Node.TEXT_NODE:                         mapping[‘name’]                for node10 in node1.getElementsByTagName(“disabled”):                   for node11 in node10.childNodes:                      if node11.nodeType==Node.TEXT_NODE:                         mapping[‘disabled’]                for node12 in node1.getElementsByTagName(“initialized”):                   for node13 in node12.childNodes:                      if node13.nodeType==Node.TEXT_NODE:                         mapping[‘initialized’]                param.append(mapping)    return param def generateResult(param):    print “Org Name,Org Id,Disabled,Initialized,Include Range,Exclude Range\n\n”    for item in param:

print “%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n” % (item[‘name’], item[‘domainId’], item[‘disabled’], item[‘initialized’], item[‘include’], item[‘exclude’]) if __name__==’__main__’:

import sys    if len(sys.argv)!=4:

print “Usage: appServer user password”       exit()

FortiSIEM Get CMDB Device Info

Get CMDB Device Info

API Parameters for Enterprise Deployments

Get Short Description of All Devices

Sample XML Output

Sample Python Script

Get Short Description of All Devices in an Address Range

Sample XML Output

Sample Python Script

Get Full Information About One Device

Sample XML Output

Sample Python Script

Get a Section of Information (Applications, Interfaces, Processors, Storage) About One Device

Sample XML Output

Sample Python Script

API Parameters for Multitenant Deployments

Get Short Description of All Devices for an Organization

Sample XML Output

Sample Python Script

Get Short Description of All Devices in an Address Range for an Organization

Sample XML Output

Sample Python Code

Get Full Information About One Device Belonging to an Organization

Sample XML Output

Sample Python Code

Get a Section of Information (Applications, Interfaces, Processors, Storage) About One Device for an Organization Sample XML Output

Sample Python Code

Applies To

Enteprise and multitenant deployments.

API Parameters for Enterprise Deployments

Get Short Description of All Devices

Methodology REST API based: make an HTTP(S) request with an input XML (optional). An output XML is returned.
Input URL  https://<AccelOps_IP>/phoenix/rest/cmdbDeviceInfo/devices
Input Credentials  Username and password of any AccelOps account
Output An XML that contains a short set of attributes for each device, including:

Host Name

Access IP

Creation Method


Vendor, Model, version

Contact info



Hardware Model

Serial Number

Business Service Groups to which the device belongs

Sample XML Output


Sample Python Script Script Usage
python <AccelOpsSuperIp> super/<user>


Get Short Description of All Devices in an Address Range

Methodology REST API based: make an HTTP(S) request with an input XML (optional). An output XML is returned.
Input URL  https://<AccelOps_IP>/phoenix/rest/cmdbDeviceInfo/devices?includeIps=<includeIpSet>&excludeIps




 Username and password of any AccelOps account
Output An XML that contains short description of devices with access IPs in the specified address range

If you want all devices in the range, then issue the API https://<AccelOps_IP>/pho enix/rest/cmdbDeviceInfo/devices?includeIps=

If you want all devices in the range, but want to exclude,, then issue the API https://<AccelOps_IP>/phoenix/rest/cmdbDeviceInfo/devices?include


If you want all devices in the range, but want to exclude

.25, then issue the API https://<AccelOps_IP>/phoenix/rest/cmdbDeviceInfo/devices?includeIps=192.16


Sample XML Output

Query: https://<AccelOps_IP>/phoenix/rest/cmdbDeviceInfo/devices?includeIps=

Output: AllDeviceInRangeShortDescription.xml

Sample Python Script

Get Full Information About One Device

Methodology REST API based: make an HTTP(S) request with an input XML (optional). An output XML is returned.
Input URL  https://<AccelOps_IP>/phoenix/rest/cmdbDeviceInfo/device?ip=<deviceIp>&loadDepend=true
Input Credentials  Username and password of any AccelOps account
Output An XML that contains full information AccelOps has discovered about a device

Sample XML Output

Query: https://<AccelOps_IP>/phoenix/rest/cmdbDeviceInfo/device?ip=

Output: oneWindowsServerFullInfo.xml

Sample Python Script Script
p g < s <


Get a Section of Information (Applications, Interfaces, Processors, Storage) About One Device

Methodology REST API based: make an HTTP(S) request with an input XML (optional). An output XML is returned.
Input URL https:///phoenix/rest/cmdbDeviceInfo/device?ip=&loadDepend=true&fields=<


 Username and password of any AccelOps account
Output An XML that contains the specified section discovered for the device

Query: https://<AccelOps_IP>/phoenix/rest/cmdbDeviceInfo/device?ip=


Output: oneWindowsServerInterfaces.xml

Sample Python Script

FortiSIEM Discover Devices API Integration

Discover Devices

Applies To

API Parameters

Multitenant Deployments

Enterprise Deployments

Sample Code for Discovery Request

Sample Input XML File

Sample Python Script

Sample Output XML for Discovery Results

Sample Output Text for Discovery Results

Applies To

Enterprise and multitenant deployments

API Parameters

Multitenant Deployments

Methodology REST API based: make an HTTP(S) request with an input XML containing the devices to be discovered. An output XML containing the task Id is returned. The task Id can then be used to get the status of the discovery results


Discovery request: https://<AccelOps_IP>/phoenix/rest/deviceMon/discover

Discovery result: https://<AccelOps_IP>/phoenix/rest/deviceMon/discover/status?taskId=1234



Username and password of Super account or Organization specific account, Organization name
Output Discovery request: XML containing task Id

Discovery result: XML containing discovered devices and attributes

Enterprise Deployments

Methodology REST API based: make an HTTP(S) request with an input XML containing the devices to be discovered. An output XML containing the task Id is returned. The task Id can then be used to get the status of the discovery results


Discovery request: https://<AccelOps_IP>/phoenix/rest/deviceMon/discover

Discovery result: https://<AccelOps_IP>/phoenix/rest/deviceMon/discover/status?taskId=1234



Username and password of any AccelOps account
Output Discovery request: XML containing task Id

Discovery result: XML containing discovered devices and attributes

Sample Code for Discovery Request

This sample takes the credentials and, optionally, organization name as arguments and writes out the parsed XML output file in a comma separated value (CSV) format on the screen. The output can be redirected to a file if needed.

Sample Input XML File

Sample Python Script Script Usage



import sys, base64, urllib, urllib2 def restPost(appServer, user, password, file):

f = open(file, ‘r’)     content =

f.close()     url = “https://” + appServer + “/phoenix/rest/deviceMon/discover”     auth = “Basic %s” % base64.encodestring(user + “:” + password)     request = urllib2.Request(url, content)     request.add_header(‘Authorization’, auth)     request.add_header(‘Content-Type’, ‘text/xml’) # ‘application/xml’     request.add_header(‘Content-Length’, len(content))     request.add_header(‘User-Agent’, ‘Python-urllib2/2.4’)     request.get_method = lambda: ‘PUT’     try:

handle = urllib2.urlopen(request)     except urllib2.HTTPError, error:         if (error.code != 204):

print error if __name__==’__main__’:     if len(sys.argv) != 5:

print “Usage: appServer user password deviceDefFile”         print “Example: python super/admin adm1n deviceDef.xml”         sys.exit()     restPost(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4])

python <AccelOps_IP> <user> <password> <device xml file name> Example

python “super/admin” “admin*1” DiscoverDevice. xml

The Super_user needs to be explicitly stated in organization/user format, for example, “super/adm in” or “super/admin” instead of just “admin”.

Sample Output XML for Discovery Results

Sample Output Text for Discovery Results