Category Archives: FortiOS 5.4 Handbook

The complete handbook for FortiOS 5.4

How to check modem status

How to check modem status

Sometimes the modem may not work properly, or the unit may not be detecting the modem. Use the following diagnostic commands to help you troubleshoot issues with the modem.

diagnose sys modem {cmd | com | detect | history | external-modem| query| reset}


You should always run the following diagnose command after inserting the USB modem into the unit:

diagnose sys modem detect


You can view the modem configuration by using the get system modem command. You can also view the modem’s vendor identification as well as the custom product identification number from the information output from the get system modem command.


When there are connectivity issues, use the following to help you resolve them:

  • diag debug enable – activates the debug on the console
  • diag debug application modemd – dumps communication between the modem and the unit.
  • diag debug application ppp – dumps the PPP negotiating messages.
  • execute modem dial – displays modem debug output.

The modem diagnose output should not contain any error on the way to initializing. You should also verify the number that is used to dial with your ISP.

How to check CPU and memory resources

How to check CPU and memory resources

System resources are shared and a number of processes run simultaneously on the FortiGate unit. If one of these processes consumes nearly all the resources.


A quick way to monitor CPU and memory usage is on the System Dashboard using the System Resources widgets. They have both a visual gauge displayed to show you the usage.

To check the system resources on your FortiGate unit, run the following CLI command:

FGT# get system performance status

This command provides a quick and easy snapshot of the FortiGate.

The first line of output shows the CPU usage by category. A FortiGate that is doing nothing will look like:

CPU states: 0% user 0% system 0% nice 100% idle

However, if your network is running slow you might see something like:

CPU states: 1% user 98% system 0% nice 1% idle

This line shows that all the CPU is used up by system processes. Normally this should not happen as it shows the FortiGate is overloaded for some reason. If you see this overloading, you should investigate farther as it’s possible a process, such as scanunitid, is using all the resources to scan traffic, in which case you need to reduce the amount of traffic being scanned by blocking unwanted protocols, configuring more security policies to limit scanning to certain protocols, or similar actions. It is also possible that a hacker has gained access to your network and is overloading it with malicious activity such as running a spam server or using zombie PCs to attack other networks on the Internet. You can get additional CPU related information with the CLI command get system performance top. This command shows you all the top processes running on the FortiGate unit (names on the left) and their CPU usage. If a process is using most of the CPU cycles, investigate it to determine if it’s normal activity.

The second line of output from get system performance status shows the memory usage. Memory usage should not exceed 90 percent. If memory is too full, some processes will not be able to function properly. For example, if the system is running low on memory, antivirus scanning will go into failopen mode where it will start dropping connections or bypass the antivirus system.

The other lines of output, such as average network usage, average session setup rate, viruses caught, and IPS attacks blocked can also help you determine why system resource usage it high. For example, if network usage is high it will result in high traffic processing on the FortiGate, or if the session setup rate is very low or zero the proxy may be overloaded and not able to do its job.


How to troubleshoot high memory usage

As with any system, FortiOS has a finite set of hardware resources such as memory and all the running processes share that memory. Depending on their workload, each process will use more or less as needed, usually more in high traffic situations. If some processes use all the available memory, other processes will have no memory available and not be able to function.

When high memory usage happens, you may experience services that appear to freeze up and connections are lost or new connections are refused.

If you are seeing high memory usage in the System Resources widget, it could mean that the unit is dealing with high traffic volume, which may be causing the problem, or it could be when the unit is dealing with connection pool limits affecting a single proxy. If the unit is receiving large volumes of traffic on a specific proxy, it is possible that the unit will exceed the connection pool limit. If the number of free connections within a proxy connection pool reaches zero, problems may occur.

Use the following CLI command, which uses the antivirus failopen feature. Setting it to idledrop will drop connections based on the clients that have the most connections open. This helps to determine the behavior of the FortiGate antivirus system if it becomes overloaded in high traffic.

config system global

set av-failopen idledrop end


Use the following CLI command, which gives you information about current memory usage:

diagnose hardware sysinfo memory


Sample output:

total: used: free: shared: buffers: cached: shm:

Mem: 2074185728 756936704 1317249024 0 20701184 194555904 161046528

Swap:      0      0      0

MemTotal:  2025572 kB MemFree:   1286376 kB MemShared:       0 kB Buffers:     20216 kB Cached:     189996 kB SwapCached:      0 kB Active:      56644 kB Inactive:   153648 kB HighTotal:       0 kB HighFree:        0 kB LowTotal:  2025572 kB LowFree:   1286376 kB SwapTotal:       0 kB SwapFree:        0 kB


How to troubleshoot high CPU usage

FortiOS has many features. If many of them are used at the same time, it can quickly use up all the CPU resources. When this happens, you will experience connection related problems stemming from the FortiOS unit trying to manage its workload by refusing new connections, or even more aggressive methods.

Some examples of features that are CPU intensive are VPN high level encryption, having all traffic undergo all possible scanning, logging all traffic, and packets, and dashboard widgets that frequently update their data.

1. Determine how high the CPU usage is currently.There are two main ways to do this. The easiest is to go to System > Dashboard > Status and look at the system resources widget. This is a dial gauge that displays a percentage use for the CPU. If its at the red-line, you should take action. The other method is to use the Dashboard CLI widget to enter diag sys top.

Sample output:

Run Time: 11 days, 23 hours and 36 minutes

0U, 0S, 98I; 1977T, 758F, 180KF newcli 286 R 0.1 0.8 ipsengine 78 S < 0.0 3.1 ipsengine 64 S < 0.0 3.0 ipsengine 77 S < 0.0 3.0 ipsengine 68 S < 0.0 2.9 ipsengine 66 S < 0.0 2.9 ipsengine 79 S < 0.0 2.9 scanunitd 133 S < 0.0 1.8 pyfcgid 267 S 0.0 1.8 pyfcgid 269 S 0.0 1.7 pyfcgid 268 S 0.0 1.6 httpsd 139 S 0.0 1.6 pyfcgid 266 S 0.0 1.5 scanunitd 131 S < 0.0 1.4 scanunitd 132 S < 0.0 1.4 proxyworker 90 S 0.0 1.3 cmdbsvr 43 S 0.0 1.1 proxyworker 91 S 0.0 1.1 miglogd 55 S 0.0 1.1 httpsd 135 S 0.0 1.0

Where the codes displayed on the second output line mean the following:


  • U is % of user space applications using CPU. In the example, 0U means 0% of the user space applications are using CPU.
  • S is % of system processes (or kernel processes) using CPU. In the example, 0S means 0% of the system processes are using the CPU.
  • I is % of idle CPU. In the example, 98I means the CPU is 98% idle.
  • T is the total FortiOS system memory in Mb. In the example, 1977T means there are 1977 Mb of system memory.
  • F is free memory in Mb. In the example, 758F means there is 758 Mb of free memory.
  • KF is the total shared memory pages used. In the example, 180KF means the system is using 180 shared memory pages.

Each additional line of the command output displays information for each of the processes running on the FortiGate unit. For example, the third line of the output is:

newcli 286 R 0.1 0.8



  • newcli is the process name. Other process names can include ipsengine, sshd, cmdbsrv, httpsd,scanunitd, and miglogd.
  • 286 is the process ID. The process ID can be any number.
  • R is the current state of the process. The process state can be:
  • R running
  • S sleep
  • Z zombie
  • D disk sleep.
  • 0.1 is the amount of CPU that the process is using. CPU usage can range from 0.0 for a process that is sleeping to higher values for a process that is taking a lot of CPU time.
  • 0.8 is the amount of memory that the process is using. Memory usage can range from 0.1 to 5.5 and higher. Enter the following single-key commands when diagnose sys top is running:
  • Press q to quit and return to the normal CLI prompt.
  • Press p to sort the processes by the amount of CPU that the processes are using.
  • Press m to sort the processes by the amount of memory that the processes are using.

2. Determine what features are using most of the CPU resources.

There is a command in the CLI to let you see the top few processes currently running that use the most CPU resources. The CLI command get system performance top outputs a table of information. You are interested in the second most right column, CPU usage by percentage. If the top few entries are using most of the CPU, note which processes they are and investigate those features to try and reduce their CPU load. Some examples of processes you will see include:

  • ipsengine — the IPS engine that scans traffic for intrusions
  • scanunitd — antivirus scanner
  • httpsd — secure HTTP
  • iked — internet key exchange (IKE) in use with IPsec VPN tunnels
  • newcli — active whenever you are accessing the CLI
  • sshd — there are active secure socket connections
  • cmdbsrv — the command database server application

Go to the features that are at the top of the list and look for evidence of them overusing the CPU. Generally the monitor for a feature is a good place to start.

3. Check for unnecessary CPU “wasters”.

These are some best practises that will reduce your CPU usage, even if you are not experiencing high CPU usage. Note that if you require a feature this section tells you to turn off, ignore it.

  • Use hardware acceleration wherever possible to offload tasks from the CPU. Offloading tasks such as encryption frees up the CPU for other tasks.
  • Avoid the use of GUI widgets that require computing cycles, such as the Top Sessions widget. These widgets are constantly polling the system for their information, which uses CPU and other resources.
  • Schedule antivirus, IPS, and firmware updates during off peak hours. Usually these don’t consume CPU resources but they can disrupt normal operation.
  • Check the log levels and which events are being logged. This is the severity of the messages that are recorded.
  • Consider going up one level to reduce the amount of logging. Also if there are events you do not need to monitor, remove them from the list.
  • Log to FortiCloud instead of memory or Disk. Logging to memory quickly uses up resources. Logging to local disk will impact overall performance and reduce the lifetime of the unit. Fortinet recommends logging to FortiCloud which doesn’t use much CPU.
  • If the disk is almost full, transfer the logs or data off the disk to free up space. When a disk is almost full it consumes a lot of resources to find the free space and organize the files.
  • If you have packet logging enabled, consider disabling it. When it’s enabled it records every packet that comes through that policy.
  • Halt all sniffers and traces.
  • Ensure you are not scanning traffic twice. If traffic enters the FortiGate unit on one interface, goes out another, and then comes back in again that traffic does not need to be rescanned. Doing so is a waste of resources. However, ensure that traffic truly is being scanned once.
  • Reduce the session timers to close unused sessions faster. To do this in the CLI enter the following commands and values. These values reduce the values from defaults. Note that tcp-timewait has 10 seconds added by the system by default.


config system global

set tcp-halfclose-timer 30 set tcp-halfopen-timer 30 set tcp-timewait-timer 0 set udp-idle-timer 60


  • Enable only features that you need under System > Config > Features.

4. When CPU usage is under control, use SNMP to monitor CPU usage. Alternately, use logging to record CPU and memory usage every 5 minutes.

Once things are back to normal, you should set up a warning system to alert you of future CPU overusage. A common method to do this is with SNMP. SNMP monitors many values on the FortiOS and allows you to set high water marks that will generate events. You run an application on your computer to watch for and record these events. Go to System > Config > SNMP to enable and configure an SNMP community. If this method is too complicated, you can use the System Resources widget to record CPU usage. However, this method will not alert you to problems – it will just record them as they happen.

How to check FortiOS network settings

How to check FortiOS network settings

FortiOS network settings are present in both the web-based manager interface and the CLI. The following information includes troubleshooting and best practice information. The network settings include:

  • Interface settings
  • DNS settings
  • DHCP Server settings


Interface settings

If you can access the FortiGate unit with the management cable only, the first step is to display the interface settings. To display the settings for the internal interface, use the following CLI command:


FGT# show system interface <Interface_mane>

For a complete listing of all the possible interface settings, use the following CLI command:


config system interface edit <Interface_name> get


Check the interface settings to ensure they are not preventing traffic. Specific things to check include (only the web-based manager names are shown, CLI names may vary slightly):


  • Link Status — Down until a valid cable is plugged into this interface, after which it will be Up. The Link Status is shown physically by the connection LED for the interface. If it lights up green, it is a good connection. If Link Status is Down, the interface does not work. Link Status is also displayed on the System > Network > Interface screen by default.
  • Addressing mode — Do not use DHCP if you don’t have a DHCP server —you will not be able to logon to an interface in DHCP mode as it will not have an IP address.
  • IP/Netmask — An interface needs an IP address to be able to connect to other devices. Ensure there is a valid IP address in this field. The one exception is if DHCP is enabled for this interface to get its IP address from an external DHCP server.
  • IPv6 address — The same protocol must be used by both ends to complete the connection. Ensure both this interface and the remote connection are both using IPv4 or both using IPv6 addressing.
  • Administrative access — If no protocols are selected, you will have to use the local management cable to connect to the unit. If you are using IPv6, configure the IPv6 administrative access protocols.
  • Administrative status — Set to Up or the interface will not work.


DNS settings

While this section is not complicated, many networking problems can be traced back to DNS problems. Things to check in this area include:

  • Are there values for both primary and secondary entries?
  • Is the local domain name correct?
  • Are you using IPv6 addressing? If so, are the IPv6 DNS settings correct?
  • Are you using Dynamic DNS (DDNS)? If so, is it using the correct server, credentials, and interface?
  • Can you contact both DNS servers to verify the servers are operational?
  • If an interface addressing mode is set to DHCP and is set to override the internal DNS, is that interface receiving a valid DNS entry from the DHCP server? Is it a reasonable address and can it be contacted to verify it’s operational?
  • Are there any DENY security policies that need to allow DNS?
  • Can any internal device perform a successful traceroute to a location using the FQDN?


DHCP Server settings

DHCP Servers are common on internal and wireless networks. If the DHCP server is not configured properly it can cause problems. Things to check in this area include:

  • Is the DHCP server entry set to Relay? If so, verify there is another DHCP server to which requests can be relayed.

Otherwise, it should be set to Server.

  • Is the DHCP server enabled?
  • Does this DHCP server use a valid range of IP addresses? Are those addresses in use by other devices? If one or more devices are using IP addresses in this range, you can use the IP reservation feature to ensure the DHCP server does not use these addresses.
  • Is there a gateway entry? Include a gateway entry to ensure clients of this server have a default route.
  • Is the system DNS setting being used? The best practice is to avoid confusion by using the system DNS whenever possible. However, the option to specify up to three custom DNS servers is available, and all three entries should be used for redundancy.

There are some situations, such as a new wireless interface, or during the initial FortiGate unit configuration, where interfaces override the system DNS entries. When this happens, it often shows up as intermittent Internet connectivity. To fix the prob- lem, go to System > Network > DNS and ensure to enable Use FortiGuard Servers.

How to check hardware connections

How to check hardware connections

If there is no traffic flowing from the FortiGate unit, it may be a hardware problem. To check hardware connections:

  • Ensure the network cables are properly plugged into the interfaces.
  • Ensure there are connection lights for the network cables on the unit.
  • Change the cable if the cable or its connector are damaged or you are unsure about the cable’s type or quality—such as straight through or crossover, or possibly exposed wires at the connector.
  • Connect the FortiGate unit to different hardware.
  • Ensure the link status is set to Up for the interface, (see Network > Interface > Status). The link status is based on the physical connection and cannot be set in FortiOS.


If any of these solve the problem, it was a hardware connection problem. You should still perform some basic software connectivity tests to ensure complete connectivity. It might also be that the interface is disabled, or has its Administrative Status set to Down.


To enable an interface – web-based manager

1. Using the web-based management interface, go to System > Network > Interface.

2. Select and edit the interface to enable, such as port1.

3. Find Administrative Status at the bottom of the screen, and select Up.

4. Select Apply.


To enable an interface – CLI

config system interface edit port1

set status up next


How to verify the contents of the routing table (in NAT mode)

How to verify the contents of the routing table (in NAT mode)

When you have some connectivity, or possibly none at all a good place to look for information is the routing table. The routing table is where all the currently used routes are stored for both static and dynamic protocols. If a route is in the routing table, it saves the time and resources of a lookup. If a route is not used for a while and a new route needs to be added, the oldest least used route is bumped if the routing table is full. This ensures the most recently used routes stay in the table. If your FortiGate unit is in Transparent mode, you are unable to perform this step.

If the FortiGate is running in NAT mode, verify that all desired routes are in the routing table: local subnets, default routes, specific static routes, and dynamic routing protocols.

To check the routing table in the web-based manager, use the Routing Monitor by going to Router > Monitor > Routing Monitor.


In the CLI, use the command get router info routing-table all. Sample output:

FGT# get router info routing-table all


K – kernel, C – connected, S – static, R – RIP, B – BGP O – OSPF, IA – OSPF inter area

N1 – OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 – OSPF NSSA external type 2

E1 – OSPF external type 1, E2 – OSPF external type 2

i – IS-IS, L1 – IS-IS level-1, L2 – IS-IS level-2, ia – IS-IS inter area

* – candidate default

S* [10/0] via, wan1

C is directly connected, internal

C is directly connected, wan1

Troubleshooting Common questions

Common questions

The general troubleshooting tips include, and can help answer, the following questions:


How to check hardware connections

  • Are all the cables and interfaces connected properly?
  • Is the LED for the interface green?


How to check FortiOS network settings

  • If you are having problems connecting to the management interface, is your protocol enabled on the interface for administrative access?
  • Is there an IP address on the interface?

How to check CPU and memory resources

  • Is your CPU running at almost 100 percent usage?
  • Are you running low on memory?


How to check modem status

  • Is the modem connected?
  • Are there PPP issues?


How to run ping and traceroute

  • Are you experiencing complete packet loss?


How to check the logs

  • Do you need to identify a problem?


How to verify the contents of the routing table (in NAT mode)

  • Are there routes in the routing table for default and static routes?
  • Do all connected subnets have a route in the routing table?
  • Does a route wrongly have a higher priority than it should?


How to verify the correct route is being used

  • Has the traffic been routed correctly?


How to verify the correct firewall policy is being used

  • Is the correct firewall policy applied to the expected traffic?


How to check the bridging information in Transparent mode

  • Are you having problems in Transparent mode?


How to check number of sessions used by UTM proxy

  • Have you reached the maximum number of sessions for a protocol?
  • Are new sessions failing to start for a certain protocol?


How to examine the firewall session list

  • Are there active firewall sessions?


How to check wireless information

  • Is the wireless network functioning properly?


How to verify FortiGuard connectivity

  • Is the FortiGate unit communicating properly with FortiGuard?


How to perform a sniffer trace (CLI and Packet Capture)

  • Is traffic entering the FortiGate unit and does it arrive on the expected interface?
  • Is the ARP resolution correct for the next-hop destination?
  • Is the traffic exiting the FortiGate unit to the destination as expected?
  • Is the traffic being sent back to the originator?


How to debug the packet flow

  • Is the traffic entering or leaving the FortiGate unit as expected?

FortiGuard troubleshooting

FortiGuard troubleshooting

The FortiGuard service provides updates to Antivirus, Antispam, IPS, Webfiltering, and more. The FortiGuard Distribution System (FDS) involves a number of servers across the world that provide updates to your FortiGate unit. Problems can occur both with connection to FDS, and its configuration on your local FortiGate unit. Some of the more common troubleshooting methods are listed here including

  • Troubleshooting process for FortiGuard updates
  • FortiGuard server settings


Troubleshooting process for FortiGuard updates

The following process are the logical steps to take when troubleshooting FortiGuard update problems. This includes antivirus (AV), intrusion protection services (IPS), antispam (AS), and web filtering (WB).

1. Does the device have a valid licence that includes these services?

Each device requires a valid FortiGuard license to access updates for some or all of these services. You can verify the support contract status for your devices at the Fortinet Support website —

2. If the device is part of an HA cluster, do all members of the cluster have the same level of support?

As with the previous step, you can verify the support contract status for all the devices in your HA cluster at the

Fortinet Support website.

3. Have services been enabled on the device?

To see the FortiGuard information and status for a device, in the web-based manager go to System > Config > FortiGuard. On that page you can verify the status of each component, and if required enable each service. If there are problems, see the FortiGuard section of the FortiOS Handbook.

4. Is the device able to communicate with FortiGuard servers?

At System > Config > FortiGuard you can also attempt to update AV and IPS, or test the availability of WF and

AS default and alternate ports. If there are problems, see the FortiGuard section of the FortiOS Handbook.

5. Is there proper routing to reach the FortiGuard servers?

Ensure there is a static or dynamic route that enables your ForitGate unit to reach the FortiGuard servers. Usually a generic default route to the internet is enough, but you may need to verify this if your network is complex.

6. Are there issues with DNS?

An easy way to test this is to attempt a traceroute from behind the FortiGate unit to an external network using the

FQDN for a location. If the traceroute FQDN name does not resolve, you have general DNS problems.

7. Is there anything upstream that might be blocking FortiGuard traffic, either on the network or ISP


Many firewalls block all ports by default, and often ISPs block ports that are low. There may be a firewall between the FortiGate unit and the FortiGuard servers that is blocking the traffic. FortiGuard uses port 53 by default, so if it is being blocked you need to either open a hole for it, or change the port it is using.

8. Is there an issue with source ports?

It is possible that ports used to contact FortiGuard are being changed before reaching FortiGuard or on the return trip before reaching your FortiGate unit. A possible solution for this is to use a fixed-port at NATd firewalls to ensure the port remains the same. Packet sniffing can be used to find more information on what is happening with ports.

9. Are there security policies that include antivirus?

If no security policies include antivirus, the antivirus databse will not be updated. If antivirus is included, only the database type used will be updated.


FortiGuard server settings

Your local FortiGate unit connects to remote FortiGuard servers get updates to FortiGuard information such as new viruses that may have been found or other new threats. This section demonstrates ways to display information about FortiGuard server information on your FortiGate unit, and how to use that information and update it to fix potential problems.


Displaying the server list

The get webfilter status or diag debug rating command shows the list of FDS servers the FortiGate unit is using to send web filtering requests. Rating requests are only sent to the server on the top of the list in normal operation. Each server is probed for Round Trip Time (RTT) every two minutes.

You can optionally add a refresh rate to the end of this command and that will determine how often the server list will be refreshed.

Rating may not be enabled on your FortiGate unit.

get webfilter status

Sample Output:

Locale : english

License : Contract

Expiration : Thu Oct 9 02:00:00 2011

-=- Server List (Mon Feb 18 12:55:48 2008) -=-


IP Weight RTT Flags TZ Packets CurrLost TotalLost
a.b.c.d 0 1 DI 2 1926879 0 11176 10 329   1 10263 0 633 20 169   0 16105 0 80 20 182   0 6741 0 776 20 184   0 5249 0 987 25 181   0 12072 0 178


Output Details

The Server List includes the IP addresses of alternate servers if the first entry cannot be reached. In this example the IP addresses are not public addresses


The following flags in get webfilter status indicate the server status:

  • D – the server was found through the DNS lookup of the hostname. If the hostname returns more than one IP address, all of them will be flagged with D and will be used first for INIT requests before falling back to the other servers.
  • I – the server to which the last INIT request was sent.
  • F – the server has not responded to requests and is considered to have failed.
  • T – the server is currently being timed.
  • S – means that rating requests can be sent to the server. The flag is set for a server only in two cases:

1. The server exists in the servers list received from the Fortimanager or any other INIT server.

2. The servers list received from the FortiManager is empty so the Fortimanager itself would be the only server known by Fortigate thus it should be used as the rating server.

The servers that are not currently serving will be pushed down to the bottom list (under the available serving servers, and on top of the failed servers) in order for the load-balance-servers feature in the config system fortiguard to work properly.


Sorting the server list

The server list is sorted first by weight. The server with the smallest RTT is put at the top of the list, regardless of weight. When a packet is lost (there has been no response in 2 seconds), it will be resent to the next server in the list. Therefore, the top position in the list is selected based on RTT while the other list positions are based on weight.


Calculating weight

The weight for each server increases with failed packets and decreases with successful packets. To lower the possibility of using a remote server, the weight is not allowed to dip below a base weight, calculated as the difference in hours between the FortiGate unit and the server times 10. The further away the server is, the higher its base weight and the lower in the list it will appear.

FortiAnalyzer/FortiManager ports

FortiAnalyzer/FortiManager ports

If you have a FortiAnalyzer unit or FortiManager unit on your network you may need to use the following ports for troubleshooting network traffic.


Functionality                            Port(s)

DNS lookup                                 UDP 53

NTP synchronization                   UDP 123

Windows share                            UDP 137-138

SNMP traps                                 UDP 162

Syslog, log forwarding                 UDP 514

Log and report upload                 TCP 21 or TCP 22

SMTP alert email                         TCP 25

User name LDAP queries for reports    TCP 389 or TCP 636

RVS update                                 TCP 443

RADIUS authentication               TCP 1812

Log aggregation client                 TCP 3000