This video is a brief introduction on how to create a Remote Access (Split Tunnel) IPSec tunnel so that remote users can IPSec into the network and access resources.
Category Archives: FortinetGURU Videos
Basic FortiGate Configuration On FortiOS 5.4.x
This is a short little stream of concious video relating to how I like to configure my SOHO units (smaller units) when they are new arrivals. I cover some simple things like why I setup policies the way I do etc. If you have specific video topics you would like me to cover please let me know. I want to provide what Fortinet users want.
Route Based (Interface Based) IPSec Tunnels
This is a video I created to provide guidance on how to configure a basic IPSec tunnel (route based) between two FortiGates. A more advanced video will be released that provides a more in depth look later.
How To – Basic OSPF Configuration On FortiGates Running 5.4.1
I had some people ask me how to configure some basic OSPF on a FortiGate so I created the following how to video. Yes, I know I need to get better at explaining things in videos. I get shy though…oh wells. Check out the video below to see how to do a basic OSPF configuration on a set of FortiGates running FortiOS 5.4.1. I mention some other ways you can bring OSPF into the environment (via IPSec tunnels etc) and I will create more in-depth videos in the future that dive into the more advanced features of OSPF on the FortiGate.
More Videos Incoming
Going to spend some time this evening cranking out some more videos for you guys. Give me a shout (post in the comments) if there are any specific questions, how to’s, guides, etc that you would like me to push out. I want to get you guys the information you want. Right now I’m spending most of my time focusing on the more rudimentary and simple tasks for now unless you guys have specific scenarios and configurations you would like me to run through.
How to Manage FortiSwitch from FortiGate
Managing your FortiSwitch from your FortiGate is an awesome feature set that Fortinet implemented in their hardware. 5.4.1 makes it so much easier to accomplish this. Nothing sucks worse than running out of port density on your FortiGate. Now you really don’t have to worry about it (ok, you didn’t really have to before but it is neat none-the-less)
How To Upgrade FortiGate Firmware
This is my first ever custom video so please take it easy on me. I get nervous and tend to ramble but I hit the high points. These videos will become very frequent and obviously the quality of the presentation will improve as I get more comfortable and in the groove. Anyways, here is a video that explains how to upgrade your Fortinet FortiGate to a newer version of firmware.
Something to consider: I didn’t mention this in the video but you need to verify you can upgrade to your destination Firmware from the version of code you currently have loaded. Sometimes, changes are drastic enough that you have to “step” your upgrade process. An example of this would be you have 5.2.3 loaded and you want to go to 5.2.8. You can’t do this until you have at least 5.2.6 loaded so you have to upgrade to 5.2.6 THEN upgrade to 5.2.8. These requirements are listed in the release notes so be sure to read those for your Firmware Version!
OBS Installed Videos Coming Next Week
So I got OBS (Open Broadcasting Software) installed on my rig and all configured. That means you guys are REALLY close to getting some videos that are going to feature my ugly mug, my southern voice and some pretty groovy Fortinet tips and tricks. Pretty excited to be able to share the knowledge I have and engage with you all when it comes to Fortinet hardware and software.
Also, the Forums will be up soon so we can have live conversation and interaction a little better than just using the Comments section of the blog!