Category Archives: FortinetGURU Videos

Packet Llama Channel Live

So, you guys have been following me for a while and watching my YouTube videos. I am forever thankful and would like to let you know that I am currently on schedule to have a new Fortinet GURU video go live every Monday. I have also, while dealing with my grief started something called Packet Llama. Think “Fortinet GURU” but with a more broad brush stroke. I have found that keeping myself busy is the best way for me to deal with the loss of my friend. I look forward to talking to you all about Fortinet and the many other networking related items we come across. If you haven’t already, please subscribe to Packet Llama @

FortiOS 6.6 Brings LTS and Mike Got Fat!

It has been a lonnnnng time since I have posted. That is my fault. Sometimes you need to relax. I relaxed, a LOT and got fat in the process. I am back now! and FortiOS 6.6 which is upcoming in the next few months will have LTS (long term support) with a renewed focus on security and stability. If that doesn’t make your worm wiggle I dunno what will.