Category Archives: FortiCarrier

FortiCarrier MMS DLP archiving

MMS DLP archiving

You can use DLP archiving to collect and view historical logs that have been archived to a FortiAnalyzer unit or the

FortiGuard Analysis and Management service. DLP archiving is available for FortiAnalyzer when you add a FortiAnalyzer unit to the FortiOS Carrier configuration. The FortiGuard Analysis and Management server becomes available when you subscribe to the FortiGuard Analysis and Management Service.

You can configure full DLP archiving and summary DLP archiving. Full DLP archiving includes all content, for example, full email DLP archiving includes complete email messages and attachments. Summary DLP archiving includes just the meta data about the content, for example, email message summary records include only the email header.

You can archive MM1, MM3, MM4, and MM7 content.

Configuring MMS DLP archiving

Select DLP archive options to archive MM1, MM3, MM4, and MM7 sessions. For each protocol you can archive just session metadata (Summary), or metadata and a copy of the associated file or message (Full).

In addition to MMS protection profile DLP archive options you can:

  • Archive MM1 and MM7 message floods l Archive MM1 and MM7 duplicate messages
  • Select DLP archiving for carrier endpoint patterns in a Carrier Endpoint List and select the Carrier Endpoint Block option in the MMS Scanning section of an MMS Protection Profile

FortiOS Carrier only allows one sixteenth of its memory for transferring content archive files. For example, for Carrier-enabled FortiGate units with 128 MB RAM, only 8 MB of memory is used when transferring content archive files. Best practices dictate to not enable full content archiving if antivirus scanning is also configured because of these memory constraints.

To configure MMS DLP archiving – web-based manager
  1. Go to Security Profiles > MMS Profile.
  2. Select Create New or select the Edit icon beside an existing profile.
  3. Expand MMS Bulk AntiSpam Detection > Content Archive.
  4. Complete the fields as described in DLP Archive options.
  5. Select OK.

Viewing DLP archives

You can view DLP archives from the Carrier-enabled FortiGate unit web-based manager. Archives are historical logs that are stored on a log device that supports archiving, such as a FortiAnalyzer unit.

These logs are accessed from either Log & Report > DLP Archive or if you subscribed to the FortiCloud service, you can view log archives from there.

The DLP Archive menu is only visible if one of the following is true.

  • You have configured the FortiGate unit for remote logging and archiving to a FortiAnalyzer unit.
  • You have subscribed to FortiCloud.

The following tabs are available when you are viewing DLP archives for one of these protocols.

  • E-mail to view POP3, IMAP, SMTP, POP3S, IMAPS, SMTPS, and spam email archives. l Web to view HTTP and HTTPS archives. l FTP to view FTP archives.
  • IM to view AIM, ICQ, MSN, and Yahoo! archives. l MMS to view MMS archives. l VoIP to view session control (SIP, SIMPLE and SCCP) archives.

If you need to view log archives in Raw format, select Raw beside the Column Settings icon.


FortiCarrier MMS content-based Antispam protection

MMS content-based Antispam protection

Expand MMS Scanning and select Content Filter in an MMS protection profile to create content filter black/white lists that block or allow MMS messages based on the content of the message.


A school computer lab may block age-inappropriate content. A place of business may block unproductive content. A public access internet cafe may block offensive and graphic content. Each installation has its own requirements for what content needs to be blocked, and in what language.

FortiOS Carrier provides the ability to create custom local dictionaries, black lists, and white lists in multiple languages enables you to protect your customers from malicious content around the world.

Configurable dictionary

You can create a dictionary of configurable terms and phrases using the CLI. The text of MMS messages will be searched for these terms and phrases. Add content filter lists that contain content that you want to match in MMS messages. For every match found, a score is added. If enough matches are found to set the total score above the configured threshold, the MMS message is blocked.

You can add words, phrases, wild cards and Perl regular expressions to create content patterns that match content in MMS messages. For more on wildcard and regular expressions, see Using wildcards and Perl regular expressions in the UTM guide.

For each pattern you can select Block or Exempt.

  • Block adds an antispam black list pattern. A match with a block pattern blocks a message depending on the score of the pattern and the content filter threshold.
  • Exempt adds an antispam white list pattern. A match with an exempt pattern allows the message to proceed through the FortiOS Carrier unit, even if other content patterns in the same content filter list would block it.

If a pattern contains a single word, the FortiOS Carrier unit searches for the word in MMS messages. If the pattern contains a phrase, the FortiOS Carrier unit searches for all of the words in the phrase. If the pattern contains a phrase in quotation marks, the FortiOS Carrier unit searches for the whole phrase.

You can create patterns with Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Cyrillic, French, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Thai, or Western character sets.

Black listing

Black listing is the practice of banning entries on the list. For example if an IP address continuously sends viruses, it may be added to the black list. That means any computers that consult that list will not communicate with that IP address.

Sometimes computers or devices can be added to black lists for a temporary problem, such as a virus that is removed when notified. However, as a rule short of contacting the administrator in person to manually be removed form the black list, users have to wait and they generally will be removed after a period without problem.

White listing

White listing is the practice of adding all critical IP addresses to a list, such as company email and web servers. Then if those servers become infected and start sending spam or viruses, those servers are not blocked. This allows the critical traffic through, even if there might be some malicious traffic as well. Blocking all traffic from your company servers would halt company productivity.

Scores and thresholds

Each content pattern includes a score. When a MMS message is matched with a pattern the score is recorded. If a message matches more than one pattern or matches the same pattern more than once, the score for the message increases. When the total score for a message equals or exceeds the threshold the message is blocked.

The default score for a content filter list entry is 10 and the default threshold is 10. This means that by default a message is blocked by a single match. You can change the scores and threshold so that messages can only be blocked if there are multiple matches. For example, you may only want to block messages that contain the phrase “example” if it appears twice. To do this, add the “example” pattern, set action to block and score to 5. Keep the threshold at 10. If “example” is found twice or more in a message the score adds up 10 (or more) and the message is blocked.

Configuring content-based antispam protection
To apply content-based antispam protection – CLI

config webfilter content edit <filter_table_number> set name <filter_table_name> config entries

edit <phrase or regexp you want to block> set action {block | exempt} set lang <phrase language> set pattern-type {wildcard | regexp} set score <phrase score> set status {enable | disable}



Configuring sender notifications

When someone on the MMS network sends an MMS message that is blocked, in most cases you will notify the sender. Typically an administrator is notified in addition to the sender so action can be taken if required. There are two types of sender notifications available in FortiOS Carrier: MMS notifications, and Replacement Messages.

MMS notifications

MMS notifications to senders are configured in Security Profiles > MMS Profile, under MMS Notifications.

In this section you can configure up to four different notification recipients for any combination of MM1/3/4/7 protocol MMS messages. Also for MM7 messages the message type can be submit.REQ or deliver.REQ.

Useful settings include:

l delay in message based on notification type l limit on notifications per second to prevent a flood l schedules for notifications l log in details for MM7 messages.

For more information on MMS notifications, see Notifying message flood senders and receivers and MMS


Replacement messages

Replacement messages are features common to both FortiOS and FortiOS Carrier, however FortiOS Carrier has additional messages for the MMS traffic.

While each MMS protocol has its own different rec placement messages, the one common to all MMS protocols is the MMS blocked content replacement message. This is the message that the receiver of the message sees when their content is blocked.

FortiCarrier Sender notifications and logging

Sender notifications and logging

In most cases you will notify the sender that they are causing problems on the network — either by sending malware content, flooding the network, or some other unwanted activity. The notification assumes the sender is unaware of their activity and will stop or correct it when notified.

However, senders who are notified may use this information to circumvent administration’s precautions. For example if flood notification is set to 1000 messages per minute, a notified user may simply reduce their message to 990 messages per minute if this flood is intentional. For this reason, not all problems include sender notifications.

There are two methods of notifying senders:

  • MMS notifications l Replacement messages

And three details to consider for logging and notifying administrators:

  • Logging and reporting l MMS logging options l SNMP

MMS notifications

MMS notifications enable you to customize notifications for many different situations and differently for all the supported MMS message protocols — MM1, MM3, MM4, and MM7.

MMS notification types include:

l Content Filter l File Block l Carrier Endpoint Block l Flood l Duplicate l MMS Content Checksum l Virus Scan

Day of Week, Window start time and Window Duration define what days and what time of day alert notifications will be sent. This allows you to control what alerts are sent on weekends. It also lets you control when to start sending notifications each day. This can be useful if system maintenance is performed at the same time each night — you might want to start alert notifications after maintenance has completed. Another reason to limit the time alert messages are sent could be to limit message traffic to business hours.

Notifications screen for FortiOS Carrier MMS Profile

For MMS Notification options, see MMS Notifications.

Replacement messages

FortiGate units send replacement messages when messages or content is blocked, quarantined, or otherwise diverted from the receiver. In it’s place a message is sent to notify the receiver what happened.

With FortiOS Carrier MMS replacement messages, send and receive message types are supported separately and receive their own custom replacement messages. This allows the network to potentially notify both the sender and receiver of the problem.

For example the replacement message MM1 send-req file block message is sent to the device that sent one or more files that were banned. The default message that is sent is This device has sent %%NUM_ MSG%% messages containing banned files in the last %%DURATION%% hours. The two variables are replaced by the appropriate values.

Replacement messages are not as detailed or specific as MMS notifications, but they are also not as complicated to configure. They are also useful when content has been removed from an MMS message that was still delivered.

Logging and reporting

With each virus infection, or file block, a syslog message is generated. The format of this syslog message is similar to:

2005-09-22 19:15:47 deviceid=FGT5001ABCDEF1234 logid=0211060ABC type=virus subtype=infected level=warning src= dst= srcintf=port1 dstintf=port2 service=mm1 status=blocked from=”<sending MSISDN>” to=”<receiving MSISDN>” file=”” virus=”EICAR_TEST_FILE” msg=”The file is infected with EICAR_TEST_FILE. ref rchDirectly&virusName=EICAR_TEST_FILE”

Note that the from and to fields are samples and not real values.

MMS logging options

You can enable logging in an MMS protection profile to write event log messages when the MMS protection profile options that you have enabled perform an action. For example, if you enable MMS antivirus protection, you could also use the MMS protection profile logging options to write an event log message every time a virus is detected.

To record these log messages you must first configure how the FortiOS Carrier unit stores log messages.

To configure MMS content archiving, go to Security Profiles > MMS Profile. Select Create New or select the Edit icon beside an existing profile. Expand MMS Bulk AntiSpam Detection > Logging. Complete the fields as described in the following table and select OK. For more a detailed list of options, see Logging.


A simple SNMP trap will be generated to inform the operators’ alerting system that a virus has been detected. This SNMP trap could contain the sending and receiving MSISDN, however the initial solution would reflect the current behavior, i.e. only the fact that a virus has been detected will be communicated.

FortiCarrier Employing MMS Security features

Employing MMS Security features

FortiOS Carrier includes all the Security features of FortiOS with extra features specific to MMS carrier networks.

This section includes:

Why scan MMS messages for viruses and malware?

The requirement for scanning MM1 content comes from the fact that MMS is an increasingly popular technique for propagating malware between mobile devices.


This is a virus for Series 60 type cell phones, such as Nokia, operating Symbian OS version 6 [or higher]. The object of the virus is to spread to other phones using Bluetooth and MMS as transport avenues. The targets are selected from the contact list of the infected phone and also sought via Bluetooth searching for other Bluetoothenabled devices (phones, printers, gaming devices etc.) in the proximity of the infected phone.

This virus is more than a proof of concept – it has proven successfully its ability to migrate from a zoo collection to being in-the-wild. Currently, this virus is being reported in over 18 different countries around Europe, Asia and North America.

When the virus first infects a cell phone, a prompt is displayed asking the recipient if they want to install “Caribe”. Symptoms of an infected phone may include rapid battery power loss due to constant efforts by the virus to spread to other phones via a Bluetooth seek-and-connect outreach.

The following variants among others are currently scanned by the FortiOS Carrier devices, in addition to more signatures that cover all known threats.


  • Aliases: SymbOS.Commwarrior.B, SymbOS/Commwar.B, SymbOS/Commwar.B!wm, SymbOS/Commwar.B-net,

SymbOS/Commwarrior.b!sis, SymbOS/Comwar.B, SymbOS/Comwar.B!wm, SymbOS/Comwar.B-wm, SYMBOS_

COMWAR.B, SymbOS/Comwar.1.0.B!wormSYMBOS/COMWAR.V10B.SP!WORM [Spanish version] l First Discovered In The Wild: July 04, 2007 l Impact Level: 1 l Virus Class: Worm l Virus Name Size: 23,320 l SymbOS/Commwar.A!worm

  • Aliases: Commwarrior-A, SymbOS.Commwarrior.A [NAV], SymbOS/Commwar.A-net, SymbOS/Commwar_

ezboot.A-ne, SymbOS/Comwar.A, SymbOS/Comwar.A-wm, SYMBOS_COMWAR.A [Trend]

  • First Discovered In The Wild: May 16 2005 l Impact Level: 1 l Virus Class: Worm l Virus Name Size: 27,936 l SymbOS/Commwarriie.C-wm l Aliases: None l First Discovered In The Wild: Oct 17 2005 l Impact Level: 1 l Virus Class: File Virus l Virus Name Size: None

For the latest list of threats Fortinet devices detect, visit the FortiGuard Center.

MMS virus scanning

You can use MMS virus scanning to scan content contained within MMS messages for viruses. FortiOS Carrier virus scanning can be applied to the MM1, MM3, MM4, and MM7 interfaces to detect and remove content containing viruses at many points in an MMS network. Perhaps the most useful interface to apply virus scanning would be the MM1 interface to block viruses sent by mobile users before they get into the service provider network.

To go to MMS virus scanning, go to Security Profiles MMS Profile, select an existing or create a new profile, and expand MMS Scanning. See MMS scanning options.

This section includes:

l MMS virus monitoring l MMS virus scanning blocks messages (not just attachments) l Scanning MM1 retrieval messages l Configuring MMS virus scanning l Removing or replacing blocked messages l Carrier Endpoint Block l MMS Content Checksum l Passing or blocking fragmented messages l Client comforting l Server comforting l Handling oversized MMS messages

MMS virus monitoring

To enable MMS virus monitoring, expand MMS Scanning and enable Monitor only for the selected MMS types.

This feature causes the FortiOS Carrier unit to record log messages when MMS scanning options find a virus, match a file name, or match content using any of the other MMS scanning options. Selecting this option enables reporting on viruses and other problems in MMS traffic without affecting users.

MMS virus scanning blocks messages (not just attachments)

To enable MMS virus scanning, expand MMS Scanning and enable Virus Scan for the selected MMS types.

Because MM1 and MM7 use HTTP, the oversize limits for HTTP and the HTTP antivirus port configurations also apply to MM1 and MM7 scanning. See

MM3 and MM4 use SMTP and the oversize limits for SMTP and the SMTP antivirus port configurations also apply to MM3 and MM4 scanning.

The message contents will be scanned for viruses, matched against the file extension blocking lists and scanned for banned words. All these items will be configured via the standard GUI interfaces available for the other protocols and will be controlled at the protection profile level with new options specifically for the MM1 messages.

The FortiOS Carrier unit extracts the sender’s Mobile Subscriber Integrated Services Digital Network Number (MSISDN) from the HTTP headers if available. The POST payload will be sent to the scan units which will parse the MMS content and scan each message data section. If any part of the data is to be blocked, the proxy will be informed, the connection to the MMSC will be reset and the Carrier-enabled FortiGate unit will return an HTTP 200 OK message with an m-send-conf payload to the client to prevent a retry. Finally the appropriate logging, alert, and replacement message events will be triggered.

For client notification, the x-mms-response-status and x-mms-response-text fields can also be customized as required.

Scanning MM1 retrieval messages

To scan MM1 retrieval messages, expand MMS Scanning and select Scan MM1 message retrieval.

Select to scan message retrievals that use MM1. If you enable Virus Scan for all MMS interfaces, messages are also scanned while being sent. In this case, you can disable MM1 message retrieval scanning to improve performance.

Configuring MMS virus scanning

To configure MMS virus scanning, expand MMS Scanning and enable Virus Scan.

Once applied to a security policy, the MMS protection profile will then perform virus scans on all traffic accepted by that policy.

Removing or replacing blocked messages

To remove blocked messages, expand MMS Scanning and select Remove Blocked for the selected MMS types.

Select Remove Blocked remove blocked content from each protocol and replace it with the replacement message. If FortiOS Carrier is to preserve the length of the message when removing blocked content, as may occur when billing is affected by the length of the message, select Constant.

If you only want to monitor blocked content, select Monitor Only.

Carrier Endpoint Block

A carrier endpoint defines a specific client on the carrier network. Typically the client IP address is used to identify the client, however on a carrier network this may be impractical when the client is using a mobile device. Other identifying information such as the MSIDSN number is used instead.

This information can be used to block a specific endpoint on the network. Reasons for blocking may include clients whose accounts have expired, clients from another carrier, clients who have sent malicious content (phishing, exploits, viruses, etc), or other violations of terms of use.

Enabling carrier endpoint blocking

To enable carrier endpoint blocking you first need to create a carrier endpoint filter list, and then enable it.

To enable carrier endpoint blocking – web-based manager
  1. Create a carrier endpoint filter list.
  2. Go to Security Profiles > MMS Profile.
  3. Select Create New, or select an existing profile to edit and select Edit.
  4. Expand MMS Scanning.
  5. Select one or more types of MMS messaging to enable endpoint blocking on.
  6. Select the carrier endpoint filter list to use in matching the endpoints to be blocked.

Create a carrier endpoint filter list

A carrier endpoint filter list contains one or more carrier endpoints to match. When used in MMS scanning entries in the filter list that are matched are blocked.

You can configure multiple filter lists for different purposes and groups of clients, such as blocking clients, clients with different levels of service agreements, and clients from other carriers. See Carrier endpoint filter lists configuration settings.

To create a carrier endpoint filter list – web-based manager
  1. Go to Security Profiles > Carrier Endpoint Filter Lists.
  2. Select Create New.
  3. Enter a descriptive name for the filter list, such as blocked_clients or CountryX_clients, and select OK.
  4. Select Create New to add one or more entries to the list.
  5. Select OK to return to display the list of filter lists.

Configuring endpoint filter list entries

For each single endpoint or group of endpoints have part of their identifying information in common, you create an entry in the endpoint filter list.

For example a blocked_clients filter list may include entries for single endpoints added as each one needs to be blocked and a group of clients from a country that does not allow certain services.

To configure an endpoint filter list entry – web-based manager
  1. Select Create New.
  2. Enter the following information and select OK.
Name Name of endpoint filter list. Select this name in an MMS protection profile.
Comments Optional description of the endpoint filter list.
Check/Uncheck All Select the check box to enable all endpoint patterns in the MMS filter list.

Clear the check box to disable all entries on the MMS filter list.

You can also select or clear individual check boxes to enable or disable individual endpoint patterns.

Pattern The pattern that FortiOS Carrier uses to match with endpoints. The pattern can be a single endpoint or consist of wildcards or Perl regular expressions that will match more than one endpoint. For more on wildcard and regular expressions, see Using wildcards and Perl regular expressions in the UTM guide.
Action Select the action taken by FortiOS Carrier for messages from a carrier endpoint that matches the endpoint pattern:

None – No action is taken.

Block – MMS messages from the endpoint are not delivered and FortiOS Carrier records a log message.

Exempt from mass MMS – MMS messages from the endpoint are delivered and are exempt from mass MMS filtering. Mass MMS filtering is configured in MMS protection profiles and is also called MMS Bulk Email Filtering and includes MMS message flood protection and MMS duplicate message detection. A valid use of mass MMS would be when a service provider notifies customers of a system-wide event such as a shutdown.

Exempt from all scanning – MMS messages from the endpoint are delivered and are exempt from all MMS protection profile scanning.

Content Archive MMS messages from the endpoint are delivered, the message content is DLP archived according to MMS DLP archive settings.

Content archiving is also called DLP archiving.

Intercept MMS messages from the endpoint are delivered. Based on the quarantine configuration, attached files may be removed and quarantined.
Pattern Type The pattern type: Wildcard, Regular Expression, or Single Endpoint.
Enable Select to enable this endpoint filter pattern.

Blocking network access based on endpoints

You can use endpoint IP filtering to block traffic from source IP addresses associated with endpoints. You can also configure FortiOS Carrier to record log messages whenever endpoint IP filtering blocks traffic. Endpoint IP filtering blocks traffic at the IP level, before the traffic is accepted by a security policy.

To configure endpoint IP filtering, go to Security Profiles > IP Filter and add endpoints to the IP filter list. For each endpoint you can enable or disable both blocking traffic and logging blocked traffic.

FortiOS Carrier looks in the current user context list for the endpoints in the IP filter list and extracts the source IP addresses for these endpoints. Then any communication session with a source IP address that matches one of these IP addresses is blocked at the IP level, before the communication session is accepted by a security policy.

FortiOS Carrier dynamically updates the list of IP addresses to block as the user context list changes. Only these updated IP addresses are blocked by endpoint IP filtering.

For information about the carrier endpoints and the user context list, including how entries are added to and removed from this list.

MMS Content Checksum

The MMS content checksum feature attempts to match checksums of known malicious MMS messages, and on a successful match it will be blocked. The checksums are applied to each part of the message—attached files and message body have separate checksums. These checksums are created with CRC-32, the same method as FortiAnalyzer checksums.

For example, if an MMS message contains a browser exploit in the message body, you can add the checksum for that message body to the list, and future occurrences of that exact message will be blocked. Content will be replaced by the content checksum block notification replacement message for that type of MMS message, and if it is enabled the event will be logged.

One possible implementation would to configure all .sis files to be intercepted. When one is found to be infected or malicious it would be added to the MMS content checksum list.

To use this feature a list of one or more malicious checksums must be created and then the feature is enabled using that list. For a detailed list of options, see MMS Content Checksum.

To configure an MMS content checksum list
  1. Go to Security Profiles > MMS Content Checksum.
  2. Select Create New.
  3. Enter a name for the list of checksums, and select OK. You are taken to the edit screen for that new list.
  4. Select Create New to add a checksum.
  5. Enter the Name and Checksum, and select OK. The checksum is added to the list.

To add more checksums to the list, repeat steps 4 and 5.

To remove a checksum from the list you can either delete the checksum or simply disable it and leave it in the list.

To enable MMS content checksums, expand MMS Scanning and select MMS Content Checksum for the selected MMS types. Select the checksum list to match.

Passing or blocking fragmented messages

Select to pass fragmented MM3 and MM4 messages. Fragmented MMS messages cannot be scanned for viruses. If you do not select these options, fragmented MM3 and MM4 message are blocked.

The Interval is the time in seconds before client comforting starts after the download has begun, and the time between sending subsequent data.

The Amount is the number of bytes sent by client or server comforting at each interval.

Client comforting

In general, client comting is available for for MM1 and MM7 messaging and provides a visual display of progress for web page loading or HTTP or FTP file downloads. Client comforting does this by sending the first few packets of the file or web page being downloaded to the client at configured time intervals so that the client is not aware that the download has been delayed. The client is the web browser or FTP client. Without client comforting, clients and their users have no indication that the download has started until the Carrier-enabled FortiGate unit has completely buffered and scanned the download. During this delay users may cancel or repeatedly retry the transfer, thinking it has failed.

The appearance of a client comforting message (for example, a progress bar) is client-dependent. In some instances, there will be no visual client comforting cue.

During client comforting, if the file being downloaded is found to be infected, then the Carrier-enabled FortiGate unit caches the URL and drops the connection. The client does not receive any notification of what happened because the download to the client had already started. Instead the download stops, and the user is left with a partially downloaded file.

If the user tries to download the same file again within a short period of time, then the cached URL is matched and the download is blocked. The client receives the Infection cache message replacement message as a notification that the download has been blocked. The number of URLs in the cache is limited by the size of the cache.

Client comforting can send unscanned (and therefore potentially infected) content to the client. Only enable client comforting if you are prepared to accept this risk. Keeping the client comforting interval high and the amount low will reduce the amount of potentially infected data that is downloaded.

MM1 and MM7 client comforting steps

Since MM1 and MM7 messages use HTTP, MM1 and MM7 client comforting operates like HTTP client comforting.

The following steps show how client comforting works for a download of a 1 Mbyte file with the client comforting interval set to 20 seconds and the client comforting amount set to 512 bytes.

  1. The client requests the file.
  2. The Carrier-enabled FortiGate unit buffers the file from the server. The connection is slow, so after 20 seconds about one half of the file has been buffered.
  3. The Carrier-enabled FortiGate unit continues buffering the file from the server, and also sends 512 bytes to the client.
  4. After 20 more seconds, the FortiGate unit sends the next 512 bytes of the buffered file to the client.
  5. When the file has been completely buffered, the client has received the following amount of data: ca * (T/ci) bytes == 512 * (40/20) == 512 * 2 == 1024 bytes,

where ca is the client comforting amount, T is the buffering time and ci is the client comforting interval.

  1. If the file does not contain a virus, the Carrier-enabled FortiGate unit sends the rest of the file to the client. If the file is infected, the FortiGate closes the data connection but cannot send a message to the client. Server comforting

Server comforting can be selected for each protocol.

Similar to client comforting, you can use server comforting to prevent server connection timeouts that can occur while waiting for FortiOS Carrier to buffer and scan large POST requests from slow clients.

The Interval is the time in seconds before client and server comforting starts after the download has begun, and the time between sending subsequent data.

The Amount is the number of bytes sent by client or server comforting at each interval.

Handling oversized MMS messages

Select Block or Pass for files and email messages exceeding configured thresholds for each protocol.

The oversize threshold refers to the final size of the message, including attachments, after encoding by the client. Clients can use a variety of encoding types; some result in larger file sizes than the original attachment. As a result, a file may be blocked or logged as oversized even if the attachment is several megabytes smaller than the oversize threshold.

MM1 sample messages

Internet Protocol, Src Addr: (, Dst Addr: (

Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 34322 (34322), Dst Port: http (80), Seq: 1, Ack: 1, Len: 1380

Source port: 34322 (34322)

Destination port: http (80)

Header length: 20 bytes

Flags: 0x0010 (ACK)

Window size: 24840

Checksum: 0x63c1 (correct)

HTTP proxy

Hypertext Transfer Protocol

POST / HTTP/1.1\r\n

Request Method: POST

Request URI: /

Request Version: HTTP/1.1


Accept: */*, application/vnd.wap.sic,application/vnd.wap.mms-message,text/xhdml,image/mng,image/x-mng,video/mng,video/x-mng,image/bmp\r\n

Accept-Charset: utf-8,*\r\n

Accept-Language: en\r\n

Content-Length: 25902\r\n

Content-Type: application/vnd.wap.mms-message\r\n

User-Agent: Nokia7650/1.0 SymbianOS/6.1 Series60/0.9 Profile/MIDP-1.0

Configuration/CLDC-1.0 UP.Link/6.2.1\r\n x-up-devcap-charset: utf-8\r\n x-up-devcap-max-pdu: 102400\r\n x-up-uplink:\r\n

x-wap-profile: “”\r\n x-up-subno: 1046428312-826\r\n x-up-calling-line-id: 393475171234\r\n x-up-forwarded-for:\r\n x-forwarded-for:\r\n Via: 1.1\r\n


Scan engine

MMS Message Encapsulation, Type: m-send-req

X-Mms-Message-Type: m-send-req (0x80)

X-Mms-Transaction-ID: 1458481935

X-Mms-MMS-Version: 1.0

From: <insert address>

To: 3475171234/TYPE=PLMN

X-Mms-Message-Class: Personal (0x80)

X-Mms-Expiry: 21600.000000000 seconds

X-Mms-Priority: Normal (0x81)

X-Mms-Delivery-Report: No (0x81)

X-Mms-Read-Report: No (0x81)

Content-Type: application/vnd.wap.multipart.related; start=<1822989907>; type=application/smil

Start: <1822989907>

Type: application/smil

Data (Post)

Multipart body

Part: 1, content-type: text/plain

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-10646-ucs-2; name=Ciao.txt

Charset: iso-10646-ucs-2

Name: Ciao.txt


Content-Location: Ciao.txt

Line-based text data: text/plain

\377\376C\000i\000a\000o\000 [Unreassembled Packet: MMSE]

FortiCarrier Duplicate message protection

Duplicate message protection

The convenience offered by MM1 and MM4 messaging can be abused by users sending spam or other unwanted messages. Often, the same message will be sent by multiple subscribers. The message can be spam, viral marketing, or worm-generated messages. MMS duplicate prevention can help prevent this type of abuse by keeping track of the messages being sent.


Duplicate message protection for MM1 messages prevents multiple subscribers from sending duplicate messages to your MMSC. Duplicate message protection for MM4 messages prevents another service provider from sending duplicate messages from the same subscriber to your MMSC. This can help prevent a potential flood that would otherwise become widespread between carriers.

MM1 and MM4 duplicate message protection

The FortiOS Carrier unit keeps track of the sent messages. If the same message appears more often than the threshold value you configure, then action is taken. Possible actions are logging the duplicates, blocking or intercepting duplicate messages, archiving the duplicate messages, and sending an alert to inform an administrator that duplicates are occurring.

With this highly configurable system, you can prevent the transmission of duplicate messages when there are more than you determine is acceptable.

For detailed configuration options, see Duplicate Message.

Using message fingerprints to identify duplicate messages

The Carrier-enabled FortiGate unit detects duplicates by keeping a record of all the messages travelling on the network and comparing new messages to those that have already been sent.

Rather than save the messages, the FortiOS carrier creates a checksum using the message body and subject. This serves as a fingerprint to identify the message. If another message with the same message body and subject appears, the fingerprint will also be the same and the Carrier-enabled FortiGate unit will recognize it as a duplicate.

By creating and saving message fingerprints instead of saving the messages, the Carrier-enabled FortiGate unit can save resources and time.

Messages from any sender to any recipient

Duplicate message detection will detect duplicate messages regardless of the sender or recipient. To do this, message fingerprints are generated using only the message body and subject. The sender, recipient, and other header information is not included.

If multiple messages appear with the same subject and message body, the Carrier-enabled FortiGate unit will recognize them as being the same.

Setting duplicate message thresholds

The FortiOS Carrier recognizes all duplicate messages, but it will take action when it detects a volume of duplicate messages that exceed the duplicate threshold you set. The threshold defines the maximum number of duplicate messages allowed, the period during which the messages are considered, and the length of time the duplicate message can not be sent by anyone.

For example, you may determine that once a duplicate message is sent more than 300 times in an hour, any attempt to send the same duplicate message will be blocked for 30 minutes.

If a particular duplicate message exceeds the duplicate message threshold and is blocked, any further attempts to send the same message will re-start the block period.

Using the example above, if the duplicate message count exceeds the duplicate threshold, any attempt to send a copy of the duplicate message will be blocked for 30 minutes. If a subscriber tries to send a copy of the message after waiting 15 minutes, the message will be blocked and the block period will be reset to 30 minutes. The block period must expire with no attempts to send a duplicate message. Only then will a subscriber be allowed to send the message. Non-duplicate messages will not reset the block period.

Duplicate message actions

When the Carrier-enabled FortiGate unit detects that a duplicate message has exceeded duplicate threshold, it can take any combination of the five actions you configure for the duplicate threshold.

Action Description
Log Add a log entry indicating that a duplicate message event has occurred. You must also enable logging for MMS Scanning > Bulk Messages in the Logging section of the MMS protection profile.
DLP Archive
Action Description
All messages Save all the messages that exceed the duplicate threshold in the DLP archive.
First message only Save the first message to exceed the duplicate threshold in the DLP archive. Subsequent messages that exceed the duplicate threshold will not be saved.
Intercept Messages that exceed the duplicate threshold are passed to the recipients, but if quarantine is enabled for intercepted messages, a copy of each message is also quarantined for later examination. If the quarantine of intercepted messages is disabled, the Intercept action has no effect.
Block Messages that exceed the duplicate threshold are blocked and will not be delivered to the message recipients. If quarantine is enabled for blocked messages, a copy of each blocked message is quarantined for later examination.
Alert Notification If the duplicate threshold is exceeded, the Carrier-enabled FortiGate unit will send an MMS duplicate message notification message.

Notifying duplicate message senders and receivers

The FortiOS Carrier unit does not send notifications to the sender or receiver of duplicate messages. If the sender or receiver is an attacker and is explicitly informed that they have exceeded a message threshold, the attacker may try to determine the exact threshold value by trial and error and then find a way around duplicate message protection. For this reason, no notification is set to the sender or receiver.

However, the FortiOS Carrier unit does have replacement messages for sending reply confirmations to MM1 senders and receivers and for MM4 senders for blocked messages identified as duplicate messages. For information about how FortiOS Carrier responds when message flood detection blocks a message, see and MMS duplicate messages and message floods.

Responses to MM1 senders and receivers

When the FortiOS Carrier unit identifies an MM1 message sent by a sender to an MMSC as a duplicate message and blocks it, the FortiOS Carrier unit returns a message submission confirmation (m-send.conf) to the sender (otherwise the sender’s handset would keep retrying the message). The m-send.conf message is sent only when the MM1 duplicate message action is set to Block. For other duplicate message actions the message is actually delivered to the MMSC and the MMSC sends the m-send.conf message.

You can customize the m-send.conf message by editing the MM1 send-conf duplicate message MM1 replacement message (from the CLI the mm1-send-conf-dupe replacement message). You can customize the response status and message text for this message. The default response status is “Content not accepted”. To hide the fact that the FortiOS Carrier unit is responding to a duplicate message, you can change the response status to “Success”. The default message text informs the sender that the message was blocked. You could change this to something more generic.

For example, the following command sets the submission confirmation response status to “Success” and changes the message text to “Message Sent OK”:

config system replacemsg mm1 mm1-send-conf-dupe set rsp-status ok set rsp-text “Message Sent OK”


When the FortiOS Carrier unit identifies an MM1 message received by a receiver from an MMSC as a duplicate message and blocks it, the FortiOS Carrier unit returns a message retrieval confirmation (m-retrieve.conf) to the sender (otherwise the sender’s handset would keep retrying). The m-retrieve.conf message is sent only when the MM1duplicate message action is set to Block. For other message flood actions the message is actually received by the receiver, so the MMSC sends the m-retrieve.conf message.

You can customize the m-retrive.conf message by editing the MM1 retrieve-conf duplicate message MM1 replacement message (from the CLI the mm1-retr-conf-dupe replacement message). You can customize the class, subject, and message text for this message.

For example, you could use the following command make the response more generic:

config system replacemsg mm1 mm1-retr-conf-dupe set subject “Message blocked”

set message “Message temporarily blocked by carrier”


Forward responses for duplicate MM4 messages

When the FortiOS Carrier unit identifies an MM4 message as a duplicate message and blocks it, the FortiOS Carrier unit returns a message forward response (MM4_forward.res) to the forwarding MMSC (otherwise the forwarding MMSC would keep retrying the message). The MM4_forward.res message is sent only when the MM4 duplicate message action is set to Block and the MM4-forward.req message requested a response. For more information, see and MMS duplicate messages and message floods.

You can customize the MM4_forward.res message by editing the MM4 duplicate message MM4 replacement message (from the CLI the mm4-dupe replacement message). You can customize the response status and message text for this message. The default response status is “Content not accepted” (err-content-notaccept). To hide the fact that the FortiOS Carrier unit is responding to a duplicate message, you can change the response status to “Success”. The default message text informs the sender that the message was blocked. You could change this to something more generic.

For example, the following command sets the submission confirmation response status to “Success” and changes the message text to “Message Forwarded OK”:

config system replacemsg mm4 mm4-dupe set rsp-status ok

set rsp-text “Message Forwarded OK”


Viewing DLP archived messages

If DLP Archive is a selected duplicate message action, the messages that exceed the threshold are saved to the MMS DLP archive. The default behavior is to save all of the offending messages but you can configure the DLP archive setting to save only the first message that exceeds the threshold. See Viewing DLP archived messages.

Order of operations: flood checking before duplicate checking

Although duplicate checking involves only examination and comparison of message contents and not the sender or recipient, and flood checking involves only totalling the number of messages sent by each subscriber regardless of the message content, there are times when a selection of messages exceed both flood and duplicate thresholds.

The Carrier-enabled FortiGate unit checks for message floods before checking for duplicate messages. Flood checking is less resource-intensive and if the flood threshold invokes a Block action, the blocked messages are stopped before duplicate checking occurs. This saves both time and FortiOS Carrier system resources.

Bypassing duplicate message detection based on user’s carrier endpoints

You can use carrier endpoint filtering to exempt MMS sessions from duplicate message detection. Carrier endpoint filtering matches carrier endpoints in MMS sessions with carrier endpoint patterns. If you add a carrier endpoint pattern to a filter list and set the action to exempt from mass MMS, all messages from matching carrier endpoints bypass duplicate message detection. For more information about endpoints, see FortiOS Handbook User Authentication guide.

Configuring duplicate message detection

To have the Carrier-enabled FortiGate unit check for duplicate messages, configure the duplicate threshold in an MMS profile, and select the MMS profile in a security policy.

All traffic matching the security policy will be checked for duplicate messages according to the settings in the MMS profile.

The duplicate scanner will only scan content. It will not scan headers. Content must be exactly the same. If there is any difference at all in the content, it will not be considered a duplicate.

The modular nature of the profiles allows you great flexibility in how you configure the scanning options. MMS profiles can be used in any number of policies, with different GTP profiles.

In a complex configuration, there may be many security policies, each with a different MMS profile. For a simpler network, you may have many security policies all using the same MMS profile.

Sending administrator alert notifications

When duplicate messages are detected, the Carrier-enabled FortiGate unit can be configured to notify you immediately with an MMS message. Enable this feature by selecting Alert Notification in the duplicate message action. Each duplicate message threshold can be configured separately.

Configuring how and when to send alert notifications

You can configure different alert notifications for MM1 and MM4 duplicate messages. You can configure the FortiOS Carrier unit to send these alert notifications using the MM1, MM3, MM4, or MM7 content interface. Each of these content interfaces requires alert notification settings that the FortiOS Carrier unit uses to communicate with a server using the selected content interface.

For the MM1 content interface you require:

  • The hostname of the server l The URL of the server (usually “/”) l The server port (usually 80)

For the MM3 and MM4 content interfaces you require:

  • The hostname of the server l The server port (usually 80) l The server user domain

For the MM7 content interface you require:

  • The message type l REQ to send a notification message to the sender in the form of a submit request. The message goes from a VAS application to the MMSC.
  • REQ to send a notification message to the sender in the form of a deliver request. The message goes from

the MMSC to a VAS application. l The hostname of the server l The URL of the server (usually “/”) l The server port (usually 80) l A user name and password to connect to the server l The value-added-service-provider (VASP) ID l The value-added-service (VAS) ID

To configure administrator alert notifications – web-based manager
  1. Go to Security Profiles > MMS Profile and edit or add a new MMS protection profile.
  2. Expand MMS Bulk Email Filtering Detection.

There are three duplicate message thresholds.

  1. Expand the threshold that you want to configure alert notification for.
  2. For Duplicate Message Action, select the Alert Notification check box. Alert notification options appear.
  3. For the Source MSISDN, enter the MSISDN from which the alert notification message will be sent.
  4. Select the Message Protocol the alert notification will use: MM1, MM3, MM4, or MM7.
  5. Add the information required by FortiOS Carrier to send messages using the selected message protocol:
  6. For Notifications Per Second Limit, enter the number of notifications to send per second.

Use this setting to reduce control the number of notifications sent by the FortiOS Carrier unit. If you enter zero (0), the notification rate is not limited.

  1. If required, change Window Start Time and Window Duration configure when the FortiOS Carrier unit sends alert notifications.

By default, notifications are sent at any time of the day. You can change the Window Start Time if you want to delay sending alert messages. You can also reduce the Window Duration if you want to stop sending alert notifications earlier.

For example, you might not want FortiOS Carrier sending notifications except during business hours.

In this case the Window Start Time could be 9:00 and the Window Duration could be 8:00 hours.


You can set different alert notifications for each message threshold. For example, you could limit the message window for lower thresholds and set it to 24 hours for higher thresholds. This way administrators will only receive alert notifications outside of business hours for higher thresholds.

  1. For Day of Week, select the days of the week to send notifications.

For example, you may only want to send alert notifications on weekends for higher thresholds.

  1. In the Interval field, enter the maximum frequency that alert notification messages will be sent, in minutes or hours.

All alerts occurring during the interval will be included in a single alert notification message to reduce the number of alert messages that are sent.

Configuring who to send alert notifications to

In each MMS protection profile you add a list of recipient MSISDNs. For each of these MSISDNs you select the duplicate threshold that triggers sending notifications to this MSISDN.

To configure the alert notification recipients – web-based manager
  1. Go to Security Profiles > MMS Profile.
  2. Select the Edit icon of the MMS profile in which you want to configure the alert notification recipients.
  3. Expand MMS Bulk Email Filtering Detection.
  4. Expand Recipient MSISDN.
  5. Select Create New.
  6. In the New MSISDN window, enter the MSISDN to use for duplicate threshold alert notification. Select the duplicate thresholds at which to send alert notifications to the MSISDN.

FortiCarrier Sending administrator alert notifications

Sending administrator alert notifications

When message floods are detected, the Carrier-enabled FortiGate unit can be configured to notify you immediately with an MMS message. Enable this feature by selecting Alert Notification in the message flood action. Each message flood threshold can be configured separately.

Configuring how and when to send alert notifications

You can configure different alert notifications for MM1 and MM4 message floods. You can configure the FortiOS Carrier unit to send these alert notifications using the MM1, MM3, MM4, or MM7 content interface. Each of these content interfaces requires alert notification settings that the FortiOS Carrier unit uses to communicate with a server using the selected content interface.

For the MM1 content interface you require:

  • The hostname of the server l The URL of the server (usually “/”) l The server port (usually 80)

For the MM3 and MM4 content interfaces you require:

  • The hostname of the server l The server port (usually 80) l The server user domain

For the MM7 content interface you require:

  • The message type l REQ to send a notification message to the sender in the form of a submit request. The message goes from a VAS application to the MMSC.
  • REQ to send a notification message to the sender in the form of a deliver request. The message goes from

the MMSC to a VAS application. l The hostname of the server l The URL of the server (usually “/”) l The server port (usually 80) l A user name and password to connect to the server l The value-added-service-provider (VASP) ID l The value-added-service (VAS) ID

For more information, see MMS notifications.

To configure administrator alert notifications – web-based manager
  1. Go to Firewall Objects > MMS Profile and edit or add a new MMS protection profile.
  2. Expand MMS Bulk Email Filtering Detection.

There are three message flood thresholds.

  1. Expand the threshold that you want to configure alert notification for.
  2. For Message Flood Action, select the Alert Notification check box. Alert notification options appear.
  3. For the Source MSISDN, enter the MSISDN from which the alert notification message will be sent.
  4. Select the Message Protocol the alert notification will use: MM1, MM3, MM4, or MM7.
  5. Add the information required by FortiOS Carrier to send messages using the selected message protocol:
  6. For Notifications Per Second Limit, enter the number of notifications to send per second.

Use this setting to reduce control the number of notifications sent by the FortiOS Carrier unit. If you enter zero (0), the notification rate is not limited.

  1. If required, change Window Start Time and Window Duration configure when the FortiOS Carrier unit sends alert notifications.

By default, notifications are sent at any time of the day. You can change the Window Start Time if you want to delay sending alert messages. You can also reduce the Window Duration if you want to stop sending alert notifications earlier.

For example, you might not want FortiOS Carrier sending notifications except during business hours. In this case the Window Start Time could be 9:00 and the Window Duration could be 8:00 hours.

You can set different alert notifications for each message threshold. For example, you could limit the message window for lower thresholds and set it to 24 hours for higher thresholds. This way administrators will only receive alert notifications outside of business hours for higher thresholds.

  1. For Day of Week, select the days of the week to send notifications.

For example, you may only want to send alert notifications on weekends for higher thresholds.

  1. In the Interval field, enter the maximum frequency that alert notification messages will be sent, in minutes or hours.

All alerts occurring during the interval will be included in a single alert notification message to reduce the number of alert messages that are sent.

Configuring who to send alert notifications to

In each MMS protection profile you add a list of recipient MSISDNs. For each of these MSISDNs you select the message flood threshold that triggers sending notifications to this MSISDN.


To configure the alert notification recipients – web-based manager
  1. Go to Firewall Objects > MMS Profile.
  2. Select the Edit icon of the MMS profile in which you want to configure the alert notification recipients.
  3. Expand MMS Bulk Email Filtering Detection.
  4. Expand Recipient MSISDN.
  5. Select Create New.
  6. In the New MSISDN window, enter the MSISDN to use for flood threshold alert notification.
  7. Select the duplicate thresholds at which to send alert notifications to the MSISDN.

For the flood threshold to be able to send an alert notification to the MSISDN, the alert notification action must be enabled and configured within the flood threshold.

FortiCarrier Configuring message flood detection

Configuring message flood detection

To have the Carrier-enabled FortiGate unit check for message floods, you must first configure the flood threshold in an MMS profile, select the MMS profile in a security policy. All the traffic examined by the security policy will be checked for message floods according to the threshold values you set in the MMS profile.

Configure the MMS profile – web-based manager

  1. Go to Firewall Objects > MMS Profile.
  2. If you are editing an MMS profile, select the Edit icon of the MMS profile.

If you are creating a new MMS profile, select Create New and enter a profile name.

  1. Expand MMS Bulk Email Filtering Detection.
  2. Expand Message Flood.
  3. Expand Flood Threshold 1.
  4. Select the Enable check box for MM1 messages, MM4 messages, or both.
  5. In the Message Flood Window field, enter the length of time the Carrier-enabled FortiGate unit will keep track of the number of messages each subscriber sends.

If the Carrier-enabled FortiGate unit detects the quantity of messages specified in the Message Flood Limit sent during the number of minutes specified in the Message Flood Window, a message flood is in progress.

  1. In the Message Flood Limit field, enter the number of messages required to trigger the flood.
  2. In the Message Flood Block Time field, enter the length of time a user will be blocked from sending messages after causing the message flood.
  3. Select the message flood actions the Carrier-enabled FortiGate unit will take when the message flood is detected.
  4. Select OK.

Configure the security policy – web-based manager

  1. Go to Policy.
  2. Select the Edit icon of the security policy that controls the traffic in which you want to detect message floods.
  3. Select the MMS Profile check box to enable the use of a protection profile.
  4. Select the MMS protection profile from the list.
  5. Select OK.

FortiCarrier Bypassing message flood protection based on user’s carrier endpoints

Bypassing message flood protection based on user’s carrier endpoints

You can use carrier endpoint filtering to exempt MMS sessions from message flood protection. Carrier endpoint filtering matches carrier endpoints in MMS sessions with carrier endpoint patterns.

If you add a carrier endpoint pattern to a filter list and set the action to exempt from mass MMS, all messages from matching carrier endpoints bypass message flood protection. This allows legitimate bulk messages, such as system outage notifications, to be delivered without triggering message flood protection.

For more information on carrier endpoints, see the User Authentication chapter of the FortiOS Handbook.