Category Archives: FortiAnalyzer

Firmware Image Checksums

Firmware image checksums

The MD5 checksums for all Fortinet software and firmware releases are available at the Customer Service & Support portal, To verify the integrity of the download, select the Checksum link next to the HTTPS download link. A dialog box will be displayed with the image file name and checksum code. Compare this checksum with the checksum of the firmware image.

Downgrading to Previous Versions of Firmware

Downgrading to previous versions of firmware

FortiAnalyzer does not provide a full downgrade path. You can downgrade to a previous firmware release via the GUI or CLI, but doing so results in configuration loss. A system reset is required after the firmware downgrading process has completed. To reset the system, use the following CLI commands via a console port connection:

execute reset all-settings
execute format {disk | disk-ext4}