FortiOS 5.6.6 Release Notes


This document provides the following information for FortiOS 5.6.6 build 1630:

l Special Notices l Upgrade Information l Product Integration and Support l Resolved Issues l Known Issues l Limitations

For FortiOS documentation, see the Fortinet Document Library.

Supported models

FortiOS 5.6.6 supports the following models.

FortiGate FG-30D, FG-30E, FG-30E_3G4G_INTL, FG-30E_3G4G_NAM, FG-30D-POE, FG-50E,

FG-51E, FG-52E, FG-60D, FG-60D-POE, FG-60E, FG-60E-DSL, FG-60E-POE, FG-61E,

FG-70D, FG-70D-POE, FG-80C, FG-80CM, FG-80D, FG-80E, FG-80E-POE, FG-81E,

FG-81E-POE, FG-90D, FG-90D-POE, FG-90E, FG-91E, FG-92D, FG-94D-POE, FG98D-POE, FG-100D, FG-100E, FG-100EF, FG-101E, FG-140D, FG-140D-POE, FG-140E,

FG-140E-POE, FG-200D, FG-200D-POE, FG-200E, FG-201E, FG-240D, FG-240D-POE,

FG-280D-POE, FG-300D, FG-300E, FG-301E, FG-400D, FG-500D, FG-500E, FG-501E,

FG-600C, FG-600D, FG-800C, FG-800D, FG-900D, FG-1000C, FG-1000D, FG-1200D,

FG-1500D, FG-1500DT, FG-2000E, FG-2500E, FG-3000D, FG-3100D, FG-3200D,

FG-3240C, FG-3600C, FG-3700D, FG-3800D, FG-3810D, FG-3815D, FG-3960E,

FG-3980E, FG-5001C, FG-5001D, FG-5001E, FG-5001E1

FortiWiFi FWF-30D, FWF-30E, FWF-30E_3G4G_INTL, FWF-30E_3G4G_NAM, FWF-30D-POE,

FWF-50E, FWF-50E-2R, FWF-51E, FWF-60D, FWF-60D-POE, FWF-60E, FWF-60E-DSL,

FWF-61E, FWF-80CM, FWF-81CM, FWF-90D, FWF-90D-POE, FWF-92D

FortiGate Rugged FGR-30D, FGR-35D, FGR-60D, FGR-90D



Pay-as-you-go images FOS-VM64, FOS-VM64-KVM, FOS-VM64-XEN
FortiOS Carrier FortiOS Carrier 5.6.6 images are delivered upon request and are not available on the customer support firmware download page.


VXLAN supported models

The following models support VXLAN.

FortiGate FG-30E, FG-30E-MI, FG-30E-MN, FG-50E, FG-51E, FG-52E, FG-60E, FG-60E-DLS,

FG-60E-MC, FG-60E-MI, FG-60E-POE, FG-60EV, FG-61E, FG-80D, FG-80E, FG-80E-POE,

FG-81E, FG-81E-POE, FG-90E, FG-91E, FG-92D, FG-100D, FG-100E, FG-100EF, FG101E, FG-140D, FG-140D-POE, FG-140E, FG-140E-POE, FG-200E, FG-201E, FG-300D, FG-300E, FG-301E, FG-400D, FG-500D, FG-500E, FG-501E, FG-600D, FG-800D, FG900D, FG-1000D, FG-1200D, FG-1500D, FG-1500DT, FG-2000E, FG-2500E, FG-3000D,

FG-3100D, FG-3200D, FG-3700D, FG-3800D, FG-3810D, FG-3815D, FG-3960E, FG-3980E, FG-5001D, FG-5001E, FG-5001E1

FortiWiFi FWF-30E, FWF-30E-MI, FWF-30E-MN, FWF-50E, FWF-50E-2R, FWF-51E, FWF-60E, FWF-60E-DSL, FWF-60E-MC, FWF-60E-MI, FWF-60EV, FWF-61E
FortiGate Rugged FGR-30D, FGR-30D-A, FGR-35D



Pay-as-you-go images FOS-VM64, FOS-VM64-KVM, FOS-VM64-XEN


Special Notices

Built-in certificate

New FortiGate and FortiWiFi D-series and above are shipped with a built in Fortinet_Factory certificate that uses a 2048-bit certificate with the 14 DH group.

FortiGate and FortiWiFi-92D hardware limitation

FortiOS 5.4.0 reported an issue with the FG-92D model in the Special Notices > FG-92D High Availability in Interface Mode section of the release notes. Those issues, which were related to the use of port 1 through 14, include:

  • PPPoE failing, HA failing to form. l IPv6 packets being dropped. l FortiSwitch devices failing to be discovered. l Spanning tree loops may result depending on the network topology.

FG-92D and FWF-92D do not support STP. These issues have been improved in FortiOS 5.4.1, but with some side effects with the introduction of a new command, which is enabled by default:

config global set hw-switch-ether-filter <enable | disable>

When the command is enabled:

  • ARP (0x0806), IPv4 (0x0800), and VLAN (0x8100) packets are allowed. l BPDUs are dropped and therefore no STP loop results. l PPPoE packets are dropped. l IPv6 packets are dropped. l FortiSwitch devices are not discovered. l HA may fail to form depending the network topology.

When the command is disabled:

  • All packet types are allowed, but depending on the network topology, an STP loop may result.

FG-900D and FG-1000D

CAPWAP traffic will not offload if the ingress and egress traffic ports are on different NP6 chips. It will only offload if both ingress and egress ports belong to the same NP6 chip.

Special Notices

FortiGate-VM 5.6 for VMware ESXi

Upon upgrading to FortiOS 5.6.6, FortiGate-VM v5.6 for VMware ESXi (all models) no longer supports the VMXNET2 vNIC driver.

FortiClient profile changes

With introduction of the Fortinet Security Fabric, FortiClient profiles will be updated on FortiGate. FortiClient profiles and FortiGate are now primarily used for Endpoint Compliance, and FortiClient Enterprise Management Server (EMS) is now used for FortiClient deployment and provisioning.

The FortiClient profile on FortiGate is for FortiClient features related to compliance, such as Antivirus, Web Filter, Vulnerability Scan, and Application Firewall. You may set the Non-Compliance Action setting to Block or Warn. FortiClient users can change their features locally to meet the FortiGate compliance criteria. You can also use FortiClient EMS to centrally provision endpoints. The EMS also includes support for additional features, such as VPN tunnels or other advanced options. For more information, see the FortiOS Handbook – Security Profiles.

Use of dedicated management interfaces (mgmt1 and mgmt2)

For optimum stability, use management ports (mgmt1 and mgmt2) for management traffic only. Do not use management ports for general user traffic.

FortiExtender support

Due to OpenSSL updates, FortiOS 5.6.6 cannot manage FortiExtender 3.2.0 or earlier. If you run FortiOS 5.6.6 with FortiExtender, you must use a newer version of FortiExtender such as 3.2.1 or later.

Using ssh-dss algorithm to log in to FortiGate

In version 5.4.5 and later, using ssh-dss algorithm to log in to FortiGate via SSH is no longer supported.

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About Mike

Michael Pruett, CISSP has a wide range of cyber-security and network engineering expertise. The plethora of vendors that resell hardware but have zero engineering knowledge resulting in the wrong hardware or configuration being deployed is a major pet peeve of Michael's. This site was started in an effort to spread information while providing the option of quality consulting services at a much lower price than Fortinet Professional Services. Owns PacketLlama.Com (Fortinet Hardware Sales) and Office Of The CISO, LLC (Cybersecurity consulting firm).

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