FortiWLC – Control Panels

Control Panels

The Control Panels are displayed towards the left of the Dashboard screen.

The following table depicts the various Control Panel tabs available on the Monitor Console screen:

  • “Sensors Filter” on page 112
  • “Advanced Filter” on page 114
  • “Interference” on page 115
  • “Display Settings” on page 116
Sensors Filter

The Sensors Filter enables to filter the information to be displayed on the screen by selecting a sensor under sensor hierarchy. Perform the following steps to configure the Sensors filter:

  • Select the Sensors Filter A list of sensors deployed is displayed.
  • Select a sensor in Sensor hierarchy and click on Filter selected Group/sensor. The following changes also occur:
  • The selected sensor is displayed on Trend Graph, Interferer Type and Affected Channels sections of the Dashboard
  • The Event Log details are updated with selected sensor in Event Log
  • The Sensors Filter tab displays the following two sections:
  • “Sensors Hierarchy” on page 112
  • “Group Information” on page 112

Sensors Hierarchy

The Sensors Hierarchy section displays the sensors hierarchically belonging to the controller.

Group Information

The Group Information section provides the details of the selected Enterprise, Campus, Building, Floor and AP.

  • The following details for the selected Enterprise, Campus, Building, Floor and AP are displayed:
  • Name – Displays the name of the sensor.
  • Description – Displays the MAC address of the sensor.
  • IP Address – Displays the IP address of the sensor
  • Status – Displays the connection status of the sensor.
  • Select an Enterprise, Campus, Building, Floor or AP from the above Sensors Hierarchy
  • Select the Filter Selected Group/Sensor
  • The graph for the selected sensor is displayed on Trend Graph, Interferer Type and Affected Channels sections of the Dashboard

The Sensors Filter tab is enabled only in the below mentioned tabs:

  • Dashboard
  • Event Log
Time Filter

The Time Filter enables to configure the screen to display information over a period of time.

This can be performed by configuring the Start Time and Stop Time parameters on the page.

Perform the below actions to configure the Time Filter:

  • Select the Time Filter
  • The Time Filter tab displays the following two sections:
  • “Start Time” on page 113
  • “Stop Time” on page 113

Start Time

  • Select the option Earliest Time Possible. The system fetches the data available for the earliest possible time.
  • Uncheck the Earliest Time Possible option to select the Start Time.
  • From the Time option, select the time from the drop-down list. The format followed is hh:mm:ss
  • From the Date option, select the calendar icon to select the Month, Date and Year. The format followed is the mm/dd/yyyy.
Stop Time
  • Select the option Use Current Time. The system applies the current time.
  • Uncheck the Use Current Time option to select the Stop Time.
  • From the Time option, select the time from the drop-down list. The format followed is hh:mm:ss
  • From the Date option, select the calendar icon to select the Month, Date and Year. The format followed is the mm/dd/yyyy.
  • Select Apply Time Filter
  • The Time Filter is applied to the Trend Graph, Interferer Type and Affected Channels sections of the Dashboard

The Time Filter tab is applied and enabled to the below mentioned tabs:

  • Dashboard
  • Event Log
Advanced Filter

The Advanced Filter option enables to configure the information to be displayed on the screen by choosing the following available filters:

  • Channel Filter
  • This filter enables you to filter the information based on the available channels.
  • Select the desired channel from the Channel
  • Select Apply Filter. The Channel Filter is applied to the Dashboard screen and the Event Log
  • RSSI Filter
  • This filter depicts the signal strength of the Interferer device.
  • Select the desired RSSI value from the RSSI Filter The values displayed are in dBm.
  • Select Apply Filter. The RSSI Filter is applied to the Dashboard screen and the Event Log
  • Interferer Type
  • This filter depicts the Interferer Type.
  • A list of Interferer Type options is available for selection.
  • Select the desired Interferer Type.
  • Select Apply Filter. The Interferer Type filter is applied to the Dashboard
  • Event Log Type
  • This filter depicts the Event Log Type (Alert Event or Interferer Log Event).
  • A list of Interferer Log Events and Alert Event options is available for selection in the Event log
  • Select the desired Event Log Type and select desired Event Subtype.
  • Select Apply Filter. The Event Log Type/Subtype filter is applied to the Event Log

The Interference section displays the following:

  • Start Time: This is the Start Time of the interference and interference type.
  • Add Note: The Add Note icon enables to add a note.

The Notes section is enabled only on the completion of manual recording. The Notes section displays the following:

Delete Note – The Delete Note icon enables to delete a note.

Timestamps – The Timestamp is used to adjust the Current Recording playback time to the Time stamp of the note.

The Interference and Notes option is displayed on the following tabs:

  • Channel Availability
  • Channel Utilization
  • Spectrogram
  • Equalizer
  • Persistence
Display Settings

The Display Settings option enables to configure the information to be displayed on the following screens:

  • Event Log
  • Channel Availability
  • Channel Utilization
  • Spectrogram
  • Equalizer
  • Persistence
Event Log – Display Settings

Perform the following actions to select the columns to be displayed on the Event Log screen:

  • Select the Event Log The Event Log screen is displayed.
  • Select the Display Settings
  • Select the desired columns to be displayed.
  • The selected columns are displayed on the Event Log
Channel Availability – Display Settings

Perform the following actions to modify the graphical display of the Channel Availability screen:

  • Select the Channel Availability The Channel Availability screen is displayed.
  • Select the Display Settings (Figure 27 on page 117 illustrates the Channel Availability screen of the Display Settings.)
  • The Chart Settings option is displayed.

Figure 27: Display Settings – Channel Availability

  • Select the Frequencies from the drop-down list to view the Channel Quality and Channel Utilization on the respective channels. The Display Frequency can be set to scan the 4 GHz frequency band, the 5 GHz frequency band or both.
  • Select the Combine Utilization This enables the Channel Utilization graph (which is in channel quality) to combine the Non-Wireless LAN Interference and Wireless LAN Interference.
Channel Utilization – Display Settings

Perform the following actions to modify the graphical display of the Channel Availability screen:

  • Select the Channel Utilization The Channel Utilization screen is displayed.
  • Select the Display Settings
  • The following sections are displayed: (Figure 28 on page 118 illustrates the Channel Utilization screen of the Display Settings.)
  • “Timescale settings ” on page 117
  • “Channel selection settings” on page 117

Timescale settings

  • Select the Time Span. The valid range is between 2 min – 120 min.
  • Select the Time Units. The Time Units allows you to select the Elapsed Time or Actual Time.

Channel selection settings

Select the Frequency Band from the drop-down list.

The Select All option enables to display all the WLAN Channel Utilization. Figure 28: Display Settings – Channel Utilization

Spectrogram – Display Settings

The Spectrogram – Display Settings provides the following options:

  1. Data
    • Select the Data The Data option allows you to select the Instantaneous data or Peak data.
  2. Time Span
    • Select the Time Span. The Time Span ranges between Long – Short.
  3. Axis
    • Select the Axis The Axis is configured based on Frequency and Wi-Fi Channels.

Frequency: This option displays the graph based on the frequency.

Wi-Fi Channels: This option displays the graph based on the Wi-Fi Channels. Select the WiFi Channels option, the following parameters are displayed:

  • Highlight Channel: Check the Highlight Channel option, to highlight a channel when the channel in the x-axis is being mouse-over.
  • Wi-Fi Channel Width: Select the Wi-Fi Channel Width from the drop-down list. This sets the channel width for the spectrogram to display. Select any one option from the drop-down list.

The options are 20Mhz, 20Mhz+Upper 20 Mhz and 20Mhz+Lower 20 Mhz.

  1. Band
  • Select one option from the Band
  • The Spectrogram for the respective bands can be set by selecting one of the options from the drop-down list.
  • The options is 4GHz, 5GHz (Lower) and 5GHz (Upper).
  1. Overlay Interference – This option highlights the spectrum activity for a particular interferer.

For Example: In the scenario where more interference events are noticed and if the particular interferer is to be viewed, then the overlay for that interferer device can be checked.

(Figure 29 on page 119 illustrates the Spectrogram screen of the Display Settings.)

Figure 29: Display Settings – Spectrogram


  1. Select the Spectrogram The Spectrogram screen is displayed.
  2. Select the Display Settings
  3. Select the Markers
  4. The markers can be used to visually mark a Frequency on the Spectrogram
  5. Check a marker in the Markers section, the marker appears on the Spectrogram
  6. Select the marker on the display to move it to the desired frequency to visually mark off.
Equalizer – Display Settings

The Equalizer – Display Settings provides the following options:

  1. Persistence
  • Select the Persistence
  • Setting Persistence, allows us to study the timed trends in the graph. Increasing the persistence of the display increases the amount of time that samples are retained and displayed allowing us to study variations over time. This can be set in the bar on the display settings from Zero to

Figure 30 on page 121 illustrates the Equalizer screen of the Display Settings.

  1. Axis
  • Select the Axis The Axis is configured based on Frequency and Wi-Fi Channels.
  • Frequency: This option displays the graph based on the frequency.
  • Wi-Fi Channels: This option displays the graph based on the Wi-Fi Channels. Select the Wi-Fi Channels option, the following parameters are displayed:
  • Highlight Channel: Check the Highlight Channel option, to highlight a channel when the channel in the x-axis is being mouse-over.
  • Wi-Fi Channel Width: Select the Wi-Fi Channel Width from the drop-down list. This sets the channel width for the spectrogram to display. Select any one option from the drop-down list. The options are 20Mhz, 20Mhz+Upper 20 Mhz and 20Mhz+Lower 20 Mhz.
  1. Band
  • Select one option from the Band
  • The Equalizer for the respective bands can be set by selecting one of the options from the drop-down list.
  • The options is 4GHz, 5GHz (Lower) and 5GHz (Upper).

Figure 30: Display Settings – Equalizer


  1. Select the Equalizer The Equalizer screen is displayed.
  2. Select the Display Settings
  3. Select the Markers
  4. The markers can be used to visually mark a Frequency on the Equalizer
  5. Check a marker in the Markers section, the marker appears on the Equalizer
  6. Select the marker on the display to move it to the desired frequency to visually mark off.
Persistence – Display Settings

The Persistence Settings provides the following options:

  1. Persistence
  • Select the Persistence range.
  • Setting Persistence, allows us to study the timed trends in the graph. Increasing the Persistence of the display increases the amount of time that samples are retained and displayed allowing us to study variations over time. This can be set in the bar on the display settings from Zero to

Figure 31 on page 122 illustrates the Persistence screen of the Display Settings.

  1. Axis
  • Select the Axis
  • The Axis is configured based on Frequency and Wi-Fi Channels.
  • Frequency: This option displays the graph based on the frequency.
  • Wi-Fi Channels: This option displays the graph based on the Wi-Fi Channels. Select the Wi-Fi Channels option, the following parameters are displayed:

Highlight Channel: Check the Highlight Channel option, to highlight a channel when the channel in the x-axis is being mouse-over.

Wi-Fi Channel Width: Select the Wi-Fi Channel Width from the drop-down list. This sets the channel width for the spectrogram to display. Select any one option from the drop-down list.

The options are 20Mhz, 20Mhz+Upper 20 Mhz and 20Mhz+Lower 20 Mhz.

  1. Band:
  • Select one option from the Band
  • The Equalizer for the respective bands can be set by selecting one of the options from the drop-down list.
  • The options is 4GHz, 5GHz (Lower) and 5GHz (Upper).

Figure 31: Display Settings – Persistence


  1. Select the Persistence The Persistence screen is displayed.

Figure 31 on page 122 illustrates the Persistence screen of the Display Settings.

  1. Select the Display Settings
  2. Select the Markers The markers can be used to visually mark a Frequency on the Persistence plot.
  3. Check a marker in the Markers section, the marker appears on the Persistence
  4. Select the marker on the display to move it to the desired frequency to visually mark off.


The Sensors are classified as follows:

Software Sensors

The software-based sensor is a normal AP with one Radio in ScanSpectrum Mode. Here, the AP mode can be modified from Service/Normal Mode to ScanSpectrum Mode.


  • The modification of AP mode from Service/Normal Mode to ScanSpectrum Mode can be performed only via the FortiWLC GUI or by pushing the AP template with Radio profile configured with the ScanSpectrum Mode from FortiWLM.
  • You can configure both radios of FAP-U421EV, FAP-U423EV, FAP-U321EV, FAP-U323EV sensors in ScanSpectrum Mode, which will make the radios to scan both the Radio spectrum for interference. For all the other Sensors, only single radio can be configured in ScanSpectrum Mode at a time.
  • No client service will be provided once Radios are configured in the ScanSpectrum

The Software Sensors include the following Access Points:

  • AP1014i
  • AP1010i
  • AP1010e
  • AP1020i
  • AP1020e
  • AP332i
  • AP332e
  • AP832i
  • AP832e
  • FAP-U421EV FAP-U423EV FAP-U321EV
  • FAP-U323EV
Hardware Sensors

The Hardware-based sensors are completely dedicated to monitor the airwaves of the time. By having a dedicated subsystem, the sensor can classify and report on the type and source of interference almost instantly and without taking CPU resources away from the wireless radio. The Hardware Sensors include the following Access Points:


  • PSM3x
  • AP433is
This entry was posted in Administration Guides, FortiWLC on by .

About Mike

Michael Pruett, CISSP has a wide range of cyber-security and network engineering expertise. The plethora of vendors that resell hardware but have zero engineering knowledge resulting in the wrong hardware or configuration being deployed is a major pet peeve of Michael's. This site was started in an effort to spread information while providing the option of quality consulting services at a much lower price than Fortinet Professional Services. Owns PacketLlama.Com (Fortinet Hardware Sales) and Office Of The CISO, LLC (Cybersecurity consulting firm).

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