Searching for Tickets from or to External Systems
This should not be client accessible!
Provide a brief (two to three sentence) description of the task or the context for the task.
Related Links
Optional, list any information the user needs to complete the task, or any tasks they need to complete before this task.
Prerequisite 1
Prerequisite 2
- A step should be a single sentence telling the user what to do. Use bold for interface elements, monospace for system messages, file names, etc.
Write any results of the step or notes to the user on the line below the step. You can also insert any of the info boxes here.
- A step should be a single sentence telling the user what to do. Use bold for interface elements, monospace for system messages, file names, etc.
Write any results of the step or notes to the user on the line below the step. You can also insert any of the info boxes here.
- A step should be a single sentence telling the user what to do. Use bold for interface elements, monospace for system messages, file names, etc.
Write any results of the step or notes to the user on the line below the step. You can also insert any of the info boxes here.
Optional, list anything the user should do after completing the task.
Related Links
List any related topics. Do not include topics that are in the same hierarchy as this topic, as the relationship is implied by the hierarchy.
Related link 1
Related link 2