TR Status
The TR Status report shows the statuses of every FortiWAN’s TR link (See “Tunnel Routing”) by date the range defined.
Create a report for a specific day or over a range of dates (See “Create a Report”).
Export reports and send reports through email (See “Export and Email”).
The various statuses are defined as below.
l OK: TR link is enabled, configured and connected physically. l Fail: TR link is enabled and configured, but disconnected. l Disable: TR link is not enabled from FortiWAN Web UI. Statistics Table l Lists the statuses of every TR link by the date range defined. l Time: Time periods or dates if a date range is defined. l Local IP: Local IP address of the TR link. l Remote IP: Remote IP address of the TR link. l Status: the OK/Fail Status of this Source IP -> Destination IP pair at that time.