FortiWAN Services Report


This report shows the statistics of traffic passed through FortiWAN by various services.

Create a report for a specific day or over a range of dates (See “Create a Report”).

Export reports and send reports through email (See “Export and Email”).

  • Pie Chart: Pie chart of traffic statistics is generated based on the traffic incurred by Services. l Bar Chart: Bar chart statistics show the actual data volume used by the top 10 Services.
  • Statistics Table:
  • List the Services generating (as a source or termination) the most traffic. l Service: The Service that traffic passed through FortiWAN. l Inbound Bytes: The volume of inbound traffic of the Service. l Outbound Bytes: The volume of outbound traffic of the Service. l Total Bytes: The volume of total traffic of the Service (Inbound Bytes + Outbound Bytes).
  • Note: Select “Inbound Bytes”, “Outbound Bytes” or “Total Bytes” as primary sorting by clicking on the column title. A “▲” is shown aside the column header while the column is selected as primary sorting, e.g. Inbound Bytes ▲.
  • % Total Bytes: The volume of total traffic of the Service in %. l % Inbound Bytes: The volume of inbound traffic of the Service in %. l % Outbound Bytes: The volume of outbound traffic of the Service in %.
  • Only one of the three statistics data (% Inbound Bytes, % Outbound Bytes, or % Total Bytes) will be displayed in the statistics table depending on the primary sort column.
  • This page and this table describe total traffic volume, not traffic rate. Data transferred are measured in KBytes, MBytes or GBytes over the period of time selected.
  • Drill in (See “Drill In”):
  • Clicking the magnifier icon located under the “Drill in” column in the statistics table allows you to perform an additional ‘drill-down’ analysis on traffic for the selected service, shown by In Class, Out Class, WAN,

Internal IP, External IP, Internal Group, External Group and Traffic Rate (Trend) via the selected service:

  • In Class – In Classes where this Service traffic is classified into. l Out Class – Out Classes where this Service traffic is classified into. l WAN – WAN links that this Service traffic passed through. l Internal IP – Any monitored internal IP addresses that are associated with this Service. l External IP – Any monitored external IP addresses that are associated with this Service.
  • Internal Group – Any monitored internal IP group (set up under the Settings menu) that the internal IP addresses are associated with this Service.
  • External Group – Any monitored external IP group (set up under the Settings menu) that the external IP addresses are associated with this Service. l Traffic Rate: bandwidth distribution generated by this Service by the date range defined.
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About Mike

Michael Pruett, CISSP has a wide range of cyber-security and network engineering expertise. The plethora of vendors that resell hardware but have zero engineering knowledge resulting in the wrong hardware or configuration being deployed is a major pet peeve of Michael's. This site was started in an effort to spread information while providing the option of quality consulting services at a much lower price than Fortinet Professional Services. Owns PacketLlama.Com (Fortinet Hardware Sales) and Office Of The CISO, LLC (Cybersecurity consulting firm).

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