FortiWAN Custom Filter

Custom Filter

Reports offers 6 fixed reports of bandwidth usage by default; In Class, Out Class, WAN, Service, Internal IP, and External IP. Usually, administrators will need to check drilled-in information for particular target regularly. As discussed previously, Drill-in function can be used to obtain more report specifics, while Filter helps to directly obtain more traffic data of a specific target. In order to quickly perform a query based on a specific filter without going through those tedious steps over again, Custom Filter allows users to apply their own filters based on particular requirements for query on bandwidth usage reports.

Click Filter above every Bandwidth Usage report to see an extended block for further settings.

Add new condition:

  • A Filter can be composed of multiple conditions. Click Add new condition and select an option from the drop-down menu to start setting your filter: In Class, Out Class, WAN, Service, Internal IP, External IP, Internal Group and External Group.


  • There are two actions for options while setting the condition:
  • Including: Extract only those records that fulfill the specified criterion.
  • Excluding: Extract those records that not fulfill the specified criterion.
  • Configurations for report categories:
  • In Class: Enter the Inbound Class name you want to query (include or exclude) in the input field. l Out Class: Enter the Outbound Class name you want to query (include or exclude) in the input field. l WAN: Enter the WAN number you want to query (include or exclude) in the input field.
  • Service: Enter the Service you want to query (include or exclude) in the input field. Click on the arrow next to the input field to see more Service options. Predefined L4 and L3 protocols are available. Entering a single or a range of port number is also allowed.
  • Internal IP: Enter the Internal IP address you want to query (include or exclude) in the input field.
  • External IP: Enter the External IP address you want to query (include or exclude) in the input field.
  • Delete: Delete the extended block of condition settings in the filter.


Click Cancel to close the extended block of filter settings.


Click Apply to start the query based on the filter conditions defined. The result is presented in the report area. Note both the result and filter conditions will not be saved in user profile. When the page moves to other report categories, the filter conditions will be invalid.


Check out the Internal IP report first, and create and apply a customer filter, for example, with the conditions

WAN = 1 and Service = HTTPS(TCP@443). The query result of traffic statistics that are associated with the Service HTTPS(TCP@443) and passed through FortiWAN via WAN1 will then be displayed by Services accordingly. As illustrated below, the block marked in blue indicates the query subject of current report:

Continuing the example described above, apply the custom filter: Service=HTTPS(TCP@443), WAN=1 and Internal IP= in the Traffic Rate report, and the query result will show the corresponding traffic statistics by traffic rate as follows (the block marked in blue indicates the query subject of current report):

Note: Saved custom filters are kept in user account profile. Users can edit and delete custom filters from their account profile. Please refer to section of Customer Filters in Account Settings for more information.


All reports generated by Reports can be exported as PDF or CSV format. By clicking Export button on the upper side of any report page, PDF and CSV are displayed for options.

Report Email

All reports generated by Reports can be sent to users via email. Reports saved in PDF or CSV format can be sent out as email attachments.

Note: Prior to creating emails, you must first configure an email server used to transfer report emails to Reports. You can set the email server through Reports > Settings > Email Server, or the email function on every report page.

Click the Email button on the right upper corner of any report page to configure email settings to current report page. For example, in the settings dialog below, you are currently in Traffic Rate report (see the header “Email : Traffic Rate” on the setting dialog), then you can:

  • Send Traffic Rate through email immediately l Configure the email server used to transfer report emails l Set Traffic Rate email scheduled
  • Add Traffic Rate to an existing scheduled report email

The Email function is also available for custom-filter reports and drill-in reports. No matter which report page you’re at, you can always click the Email button on that page to determine when you want to send the current report through email.

Send now

Click the Send now tab on the setting dialog. This feature requires a email server configured first.

Recipients Enter the email address of report email recipients.
Format Select the format of reports included in this email: PDF or CSV.
Cancel Click to cancel current configuration and close the dialog window.
Send Click to send the report email immediately.

Email Server

Click the Email Server tab on the setting dialog. You can also set the email server through Reports > Settings > Email Server. Both ways directs to one Reports to one email server.

SMTP Server Enter the SMTP server used to transfer emails.
Port Enter the port number of the SMTP server.
SSL Click to allow SMTP server to transfer emails through SSL.
Account Enter the user name for SMTP server authentication.
Password Enter the password for SMTP server authentication.
Mail From Fill in the sender’s name of emails.


Click the Schedule tab on the setting dialog to set the report email scheduled. This feature requires a email server configured first.

Recipients Enter the email address of report email recipients.
Format Select the format of reports included in this email: PDF or CSV.
Schedule Select the period for automatic report email sending.
l Daily: the report bounded in previous day 00:00 ~ 24:00 will be automatically sent at 05:00 everyday.
l Weekly: the report bounded in the last week (Monday 00:00 ~ Sunday 24:00) will be automatically sent at 05:00 every Monday.
l Monthly: the report bounded in the last month (the first day 00:00 ~ the last day 24:00) will be automatically sent on the first day of every month at 05:00.

Add to existing

Click the Add to existing tab on the setting dialog to list the schedule. By clicking the button “Add to this” on the right upper corner of every schedule item, you can add current report category to one of the scheduled report emails. You can edit the schedule through Reports > Settings > Scheduled Emails.

This entry was posted in Administration Guides, FortiWAN on by .

About Mike

Michael Pruett, CISSP has a wide range of cyber-security and network engineering expertise. The plethora of vendors that resell hardware but have zero engineering knowledge resulting in the wrong hardware or configuration being deployed is a major pet peeve of Michael's. This site was started in an effort to spread information while providing the option of quality consulting services at a much lower price than Fortinet Professional Services. Owns PacketLlama.Com (Fortinet Hardware Sales) and Office Of The CISO, LLC (Cybersecurity consulting firm).

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