Multiple attackers launch a distributed SYN flood
The distributed SYN flood is more difficult to defend against because multiple clients are capable of creating a larger volume of SYN packets than a single client. Even if the server can cope, the volume of traffic may overwhelm a point in the network upstream of the targeted server. The only defence against this is more bandwidth to prevent any choke-points.
Configuring the SYN threshold to prevent SYN floods
The preferred primary defence against any type of SYN flood is the DoS anomaly check for tcp_syn_flood threshold. The threshold value sets an upper limit on the number of new incomplete TCP connections allowed per second. If the number of incomplete connections exceeds the threshold value, and the action is set to Pass, the FortiGate unit will allow the SYN packets that exceed the threshold. If the action is set to Block, the FortiGate unit will block the SYN packets that exceed the threshold, but it will allow SYN packets from clients that send another SYN packet.
The tools attackers use to generate network traffic will not send a second SYN packet when a SYN+ACK response is not received from the server. These tools will not “retry.” Legitimate clients will retry when no response is received, and these retries are allowed even if they exceed the threshold with the action set to Block.
SYN proxy
FortiGate units with network acceleration hardware, whether built-in or installed in the form of an add-on module, offer a third action for the tcp_syn_flood threshold. Instead of Block and Pass, you can choose to Proxy the incomplete connections that exceed the threshold value.
When the tcp_syn_flood threshold action is set to f, incomplete TCP connections are allowed as normal as long as the configured threshold is not exceeded. If the threshold is exceeded, the FortiGate unit will intercept incoming SYN packets from clients and respond with a SYN+ACK packet. If the FortiGate unit receives an ACK response as expected, it will “replay” this exchange to the server to establish a communication session between the client and the server, and allow the communication to proceed.
Other flood types
UDP and ICMP packets can also be used for DoS attacks, though they are less common. TCP SYN packets are so effective because the target receives them and maintains a session table entry for each until they time out. Attacks using UDP or ICMP packets do not require the same level of attention from a target, rendering them less effective. The target will usually drop the offending packets immediately, closing the session.
Use the udp_flood and icmp_flood thresholds to defend against these DoS attacks.
DoS policies
DDoS attacks vary in nature and intensity. Attacks aimed at saturating the available bandwidth upstream of your service can only be countered by adding more bandwidth. DoS policies can help protect against DDoS attacks that aim to overwhelm your server resources.
DoS policy recommendations
- Use and configure DoS policies to appropriate levels based on your network traffic and topology. This will help drop traffic if an abnormal amount is received.
- It is important to set a good threshold. The threshold defines the maximum number of sessions/packets per second of normal traffic. If the threshold is exceeded, the action is triggered. Threshold defaults are general recommendations, although your network may require very different values.
- One way to find the correct values for your environment is to set the action to Pass and enable logging. Observe the logs and adjust the threshold values until you can determine the value at which normal traffic begins to generate attack reports. Set the threshold above this value with the margin you want. Note that the smaller the margin, the more protected your system will be from DoS attacks, but your system will also be more likely to generate false alarms.