Appendix C – Rebrand FortiClient

Appendix C – Rebrand FortiClient

The FortiClient Configurator can be used to create custom FortiClient MSI installers with various combinations. The customized MSI installer generated may be used to install FortiClient on all supported platforms using Active Directory. A FortiClient setup executable file is also generated for manual distribution.

Under Options, you can select to enable software updates, configure the single sign-on mobility agent, and rebrand FortiClient. Rebranding allows you to edit various UI elements including graphics.

When replacing files in the resource folder, the replacement file should be the same file type and dimensions. Icons (.ico) are a special case. The Main_icon.ico file for example, is a composite file of multiple icons. The operating system picks the appropriate icon size from this file for the context in which the icon is being displayed.

Rebranding elements:

Installer Product Name Where Used: Setup Wizard header and body, File directory name in Installer Company Name file folder, engine/signature update bubble messages.

Default Value: FortiClient

Installer Company Name Where Used: File directory name in Program Files. Default Value: Fortinet


Manufacturer Name Where Used: Default Value: Fortinet Inc
Shortcut Text Where Used: Name of shortcut on desktop

Default Value: FortiClient

Product Name Where Used: Name of installer file (.msi/.mst), UI header, configuration received from FortiGate bubble messages, Default Value: FortiClient
Product Name Text Where Used: Name of client in main page

Default Value: FortiClient

Company Where Used: Help > About > Copyright page

Default Value: Fortinet

Company WebSite URL Where Used: Help > About > Copyright page

Default Value:

Company Website Text Where Used: Help > About > Copyright page

Default Value:

Feedback Email Where Used: Help > About > Copyright page, Send Feedback

Default Value:

Feedback Email Text Where Used: Help > About > Copyright page, Send Feedback

Default Value:

EULA Where Used: Help > About > Copyright page, Click here to view the license agreement

Default Value:

Knowledge Base Text Where Used: Help menu option

Default Value: Fortinet Knowledge Base

Leave this field blank to omit the field in the console.

Knowledge Base Link Where used: Link used by Knowledge Base text

Default value:

Leave this field blank to omit the field in the console.

Advertisement 1 Where used: Link used by dashboard banner advertisement 1

Default value:

Advertisement 2 Where used: Link used by dashboard banner advertisement 2

Default value:

Advertisement 3 Where used: Link used by dashboard banner advertisement 3

Default value:

Resources folder elements:

Appendix C – Rebrand FortiClient

About_red_shield_logo.png Where Used:

File Type: PNG File (.png)

Width: 43 pixels

Height: 43 pixels

Bit Depth: 32

Advertisement_ad_0.png Where Used: Dashboard advertisement banner

File Type: PNG File (.png)

Width: 628 pixels

Height: 66 pixels

Bit Depth: 32

Advertisement_ad_1.png Where Used: Dashboard advertisement banner

File Type: PNG File (.png)

Width: 628 pixels

Height: 66 pixels

BitBit Depth: 32

Advertisement_ad_2.png Where Used: Dashboard advertisement banner

File Type: PNG File (.png)

Width: 628 pixels

Height: 66 pixels

Bit Depth: 32

Antivirus_AV_scan_top_banner_left_hand_ side.png Where Used:

File Type: BMP File (.bmp)

Width: 1 pixel

Height: 40 pixels

Bit Depth: 8

Antivirus_AV_scan_top_banner_right_hand_ side.png Where Used: Banner used in right-click “scan with

product name” dialog box File Type: BMP File (.bmp)

Width: 440 pixels

Height: 40 pixels

Bit Depth: 8

Common_fgt-not-found-page-bg.png Where Used: FortiGate not found page

File Type: PNG File (.png)

Width: 673 pixels

Height: 189 pixels

Bit Depth: 32

Common_fortinet-icon.png Where Used:

File Type: PNG File (.png)

Width: 79 pixels

Height: 79 pixels

Bit Depth: 32


Common_registration_icon.png Where Used: FortiGate detected page

File Type: PNG File (.png)

Width: 85 pixels

Height: 85 pixels

Bit Depth: 32

Common_searching-page-bg.png Where Used: Searching for FortiGate page

File Type: PNG File (.png)

Width: 673 pixels

Height: 189 pixels

Bit Depth: 32

Dashboard_forticlient_v5_dashboard_bg.png Where Used: Client console

File Type: PNG File (.png)

Width: 628 pixels

Height: 451 pixels

Bit Depth: 32

Dashboard_warning-shield.png Where Used: Dashboard warning shield, displayed when antivirus is disabled. File Type: PNG File (.png)

Width: 59 pixels

Height: 75 pixels

Bit Depth: 32

Installer_background.bmp Where used: Setup Wizard background image.

File Type: BMP file (.bmp)

Width: 491 pixels

Height: 312 pixels

Bit Depth: 8

Installer_banner.bmp Where Used: Setup Wizard banner image on destination page, ready to install page, installing pages.

File Type: BMP file (.bmp)

Width: 491 pixels

Height: 58 pixels

Bit Depth: 8

LightInstaller_icon.ico Where Used: Light Installer Icon

File Type: ICO File (.ico)

Width: 32 pixels

Height: 32 pixels

Bit Depth: 32

Main_icon.ico Where Used: Shortcut on desktop

File Type: ICO file (.ico)

Width: 48 pixels

Height: 48 pixels

Bit Depth: 32

Appendix C – Rebrand FortiClient

Main_logo_black.ico Where Used: Client console header

File Type: ICO file (.ico)

Width: 32 pixels

Height: 32 pixels

Bit Depth: 32

setup.ico Where Used: Setup icon

File Type: ICO File (.ico)

Width: 256 pixels

Height: 256 pixels

Bit Depth: 32

Tray_Icons_alert.ico Where Used: System tray alert icon

File Type: ICO File (.ico)

Width: 16 pixels

Height: 16 pixels

Bit Depth: 32

Tray_Icons_alert_vpn.ico Where Used: System tray VPN alert icon

File Type: ICO File (.ico)

Width: 16 pixels

Height: 16 pixels

Bit Depth: 32

Tray_Icons_running.ico Where Used: System tray running icon

File Type: ICO File (.ico)

Width: 16 pixels

Height: 16 pixels

Bit Depth: 32

Tray_Icons_scan1.ico, Tray_Icons_scan2.ico,

Tray_Icons_scan3.ico, Tray_Icons_scan4.ico,

Tray_Icons_scan5.ico, Tray_Icons_scan6.ico,

Tray_Icons_scan7.ico, Tray_Icons_scan8.ico,

Tray_Icons_scan9.ico, Tray_Icons_scan10.ico


Where Used: System tray, these eleven images animate the scanning activity of the tray icon.

File Type: ICO File (.ico)

Width: 16 pixels

Height: 16 pixels

Bit Depth: 32

Tray_Icons_vpn.ico Where Used: System tray VPN icon

File Type: ICO File (.ico)

Width: 16 pixels

Height: 16 pixels

Bit Depth: 32

VPN_xauth-dialog-logo.png Where Used: VPN xAuth dialog logo

File Type: PNG File (.png)

Width: 88 pixels

Height: 100 pixels

Bit Depth: 32

zzz_rebranding.ini Where Used: This file is used by the FortiClient Configurator tool for element/resource mapping. File Type: Configuration settings (.ini)

When rebranding FortiClient, you can select to digitally sign the installer package using a code signing certificate.


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About Mike

Michael Pruett, CISSP has a wide range of cyber-security and network engineering expertise. The plethora of vendors that resell hardware but have zero engineering knowledge resulting in the wrong hardware or configuration being deployed is a major pet peeve of Michael's. This site was started in an effort to spread information while providing the option of quality consulting services at a much lower price than Fortinet Professional Services. Owns PacketLlama.Com (Fortinet Hardware Sales) and Office Of The CISO, LLC (Cybersecurity consulting firm).

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