Creating a locally-authenticated user account
User1 is authenticated by a password stored on the FortiGate unit. It is very simple to create this type of account.
To create a local user – web-based manager:
1. Go to User & Device > User > User Definition and select Create New.
2. Follow the User Creation Wizard, entering the following information and then select Create:
User Type Local User
User Name User1
Password hardtoguess
Email Address SMS (optional)
Enable Select.
To create a local user – CLI:
config user local edit user1
set type password
set passwd hardtoguess end
Creating a RADIUS-authenticated user account
To authenticate users using an external authentication server, you must first configure the FortiGate unit to access the server.
To configure the remote authentication server – web-based manager:
1. Go to User & Device > Authentication > RADIUS Servers and select Create New.
2. Enter the following information and select OK:
Name OurRADIUSsrv
Primary Server Name/IP
Primary Server Secret OurSecret
Authentication Scheme Select Use Default Authentication Scheme.
To configure the remote authentication server – CLI:
config user radius edit OurRADIUSsrv
set server
set secret OurSecret set auth-type auto
Creation of the user account is similar to the locally-authenticated account, except that you specify the RADIUS
authentication server instead of the user’s password.
To configure a remote user – web-based manager:
1. Go to User & Device > User > User Definition and select Create New.
2. Follow the User Creation Wizard, entering the following information and then select Create:
User Type Remote RADIUS User
User Name User2
RADIUS server OurRADIUSsrv
Email Address SMS (optional)
Enable Select
To configure a remote user – CLI:
config user local edit User2
set name User2 set type radius
set radius-server OurRADIUSsrv end
Creating user groups
There are two user groups: an FSSO user group for FSSO users and a firewall user group for other users. It is not possible to combine these two types of users in the same user group.
Creating the FSSO user group
For this example, assume that FSSO has already been set up on the Windows network and that it uses Advanced mode, meaning that it uses LDAP to access user group information. You need to
- configure LDAP access to the Windows AD global catalog
- specify the collector agent that sends user logon information to the FortiGate unit
- select Windows user groups to monitor
- select and add the Engineering and Sales groups to an FSSO user group
To configure LDAP for FSSO – web-based manager:
1. Go to User & Device > Authentication > LDAP Servers and select Create New.
2. Enter the following information:
Name ADserver
Server Name / IP
Distinguished Name dc=office,dc=example,dc=com
Bind Type Regular
User DN cn=FSSO_Admin,cn=users,dc=office,dc=example,dc=com
Password set_a_secure_password
3. Leave other fields at their default values.
4. Select OK.