Configuring FSSO with Novell networks

Configuring FSSO with Novell networks

You need to configure the eDirectory agent for it to communicate with eDirectory servers. You may have provided some of this information during installation.

This section includes:

  • Configuring the eDirectory agent
  • Adding an eDirectory server
  • Configuring a group filter


Configuring the eDirectory agent

You need to configure the eDirectory agent for it to communicate with eDirectory servers.


To configure the eDirectory agent:

1. From the Start menu select Programs > Fortinet > eDirectory Agent > eDirectory Config Utility.

2. The eDirectory Agent Configuration Utility dialog opens. Enter the following information and select OK.





eDirectory Authentication
Username                                   Enter a username that has access to the eDirectory, using LDAP format.
Password                                   Enter the password.
Listening port                           Enter the TCP port on which Fortinet Single Sign On Agent listens for con- nections from FortiGate units. The default is 8000. You can change the port if necessary.
Refresh interval                         Enter the interval in seconds between polls of the eDirectory server to check for new logons. The default is 30 seconds.


FortiGate Connection Authentication
Require authenticated con-     Select to require the FortiGate unit to authenticate before connecting to

nection from FortiGate             the eDirectory Agent.

Password                                   Enter the password that FortiGate units must use to authenticate. The max- imum password length is 16 characters. The default password is “Fortin- etCanada”.
User logon Info Search            Select how the eDirectory agent accesses user logon information: LDAP or

Method                                       Native (Novell API). LDAP is the default.


If you select Native, you must also have the Novell Client installed on the



Log file size limit (MB)             Enter the maximum size for the log file in MB.
View Log                                    View the current log file.
Dump Session                           List the currently logged-on users in the log file. This can be useful for troubleshooting.
Log level                                    Select Debug, Info, Warning or Error as the minimum severity level of message to log or select None to disable logging.


eDirectory Server List
Add                                             Add an eDirectory server. See Adding an eDirectory server on page 581.
Delete                                         Delete the selected eDirectory server.
Edit                                             Modify the settings for the selected server.
Set Group Filters…                   Select the user groups whose user logons will be reported to the FortiGate unit. This is used only if user groups are not selected on the FortiGate unit.





Adding an eDirectory server


Once the eDirectory agent is configured, you add one or more eDirectory servers.



To add an eDirectory server:


  1. 1. In the eDirectory Agent Configuration Utility dialog box (see the preceding procedure, Configuring the eDirectory agent), select Add.
  2. 2. The eDirectory Setup dialog box opens. Enter the following information and select OK:


eDirectory Server Address           Enter the IP address of the eDirectory server.


Port                                                  If the eDirectory server does not use the default port 389, clear the

Default check box and enter the port number.


Use default credential                   Select to use the credentials specified in the eDirectory Configuration Utility. See Configuring the eDirectory agent on page 579. Otherwise, leave the check box clear and enter a username and Password below.


User name                         Enter a username that has access to the eDirectory, using LDAP format.


User password                 Enter the password.


Use secure connection (SSL)      Select to connect to the eDirectory server using SSL security.


Search Base DN                             Enter the base Distinguished Name for the user search.



Configuring a group filter


The eDirectory agent sends user logon information to the FortiGate unit for all user groups unless you either configure an LDAP server entry for the eDirectory on the FortiGate unit and select the groups that you want to monitor or configure the group filter on the eDirectory agent.


If both the FortiGate LDAP configuration and the eDirectory agent group filter are present, the FortiGate user group selections are used.


To configure the group filter:


  1. 1. From the Start menu select Programs > Fortinet > eDirectory Agent > eDirectory Config Utility.
  2. 2. Select Set Group Filters.
  3. 3. Do one of the following:

l  Enter group names, then select Add.

l  Select Advanced, select groups, and then select Add.


  1. 4. Select OK.

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