To activate a FortiToken on the FortiGate unit – CLI:
config user fortitoken
edit <token_serial_num>
set status activate next
Associating FortiTokens with accounts
The final step before using the FortiTokens to authenticate logons is associating a FortiToken with an account. The accounts can be local user or administrator accounts.
To add a FortiToken to a local user account – web-based manager:
1. Ensure that your FortiToken serial number has been added to the FortiGate successfully, and its status is
2. Go to User & Device > User > User Definition, and edit the user account.
3. Select Email Address and enter user’s email address.
4. Select Enable Two-factor Authentication.
5. Select the user’s FortiToken serial number from the Token list.
6. Select OK.
For mobile token, click on Send Activation Codeto be sent to the email address con- figured previously. The user will use this code to activate his mobile token. An Email Service has to be set under System > Config > Advancedin order to send the activ- ation code.
To add a FortiToken to a local user account – CLI:
config user local edit <username>
set type password
set passwd “myPassword” set two-factor fortitoken
set fortitoken <serial_number>
set email-to “” set status enable
next end
To add a FortiToken to an administrator account – web-based manager:
1. Ensure that your FortiToken serial number has been added to the FortiGate successfully, and its status is
2. Go to System > Admin > Administrators, and edit the admin account.
This account is assumed to be configured except for two-factor authentication.
3. Select Email Address and enter admin’s email address.
4. Select Enable Two-factor Authentication.
5. Select the user’s FortiToken serial number from the Token list.
6. Select OK.
For mobile token, click on Send Activation Codeto be sent to the email address con- figured previously. The admin will use this code to activate his mobile token. An Email Service has to be set under System > Config > Advancedin order to send the activ- ation code.
To add a FortiToken to an administrator account – CLI:
config system admin edit <username>
set password “myPassword” set two-factor fortitoken
set fortitoken <serial_number>
set email-to “” next
The fortitoken keyword will not be visible until fortitoken is selected for the two-factor option.
Before a new FortiToken can be used, it may need to be synchronized due to clock drift.
FortiToken maintenance
Once FortiTokens are entered into the FortiGate unit, there are only two tasks to maintain them — changing the status,
To change the status of a FortiToken between Activated and Locked – CLI:
config user fortitoken
edit <token_serial_num>
set status lock next
Any user attempting to login using this FortiToken will not be able to authenticate.
To list the drift on all FortiTokens configured on this FortiGate unit – CLI:
# diag fortitoken info
FTK2000BHV1KRZCC 0 token already activated, and seed won’t be returned FTK2001C5YCRRVEE 0 token already activated, and seed won’t be returned FTKMOB4B94972FBA 0 provisioned
FTKMOB4BA4BE9B84 0 new
Total activated token: 0
Total global activated token: 0
Token server status: reachable
This command lists the serial number and drift for each FortiToken configured on this FortiGate unit. This command is useful to check if it is necessary to synchronize the FortiGate and any particular FortiTokens.
And these FREE token are NOT recognized by FortiToken mobile app. How good is that?
is it possible to connect via Command Line and only enter the Token?
Hi Mike, I was wondering if you are aware of a workaroun… I have succeeded to add a Fortitoken to an SSL VPN user, but that same user should also have Administrative rights on the Fortigate. If I enable that in the administrators for 2FA, it doesn’t recongnize or allow me to assign the same fortitoken to the user 🙁
Does it support 3rd party MFA as well?
In terms of phishing attack prevention Fido keys seem to currently one of the better solutions. There is a degree of compromise allowing devices to connect via a USB port but there are always some trade offs I guess.
We’ve setup 2FA for admin accounts but don’t receive the email. Running ‘diag debug application alertmail -1’ shows the message and that it was successful but no email is received. We use the default SMTP settings, nothing is getting blocked/caught by Mimecast. Is there something else that needs to be enabled?