Toggle displaying the hostname on the GUI login page (272572)
Use the following command:
config sys settings
set gui-display-hostname {disable | enable}
PPTP and L2TP address pool ranges expanded (275709 )
PPTP and L2TP address pool ranges are allowed to use a subnet mask of up to (B-class), increasing the maximum range size from 254 to 65,534
Pop up notification of impending timeout of Administrator GUI sessions (266413)
A convenience feature to let administators know that their session is about to expire.This is especially convenient for units that have a timeout setting of just a few minutes.
SNMP can generate traps based on detecting a device’s online/offline status (273107)
This setting is relatedto the device detection feature. It allows SNMP traps to detect when a new device comes online. Within SNMP configurations there is a configurable timeout setting that periodically checks for the device. When a check determines that the device is present a trap is sent.
In the GUI, when configuring an SNMP object, one of the settings is a checkbox, under SNMP Events for
Device detected.
To configure the SNMP object in the CLI use the following syntax:
config system snmp community edit <community ID number>
set name <string>
set events device-new end
In order to configure the idle timeout for the device, use the following syntax in the CLI:
config system global
set device-idel-timeout <integer of time in seconds>
The time value for the field can be set from 30 to 31536000.