Dynamic Routing Overview

 Dynamic Routing Overview

This section provides an overview of dynamic routing, and how it compares to static routing. For details on various dynamic routing protocols, see the following chapters for detailed information.

The following topics are included in this section: What is dynamic routing?

Comparison of dynamic routing protocols

Choosing a routing protocol Dynamic routing terminology IPv6 in dynamic routing



What is dynamic routing?

Dynamic routing uses a dynamic routing protocol to automatically select the best route to put into the routing table. So instead of manually entering static routes in the routing table, dynamic routing automatically receives routing updates, and dynamically decides which routes are best to go into the routing table. Its this intelligent and hands-off approach that makes dynamic routing so useful.

Dynamic routing protocols vary in many ways and this is reflected in the various administrative distances assigned to routes learned from dynamic routing. These variations take into account differences in reliability, speed of convergence, and other similar factors. For more information on these administrative distances, see Advanced Static Routing on page 256.

This section includes:

  • Comparing static and dynamic routing
  • Dynamic routing protocols
  • Minimum configuration for dynamic routing

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