Managing Users

Managing users

The User menu enables you to configure email user-related settings, such as groups, PKI authentication, preferences, address mappings, and email address aliases. If the FortiMail unit is operating in server mode, the User menu also enables you to add email user accounts.

This section includes:

  • Configuring local user accounts (server mode only)
  • Configuring user preferences
  • Configuring PKI authentication
  • Configuring user groups
  • Configuring aliases
  • Configuring address mappings
  • Configuring IBE users

Configuring local user accounts (server mode only)

When operating in server mode, the FortiMail unit is a standalone email server. The FortiMail unit receives email messages, scans for viruses and spam, and then delivers email to its email users’ mailboxes. External MTAs connect to the FortiMail unit, which itself is also the protected email server.

When the FortiMail unit operates in server mode and the web UI operates in advanced mode, the User tab is available. It lets you configure email user accounts whose mailboxes are hosted on the FortiMail unit. Email users can then access their email hosted on the FortiMail unit using webmail, POP3 and/or IMAP. For information on webmail and other features used directly by email users, see “Setup for email users” on page 719.

To access this part of the web UI, your administrator account’s access profile must have Read or Read-Write permission to the Policy category.

For details, see “About administrator account permissions and domains” on page 290.

To view email user accounts, go to User > User > User.

Figure 170:User tab

Page 424


GUI item Description
Maintenance (button) Select a user and click this button to manage that user’s mailboxes, such as Inbox, Drafts and Sent. You can check the size of each mailbox, and empty or delete mailboxes as required.

The SecureMail mailbox contains the secured email for the user.

The Bulk mailbox contains spam quarantined by the FortiMail unit.

Click Back to return to the Users tab.

Export .CSV (button) Click to download a backup of the email users list in comma-separated value (CSV) file format. The user passwords are encoded for security.

Caution: Most of the email user accounts data, such as mailboxes and preferences, is not included in the .csv file. For information on performing a complete backup, see “Backup and restore” on page 218.

Import .CSV (button) In the field to the right of Import .CSV, enter the location of a CSV-formatted email user backup file, then click Import .CSV to upload the file to your FortiMail unit.

The import feature provides a simple way to add a list of new users in one operation. See “Importing a list of users” on page 427.

Before importing a user list or adding an email user, you must first configure one or more protected domains to which the email users will belong. For more information, see “Configuring protected domains” on page 380. You may also want to back up the existing email user accounts. For details, see “Backup and restore” on page 218.



Select a user and click this button to change a user’s password. A dialog appears. Choose whether to change the user password or to switch to LDAP authentication. You can create a new LDAP profile or edit an existing one. For details, see “Configuring LDAP profiles” on page 548.
Domain Select the protected domain to display its email users, or to select the protected domain to which you want to add an email user account before clicking New.

You can see only the domains that are permitted by your administrator profile.

Search user Enter the name of a user, or a partial user name with wildcards, and press Enter. The list of users redisplays with just those users that meet the search criteria.

To return to the complete user list, clear the search field and press Enter.

User Name Displays the user name of an email user, such as user1. This is also the local portion of the email user’s primary email address.
Type Displays the type of user: local, LDAP, or RADIUS.
Display Name Displays the display name of an email user, such as “J Smith”. This name appears in the From: field in the message headers of email messages sent from this email user.
Disk Usage (KB) Displays the disk space used by mailboxes for the email user in kilobytes (KB).

One thought on “Managing Users

  1. Raj

    I am using FortiGate 5.6.3 and I don’t see any buttons to allow me to export users into a csv file.
    Any help would be appreciated.


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