Advanced IPv6 Configuration – FortiBalancer

Chapter 16 Advanced IPv6 Configuration

16.1 Overview

As the IPv4 addresses exhaust, how to transit from the IPv4 network to the IPv6 network becomes a challenge for many enterprises and organizations.

The FortiBalancer appliance provides comprehensive support for IPv6 to help enterprises and organizations with the IPv4-to-IPv6 transition without any business interruption. With the IPv4/IPv6 dual stack support on FortiBalancer, the IPv4 resources can be delivered to the IPv6 users, and vice versa. As a result, the IPv4-based and IPv6-based networks can be easily interconnected and intercommunicated. What’s more, the FortiBalancer appliance in the IPv6 network can achieve the same level of secure and efficient application delivery as it does in the IPv4 network.

This chapter will introduce functions and configurations about IPv6 SLB, DNS64/NAT64, DNS46/NAT46, IPv6 NAT and NDP.

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