What is Policy ID 0 and why a lot of denied traffic on this policy?

I was asked this question recently and also saw it being asked on the Fortinet Support Forums as well. This is really a simple question to answer though. Policy ID 0 is the default policy (the implicit deny) that comes by default on the FortiGate. They also come with an explicit allow right above it now which helps people utilize the device with no configuration right out of the box. FortiGate devices used to be deny by default on first use so that you had to allow the traffic you wanted. Either way, it is the deny traffic policy that comes built into the FortiGate.

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About Mike

Michael Pruett, CISSP has a wide range of cyber-security and network engineering expertise. The plethora of vendors that resell hardware but have zero engineering knowledge resulting in the wrong hardware or configuration being deployed is a major pet peeve of Michael's. This site was started in an effort to spread information while providing the option of quality consulting services at a much lower price than Fortinet Professional Services. Owns PacketLlama.Com (Fortinet Hardware Sales) and Office Of The CISO, LLC (Cybersecurity consulting firm).

One thought on “What is Policy ID 0 and why a lot of denied traffic on this policy?

  1. Tomasz Schabowski

    Hi Mike,

    I have had to set up an SFTP server which is on DMZ. but for some reason traffic on port 22 is being blocked by Policy ID 0.
    Would you happen to know why?


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